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Hawassa University

College of Agriculture

Course: Communication and Leadership in Agribusiness

( assignment)
Instructor: Dr. Ashenafi Kebede


1. Choosing the right channel and method of communication will vary as per the situation

at hand. Explain the decision criteria for channel selection.

2. Leadership theories represent systematic organized knowledge to explain the nature and

effectiveness of leadership. Theories provide a foundation for analyzing and predicting

the complex nature of leadership behavior. Write a brief note on leadership theories from

the classical to the modern approach.

3. A conversation model of communication builds on the natural structures of all

conversation to create a powerful framework within which you can achieve results more

effectively. Analyze the model and elaborate the conceptual frame work.

4. Since the past few decades, the issue of gender has been in the forefront of many

governments, NGOs, international organizations, donors and other actors. To this effect,

despite the enormous contribution that the women have to development, they couldn't

share the fruits of development equally with their male counterparts. Discuss the Barriers

of Gender in Leadership

5. Presentation is defined as the art of putting a message across to a set of people by using

language, pictures and experiences. Explain the types of presentation.

6. List the function of each element of the communication process.

7. Elaborate on the different forms of communication with their advantages and


8. What do you mean by leadership? Can you distinguish it from management? Discuss the

types of power a manager may have.

9. Elaborate the leadership styles described by Blake and Mouton in Managerial Grid.

Which style is the best?

10. How do the leadership characteristics relate to the managerial functions?

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