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Test 3 /PHY430/Dec 2018

Student I.D
Group 40

Question 1

A cooling fan is turned off when it is running at 800 rev min -1. It turns 1250
revolutions before it comes to a stop.

a) What was the fan’s constant angular acceleration?

b) How long did it take the fan to come to a complete stop?
(9 marks)
Test 3 /PHY430/Dec 2018

Question 2

a) State Hooke’s Law. (2 marks)

b) A 13,000 N load is hung onto one end of a 4.5 m long metal rod with cross-
sectional area of 4.0 × 10-5 m2. Calculate

i. the stress
ii. the strain if the rod stretches 0.7 cm
iii. the Young’s modulus of the rod
(9 marks)
Test 3 /PHY430/Dec 2018

Question 3

a) Define buoyant force. (2 marks)

b) A sample of material X appears to weigh 400 N in air and 250 N when immersed
in alcohol. The density of alcohol is 700 kg m -3. Determine the volume and
density of the material X.
(8 marks)
Test 3 /PHY430/Dec 2018

Question 4

a) What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium? (2 marks)

b) A 31.5 g glass thermometer reads 23.6 °C before it is placed in 135 mL of water.

When the water and thermometer come to equilibrium, the thermometer reads
39.2 °C. What was the original temperature of the water?
(Hint : ignore the mass of fluid inside the glass thermometer; 1L = 1 kg)
(5 marks)

c) To what temperature will 8700 J of heat raise 3.0 kg of water that is initially at
10.0 °C ? (3 marks)

List of Constant and Formula

g = 9.81 m/s2 cwater = 4186 J/kg∙oC Cglass = 840 J/kg∙oC

v=rω F b=ρgV Q=mc ∆ T
Test 3 /PHY430/Dec 2018

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