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Name of Student:
Module 1

Nature, Goals, and Perspectives in

Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science

Christ First (DEVOTIONAL)

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that
are in earth, visible and invisible … Colossians 1:16

Teacher’s note: The text above simply says that all the beautiful and good things, including
us, are created by God through Jesus. Jesus is also the reason why we are saved from
death. He owns us through creation and redemption. That is how much He loves us .
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for creating and redeeming us, and the wonderful things we
have through Jesus. May we always remember to appreciate the things you created. In
Jesus' name I pray. AMEN.
Student’s reflection: __________________________________________________________

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Identify the nature, goals, and perspectives in anthropology, sociology, and
political science;
2. Recognize the concepts and the subjects of inquiries of anthropology, sociology,
and political science;
3. Appreciate the importance of the goals of anthropology, sociology, and political
science; and
4. Recognize that God is the creator of the world and in His perfect creation, which
then marred by sin, society began.

2|P age
Acquire Knowledge (EXPLORE/FIRM UP)
Change is inevitable because it is the law of nature. Similarly, society does not
remain static. It changes, as the world continues to change, most especially with the
advent of new discoveries in science and technology. It is not new to us how our ways of
life before are no longer the ways of life of today’s generation. People should be open for
changes. It is very important that we understand and accept the challenges these changes
are imposing on us and recognize all the factors that brought these changes.

Since change is already happening at present, let us realize how social change
occurs because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Tell the changes on some aspects of
your life by completing the table below.

Before COVID-19 During COVID-19

Way of life

View of the world

Priorities in life

Relationships with

3|P age
Pre-lesson Assessment Activities

Using the given illustration above, identify the concepts that you can relate to culture,
society, and politics.

After doing the activity, give your own definition of culture, society, and politics.
CULTURE _____________________________________________________________

SOCIETY _____________________________________________________________

POLITICS _____________________________________________________________

4|P age
In this part of your journey, we provide something for you to deepen your
understanding about culture. Please continue reading with comprehension as you
discover further knowledge that will help you out in your quest on the remaining phases
of this lesson.

Since our course is Understanding Culture, Society and Politics, we can deepen our
understanding of ourselves as members of society by studying these three specialized
fields, namely: anthropology for culture, sociology for society and political science for

A lot of us are likely confused with the difference between sociology and
anthropology. Confusion might come from their commonalities as the two are dealing
with society and culture. Both of them study human behavior and the different factors
that affects our social relations. Since these two fields are most likely similar to each other,
let us first draw out its differences.

Anthropology Sociology
Answers the What does it mean to be What is society?
question … human? What are the things that influence
Who we really are? our life?
Where do we come from? What is life to people living in
places with different culture and
Where did it Anthropology started as a Sociology emerged as an academic
start? science during the time of field right at the height of Industrial
exploration when European Revolution in Europe which
countries started to colonize mobilized the entire population in a
what they considered as way that had never been before in
primitive societies where human
people were believed to be history. These eras had brought
savages and barbaric. great changes in the way people live
in a society.

Anthropology started as the Sociology started as the study of

study of non-European people European society by European
by European people (outward). people (inward).

During their colonial encounter

with these people, Europeans During that time, emerging
started to make written records institutions arose and replaced the
about non-Europeans. They old ones such as how science was
focus on kinship, language, taking over religion, when the reign
race, religion, cultural of kings and queens fell
perceptions, and others.

5|P age
down, and when the era of
feudalism had ended. People saw
the importance of studying these
emerging institutions and how they
started and what impact they could
make to an individual and the new
society in general.
Who started Franz Boas – considered as Auguste Comte – a French
the field? the father of modern American philosopher and mathematician.
anthropology. His study led to He coined the term sociology. He
the doctrine of “historical saw the need for a systematic
particularism,” where he stated science of studying society and in
that each society is considered dealing with the solution of its basic
as having a unique form of problems.
culture that cannot be
understood under an overall
definition of general culture.
Concept Anthropology is the study of Sociology is the study of society,
people and their culture. It uses patterns of social interactions, and
a special research method culture of everyday life. Unlike
known as ethnography in which anthropology, the knowledge
anthropologists are required to created by sociology is used to
live with their subject of study understand one’s own society.
for a long period of time in Sociologists use qualitative
order to make their writings research method in doing their
more reliable and credible. studies.
Subjects of Biological anthropology Anything in a society that
inquiry refers to the study of human influences people’s lives can be
origins (genetics, race, subjects of inquiry, like different
evolutions, fossils, primates). social phenomena, issues, and
Cultural anthropology is
the study of living people Sociologists can also look into
(religion, social system,
things that influence life like family
language, clothing, foods,
background, socioeconomic status,
beliefs, traditions, etc.) ethnicity, social classes, religion,
gender, beliefs, traditions, norms,
Linguistics is the study of among others.
language, its evolution, its
connection to other languages, Some fields are social organization,
and others. social psychology, applied
sociology, and human ecology.
Archeology refers to the study
of ancient people’s culture
(religion, beliefs, traditions,
social system, language, how

6|P age
they dress, what they eat, and
Goals The goals of anthropology are The goals of Sociology are the
the following: following:
- See the commonalities among -Obtain possible theories and
people (tradition, language, principles about society as well as
kinship, etc.) various aspects of social life.
- Look at what makes us the - Study the nature of humanity to
same to understand more about further examine our roles within a
human nature. society.
- Discover what makes people - Appreciate that all things in
different from each other in society are interdependent.
order to understand and - Expose our minds to different
preserve diversity. perspectives in attaining truth.
- Produce new knowledge and
new theories about mankind
and behavior.
- Look at one’s own culture
more objectively.

After finding out the difference between anthropology and sociology, let us now
proceed with another discipline in social science that plays another important role in our
Politics impacts our lives directly or indirectly, whether we are aware of its effects
or not. If there is a crime that took place, we call police, and this scheme is part of
government. If there was a fire that occurred, we call the fire department, and that’s also
a part of government. Military is government as well, let alone our civil liberty and our
rights which have influences on us daily. In school, you were asked to read by heart the
Constitution. When you are apprehended by an authority, you asked your violation and
insisted on your legal rights. Even inside your house, there are still set of rules that are
being enforced and followed. All these things are related to a field called Political Science.

Description/ Explanation

Origin - The study of political science was started by the ancient Greeks.
- Aristotle on his book “Politics” stated that Man is a political animal.
It means that it is our nature to live in a society and to have power
over another. Though we will be knowing that sin caused man’s
hunger for power.

Concepts - Political Science is the systematic study of government, politics, and

political power.
- It is often defined as who gets what, when, where and how.

Subjects of - Political theory, philosophy and different political ideologies

Inquiry - Public management

7|P age
- Human rights
- International relations and foreign policies
Goals - Make people better citizens.
- Keep social order and harmony among different group of
- Protect the rights of an individual.
- Avoid conflict and promote cooperation.

In the differences with regards to origin, concepts, goals, and etc., of Anthropology,
Sociology, and Political Science, the common theme of these social sciences is human.
Anthropology focuses to the culture, behavior, and even the origin of humans, while
sociology tries to answer the factors that influences human beings. Political science on the
other hand, focuses on the ability of humans to take control of the resources they can find.

The question now is, where do human beings come from? Are we a product of
evolution or creation?

Interestingly, Genesis chapters 1 and 2 gives us insights of what took place in

the beginning. Read the verses and answer the questions below.

1. Do you see people in Genesis 1 and 2? ______________________________

2. Is there society already at the time of Creation? ________________________
3. How about government? Is there any during Creation? __________________
4. Can we find any social problems that should be addressed in Genesis 1 and 2? If
there’s any write them, if there’s none explain. ________________________
5. Which is far better, the society in Genesis 1 and 2 or the society nowadays? Explain.

Ready-To-Go (DEEPEN)
T-M-L Phrase: Complete the following phrases.
The Topic was about ____________________________________________________
It Matters because ______________________________________________________
I have Learned that _____________________________________________________

8|P age
Photo Analysis: Based on the picture below, identify the major social issue or problem
that affects our society today. Explain how the disciplines of anthropology, sociology,
and political science help us in addressing this issue.

Issue/ Problem Discipline/s in Social Science

you will use for the issue/problem

Verse Analysis: Write 10 Bible verses that addresses social issues.

9|P age
Experience (TRANSFER)
Archaeology is a branch of anthropology that studies the culture of dead people.
Archaeologists rely on the pieces of evidence that they exhumed from discovered old
cities and civilizations. We learn many things about our past based on their findings.
Today, people can store information digitally and put it in formats that can last for a long
period. In relation, let us do an activity by describing yourself to the future generation
through clues about you and the present society where you live.

As a student of this generation, you are tasked to make a historical footprint of your
contemporary society so that people of future generations will understand how people of
today lived, and what their personality, values, set of beliefs, and ideas were. You have
to provide them with one written evidence that describes your society and two objects
with explanation that represent your present society.

Description of your society


Drawing or picture of two objects that represent your society with explanation


Many people, social scientists or commoners alike, do not believe that God created us and
the rest of the good stuff. And that is the very reason why social science employs some
theories that are in contradict with what the Bible teaches. But imprinted in nature and
in our very lives is the proof that God carefully and wonderfully designed and molded us.

10 | P a g e
Directions: Read the following items carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to your answer
beside the number.

For numbers 1-4, identify the branch of science described in each item. Choose your answer from
the given choices below:

a. Anthropology b. Political Science c. Sociology

1. Its goal is to look for the similarities and differences among the culture of societies
around the world. In doing so, we could be able to understand more about human
nature, and be more tolerant on other people’s behavior and actions.
2. This is the study of society, patterns of social interactions, and culture of everyday life.
3. Its main concern is to learn how to use power over others to maintain social order and
harmony among citizens.
4. If we want to know why certain social phenomena happened, such as the television
program Eat Bulaga’s Kalyeserye gaining millions of tweets worldwide, this field of
social science answers these occurrences.

For numbers 5-8, identify the most appropriate discipline to be used in the following research
scenarios and recent development that happened in our country. Choose your answer from the
given choices below:
a. Anthropology c. Political Science
b. Geography d. Sociology

5. Framing legislative policies abolishing or limiting political dynasties all over the Philippines.
6. Preservation of cultural diversity and respect for traditions in this period of globalization.
7. Referendum was held in selected provinces comprising the old Bangsamoro republic for the
ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Basic Law. This was done to promote development,
peace, and order in their locality.
8. Exchange of culture and ideas in the macro level and breakdown of families in the micro level
as a result of economic migration by Filipino workers.

For numbers 9-10, choose the best answer for each item.

9. Food habits like the way of cooking foods, habits of dressing up, relationship with family
members or with in-laws, and many others are some of the focuses of this anthropological field.
a. Archaeology c. Linguistics
b. Biological anthropology d. Cultural & social anthropology
10. A researcher chose to write about indigenous people in Mindanao and he described them
using some concepts such as kinship, gender and power. He tried to compare them to other
groups of people. Which of the following fields of science did the statement above portray?
a. History c. Political science
b. Anthropology d. Sociology

11 | P a g e
Module 2
Concepts, Aspects, and Changes
of Culture and Society
Christ First (DEVOTIONAL)
Come now, and let us reason together … Isaiah 1:18
Teacher’s note: Jesus doesn’t just want our faith alone but also our rationality, our thinking
skills, our free-will. He honors all our doubts and questions about Him and the things He
did. And now, He is inviting us to discuss every concern, problems, and struggles we
have with Him, and surely, He will hear and answer those things.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for giving us the freedom of choice and making us into a
thinking being, not a robot. But we ask that you will help us that we can come boldly to
You, presenting all doubts and questions we have. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN.
Student’s reflection: __________________________________________________________

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Explain concepts of culture and society and relate it to a real-life situation;
2. Show deep appreciation on the collaboration between our culture and society by
means of stating personal pledge;
3. Trace and scrutinize terms that are related to the study of culture and the society,
and give examples of such concepts;
4. Appreciate the general characteristics of culture as means of enriching our own
5. Write examples of real-life situations that best describe the characteristics of
culture; and
6. Appreciate that God created human beings as free moral beings with thinking and
reasoning skills, not a robot where He will just control.

12 | P a g e
Acquire Knowledge (EXPLORE/FIRM UP)
This self-learning module will help you understand the concepts of culture and
society. Particularly, you will learn culture and society as a complex whole, as well as other
aspects. This module will help you understand culture as that field which encompasses
beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and
everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society. In addition, the module
will help you understand the features of culture and society, and the significant changes
or transformation happening in the present society.

Pre-lesson Assessment Activities

Word Hunt: Look for the words related to the study of culture and society. Encircle your


Situation Analysis: Analyze each situation and identify the feature of culture described
in each statement. In addition, the jumbled letters on the right will be your guide in
identifying these characteristics. Write your answers on the blanks.

Culture is
Galve family is known for their devotion to God.
Brylle, the youngest of the family, learned how _________________________
to study the Bible at the age of 10. According to
him, his grandparents were the ones who taught
him how to study the Bible.

13 | P a g e
Culture is
Gino didn’t know how to speak Bisaya well, not _________________________
until he met his new circle of friends. They were
speaking the said language. His usual SLOACI
interactions and bonding with them made him
well versed in such language, making him a
good communicator in Bisaya.

Culture is
The way Filipinos celebrate New Year is truly _________________________
different from the way Chinese conduct the
same event. Pinoys have it every December, VYATREI
while Chinese hold it by the month of February.
In this manner, the two races are observing
different beliefs, practices, and traditions.

Culture is
A Filipino fashion designer, Kristine, migrated in _________________________
the USA since 2001. This year, she visited his
performer in the Philippines to be the guest SDHEAR
speaker of an event. Kristine was able to
introduce new fashion techniques she had
learned from the States.

Culture is
Paul and Silas celebrate Sabbath by resting on _________________________
the seventh day of the week which is Saturday.
These celebrations had been part of their life as GRAGINTIFY
people who believes Jesus as their personal
Creator and Savior, making their life satisfied
and ideal.

Culture is
Mrs. Cruz owns a famous vegetarian restaurant _________________________
in their hometown. Its bestsellers are the unique
recipes of fried tokwa and law-uy. According to COUSNTIUTO
her, their family managed to run the business
despite all the challenges. In fact, she inherited
the business from her great grandmother.

14 | P a g e
Culture is
Dindo is a proud grandfather to his 12 _________________________
grandchildren. He often shared his childhood
experiences with them including Bible stories. TRNASMIEDTT
He also demonstrated Filipino values such as
saying “po & opo”, pagmamano, etc. All these
traits were being transferred to and practiced by
his grandchildren.


Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people,

encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. It has been a part
of people’s life throughout the course of history and nowadays it has been one of the
determining factors to a race, tribe, or even the society itself. And the main reason we
have culture is that people were created by God with freedom of choice. This
gift of free-will however was abused and used in doing things that are not in
line with how we ought to live, to attain a happy and stress-free life. Yet, God,
in His great love to humanity, intervenes to save humans from sinking into a
meaningless life. That is why though we have different culture that is
practiced, we cannot deny the fact that God is inviting us to have the culture
of pure love. Where we communicate, socialize, and do anything that gives
love to others.
Culture has characteristics and these are the following:
1. Culture is social because it is the product of behavior.
Culture does not exist in isolation. It is a product of society. It develops through
social interaction. No man can acquire culture without association with others.

2. Culture varies from society to society.

Every society has a culture of its own that differs from other societies. The culture
of every society is unique by itself. Cultures are not uniform. Cultural elements like
customs, traditions, morals, values, and beliefs are not constant.

3. Culture is shared.
Culture is not something that an individual alone can possess. Culture, in
sociological sense, is shared. For example, people of a society share all customs,
traditions, beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc.

15 | P a g e
4. Culture is learned.
Culture is not something that an individual alone can possess. Culture, in
sociological sense, is shared. For example, people of a society share all customs,
traditions, beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc.

5. Culture is transmitted among members of society.

Cultural ways are learned by people from others. Many of these ways are handed
down from elders, parents, teachers, and others (most likely individuals of older
generation), while other cultural behaviors are handed up to elders. Transmission
of culture is made possible by language. Language is the main vehicle of culture.
Transmission of culture may take place also through imitation as well as through

6. Culture is continuous and cumulative.

Culture exists as a continuous process. In its historical growth, it tends to become
cumulative. Ralph Linton called culture “the social heritage” of man. No culture
ever remains constant or permanent. It is subject to slow but constant variation.
Likewise, culture is responsive to the changing conditions of the physical world;
hence, it is dynamic.

7. Culture is gratifying and idealistic.

Culture provides proper opportunities for the satisfaction of our needs and desires.
Our needs, both biological and social, are fulfilled in cultural ways. Culture consists
of the intellectual, artistic, and social ideals, and institutions where members of the
society profess and strive to confirm.

Ready-To-Go (DEEPEN)
Illustrative Collage Crafting: Create in a short bond paper an illustrative collage that
depicts the concept of culture and society with the theme, “Culture and Society made
to Praise God”.
Content Relevance 12 pts.
Creativity 8 pts.
20 pts.

Exit Card: Write down at the back of this page your answers on the exit card below.
EXIT CARD – Write 3 thoughts that you have learned on this topic
Write 2 things that you want to remember on this topic
Write 1 question you still have in mind

16 | P a g e
Experience (TRANSFER)
Folk Song Festival: You are the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Chairperson your
barangay. At the same time, you are elected as the president of the Sangguniang
Kabataan (SK) Federation in your municipality/city. With the coming cultural celebration,
you are tasked to be the coordinator to one of the programs which is Folk Song Festival.
The municipality/city’s mayor designated you to make and write down your plans and
major directions to the following institutions or committees in order to make the program
organized and well-coordinated. Use the spaces provide below.


_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
________________ ________________


_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
________________ ________________

Though we have different culture that is practiced, God is inviting us to have the culture
of pure love. Where we communicate, socialize, and do anything that gives love to others.
And in order to do that we have to be selfless.

17 | P a g e
Module 3
Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism

Christ First (DEVOTIONAL)

Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
that we should be called children of God … 1John 3:1

Teacher’s note: We have learned in the previous module that God created us, but that is
not the only thing He did. We have known that man disobeyed and sinned before God.
Sin separates us from God. But because of God’s great love that He made a way to reach
us and that all of us will once again be called His children.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for reaching for us despite of our sinfulness, calling us your
children. Help us learn how to love one another as brothers and sisters despite of our
differences. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN.
Student’s reflection: __________________________________________________________

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Describe your own culture and compare it to the culture of others;
2. Determine the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism;
3. Shows the ill effects of ethnocentrism;
4. Become aware why and how cultural relativism mitigates ethnocentrism; and
5. Know that we are all children of God.

18 | P a g e
Acquire Knowledge (EXPLORE/FIRM UP)
Before we proceed, let us go back with some of the important concepts about
culture, which is the focus of our discussion.

According to E.B. Taylor; culture is a “complex whole,” which encompasses beliefs,

practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artefacts’, symbols, knowledge, and everything
that a person learns and shares as a member of a society.

Likewise, a society is understood or sometimes judged based on their culture. What

comprises a culture? Let us refresh our mind by answering the matching type test below.

Matching Type: Match the correct description in A to the aspect of culture in B. Write
your answers in the space provided before the number.

Description (A) Aspects of Culture (B)

1. Family is the most important unit of this aspect of a. Arts and literature
culture. Through family, children learn how they are
expected to act.
2. it usually answers the basic questions about the b. Customs and traditions
meaning of life.
3. This is considered the cornerstone of culture. It is the c. Economic systems
way of communicating and understanding each other.
4. These products of human imagination usually help d. Forms of government
people to pass on their culture’s basic beliefs.
5. It maintains order within a society and protects it from e. Language
outside threats.
6. This refers to how people use their limited resources to f. religion
satisfy their wants and needs.
7. it is the rules of behavior that enforce ideas as right or g. social organizations

Me and Their Culture: Fill in “Me and My Culture” table by describing how you behave
and practice your own culture under similar circumstances with “Them and Their

19 | P a g e
“Them and Their Culture” “Me and My Culture”
Marriage Marriage

A man can have multiple wives. He can share

his wife to his brothers and visitors as a sign
of hospitality.

Behavior Behavior

When entering a nearly empty public vehicle,

you are rude when you do not sit beside the
only person in the public vehicle.
(South Africa)

Hand Gestures Hand Gestures

The V-hand gestures is an offensive sign

in United Kingdom, Australia, and South
Africa. In Japan, China, and South Korea,
using this symbol with the palm facing the
person means he/she is looking cute in

Child-rearing Child-rearing

In order to control their population in difficult

environments, Eskimos sometimes kill their
children if they could not take care of them.

Religion Religion

Individuals practicing Hinduism believes in

millions of gods and goddesses. All are
responsible for governing their lives, destiny,
and fate.

Reading Text Reading Text

Hebrew and Arabic books are read from right

to left.

Table Manners Table Manners

Europeans and Americans use spoon and fork

in eating, while Chinese and Koreans use

20 | P a g e
1. What can you say about the culture of these people?

2. Are their respective cultures the same as your own culture? In what ways
are they similar and in what ways do they differ?

3. Do you think that the cultures of these groups are bad? Why or why not?

4. Can we consider some of their cultural practices as right or wrong?


5. Which of the two sets of cultures is the best, their cultures or your own
culture? Why?

In this part of your journey, we provide something for you to deepen your
understanding about culture. Please continue reading with comprehension as you
discover further knowledge that will help you out in your quest on the remaining phases
of this lesson.

What is Ethnocentrism?
Ethnocentrism is a belief that one’s own culture is better than others. They tend to
compare, evaluate, and even judge other people’s ways based on the values and standards
set in one’s own culture. Their worldview is based on the beliefs, assumptions,
expectations, and values shaped by one’s language, behavior, customs, values, religions
and other aspects.

Due to ethnocentric beliefs, many people are blinded from seeing things in another
perspective. Ethnocentric people tend to dislike or make false judgment on other cultures.
They tend to becoming biased and judge another culture as bad and wrong.

Even though we deny it, most of us are ethnocentric at some point in our
lives. Some do not even realize that they are being ethnocentric at that moment.
Below are some of the examples of ethnocentrism:
a. The American society sees themselves as a world leader. As a result, they
interfere in the political affairs of other countries and try to control them,
leading to misunderstanding and miscommunication amongst nations which
sometimes result to war.
b. During the time of Adolf Hitler, Germans believed that they are a superior race.
This led to the death of 6 million Jews whom they considered as an inferior

21 | P a g e
c. European countries go beyond their ethnocentric biases and saw non-
European cultures as uncivilized and underdeveloped countries of savages and
barbarians. They used this perspective to justify colonialism and imperialism.
d. Cases of hate crimes and terrorism violence can usually be traced back to
religious conflicts and misunderstandings.

Cultural Relativism as the Opposite View

Cultural relativism is a belief that cultures are equally complex. There is no such
thing as superior or inferior culture.

Cultural relativism is very important in studying the culture of other people. It is a

way of viewing the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from its own viewpoint.
Another way to say this is that others should understand an individual’s beliefs and
activities in terms of that person’s own culture.
• Cultural relativism promotes greater appreciation of the cultures that an individual
might encounter along the way.
• Cultural relativism is a good way to rehearse the norms and values of a society –--
a requirement that one must subscribe to, regardless of his/her cultural origin.
• It means that the function and meaning of a trait are relative to its cultural setting.

To understand better the main difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism,
an illustration was provided below:

Hello, I am Lisa. I am a
cultural relativist. I believe
Hello, I am Ben. I am an
the culture of people must
ethnocentric. I always
be looked at in terms of the
believe that my culture is
world these people inhabit.
superior from others.

In conclusion, ethnocentrism looks down at other culture while cultural relativism

looks fair at other culture. Ethnocentrism was widely practiced before yet is still practiced
today by some people. That is the reason we see Americans discriminating Asians in their
countries. However, it is not supposed to be like that. Again, diverse as we are, we
are all still children of God, and as children of God we should show love and
respect with each other. Practicing cultures that gives glory and honor to God
while slowly throwing away cultures that is not in line with how we ought to

22 | P a g e
Ready-To-Go (DEEPEN)
Slogan: Create below a slogan that promotes respect towards other cultures.

T-M-L Phrase: Complete the following phrases.
The Topic was about ____________________________________________________
It Matters because ______________________________________________________
I have Learned that _____________________________________________________

Experience (TRANSFER)
Case Study: Conduct a simple case study examining the culture of other people that is
somehow different from yours. If you are a Bisaya, the subject of your study could be
people who identify themselves as Tagalog, Ilocano, Bicolano, or other ethnicity. If you
know someone who belongs to an indigenous group of people, it is much better to have
them as subjects. Since you are not allowed to go out at present because of the threat of
COVID-19 pandemic, look for someone who is near to your place or whom you have
contact with through social media. You may choose 2 or 3 people. Write your output in a
separate sheet of paper and attached it to this page when you’re done with the activity.

Be guided with the following questions as you write your case study:
1. Describe the group of people that you chose. Who are they? What do they do?
Where did they come from? What do you know about them?
2. Discuss their way of life in terms of:
a. Social organizations
b. Language
c. Religion
d. Arts and literature

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e. Economic systems
f. Values, beliefs and traditions
3. Summarize what you have learned using the 3-2-1 chart below:
3 Things I learned from them
2 Things I found interesting
1 Thing I realize


Diverse as we are, we are all still children of God, and as children of God we should show
love and respect with each other. Practicing cultures that gives glory and honor to God
while slowly throwing away cultures that is not in line with how we ought to live.

Directions: Read the following items carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to your answer
beside the number.
1. Ben is an ethnocentric. He considers other people, specifically indigenous tribes, as backwards
people who have no manners at all. Why do you think Ben come up with this bias?
a. He regards another culture as superior.
b. He regards his own culture as superior.
c. He regards his own culture as normal and uses it to measure foreign cultures.
d. He regards another culture as superior and uses it to measure his own culture.
2. Lisa was a proud cultural relativist. She sees that Ilocanos are thrifty because of their
geographical location. Likewise, she sees nothing wrong about it. What did Lisa exhibit in that
a. She believes anything goes in one’s own culture.
b. She measures behavior by how the other culture regards this practice.
c. She has no concept of right or wrong.
d. She measures which cultures are related to others.
3. What might be the result of ethnocentrism on a global scale?
a. Other people may be treated as savage or morally corrupt.
b. There is no way to determine which is right or wrong.
c. Native people often wish to colonize superior culture.
d. Believing one’s own culture is superior makes one a morally corrupt savage.
4. Culture shock is a feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected
to other’s way of life or set of attitudes. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of culture shock?
a. Feeling homesick when in a new place.
b. Feeling like the new culture is superior to your own.
c. Obsessing about the cleanliness of food and water in a new place.
d. Feeling the hostility towards natives or locals.
5. Which of the following statements is a positive effect of ethnocentrism?
a. Rina posted on her Facebook wall saying that eating fried tarantula is “yuckie.”
b. Greg posted a statement which says, “Ang galing ng Pinoy, angat sa iba, kaya’t tayo
ay magkaisa.”
c. Shiela posted a picture of Carlos P. Romulo with a caption, “This little brown monkey
that you are referring to does not eat banana peelings. He is a Filipino not an American.
d. Wendel tweeted, “Nakakatakot na ang panahon ngayon daming taong gumagala na t
adtad ng tattoo ang katawan.”

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Module 4
Significance of Cultural, Social, Political and
Economic Symbols and Practices
Christ First (DEVOTIONAL)
The Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country,
and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land
that I will shew thee … Genesis 12:1

Teacher’s note: Abram, who later became Abraham, was called out by God from his birth
place --- Mesopotamia. Not knowing what lies ahead, we see in the succeeding verses
that Abram obeyed God’s command. And surely along the way, many challenges,
temptations, and downfall Abraham encountered yet God strengthened him, and when
all seems there’s no hope, God fulfilled His promise.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for being faithful in keeping your promises. May we always
remember to trust and obey into Your plans for You know better than us. In Jesus' name
I pray. AMEN.
Student’s reflection: __________________________________________________________

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Identify the human origins and the capacity for culture;
2. Determine the role of culture in human adaptation;
3. Explain the process of cultural and sociopolitical evolution;
4. Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic symbols and
practices; and
5. Determine that Abraham, God’s hero of faith, came from ancient Mesopotamia.

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Acquire Knowledge (EXPLORE/FIRM UP)
There is a saying that “human has no contentment”. As the environment changes,
we continuously grow and find ways to make maximize our effort as we live. It is very
evident in the different stages of human cultural evolution.

In this part of your journey, we provide something for you to read to deepen your
understanding about the topic. Please do it with comprehension to discover knowledge
that will help you out in dealing with the next phase of your quest.

3-in-1 Learning: Carefully look at the picture. Give your descriptions pertaining to their:
1. CULTURE or way of living.
2. PHYSICAL capacity in doing the task.
3. The kind of LEADERSHIP they have.

Station 1
1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

Station 2
1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

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Station 3
1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

Station 4
1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________


One of the earliest states and civilizations was found in the Fertile Crescent which
is known as the Mesopotamian civilization. The word Mesopotamia is a Greek word for
“Land between two rivers” which is often referred to as the cradle of civilization. It is the
region of the Western Asia located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. It is known
as the Fertile Crescent where the first evidence of agriculture was also found. Here the
first human civilizations were taking the earliest steps from hunter-gatherer society into
settled community.

Moreover, it is in Mesopotamia that the history writing appeared as early as over

5,000 years ago. This invention was so important that it marks the end of the Prehistory,
and the beginning of history. One of the first writing systems, the Cuneiform, is one of the
most important civilizations in the history of Mesopotamian culture.

Every city in Mesopotamia had its own government, rulers, warriors, patron god,
and functioned like an independent country. Mesopotamian cities were Ur, Uruk, Kish,

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Lagesh. There is a temple at the center of each city called a ziggurat (a massive, tiered,
pyramid-shaped structure).

There was also what we called Mesopotamian warrior-gods (2.400-2.500 B.C.)

who govern and protect the people under its government. Military commanders
eventually became monarch creating a new structure of government called a Dynasty. It
is a series of rulers descending from a single-family line. The Akkadian Empire lasted
about 200 years. In the year 2350–2150 B.C, Babylonian Empire overtook Sumerians
around 2000 B.C., and they built capital, the Babylon, on Euphrates River. This could also
be the reason why Abraham was called out of Mesopotamia and that is because of the
pagan practices the people is doing.

Another ancient states and civilizations were the Egyptian civilization. It emerged
more than 5,000 years ago along the River Nile in the north-east of Africa. The Ancient
Egyptians lived near the River Nile because of its fertile land suitable for growing crops
and domestication of animals. Each year, water from the Nile rose and flooded the area.
When the water went back, it left mud that made the fields fertile. Egyptians called their
king a pharaoh. The pharaoh was all- powerful: He passed laws, He ruled the country, He
owned most of the land, and He controlled trade and led the armies. Egyptians believed
that the pharaohs were gods. When the Israelites lived in Egypt, Moses was commanded
by God to get His people out of the heathen land.

In the European continent, several states and civilization grew tremendously over
centuries. In England, around 1500s, most of the people lived in small villages. They paid
tithes to their feudal landlords. Henry VII won the War of the Roses in England, which
led into what is known as the Tudor dynasty, and begun the development of the English

In Spain in the year 1492, Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella took Spain
back from the Muslim. It became the era of Spain as a global power.

In France, Louis XIV of France created an absolute monarchy. France became the
dominant power in Europe. When the French Revolution broke out, it created the modern
French nation-state, which sparked nationalism around Europe.

In 1914, when various nation-states started to claim their power and superiority
over all the nations in the world, the World War I begun until 1918. In 1919, Treaty of
Versailles ended the World War I. It divided several multinational empires that led to the
creation of several new nation-states.

In 1939, the World War II started until 1945. The end of World War II led to the formation
of United Nations in 1945.

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The State of the People: Democratic State

In the recent decade after the two World Wars, people are becoming more active
in their government and state affairs, in which people become the source of political
power and government rules. This evolution in the government is known as the process
of democratization, or simply democracy – the rule of the people.
Democratization is the transition to a more democratic political regime, including
substantive political changes moving in a democratic direction. It may be the transition
from an authoritarian regime to a full democracy, a transition from an authoritarian
political system to a semi-democracy or transition from a semi-authoritarian political
system to a democratic political system. What is a democracy?

Moreover, a democracy is a form of government where the citizens of the nation

have the power to vote. There are several different types of democracies; (1) a
representative democracy is a system where citizens choose government representatives
among their citizens, (2) direct democracy is when the citizens form a governing body and
vote directly on issues, (3) constitutional democracy limits the powers of government
through the nation’s constitution.

Ready-To-Go (DEEPEN)
Draw Life: Draw a symbol of life in the box and briefly explain how the symbol would
influence yourself to live a better life.

Explanation: ________________________

3-2-1: To sum up what you have learned by completing the following phrases
3 Thoughts I have learned __________________________________________
2 Things I have remembered ________________________________________
1 Question I have in mind ___________________________________________

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Experience (TRANSFER)
A Better Me in My Society: As a millennial and a Filipino youth, how will you respond
and adapt to this changing world where people and society have indeed developed and
became more advanced than before? However, consider some circumstances that are
hooked on it.

Your physical attributes & Your relationship to God

capacity in the midst of amidst the busyness
health and crisis
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________

Your manner of living

Your commitment to abide
where some ways are now
as a citizen where some
authorities are not
performing well _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________


Like Abraham, God is calling us out from the way of living that does not benefit us. He is
preparing and training us to live in a society where true peace, happiness, and eternal
bliss is with us. Yet, now it is our duty to come out of the evil things in our society and live
a life in lined with the will of God, becoming a blessing to the rest of the society.

Francis Jude

- Sir Francis Jude B. Vidal, LPT

Francis Jude

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