DC Exp 5 Student Manual

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Experiment 5 Lab Manual

American International University- Bangladesh

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EEE1202: Electrical Circuits I Laboratory

Title: Study of Mesh analysis and Nodal Analysis.

The purpose of this experiment is to be able to demonstrate the validity of the mesh analysis and
nodal analysis technique through experimental measurements. And observe the difference between
theoretical and simulation results.

The mesh and nodal analysis techniques are used to solve complex networks, which are not in series
or in parallel. The mesh analysis techniques will determine the current of the network, while the nodal
analysis approach will provide the potential levels of the nodes of the networks with respect to some
reference. The application of each technique follows a sequence of steps, each of which will result in a
set of equations for the various variables, whether they are current or voltage.

Theory and Methodology:

i) Mesh analysis: The term mesh is derived from the similarities in appearance between the closed
loop of a network and a wire mesh fence. A loop current is a branch current only when it is the only
loop current assigned to that branch. There are five steps to the mesh current which are given below
(format approach).

a) Assign a loop current to each independent, closed loop in a clockwise direction.

b) The number of required equations is equal to the number of chosen independent, closed loops.
Column 1 of each equation is formed by summing the resistance values of those resistors through
which the loop current of interest passes and multiplying the result by that loop current.
c) The mutual terms must be considered which are always subtracted from the first column. A mutual
term is simply any resistive element having an additional loop current passing through it. It is possible
to have more than one mutual term if the loop current of interest has an element in common with more
than one other loop current. Each term is the product of the mutual resistor and the other loop current
passing through the same element.
d) The column to the right of the equality sign is the algebraic sum of the voltage sources through
which the loop current of interest passes. Positive signs are assigned to those sources of voltage having
a polarity such that the loop current passes from the negative to the positive terminal. A negative sign
is assigned to those potentials for which the reverse is true.
e) Solve the resulting simultaneous equations for the desired loop currents.

[The format approach can be applied only to networks in which all current sources have been
converted to their equivalent voltage source.]

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 1

Experiment 5 Lab Manual

Example for mesh analysis (For Figure-1)

Col. 1 Col.2 Col.3
(1 + 6)I1 – 6I2 = (5 – 10) V
(2 + 6)I2 – 6I1 = 10V

Two equations are given below:

7I1 – 6I2 = – 5
– 6I1 + 8I2 = 10
Using the Cramer's rule, the value of mesh current is obtained as I1 = – 1A, I2 = 2A.

ii) Nodal analysis: A node is a junction of two or more branches, where a branch is any combination
of series elements. For a network of N nodes, therefore there will existed (N-1) nodes with a fixed
potential relative to the assigned reference node. There are five steps to the node voltages which are
given below (format approach).

a) Choose a reference node and assign a subscripted voltage label to the (N–1) remaining nodes of the
b) The number of equations required for a complete solution is equal to the number of subscripted
voltages (N–1). Column 1 of each equation is formed by summing the conductance tied to the node of
interest and multiplying the result by that subscripted nodal voltage.
c) The mutual terms must be considered which are always subtracted from the first column. It is
possible to have more than one mutual term if the nodal voltage of current interest has an element in
common with more than one other nodal voltage. Each mutual term is the product of the mutual
conductance and the other nodal voltage tied to that conductance.
d) The column to the right of the equality sign is the algebraic sum of the current sources tied to the
node of interest. A current source is assigned a positive sign if it supplies current to a node and a
negative sign if it draws current from the node.
e) Solve the resulting simultaneous equations for the desired voltages.

[The format approach can be applied only to networks in which all voltage sources have been
converted to their equivalent current source.]

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 2

Experiment 5 Lab Manual

Example for nodal analysis (For Figure-2)


Col. 1 Col.2 Col.3

(1/6 + 1/3)V1 – (1/3) V2 = – 2A
(1/4 + 1/3)V1 – (1/3) V2 = 3A

Two equations are given below:

(1/2)V1 – (1/3) V2 = – 2
– (1/3) V1 + (7/12) V2 = 3
Using the Cramer's rule, the value of mesh current is obtained as V1 = –0.914V, V2 = 4.62V.

Pre-Lab Homework:

Read about the basic steps of performing the mesh analysis and nodal analysis in a circuit from “Introductory
Circuit Analysis” by Robert L. Boylestad and use PSpice to measure the voltages across each resistance and
current of each branch of the circuits provided in the lab sheet. Compare the theoretical results with simulation
results. Save the simulation result and bring it to lab.

1. Trainer Board
2. Voltmeter
3. Ammeter
4. AVO meter or Multimeter
5. DC source
6. Resistors
7. Connecting Wires

1. Check whether all the apparatus are working fine or not.
2. Implement the circuit carefully where necessary.
3. While connecting DC source make sure it is not shorted while placing in the trainer board.
4. While measuring current Digital multimeter should be placed in series with the branch of the
circuit where the current is to be measured, multimeter should be in ammeter mode.
© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 3
Experiment 5 Lab Manual

5. Do not switch on the DC source while implementing the circuit in the trainer board
6. Voltmeter should be connected in the parallel through the resistor. Ammeter should be
connected in the series through the resistor.

Circuit Diagram

Figure 3 Figure 4

Experimental Procedure:

A – Mesh analysis
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure 3. Write 2 mesh equations to describe this circuit.
Calculate the current through each loop of the network from these equations. Indicate the
direction of the currents. Measure currents I1, I2 noting the direction of each current.

B – Nodal analysis
2. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure 4. Write 3 nodal equations to describe this
circuit. Calculate the nodal voltages from these equations. Measure nodal voltages V1,
V2, V3.

Simulation and Measurement:

Compare the simulation results with your experimental data and comment on the differences (if any).

Data Table:
Table-1 (For Figure-3)

Value of Resistors: R1=1.5kΩ, R2=2.2kΩ, R3=4.7kΩ. Value of Voltage Sources: E1=20V, E2=10V.

Equation 1 (1.5kΩ + 4.7kΩ)I1 – (4.7kΩ)I2 = (20-10)V = 10V

Equation 2 – (4.7kΩ)I1 + (4.7kΩ + 2.2kΩ)I2 = 10V

Branch currents Calculated Values Measured Values

I1 (mA)
I2 (mA)

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 4

Experiment 5 Lab Manual

Table-2 (For Figure-4)

Value of Resistors: R1=1.5kΩ, R2=4.7kΩ, R3=1.5kΩ, R4=4.7kΩ, R5=2.2kΩ, R6=2.2kΩ. Value of

Voltage Sources: E1=10V, E2=5V.

Equation 1 (1/1.5kΩ + 1/2.2kΩ + 1/2.2kΩ)V1 – (1/2.2kΩ)V2 + (0)V3 = (10V/1.5kΩ) = 6.67mA

Equation 2 – (1/2.2kΩ)V1 + (1/2.2kΩ + 1/4.7kΩ + 1/4.7kΩ)V2 + (1/4.7kΩ)V3 = (5V/4.7kΩ) =
Equation 3 (0)V1 – (1/4.7kΩ) V2 + (1/4.7kΩ + 1/1.5kΩ)V3 = 0

Nodal Voltages Calculated Values Measured Values

V1 (V)
V2 (V)
V3 (V)


1. Verify the branch current, mesh and node equations by analyzing practical data and support them by
comparing the results with the theoretical values by proper circuit solution.
2. Verify the measured value of loop currents and node voltages with calculated value. Show
necessary calculation.
3. Comment on the result as a whole.


1. Robert L. Boylestad ,”Introductory Circuit Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 12th Edition, New York,
2010, ISBN 9780137146666.

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 5

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