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Digital Assets Guarantee the Future

The honorable judges, respected audience, and everyone in here

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah SWT, for the abundance of grace and
the joy of all of us so that we can gather here without any barriers at all and in the good
health. Secondly, sholawat and greetings is always abound to our great prophet Muhammad
SAW, that we look forward to his intercession at Yaumul Qiyamah later, Aamiin Ya Rabbal
Alamiin… And thirdly, I never forget to say thank you very much to the judges who has
given me opportunity to deliver my speech under the tittle “Digital assets guarantee the

So, my name is Puspita Ningati and iam from MAN 1 Metro.

Ladies and gentlemen….

Do you feel afraid when you experience the covid 19 pandemic? I mean, afraid of losing
family, friends, jobs, or even money? Have you ever thought, what will happen if this
pandemic lasts for a long time? Meanwhile, your food supply and money are running out. So,
in order to avoid it happening again in the future, we can start thinking now, what should we
do before it happens again? Yes, the answer is investment

With the development of technology today, everything can be accessed easily with just a
mobile phone and the internet. One of them is getting information about digital finance. In
this all-digital era, of course, we are familiar every time we hear the word investment.
Actually, investing is almost the same as saving. It's just that investment is a form of
allocating money or valuable assets to be able to generate useful profits in the future. In this
day and age, access to investment is very easy just by using a cellphone. But unfortunately,
this convenience is not so implemented by the millennial generation.

And actually I'm one of those "millenials" who don't really understand about investment. So I
feel very happy and excited about my topic of discussion this time, I hope that with this I can
understand more about investment, especially in this digital era and start doing it.

It's unfortunate that today's us don't understand how important investment is for the future. In
fact, there are many investment instruments that can be used such as investing in gold, stocks,
and mutual funds. In fact, spending and saving money are very useful and important in long-
term life. So what is the importance of investing in the future for millennials?

1. Increase Income

Investing can obviously provide advantages over you saving. Money will work and give you
benefits. Instead of money just staying in the bank, not to mention having to be deducted by
administrative fees every month, it would be nice for you to invest.

2. Become More Disciplined in Managing Finances

Getting used to investing early will certainly help you to manage your finances. You will get
used to being consistent and more careful in limiting expenses. Of course, your financial
planning becomes safer.

3. Financial Freedom in Old Age

Young age is an age that is still productive and able to collect as much money as possible.
Therefore, at an age that is still fairly productive, it is the right age to start investing to
achieve financial freedom in old age. Financial freedom itself can be interpreted as enjoying
life without the need to work hard in making ends meet.

And then as well as managing finances, investing is one of the right ways to increase personal
assets and wealth. Provided, it is necessary to have an understanding or knowledge of
investment to be safe and profitable. And don't be afraid to take risks

So that’s the importance of investing in the future. I think, from that we can draw conclusions
and understand that how important investment is at a young age. With investment, our future
is at least slightly guaranteed. And it's good that we understand and start trying to invest
starting from the earliest possible age, or when in the productive age. Especially in this digital
era, where investment can be made anywhere and anytime, as well as easy access.

So that is the speech that I can deliver today, I am sorry if I made some mistake, I hope the
audience can take something useful from my speech, thank you for your attention,
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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