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Concepts of 26 thinkers to

NET-JRF in Sociology

Antara Chakrabarty
Ongoing and upcoming Courses on
Unacademy Plus
Emile Durkheim
• Types of methodology:
• multivariate analysis, indirect experiment, comparative method, concomitant variation, historical
comparative analysis, functional analysis, inductive method
• sacred-profane dichotomy,
• collective (consciousness, effervescence, representation)
• social facts
• Material and non-material
• social currents
• social integration
• anomie,
• Suicide (Egoistics-Altruistic-Anomic-Fatalistic)
• Année sociologique
• society= religion
• Heaven=glorified society
• division of labour,
• types of solidarity, (mechanical and organic)
• Moral density,
• society as sui generis,
• social cohesion,
• types of law: repressive and restitutive,
• totemism in Arunta Tribe of Australia etc.
• Blamed education as a coercive passing down of dominant ideas to the next
• Simple (horde), simple poly-segmental, poly-segmental societies simply
• Created the first academic discipline of Sociology
Max Weber
• Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism
• Religion and economy
• 7 world religion
• value free, value neutrality, value relevance,
• research methodology
• verstehen
• ideal types
• bureaucracy
• Types of Action (4)
• rationalisation
• iron cage of rationality,
• disenchantment
• authority:
• Rational legal, charismatic, traditional
• social action
• tripartite model of social stratification
• Theodicy, soteriology
• life styles and life chances
• caste and status
• Hindu asceticism
• State authority
• Fortune/misfortune analysis
Karl Marx
• modes of production
• Asiatic
• Primitive communism
• Slavery
• Feudalism
• Capitalism
• Communism/Socialism
• forces of production
• relations of production
• Base and superstructure
• class stratification
• Bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie and proletariat
• class in itself and class for itself
• class conflict
• class consciousness
• false consciousness,
• commodity fetishism,
• alienation
• labour theory of value
• Use value
• Exchange value
• surplus labour
• revolution
• religion as opium of the masses
• Dialectical and historical materialism
• Reserved army of labour
• Praxis
Bronislaw Malinowski
• Father of Social Anthropology
• Father of Functionalist school of Culture
• Kula Ring
• Follower of participant observation
• ethnography
• need theory of culture
• science, religion and magic
• British school of Functionalist Anthropology
• Kinship algebra
• Trobriand Islanders, Melanesia
• Functional Universalism
Alfred Reginald Radcliffe Brown
• Ethnology
• comparative anthropology
• Actual structure and structural form
• social morphology
• eunomia and dysnomia
• euphoria
• structure-functionalism
• social structure
• human arrangements
• Choctah Omaha, Andaman Islands, African tribes
• Joking relationship
• Natural science of society
Robert King Merton
• self fulfilling/defeating prophecy
• Functions
• latent
• manifest
• Dysfunction
• Non-functions
• strain theory of deviance
• reference group behavior
• role set
• status set
• multiple role
• role model
• 3 criticisms of functional postulates
• Modes of Adaptation
• Conformists
• Innovation
• Ritualists
• Retreatists
• Rebels
• middle range theory
• CUDOS framework
• anticipatory socialisation
• cosmopolitan and locals
• focussed group discussion
• content analysis
• strain theory
• american dream
Talcott Parsons

• AGIL model (functional prerequisites/imperatives)

• Adaptation
• Goal Attainment
• Integration
• Latency (Pattern maintainence)
• Institutionalisation
• pattern variables
• voluntary theory of social action
• Stages of Evolution
• Primitive
• Archaic
• Modern
• Types of values
• Cognitive
• Appreciative
• Moral
• Types of motives
• Cognitive
• Cathectic
• Evaluative
• theory of socialisation
• role expectations
• sick role and patient role
• integration
• homeostasis
• value consensus
• equilibrium
Claude Levi Strauss
• Mythologies
• bricolage
• bricoleur
• Savage mind
• Binary opposition
• Statistical model of kinship
• Structuralism
• Phenomes
• Alliance theory: Elementary, Semi Complex, Complex
• Incest and reciprocity
• raw and cooked
• mytheme
George Herbert Mead
• Self and mind
• Primitive act
• Imitation stage
• Play stage
• Game stage
• significant symbols
• significant gestures
• significant others
• Generalised others
• I and Me
• Reflexive role taking
• Father and founder of Symbolic Interactionism
Karl Mannheim
• Sociology of knowledge
• Ideology and Utopia
• Diagnosis of our time
• Historical Relativism
• Total and particular ideology
• 4 types of utopia
Clifford Geertz
• Thick description
• epochalism
• Religion of Java
• Studies in Bali
• symbolic anthropology
• interpretive anthropology
• Inspired by Weber and Gilbert Ryle
• Balinese cockfight
• Princes and peddlers
Harold Garfinkel
• Ethnomethodology
• Glossing
• Cultural dope
• conversational analysis
• accounting
• reflexivity
• indexicality
• breaching experiment
• shop floor problem
• service lines
• etcetera principles
• Color trouble
Alfred Schutz
• Phenomenology
• stock knowledge
• typification
• life world
• social recipes
• paramount reality
• reciprocities of perspectives
• Intersubjectivity
• Consciousness
• Natural attitude
Erving Goffman
• Dramaturgy
• Frame analysis
• total institutions
• front stage
• back stage
• stigma
• asylums
• Presentation of self in everyday Lives
• resocialization
• role distance
• Encounters
• Mystification
• Mask
• Forms of talk
• Discrepant roles
• Self in micro analysis
Edward Said
• Occidentalism
• Orientalism
• The Other
• types of violence
• Palestinian violence
• Orients and Occidents
• Cultural imperialism
• Post colonialist
Pierre Bourdieu
• types of capital:
• social
• cultural
• symbolic
• symbolic violence
• habitus
• field
• social reproduction
• cultural reproduction
• practice
• doxa
• Distinction
• Embodiment
• Reflexive sociology
Michel Foucault
• Biopolitics
• types of power
• discipline
• discourse analysis
• archaeology
• episteme
• genealogy
• governmentality
• power-knowledge
• panopticism
• surveillance society
• the carceral
• madness
• sexuality
Jurgen Habermas
• Belongs to the school of critical social theory/Frankfurt school,
• public sphere
• Ideal speech situation
• communication action
• communicative rationality
• system and lifeworld distinction
• types of crisis
• Legitimacy
• Motivation
• Economic
• Rationality
• Types of action
• Teleological
• Dramaturgical
• Normative
• communicative
• types of rationality
• Modernity as an unfinished project
• legitimation crisis
Anthony Giddens
• Late modernity
• popularised risk society
• modernity as a juggernaut
• memory traces
• structuration theory
• duality of structure
• time-space distanciation
• disembedding
• reflexivity
• third way
• Theories of nationhood and regionalism
• 4 parts of modernity
• double hermeneutic
• Runaway world
• Nation states as bordered power containers
Manuel Castells
• network society
• informational society
• collective consumption
• Information, Communication, Technology
• global division of labour
• fourth world
• Organisation theory
• Timeless time
• Space of flows
• Urban planning
Radha Kamal Mukherjee
• arts, values
• social ecology
• indian civilisation
• integrated approach to sociology
• adult education
• urban studies
• agrarian studies
M N Srinivas
• sanskritisation
• social change
• modernisation
• westernisation
• dominant caste
• caste features
• Secularisation in Indian context
• Field work
• Functionalist
• Field view
• Took Indian sociology out of cultural studies
• Coorg
• Okkas
• vote bank
• Rampura Village
B R Ambedkar
• graded inequality
• annihilation of caste
• mahar movement
• village studies
• views on hinduism
• shudras and lower castes
• untouchability
• important contributions in polity
Irawati Karve
• Folk songs
• feminist poetry
• Kinship form of India (divided India into 4 zones)
• worked on epics
• Yuganta
• dayabhaga
• mitakshara
G S Ghurye
• theoretical pluralism
• indology
• caste
• race
• tribe
• religion
• kinship
• Civilisation
• Tribes as backward hindus
M K Gandhi
• Swadeshi model of development
• Swaraj
• Trusteeship
• Called untouchables harijan
• indian nationalist movement
• participation in social movements
• decentralisation
• village republic
• studies on hinduism
Ongoing and upcoming Courses on
Unacademy Plus

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