Knowledge Management

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A Term Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of the College of Public Administration and Governance
Bachelor of Public Administration


In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirement for the Subject

Knowledge Management Tools on Civil Service Commission

PA 5: Knowledge Management and ICT for Public Administration

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I. Introduction

The CSC is a government agency responsible for overseeing and regulating the civil service
system in the Philippines. The agency is responsible for ensuring that the government's
workforce is competent, efficient, and responsive to the needs of the public. The
implementation of knowledge management tools can offer several benefits to the CSC.

The reasons why the CSC chose to implement knowledge management tools. First, is to
improve knowledge sharing because knowledge management tools can help the CSC to capture
and share knowledge across different departments and teams. This can help to ensure that
employees have access to the information and expertise they need to perform their jobs
effectively. Second is to increase efficiency by providing employees with easy access to
information and expertise, knowledge management tools can help to streamline processes and
procedures, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks. Third is to improve
decision-making, because knowledge management tools can help the CSC to make more
informed decisions by providing access to data and insights from across the organization. This
can help to ensure that decisions are based on accurate and up-to-date information. Fourth is
that they may enhance training and development, this can help the CSC to provide more
effective training and development programs for its employees. By capturing and sharing best
practices, the CSC can help to ensure that employees have the knowledge and skills they need
to perform their jobs effectively. Lastly is to increase collaboration, KM tools can help the CSC
to facilitate collaboration among employees and departments, leading to increased innovation
and better problem-solving.

Overall, the implementation of knowledge management tools can help the CSC to become
more efficient, effective, and responsive to the needs of the public. By enabling employees to
access and share knowledge more easily, the CSC can make better decisions, improve
performance, and enhance the quality of its services.

While the implementation of knowledge management tools can offer many benefits to the CSC,
there are also several challenges that the organization has faced.

One of their problems is the resistances to change, because implementing knowledge

management tools required a significant cultural shift within the organization. Some employees
may be resistant to change, especially if they are used to working in a certain way. Next is lack
of resources, since implementing km requires a significant investment of time and resources.
The CSC needs to allocate funding and personnel to the implementation effort. And also, the
technical challenges, the interviewee said that due to their age implementing km tools is a big
adjustment for them because when it comes to technical difficulties it requires a technical
expertise, which may be lacking within the organization. He also stated that one of their major
problems that they have been faced during the pandemic is the loss of their colleague. It was
hard for them to adjust since they only have a small community and yet one of their co-worker
died due to COVID-19. The CSC needs to hire outside consultants or train existing staff to
implement and manage the tools. Next is data security, using km tools can contain sensitive
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information, such as data on government employees. And the interviewee said that this might
be a problem because of the increasing threat of cyber-attacks. Lastly is the user adoption,
implementing km tools is really hard for them to use at first since everything were new to them.
The only thing that this might be successful for them is if the employees actually use them. And
the CSC has no choice but they need to invest in user training and support to ensure that
employees are comfortable with the tools during the pandemic and so that they are able to use
them effectively.

Overall, the implementation of knowledge management tools in the CSC can offer many
benefits, but it requires careful planning, investment, and management to be successful.

II. Objectives/ Problem Statements

The section outlines the fundamental aim of the term paper. It specifically enumerates the clear
initiatives that the term paper will achieve at the end.
1. What KM Tools are used by the government organization? Briefly described.
2. What are the steps in the implementation of Knowledge Management Tools?
3. Why do they considered/ qualify as KM tools? Discuss what element of KM these tools
4. What is/ are your personal critiques on these tools?

III. Discussion
1. Knowledge Management Tools
The knowledge management tools that the Civil Service Commission is using are:
 Document Management System;
 Communities of Practice; and
 Collaboration Tool
2. Steps in the Implementation of Knowledge Management Tools
The Civil Service Commission has been using several steps in implementing knowledge
management tools in their organization. The first stage is known as advocate and learn
wherein it can help personnel to discover answer to common problems through
seminars, workshops, group discussion forum, etc. As a matter of fact, the Civil Service
Commission created the Competency-Based Learning and Development Program
wherein it provides a training for the employees in accordance with their needs. The
program consists of classroom training, on-the-job training, self-development, and even
the development activities and intervention which can provide opportunities for the
employees to learn more about the Knowledge Management.
CSC has also been expanding their reach for years through partnerships that are helpful
enough to boost out their resources. Those partnerships may be with both public or
private or even local and international organizations which practice the same vision and
goals as them. The CSC has been able to work with new partner for the recent years.
One of the examples is their partnership with Australian Government Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade through Facility or the Philippines-Australia Human Resource

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and Organizational Development Facility. The CSC was able to realize the mistakes and
implement lasting changes after a series of workshops and assessments that was
necessary to improve the organization’s services. The Information Communication
Technology has now became a huge part of the CSC considering the fact that it provides
access to different departments and all levels of government without the need to put
too much unnecessary effort. The significant use of ICT in the Knowledge Management
can lead to organizational effectiveness that is advantageous in creating a knowledge
management tool.
By develop strategy, the Civil Service Commission has various projects and activities that
can increase the organizations assets where they can maximize their efficiency in
capturing , storing and contextualizing. In that way, they can create an equal and fair
opportunities for the employees, create an efficient work environment, and can offer
variety of services to enhance employees’ careers and personal lives. One of their
knowledge management projects was the CSC Learning Development Plan (L&D) that
has the objective of helping the personnel to align their performance with the
organization strategic goals, mission, and objectives. The agenda of this project is to
integrate competencies inside and outside the organization.
During 2015, they expected that these following initiatives of L&D will be
Establishment of Deepening Program Example: Use of January-March 2015
Job aids (regular CSC updates, CS Law & Rules)
Establishment of eLearning Protocol and Policies January-March 2015
Development and Pilot Implementation of eLearning April-December 2015
Development of Supervisory and Leadership January -December 2015
Development Programs as per CSC Curriculum
Implementation of the Roadmap for Succession January -December 2015
Management Program
Therefore, this project envisioned the CSC to think strategically, to be result-oriented,
citizen and client-centered, and to be more empowering and entrepreneurial
“Soaring high through continuing learning and development interventions” as quoted in
the CSC Learning & Development Plan has been one of the motivations of the Civil
Service Commission to expand their initiatives. As of today, the CSC has been
participating in a lot of programs not just locally but also in the internationals, bearing
the organizations contributions and platforms. Those projects and initiatives shaped the
Knowledge Management Tools of the CSC as what they are today.

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3. Knowledge Management Tools Discussions
Document Management System. The organization uses Document Management System by the
help of SharePoint Server wherein they disseminate and facilitate access to the whole
organization. By these digital platforms, they can store and distribute information to everyone.
One of the programs that the CSC has was known as the Integrated Records Management
which is the Office 365 that helps the employees to keep up with the complexity of record
keeping. It also provides a safe storage that can ensure easy access for the employees under
the organization. The IRMO is tasked to promulgate and implement policies pertaining to the
management of the civil service records, particularly the employee and examination records in
their maintenance, security, transmission, and archive. By this, the CSC is able to disseminate
the memorandum orders, projects, and information from the main office to every single CSC
linkage and vice-versa. It is also mentioned that their KM tools allows them to practice safety
measures, in particular with the data privacy act that ensures the safety of the information that
are revolving inside the organization. Using Google Analytics, they are capable of tracking and
analyzing the web performance wherein it does not collect the employees’ personal data, but it
is capable of gathering non-personal information that are relevant to the personnel’s job.

Communities of Practice. The Civil Service Commission Field Office of Tarlac consists of only
seven employees, including the Provincial Director. But even though the organization may seem
to be short in manpower, every single employees are efficient enough to control and maintain
the personnel records in the government in the province for a reason that they are sharing their
knowledge inside the office by communities of practice, they are sharing their knowledge both
face-to-face and virtually. And despite the differences in the hierarchy of positions, every
employees are able to speak up their minds and voice out their insights for the sake of the
improvement of the transactions. Because the works of the employees revolves around
common activities, they are able to create a dynamic and long-lasting knowledge sharing that is
capable in developing the members’ capabilities as long as there is interest in maintaining the

Collaboration Tools. One of the most common digital platform that the CSC uses is the Email,
wherein they disseminate and pass on information, memorandum, and data inside the
organization. Zoom and Microsoft Teams has also been one of the means of document sharing
and online meetings which took a big part in the organization’s transactions in the midst of the

4.Personal Critiques
The KM Tools of the Civil Service Commission is advantageous in terms of organizational agility.
Since they are practicing the information dissemination both traditionally and virtually, they are
flexible enough to mandate and instruct the employees in any of time.

Knowledge from technology is significant, considering that we are now in the process of
innovation. But since we need to consider our country’s internet capability, it is quite difficult to
attain a level of knowledge management wherein employees are able to disseminate
information without any hindrance in connectivity.

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In terms of adaptation, technology has advanced significantly, therefore employees must be
adaptable in that they move slowly with the times in order to preserve their goals, carry out
their strategies, and provide public service.

Increase in Employees. Since the Civil Service Commission is responsible in mandating the
access in the government at large. The numbers of employees inside the offices shall be taken
into consideration. It is easier to brainstorm and share information of there are numerous
personnel that can contribute in information sharing.
Storage of Hard Copies of Documents . As we conducted our interview at the CSC Field Office
of Tarlac, we noticed that there are numbers of files all over the office. Even when the
organization is using Document Management System as their KM Tool, letting go of the
traditional way of storing data and information seem to be difficult. We reckon that they must
upgrade and fully implement the use of Document Management System to get rid of the
unnecessary papers inside their office.
Hire an IT specialist. As stated in our paper, the interviewer said that due to their age,
implementing KMS tools is a big adjustment for them. Hiring an IT specialist will assist them in
storing their documents properly and in troubleshooting any technical issues that may arise in
their DMS system more quickly.

IV. Conclusion
To sum it up, the Civil Service Commission implementation of knowledge management has a big
impact on their organization and made their work procedures more convenient. It can obtain
data and information quickly. For instance, the usage of document management decreased the
duties for the staff. They are required to look for the paper documents all the time. Their usage
of the Collaboration Tool coincided with CSC’s use of it to conduct Online transactions. Every
knowledge management tools that CSC implemented serves a vital purpose for their business.
It encouraged productive and efficient work among the staff. It also developed simple technical
specifications for its clients.

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V. Appendices


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REFERENCES Retrieved March 20, 2023 -
CSC RO V (2023)-

PA 5: Knowledge Management and ICT for Public Administration

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CSC Privacy Policy (2023)-
Learning and Development Plan (CSC L&D Plan) (2014-2016)-
Integrated Records Management Office (2014)-

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