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Name:Siti Nurnabilah binti Mohd Najib

Class Code: ELC590/AAP2253A

Assessment 4 : Persuasive Presentation Outline
Topic: Can Money Buy Happiness?

Introduction/Attention getter Assalamualaikum, I will introduce my topic that is Can

Money Buy Happiness? So what is money?
According to Principles of Economy, money is
anything that serves as a medium of exchange. It is
a medium of exchange of anything that is widely
accepted as a means of payment.
Problem/ Issue So not to wasting time, I am asking you all again, Can
Money Buy Happiness? Yes it can!

Firstly, why money can bring happiness? , Me myself

thinks it can.It gives me a satisfaction as I can buy the
things I like branded things such as handbags and
also jewelleries.

In the place of a family, money are needed more.

Why? If the family have more money ,money for
what? Of course for basic needs such as groceries,
clothes and other basic needs especially for a big
family. If no money how to survive themselves.
Nowdays most of the wifes are all have an occupation
to support the husband to be more comfortable in
their live. So with the money it will make they more
easily using the money for their money happily.

Secondly, in the the place of a country. Money can

give happiness . Such as the financial aid that given
to the people that needed. We can see especially the
senior citizen,they are so happy when receiving the
money. It can be seen such my grandmother are so
happy when receiving it.
Proposal So to continue to this topic thoroughly, as nowdays
all price of basic necissities are all increasing .If the
citizen of our country have more money they will not
make a complain towards the increasing price .Such
as in other country, even though their taxes are
expensive but their salary are in the amount that they
feel happy.
Solution How we can increase our money? Firstly for the
bumiputras they can invest in ASB(Amanah Saham
Bumiputera) .Other than that, to the people who are
students that have the dreams to have more money,
they need to have a good results in their exams and
also in the universities with a good communication.It
is because many big companies with good salaries
like with the people who in good qualification.
Justification for the solution
Conclusion/ Reinforce the proposal

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