Tugas Teks B Inggris3 Tamma

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Name : Tamma Zahra A S

NIM : 224507016
Departement : Food Technologi/3/R

Many people eat meatballs that are round, but meatballs of various shapes will become
the center of attention for the public. Everyone will be that many people will be interested. On it
many people like this food meatballs consist of high protein and filling. Beef meatballs are many
people’s favorite food. Apart from being enjoyed with hot broth, meatballs can also be processed
into various menus such as fried meatballs, grilled meatballs, and balado.
There are many unique meatballs variants that can be used as inspiration for selling ideas
at home. Meatballs are commonly known to have a round shape and are made from minced meat.
Not only the shape, but now there are also many variants of meatballs contents that are no less
unique. There are flat meatballs, bowl meatballs, star-shaped meatballs, heart-shaped meatballs,
lava meatballs, triangle meatballs, lobster meatballs, rib meatballs, crocodile-shaped meatballs,
etc. these are some steps to help you in making delicious flat and lava meatballs.
Making beef meatballs may seem complicated and difficult. However, with simpler steps,
how to make beef meatballs can be done at home. To puree the meat, you can use a food
processor or blender at home. Spices and ingredients for making beef meatballs are also very
easy to find. There are various creations of how to make homemade beef meatballs that can be
tried. to make beef meatballs, requires several ingredients and tools used, namely the first there is
beef, prepare the beef as needed and also prepare a blender or chopper to smooth the beef and
other ingredients, prepare a spoon to mold the flat meatballs and a pot to boil the meatballs. The
second there are eggs, prepare eggs according to the amount of beef, if the beef prepared is 500
grams, then use 2 eggs, the third there is tapioca flour, prepare tapioca flour in a ratio of 2: 1 with
beef for more flavor, the fourth prepare grated or fine garlic, salt, flavoring, sugar, onion leaves,
fish sauce, soy sauce, baking powder, oil, ground pepper, water and ice cubes. Then the fifth one
also prepares spicy chili sauce for the lava meatball filling.
After preparing the tools and ingredients, let's follow the steps to make flat and lava
meatballs and tips so that the meatballs made become chewy and delicious. The first thing to do
is puree the beef using a blender or chopper until smooth so that the resulting meat tastes more
savory. After the meat is half smooth, add a few other ingredients such as tapioca flour to taste,
eggs (adjust), salt to taste, flavoring to taste, sugar to taste, baking powder ½ spoon, pepper to
taste, soy sauce to taste, fish sauce to taste, and green onions (optional), tips after that blend the
dough again so that all ingredients are evenly mixed. Once the dough is ready, transfer it into a
large container or adjust the amount of dough that has been prepared. Then prepare a spoon to
mold the meatballs into flattened balls. Before that, prepare a pot of water, then heat it to boiling,
brush the spoon with oil so that when printing the meatballs the dough is not sticky, print the
meatballs using the spoon by flattening it so that the shape of the meatballs becomes flat, then
put the printed dough into a pot of boiling water. Do this until it becomes the desired number of
meatballs. Leave the dough to make lava meatballs, to make these lava meatballs, you need a
triangular or pyramid-shaped mold so that the shape of the meatballs resembles a volcano, grease
the mold with a little oil so that the dough is not sticky, put the dough into the mold but make
room in the middle of the dough to make it easier for the spicy sauce to enter the meatball dough,
after that close it again using the dough and flatten it to make it look neat and solid, then put the
dough and the mold into a pot of boiling water so that the meatballs are cooked. Cook the dough
until it looks cooked for about 45 minutes, then prepare a container filled with ice water or ice
cubes, after all the meatballs are cooked, remove the meatballs and then put them in a container
filled with cold water or ice cubes, the goal is to make the meatballs feel chewier. After that,
strain the meatballs from the ice water container into an empty container. If you want to serve it
with meatball sauce, we have to prepare water in a pan to make a delicious and delicious
meatball sauce. To make it, simply heat the water and add sliced spring onions and each secret
ground spice into the boiling water, don't forget to add a little oil and other flavorings so that the
meatball sauce is tasty and delicious.
By the following those steps, you can make meatballs by your self it is cleaner and
healthier because it does not use MSG and any preservatives, making it very safe for
consumption, especially for children. These meatballs are suitable to be served with special beef
broth for meatballs, mixed with pakcoy vegetables, noodles, and other. Apart from being enjoyed
straight away, you can make this beef meatball recipe as a complement to other dishes such as
fried rice, fried noodles, or capcay and grilled meatballs. Good luck and Enjoy!

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