Lecture 12

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EE 331 Principles of Communication

Transcription Assignment of Lecture Number 12

Bhaswati Boro
(Dated: August 27th, 2021)
In this lecture, we look at the demodulation operation of FM signals. Two methods of demodu-
lating FM signals to get the original message are discussed. Firstly, we see a method of using a low
pass filter to reduce the signal to its low pass form. Since the output response of LCR circuits is
very similar to the response that is needed, we try to design the filter using LCR response appro-
ximation. After the signal is passed through the filter, we find that the signal has essentially been
converted into a AM signal. Second, we look at the Phase Locked Loop method of demodulating a
FM signal. In this method, the input signal along with the negative feedback of the circuit is input
to a multiplier, the output then passes through a Low Pass filter and then subsequently a Loop


Since in modulation we know that the frequency is pro-
In the previous lecture we analyzed the FM signal and portional to the voltage, to demodulate FM signals, the
discussed about the properties of the Bessel Function. first way can be by using a filter that has a response,
We found the formula for approximating the bandwidth (
for a modulating signal is: K + j2πα(f − fc + B2T , for f1 − B2T ≤ f ≤ fc + B2T
H1 (f ) =
B = (1 + β)fm K + j2πα(f + fc − B2T , for − f1 − B2T ≤ f ≤ −fc + BT
We noted that for FM signals the output frequency is a
function of the voltage of the message signal and thus
where BT is the bandwidth of the FM signal (Transmis-
they can be generated by designing a VCO or voltage-
sion Bandwidth).
controlled oscillator whose frequency changes with the
input voltage by using a varactor diode.

Figura 1. Voltage Controlled Oscillator

Figura 2. Plot of |H1 (f )|
When m(t) = 0, the frequency of the tuned circuit is
given by fc = 2π√1LC
In general, for nonzero m(t), we have
fo (t) = √ = fo ( k1c m(t )
2π Lo (Co +kc m(t)) 1+ Co
if kc m(t) << Co then we get
fi (t) = fo − fo k2C
c m(t)
which is the relation for a FM signal.


The FM signal is written Ras

S(t) = Ac cos(2πfc t + 2πkf 0 m(u)du Figura 3. Frequeny response of resonance circuits
To recover m(t) from this we perform series of operations
on it. In the plot of |H1 (f )| in the figure 2 above, it can be seen
We are discussing mainly two ways to demodulate FM that the response is similar to that of a LCR resonance

circuit (figure 3) where fc + B2T = 2π√1LC . This means

that a LCR circuit can be used to produce the response
that is required.
For an LCR circuit,
Vo (f ) = √ a1 Vi (f ) 2
a2 +a3 (fo −f )
Vi √aa12 = Vm for |fo − f | << aa23
The behaviour of an LCR function can therefore be
approximated as Vo (f ) ≈ Vm − η|fo − f |
In order to use an LCR circuit , the lowpass equivalent
of the desired response can be found as,
Figura 4. Phase Locked Loop Diagram
j(4πa + B2T ), for − BT
2 ≤ f ≤ fc + BT
H̃1 (f ) =
0, otherwise

by setting the DC factor K = 0. S(t) is the input FM signal

Let, r(t) is the (negative feedback) output of the VCO that
S1 (t) = H(f )S(f ) is sent to the multiplier based on v(t)
When an FM signal is passed through the lowpass filter, e(t) is equal to S(t)r(t)
the equivalent low pass response is, e’(t) is the low pass filtered version of e(t)
S˜1 (f ) = 12 H̃1 (f )S̃(f ) v(t) is the output of the loop, which also acts as the
We get, input for the VCO
j2πa(f + B2T )S̃(f ), for − B2T ≤ f ≤ B2T The input signal to the PLL can be written as
S˜1 (f ) = S(t) = Ac sin[2πfc t + φ1 (t)].
0, otherwise
We assume that initially r(t) is simply S(t) with a phase
shift of π2 i.e.
( r(t) = Ao cos(2πfc t + φ2 t).
j2πaf S̃(f ) + j2πa B2T S̃(f ), for − BT
≤f ≤ BT
Since S(t) is an FM signal we have,
S˜1 (f ) = 2 2
0, otherwise φ1 (t) = 0 m(u)du and,
φ2 (t) = 0 v(u)du
In the time domain, S˜1 (t) = a dS̃(t)
dt + jπaBT S̃(t) The function e(t) can be written as
It is known that,R e(t) = r(t)S(t)
S̃(t) = Ac ej2πkf 0 m(u)du by replacing values of r(t) and S(t) we get,
dS̃(t) e(t) = Ao Ac sin(2πfc t + φ1 (t)) cos(2πfc t + φ2 (t)
dt = S̃(t)2πkf m(t) e(t) = Ao Ac [sin(4πfc t+φ1 (t)+φ2 (t))+sin(φ1 (t)−φ2 (t))]
S˜1 (t) = S̃(t)[jπaBT + j2πkf m(t)] The function e’(t) is the output of the low pass filter,
Thus, S̃(t) is a complex sinusoidal signal with a fixed thus it is the low pass version of e(t). Therefore, it can
amplitude. This means that the FM signal has a fixed be written as
amplitude. Thus, S˜1 (t) can be written as e0 (t) = Ao2Ac sin[φ1 (t) − φ2 (t)]
S̃(t)[C1 + C2 m(t)] = C1 S̃(t)[1 + C
C1 m(t)]
e0 (t) = Ao2Ac sin(φe (t)), where φe (t) is π2 + the phase
Thus, the FM signal has basically been converted into a error between r(t) and S(t),
AM signal by the LCR lowpass filter circuit. This AM Rt
i.e. φe (t) = φ1 (t) − 0 v(u)du
signal can now be passed through an envelope detector
The loop filter is an arbitrary LTI system having an
or an AM demodulator to recover the message signal
impulse response h(t).
and give m(t). R +∞
v(t) = −∞ e0 (t)h(t − τ )d
Another way of demodulating FM signals is by Since, φe (t) = φ1 (t) − 2πkv 0 v(u)du
using a Phase Locked Loop. A PLL is negative feedback dφe (t)
= dφdt
1 (t)
− 2πkv(t)
system that will be used to extract our original message dφe (t) dφ1 (t) R +∞
= − 2πk −∞ e0 (t)h(t − τ )dτ
signal. Using a PLL gives better performance in a dt dt
R +∞
dφe (t)
noisy environment. A phase locked loop consists of a dt = dφdt
1 (t)
− 2πκ −∞ sin(φe (τ ))h(t − τ )dτ
multiplier and a low pass filter in the first part. The loop If the phase error is small,
R +∞ as we previously assumed,
dφe (t) dφ1 (t)
filter forms the second part and has the VCO (voltage dt = dt − 2πκ −∞ e
φ (τ )h(t − τ )dτ
controlled oscillator) in the negative feedback as the Now, if we take the Fourier transform of the above
third part. The block diagram of a PLL is shown in the equation, we get
figure below. j2πf φe (f ) = j2πf φ1 (f ) − 2πκφe (f )H(f )

which can be thus written as, such that in the frequency band |f | < W (bandwidth of
φe (f ) = 1+ κ1H(f ) φ1 (f ) the original message). This gives us,
Thus, the corresponding equation for the VCO would V (f ) = j2πf
2πκ φ1 (f )
be, By taking inverse Fourier transform of the above equa-
V (f ) = φe (f )H(f ) tion we get,
1 d
V (f ) = 1+H(f ) v(t) = 2πκ dt φ1 (t)
H(f ) φ1 (f ) kf
If we take H(f) such that, v(t) = κ m(t)
Thus, the output of the loop filter v(t) is our desired
|κ H(f )
jf | >> 1 original message signal.

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