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❌⭕💥🔥-----38--- Badr 3

Anser had one grp, muhajirun had another grp

In badr battle, so islam identifies culture and gives importance and Allah says in the quran hujurat

Jibrael came and told prophet sm to follow hubab ibn munjirs idea, puting the well behind their
Concept of shura is demonstrated again and again.
Sometimes prophet sm did things of his wit and not by Allahs wahi... Min14, but some People misuse
this events

The night before bdr prophet sm pleaded all night, all the sahaba were sleeping but sm was pleading
to Allah about the battle.

There was sufficient rain on the prophets side,

And over rain on the kuffars side.... Sand effect

Tactic of battle badr.. min32

Suwat the sahaba story....i demand justice

Imagine any other General except prophet sm
Awesome awesome ❤💙💛💯.... Innaka laa'ala khulukin azim👍

Umair jumahi the scout,spy of quraishs honest assessment... min 40

Hakim obn hizam similarly didnt want badr battle like utbaa ibn rabiah,, utba mentioned again n
again... If u win u will be winning against ur own Brothers, will kill ur own Brothers, ur own tribesman,
(which is unprecedented in arab since no tribe ever killed his fellow tribesman)... How can u live with
someone who killed ur own brother,even if u dont kill ur own brother!

Utba initially said that break the war and return if some say that u were coward, tell them coward was
But when abu jahl heard this said that utba has just been doomwed by fear!
Hearing this utba totally changed, abd said that what!! The one who uses lady perfusmes tells that I
got feared!
We will see...
Saying that he called his brother and son for the mubaraaza... So got totally emotional.

At the start of the battle abu jahl makes dua,noting 3 point to Allah, dua totally Against him!

Mubaraaza starts-- 3 of the same Family of Utba ibn rabiaa

Immediately 3 of the anser stood up to their call, utba said who are u? We dont know u,its nnot fight
of us with u...

So prophet sm than assigned ubaidillah ibn harith,Hamza,Ali --3 of the core of the quraish

Story of Muttalib,shaiba important, got to know and understand //

Both hamza and ali killed their opponent without any injury, ubaidillah was almost killed by utba but
hamza,ali came to the rescue.
family of utba gone!! Just because of his emotion by abu jahl..... He had wisdom but wisdom without
Quran and sunnah will have faults 💯
By the way ubaidillah was put to death by this injury after the battle..not in the battle.

Prophet sm directly said " do not ask Allah from the back of ur palms, Ask Allah from the inside of
your palms" this is regarding dua.. What mistake we often do.... Hour 1.12
Very rarely he sm raised his hands and face upto the heavens.....and it is just before the starting of
the battle, as soon as pbuh puts his hand down..result is on💯
So this goes back to the hadith of Abu dawud-
"When Allahs servent raises his hands up Allah is embarrassed that those hands come back without
putting something in that"

The word used is Hayi meaning shy, so Allah is shy 💯💛👍

So, jibreel comes with wahi... "Abshir ya aba bakr... For indeed the help of Allah Ajjawajal has come"

...... dubur,, ayah of sura qamr, Umar ra said i have never understood the ayah until i heard prophet
sm reciting this aya on the morning of badr... সেরা যদি ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড বুঝি


never is shaitan more embarrassed than the day of arafah as cited in muatta... And some facts about
arafaah... Hour 1.20

Whoever prays the eid prayer, jumuah is no obligation for him,but the community must do and he
should pray the johor instead,, and if he prayes jumua than good... 👍

Can prophet sm have a personal opinion on shariah like he sm had about secular matters...... Ykd says
tough qsn.. Qsn of usul a fiqh
The right opinion is understood as - Allah has given the authority to pbuh to make a decision but in
case he makes a mistake Allah than sends wahi to change it 👍💯 very impo note hour 1.32 ★ ★ ★

If u obey him sm u will be guided.... //

The proof aboit this is the event of grave visiting....

Did prohet sm had ijtihaad, ans is yes He sm had ijtihaad

Though yes or no, it does nt matter, you have to follow it all as proved and said by all fiqaha and
qurans ayah

💥🔌🔋🔦---39---- badr 4

Umair ibn humam....

In most of the prophet sm didnt fight,but in badr prophet sm did fight physically.. @ Ali ibn abi Talib
says he was the most brave he was the most courageous, sm.

Ali nrtd both the thing that pbuh was fighting and prophet sm praying,making dua in the tent.

Badr happened in 17th ramadan, friday;

How Allah has helped with the angels....min11

It is not that they didnt do anything and Allah did everything.. They did their best and Allah
completed tje rest..
action the sahaba took and angel completed..

All the nonmuslims are not the same, we dont behave them equally,their are some good people like
abul bukhturi,mutim bin adi...
They dont believe but help the good cause of the society.... We give them their honour//

Jubair ibn awwam is the hawwari of prophet sm,, as prophet sm said.

All the angels were imitating jubairs costume even his turban....... Why???

Why Allah send 1000 angels when 1 angel could have done the work.... Min24 ★ ★ ★
.....Marium even u cant stand up...atleast shake the tree
If it is decreed Allah will give it to u, if u make the strive.... সেরা

The story of ukkasha and twigs 💯

It becomes one of the best swords...min29

Abu jahl was killed by two young kids, two freinds having a competition ...with abdur rahman Aauf in
the middle..... Sad and bravery muaz ibn.. Not muaz ibn zabal ; muaz died in the khilafa of usman ibn

2nd young kid was muawwid bin al afra...

Both of them came back to rasulullah sm," ya rasululla i hve killed abu jahl" again competition! Both
were demanding the credit //

Abu jahl at the death moment with abdullah ibn masud.... Arrogance

"This was the firaun of this ummah" -- Rasulullah sm

Abdur rahman ibn aauf was called abdul ilah by umaiyya khalaf !!
Abdur Rahman was offered by umaiyaa...
Nice little business thinking by Abdur Rahman ibn Aauf.... Halaal business
But Bilaal ra had other ideas....
Even Abdur Rahman was wounded... Abdur rahman in his life, continuously said that " may Allah
have mercy on Bilaal ! Not only he did stop me from getting my two ransoms,I never got back my
armour as well "(!!)

Pure businessman ☺

Umaiyya was the only person out of all the quraish, that was not given a burial, Couldn't be, there
was no way to do that... Mi56

Qadar of Allah 👍

Zarrah, the father of Abu Ubaida triying to kill Abu Ubaida in Badaar,, abu ubuida tried avoid him......
But at the end zarrah was killed by Abu ubaida.
Abu Hudaifa was the son of utba ibn Rabiah..
So his father, uncle,brother was killed in the mubaraaza
So abu hudaifa just erred/ errored, fell into an error....... Many things to learn for us normal people,,
Abu hudaifa makes repentance hardly...

Prophet sm explicitly said that those, like Abbas,bukturi,mutyim was not permitted to kill because
they were forced to participate in the war hour1.15

Can the angels aid normal people after Muhammed sm is gone?

Answer is - absolutely, even the Quran mentions it

They protects is from front,behind...
So when heard about the miracles in Afghanistan, Syria .. Those can be true!
Ikrima was one of the few people who was titled dead or alive after the conquest of Macca, he was
infact one of the six,, he was the son of his father before he converted!! He did harm muslim in

There is a story of the converting of the ship hour1.23

Became sahabi then

He died fighting Against romans


🔥💥❌㊗----40---- Badr 5 (a1)

Iblees was never more humiliated than the day of Badr... While he was appearing like suraqa bin
Iblees promises everything but...
Iblees doesnt go to the smaller incidents, he sends his henchmen,shaitans, but in the big times like

On the battle field of badr there were everyone, big guys,, iblees,jahl,umayya on the other side
jibreel,prophet sm,abu bakr..
Thats why this is called yawm al furqan!

This was the first time that arabs fought in a war with rank and rows... Atfront there were spear,
middle were swordsmen, Atlast archman//
First time in the history of arab,, who taught the leader!!!? ...... (Pbuh)

"Have u FOUND the promise of Allah true??!

I have found the promise of Allah to be true"

Prophet asks the dead, graves of the kuffar quraish leaders...

Questions arise,.and answer is available.. Min20

Can the death hear what we say????

Big theological question... Even the sahaba disputed over this

Ibn umar affirmed the dead can hear the wailing(shouting of the relative)... But Aisha ra denied with
the Quran!!

Quran in severel places makes it clear that the dead cant hear... Clearly

But problem starts with the hadoth tradition.. A nmbr of hadith suggest that death can hear.....starts
the controversy,, min 24

The main evidence is this incident of badr at the side of, the dead hears those who goes to visit thee

There are some issues that the sunnis themselves differed - this is one of the issue

(Awesome ykd, explanation)

The main evidence is this incident of badr at the side of, the dead hears those who goes to visit
thee----+++ now the other grp who refutes dead hearing, like Aisha,Umar - uses the same incident
to refute it.... They turns the incident 180 degree against them with proper,strong logic, here comes
the twist ★ ★ ★ min 40... Awesome

Atlast, ykd differs (only few) with ibn tayyimia and says in his humble Opinion - the death cant hear

Although no one cant be strict in this issue...

As there are plenty of sahaba with tha anti position

Remember -- This is only a theoretical action,amal is derived from this 💯👍

Min 45,, so funny,laughing


Previous ummah could not have the ganimat,, not halaal for them

Every single ayah of Anfaal is related withHakim

Usman ra is considered as badria even if he didnt participated in badr

"If mutim would have uttered one single time i would set those was hostages free"" - huge
statement, Rasul sm is giving a qafir mushrig pagan, what os dew to him. Rem what mutim did for
rasul sm and Islam ...

There are people who arent muslim but they Have good hearts...'

Badr hostages, what to do with them!

Opinion of abu bakr and umar ra -
Abu bakr said to have mercy, like ibrahim and eesa, of they follow me than they are my followers but
if u forgive them then o Allah u are Azeezul hakim 💯 nice, hour 1.04

Umar as u know said to kill them all," o Umar u are like Nuh and Musa
Rasul sm took the idea of abu Bakr.

Next day Umar saw Rasul sm crying! With abu Bakr

Ya Rasulullah what made u cry, tell me, if I understand I will cry with u and if I dont
Than I will force myself to cry with u.... সেরা

So Allah reveals ayah against abu bakr and Rasulullah sm's decision
And in favour of Umar!

The ijtijaad issue of Rasulullah sm,. 1hour 10min ★ ★ ★

There is over more than 60 verses in the quran that command us to obey prophet Muhammad sm,,
answer to the so called quranists/progressives

"U know ur worldly affairs more than I do"


'''Laisa laka minal amri shaiy''' these is not yours to say, whether Allah punishes or forgives, these is
not yours to say

Heavy words from Allah, in the quran


💥❌㊗⭕🔥.....episode42..... badr-7

The worst of macca was abu lahab..not a single bit of decency,.

Abu sufian explains the angels to abu lahab, just after the battle at the house of Al-abbas....bit of
incidents took place.

About one of the explicit predictions in the quran....gulibatir rum,min16 ★ ★ ★

Ubai ibn khalaf bet with abu bakar ra.
Ykd says u cant justify waging,gambling from this incident!.... (Rem, we asked nadvi air about
waging,and he assured that it is not absolutely haram to bet...)

★ ★ islamic seerah, it coincides western history books perfectly when u read them,min 19.,every
incident we find, we can link it...

The hadith which says that prophet sm insisted abu bakr why did u say 6,when quran says bid-e
meaning 3-9!.......
Ykd says this hadith is weak but the linguist is true.. Which it is true in terms but hadith is weak//

It was infact after 8.5 year that incident took place of rum prediction yes👍

Sura Anfal--short tafsir,

surah which came down on the plain of badr

Muslim started angel finished,actions in the badr

And know that Allah can come between a man and his heart....meaning what?!
Both meanings are here
Nmbr1- if ur heart is weak turn to Allah to strengthen it
2- if u feel that ur heart is strong,dont be deluded that it might not go away- turn to Allah for
strength //. . 💯 absolutely brilliant Islam👍
Even between yr heart and u Allah can intervene

Thats why our prophet sm used to pray, " Ya muqallibal qulub.lose

Wala tanazaau... Thats why u won in badr, verse 42, meaning dont split between urself(internal
fighting) , and u win
But in uhud, mentioned in Al imran, they did tanaZaa, so they lose

😑🔦🔋🔌...episode43... events between badr and uhud. (A1) 💯

Umair ibn wahab and safwan bin umaiyya conversation and opportunity taken by safwan...

And the great miracle, dalayel annobua.... Coming!

Umair was known from jahiliiah as bad, worst person,

...if u just want to negotiate ur ransom, why their is a sword in ur neck!?"" pbuh asked

Tell me the reason, why have u came ya umair(truth).. Umair neglects again!

Then directly prophet sm tells him everything that happened !!......... Umair basically gone!!
Realises that, their must be a higher power!
No one knew it, except me and safwan!!
Excepts Islam.

Go teach ur son islam,ask him to memorise quran👈..

General rule - gentleness wins over harshness!

Prophet sm with the yahuds.....min27 ★★ ★

Muslims are more closer to jews than to christs, jews to christs

Excellent explanation by ykd again!
Whenever the christs attacked the jews in histry,
The jews took refuge in....
In the islamic lands!

And how can be islam antisemitic when the arabs are semites...!.... Lol

Some impo notes of Musa Maimonides, greatest scholar of Jews, was a pratising(in life) Muslim,
became the private doctor of....
Salahuddin ayuubi .
Maimonides wrote all his books in Arabic and all are translated to hibrew. Min 30
Ykd mentions another scholar of Jews, greatest, earlier than Maimonides, lived in bagdaad... The
points is Muslims never mistreated Those Jews living in Muslim lands, never!

Ykd explains what harsh was, as they call harsh, done to them thats because of what they did, not
because who they are! ⭐⭐⭐

Another interesting stat about the Jews, very interesting -

There was a scholar, whom the Jews thought that he was the Messiah, crist for them, as they were
What happened is that he himself atlast become Muslim!!!!!! 💯..... What the 😯

With many of his follewers, he went to live on Constantinople.. His some followers are still their
named " don-me"... They are now a firqah of Islam, not Sunni, they have still some piculiar
believes 👍

The scholars name was ""shaptaitsvi ""

Towards the end of his life he became muslim,the sultan of constantinople were so happy that he
made him his vizier(uzir)

Banu qainuka was known to be Goldsmiths.was the largest tribe out of the three tribes of yahuds..

After the battle of badr they showed bad attitude so prphet sm went their to make them realize
about the treaty, one of them stood up showed blatant attitude to sm about badr victory....
The main blasting effect was crude and vulgar behavior to a rich lady by the Goldsmith.... Min41

Upon the incident one Muslim directly choped off culprits head, , 💯
Now this is their territory! So they surrounded the Muslim and killed him//

Hearing this prophet sm straightforwardly .... As the treaty were broken!

So siege
.....after one and half a month..

Banu qainuka and khajraj has strong alliance.

So they went to ubada ibn samit and Abdullah ibn ubai ibn salun.

At this Allah swt reveals suratul maiddah verses 51-56...

Don't take yahud and nasara as awliya/protectors(🔴becareful,, awliya doesn't mean freind,never!)....
Islamophobs also take this ayah as....look quran says dont take Jews and nasara as freinds!, no it
doesn't,man,,u 🌹... But if understand the context, it's clear.

Bani qainuka, first yahudi tribe to be dealt with and the one with the easiestly to be dealt with...



Jaystreet Jews group --which is against israel

There are many Jews who are not bad, instead good and again Israel !!
We can't generalize and stereotype that all the Jews are bad, got to distinguish between Israelites
and Jews!
Israel is blatantly vicious! but not all the jews.
The fact of the matter is that there are many jews, who are oppossed to Israel. Many...
Even within the Jewish community the voices against israel is getting louder and louder... Jaystreer..
Google it!

Not everyone of them is bad..

There is a group of Jews, ultra orthodox Jews, they are so much opposed to Zionism that they think
Zionism is the cancer that will kill Judaism, they are called "naature karta"
💯 A1
They say we have absolutely nothing to do with zionism//

Treachery is never allowed in Islam, even the opposition does!

Look from 1.14 hour qsn again


Episode --44. ..assasination of kaab bin ashraaf🌀. 🔫// . (+) episode 45 -- the summary of Maccan
period ★★★ (A1)

Battle of qarqaratul qadr

Battle of saawiq

+ the big caravan hunting which was taking the far root from macc to... This was taken without any
casualties ..
Eventually this was the reason behind uhud as the quraish was left nothing!

Now comes the issue of qaab bin ashraaf:

Had a Arab father(murderer), and Jewish mother, so he had unique...

Qaab was rich, handsome, poet.
The pagans always felt inferiority complex to yahuds... So once Abu sufian asks qaab, which religion
is better our paganism or Muhammads...
So qaab answers, u are more closure to truth//
And Allah also mentions this quote of his in the Quran... Min25

Epi 45------- summary of maaccan seerah

Arab people were divided in 3 categories :

First are the ancient arabs,like Aaad, Saamud etc. We dont have much info about them, they are
called arabal bayyidah,which means extinct arabs.

At the time of prophet sm, there were two arab groups, this are called arabal baakiyya,the remaining
arabs, so the two camps-- A & Q

Adnaani and qahtaani both go back to Saaam,son of Nuh.

So they are both semites.

Qahtan are called arabal ariba, original arabs.

And Adnaan are called arab al-mustaariba,the arabs who came to arabia.
Adnaan is the descendents of Ismael. ...

We can still distinguish between the male lineage and which is adnaani and which is qahtaani..

Ismael married to the tribe of jorhum,qahtanis. So now, its mixed.

Jorhumaits were the controller of Qaaba..
They were greedy,etc but not mushriqs.

So Khujaaa' tribe of Amar ibn Luhaay takes over the qaaba from jorhumaits //

Amar ibn luhay was the first chieftain of khujaa'a, he was the one who According to prophet sm
introduced idolatry.
So khujaaa'a were much worse than Jorhums.
Around four centuries before prophet sm, amar ibn luhai al khujayi introduced idol worshipping in
the arabs.
The" Hubal" idol was taken from syria to qaaba by amar bin luhai....and the hadith ofcourse about his
intestines in the hellfire 💥

Note that the khujayi were not quraish,so the quraish were not still at the control of qaaba.

Prophets great great great grandfather qusai ibn qilaab, brought power to quraish, around 450ce. He
married khujaa'as chieftains daughter.
Here is the lineage of prophet sm(not full). We all must know it,by memory:
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Min11,, hashims brilliant idea! Rehaltashshitayu wassaif.... Trade connection with yemen and syria..
With yemen abysinnia,all africa and india is connected..
With syria, u have the whole roman,byzintian empire!
So this was a beautiful ingenious scheme by hashim to make maacca economiccaly high.

Arab was always nutral in terms of political matters, not roman not persian...

Abdul muttalibs real name was shaibah, shibah ta al hamd.

It was the prophet sm lineage that protected him from getting harmed, at time of first preaching.

Back to back 3 times became orphan,Rasulullah sm, for big reasons...min24..

Used to work for the cheapest currencies for the maccans, again for big reasons from Allah..
Learn the leadership qualities!
Instantaneously went to deal with business from the shepherd activity due to his honesty, + !

So From the lowest ranks to the highest 💯

Than the marriage.

Jaid bin harisah was adopted... Ibn abbas says for 20 years we didnt know that zaid bin Muhammad
was zaid bin harisah! Until Allah revealed surat Al ahzab,and thats in the fifth year in the hizra//

Rebuilding of the qaaba was done in the 35th year of prophets life...and the ship with expensive

Put the religion of Ibrahim in the right place with the black stone of Qaaba!.... Min32

At the age of 40, receives wahi...( Kintu 600 ce keno boltese!?)

Iqra is about ilm

Mudassir is about aml

Ilm+aml = islam ;

Khadija was inclined to believe even before he himself, sm believed in what was happening!

Importance or benefit of a trustworthy, good, understanding, fan of truth,logic... Spouse. ..and rem
what qualities she mentioned about him, sm; 5-6 qualitiesqualitiesies //

There is atleast a dozen references in the Quran, where the qaafirs ask for miracles.... 43min.

Within academia this is one of the biggest challenges that to this day people try to decipher 'where
did prohet sm get this knowledge from! '
Every prophets story in parfect chronological order! In parfect, better theme, from an illiterate man,
in the middle of a desert, with no resources!!
Ofcourse we believe that that came from Allah(otherwise u cant explain that)...

But they come with many different theories... To this day they can't explain, the muzesa is the

The best explanation is there is no satanic verses... The bukhari narration directly says the taste of
the surah najm is such that all prostated at the end of the surah, even the quffar.
Prophet sm had probably 12 uncles!
May be 11
Definetly more than 10 !

How many of them witnessed Islam?

 we have references - 4
Lahab, talib, Hamza, Abbas.

Six aunts..
Atleast two saw Islam.


46+------ battle of uhud part 1. (Hesitation + taking decision--- properly)

An entire year between badr and uhud..

Suratul Anfaal verse 36, Allah swt predicts battle of uhuds spending of the quffar. Remember Anfall
came just after badr. So its a clear future prediction of Allah swt. 💯 A1.

Abu sufian was the main leader at uhud, at the right flank Khalid bin walid, at the left flank ikrimah
bin abi jahl.

After all of the quraish left macca Abbas sends his servent to madina to inform prophet sm. Pbuh
was in masjid al-kuba at that time. So the servent (reached in 3 days) , gives the letter to prophet
sm, as sm can't read he gives it to ubai ibn qaab ra to read 💯🔴

To stay in madina to fight or go out???

The conversation between the prophet sm and the youngers, as the prophet sm first opted to stay in
madina, then the youngers who were more in nmbrs suggested to go out, these were those who
didnt participated in badr....

Some awesome wisdoms here 💯👍

1. The importance of shura
2. The adab of the elders,amazing, absolutely ★ ★ ★
3. And its always helpful for their youth to listen to what their elders have to say, this is the
general rule! Be patient and realize that their elders had been there done that, the elders have
lived through much more than they live through, much more experience than they have,and
the same applies till today... 💯

Their is a special sharia for the prophets, like prophet sm used to fast for three days! The sahaba tried
that but fainted..
Their are other rules for prophets like this case - if a prophets a Armour He can't wear off....
And when the decision is made no sahaba yelled or frowned to the youngers!... That's because - "'fa
iza azamta fatawakkal Alalla! "'
It's in the Quran!! Once u do shura and make ur mind then khalas don't look back!
U thought this was best u did it, now don't look back and our prophet sm said, " none of u should
say what if I did this than this would have happened than rather say - whatever Allah willed has
occured , because saying 'what if' opens the door to shaitan " and therefore, once u make ur mind
properly and this is the key, to not to be hasty...... Now the decision has been made no one should
blame anybody else after this now........... And this was what happened after the shura of Uhud
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
💯💯 👍
& this is a very big lesson for everyone of us.

That once we make up a decision that was done properly then after this we should not blame
anyone or anything, our mouth should be free of 'see what happened ' 'didn't I tell u this' ---- this
isnt the etiquette of Islam.

Now what is properly- istikhara and istishara

Two things, keep this in mind

Istikhara - prayer
Istishara - asking people, advise.

Now, even if it becomes a disaster, khallas, u don't object..

Allah has something better planned, U don't see it yet 💯. .....সেরা

And this is exacly what happens in uhud .


The mountain of uhud isn't a single mountain, it's actually a series of mountain,, many people make
mistake thinking...

Prophet sm said - "uhud is a mountain of Jannah"

Again "uhud is a mountain that loves us and we love Uhud"

Saifur Rahman mobarakfuri was the ome on one Sheikh of YKD, he studied with him Bukhari, some
notes - min56
Great man's, win it all ! And they stay I'm their work ⭐

Excellent military plans, without knowing anything prophet sm... Miracles after miracles!
Ofcourse Allah swt taught him.
Abdullah ibn ubai says- they listened to some young men instead of us, why would we listen to
(Reason behind his retreating, the hypocrite)

Abdulla ibn amr ibn Harm(father of jabir bin Abdullah) sees abdulla ibn ubai and says- fear Allah...
And didn't u promise that u will protect them... (Reminding of the treaty)

So notice He is reminding him two things-

1) Allah
2)Morality , (in case.... )

and again the real iman is proved in the time of fitnah...... May Allah give us the iman and the

Muslims back were at the mountain and their face was at the direction of Madinah.
So the mushriqs had to go far beyond the Muslims and come round, tiring out, extra half days

700 Muslims participated at uhud, so therefore in the word there were not more than 1000
Muslims..... Lookoing now what happening, within 15-20 years they will be knocking at the doors of
Damascas, they Will be literally wiping away the Persian empire..... Within 50 years they will be in
Andalusia, within 100 years they gonna be at chaina all the way to 🇫🇷 france... They didn't have the
weapons, they didn't have the horses, they didn't have the army ,, but they had something that we
don't have! ⭐⭐⭐
That is that iman in Allah swt, that trust in Allah 💯
Hour 1.14 --- may Allah give that iman!!


Can women participate in battle ??

Hour 1:21

🔪🔥🔴 💣 🔫 47-- battle of uhud part 2

14Th shawwal - Friday.

Saturday uhud battle happens...

Muslims were outnumbered 4 to 1.

More than 4to1
700 to 3000+
One military genius : (impossible from an illiterate ,, we know came from above!)

Prophet sm squezzed the space to 300 meters so that number of people advantage of the qurais
becomes null... 👍epic

The 50 archers who were the main strategic point or weakness were cautioned by prophet sm
strongly mentioned both in Muslim and bukhari
Even In bukhari it says that do not come back even u see birds eating our bodies!, until I send for

Abu duzana story with the sword!!... Min19

After getting the sword and wearing the red turban, Abu duzana at the starting of the war started to
walk proudly! In a style....
Watching it prophet sm said, verily this type of walk is despised by Allah except I'm this kind of
situations... ⭐⭐⭐ 💯
Meaning when u want to use ur valour to tremble the hearts of enemies or opponents... It's halaal.
This purposeful walk, turban was to instill the right spirit in the sahaba...

Abu Amir ar rahib/fasik had a very famous son, we know him, his name was Hanzala!
Who will die shortly..
Mubaraaza starts-

Talha ibn abi talha vs Ali ra.

Talha was wearing full body Armour, ali- no armour... Described in min 31

Ykd says that Hamza ra did not participated in badr!! But we saw in the bilaal movie otherwise 😮

Khalid managed atleast 150(but again they were devided in many teams) people with him when he
attacked from the side root with the mistake of the muslims, and prophet sm had 2-3 sahaba with
him probably.

The end


Episode-48...... Martyrdom of hamza,Uhud 3 + episode 49

Madina traety is not that strong in authenticity, in fact directly narrated to inn ishaak and between
ibn Ishaak and Rasul sm is 150 years.

Some detail of the treaty goes on...

Mughal Emperor was hanafi majhab.

What is the proper status of the treaty...

💯 Some people exaggerate the importance of this treaty and others diminish the importance, which
is the standard case of everything -- Ifraat and tafreet 💯
Some people go to one extreme others go to another extreme..

The prophet sm are separating the people based on theology, this is unprecedented in the history of
Amma means to strive for, object for attention. From this word comes Umm, because the born has
only one object for attention. And Umma comes from Umm as if the people of the Umma have one
Umm, one group or one family or one nation.

There was no jijiya in the madina treaty. Jijiya revealed insurah Tawba.

The treaty is full of tolerance only with the exception of preaching. Non Muslim can't preach their
Non Muslim can even manufacture and sell alcohol !! That shocks many Muslims also..

Irony is that they call us intolerant!! If we compare our sharia with theirs... It is unbelievable how
they can even say that.....
We need to be very familiar with this that we can not allow people to make fun of our faith when
they dont even know their own faith. They have no rights to tell our faith was intolerant, when
western powers, western civilization were frankly the most religiously intolerant in the history of
human civilization.
This is a fact!
Even the Chinese, even the mongolians were more tolerant than... Detail 38 min, what constantine
+ arias
And these are not irony of other religion, It is their own religion !!!!!!! SHAME MAN!

Even John lock, the father of american political science, says his fellow Christians that why don't u
learn from the automan empires, they give freedom to other religions
..... Excellent, phraise from the enemy is the best phraise

( sorry written part was from the lecture 33, treaty of madinah)
48 starts from here--- 😔

First person to monitor, to notice that Khalid is in, is prophet Muhammad sm. The Archers made the
mistake and...

If that was any one of us definitely we would have fled as the most threatened person is I, as the
leader. But prophet sm done otherwise. And even peoples normal attitude is to flee when enemy is
seen. But that was prophet sm...
And more and more he shoutes on the top of his lungs, 'O Muslims.... ' by this Khalid team
immediately understands that here is prophet sm.

Hudaifa bin yamans father name is Husail bin jaber not actually yaman. He was not an answer, he
was from the abbasi tribe.
But later on asking prophet sm gave him the privilege of both an ansri and a muhajirun.

Hudaifa was known as sahibus sirr, the keeper of secrets, prophet sm used to tell him secrets.

If u make a promise even with ur enemy ,u can't break it from the story of hudaifa and his father.

Wahshi was the slave of jubair ibn mutyim, mutyim bin aadi was good but not jubair. Hamza killed
jubairs uncle toaima in battle of badr. So jubair tells wahshi if u kill Hamza u will be freed !

Arabs had science of feet reading, they can tell about the nasab by reading the feets.
Wahshi tells the story of killing hamza by him.
Min39. Hamza was killed before Khalid bin walid attacks.
And Hind did what she did...

//Hamza was married and had a daughter ...(note corrected in later episode)//

Jubair ibn mutyim was first impressed to Islam by the recitation of surah Toor, kada Al qalbi
Wahshi shot the javelin from behind, hiding; so forcefully that it went through Hamzas body, Hamza
turned back still to atack, real man, but as his time is over...
So Hamza wasnt killed in a noble manner.
Hamza was killed in the first half before Khalid ibn walid..

Wahshi used to drink even after islam, so he was slashed many times after joining Islam.
Still He was a sahaba..

Sahabas were human, they made mistakes specially humanly mistakes.

They were the best generation, but individually made mistakes

Then the Mus'ab ibn Umair...

Hanzala then..

Kuzmaan, the ladies rebuked him when he returned with Abdullah ibn Ubai
So he went again to the uhud to fight for Islam but the niyah wasn't for Allah..

One man went to prophet sm and told him sm about his greatness in the war, but pbuh said hua

This is the story we heard about suicide in the childhood💯

The man was shocked hearing that from pbuh so went back to follow kuzmaan, and saw that.. .....

Than comes Usairim, last Pagan to live in madina

Doesn't even pray a single prayer, excepted Islam after Fazr and died before Zuhr ;;

"Mukhairiq is the best of all the Jews"
He full filled his promise (of the treaty) .

Episode 49 -- 💉💊🔴🎌
Muhammad sm, injured

There are many interpretation of this event as we don't know the actual event because we were not
present at that moment, many scholars interpreted those event differently in their books.

9 people were surrounding pbuh, when Khalid came, 2 muhajir+7 answer

All answer dyed one by one except the two muhajir, answers were used as decoy, were send one by
one, but every time talha wanted to go, pbuh saved him as he was the best to fight.
The most critical moment in the entire seerah.

Only talha bin ubaidilla and Saad ibn abi waaqqas left with pbuh.
Talha was also a warrior with archery, Saad was only a archer.

Fidaaka abi owa ummi,, shoot Saad--

--- may my father and mother be ransomed for u.(sacrificed for u).
All the sahaba used this phrase for prophet sm, but prophet sm only used this phrase once in his life
time and that was for Saad bin abi waaqqas at this moment...!....highest honour and saad was proud
for this for the rest of his life.

In this time another opponent was coming towards the cave of the mountain than talha went out ,he
killed the opponent but his finger was cut, and he cried out 'his' meaning 'ouch'
Hearing this prophet sm said if u just would have said BISMILLAH ,the angels would have carried u....(
Importance of remembering Allah at the crucial moment 🌟 🌟 🌟
as also yunus ibn matter did)

One miracle of prophet sm as qatada ibn numa was hit by an arrow in his eyes saving pbuh, pbuh
brought out arrow and made Dua to Allah and his eye cured and got a better one! ............ Dalayel
annobua ....A1 .

Utba ibn abi waqqas brother of Saad , was in the opponent team ....irony
And he injured pbuh twice,once with a rock and the sever one with an arrow... The harsh part is that
the arrow fgot stuck in the chin of prophet sm dislodging his tooth, this was the worst wound pbuh

Another wound by a horseman...

Than comes the Hadith mentioned in sahih Muslim- - "how can a nation be successful when they
have injured their prophet"
In another version, how can they be successful, I am calling them to jannah, they are doing this to me
in return,how can they get mercy of Allah swt.

At this perticular incident Allah swt revealed a verse in the quran- not then but when they return-
Very important ,it really demonstrate the reality of tawhid

Laisa laka minul amri shai..... 🌟

U have nothing to do with this, whether Allah punishes or forgives, Allah repramanded the phrase
that pbuh used, u are not in। a position to chose who will be forgiven and who will be punished,
that's matter of Allah!!
But that was a julm to u , you can just say that ।।

If just people understand this simple thing... Who is Allah swt and who is Abd (!!/)
Even the prophet sm despite being who he is..
. He doesn't control the affairs of this haeven and Earth..

If this is the status of prophet sm.....


"' innama alaikal balag wa alainal hisaab "'

If people just understand this there will be no shirk 👋👍

There were also angels protecting... Saad mention ing ... Two angels he saw wearing whitest of white

Q arises if the angels were protecting then how.....

Answer is because Allah has wisdom what we can't can be many thing for what Allah
willed that...

When musaab ibn umair was killed by abdulla ibn qaamiya he thought he killed Muhammad sm as
musaab was wearing the same kind of clothe,robe like Muhammad sm.... This incident came
positively for the Muslims......

Becareful of জুবাইর ইবনুল আওয়্যাম, he was one of the hawwari/special/desciple of prophet sm.
1- he was the direct cousin of pbuh as সাফিয়া the aunt of pbuh was his mother;
২- he married Asma bint abi bakr
৩- he is khadiza's nephew, khadiza bint khuwailid and জুবাইর ইবন আওয়াম ইবন খুয়াইলিদ

Relation with pbuh 🌟


Then when sahaba figured that prophet sm was alive, Abu bakkar, umaar and others arrived... Ibnul
jarrah overtakes Abu bakr. They starts to bring out the arrows from the face of prophet sm, there
were two arrows in pbuh's face... Ibnul jarrah defeats Abu bakkr and he gives the service and in the
process loses his teeths , one or two for each arrows..

Rasulullah sm killed one and only person/pagan in his own life and that was Ubai in Khalaf, with a
spear ;

Prophet sm was bleeding for at least half a day! 2-3 hours in the battlefield and than even after
coming home...

The women of the anser played some role helping the wounded,they too an active role as nurses..
🌟 Generally speaking women didn't participate in military expedition. May be At times when it's
Uhud was different for two reasons... Firstly it very near from Madina, two - it was necessity..
Aisha and umme sulaim were running around and this was before hizab rolling came out...

Abu sufian comes after the was finished-
Asks, is Muhammd alive?
Prophet sm says, la tuzibuhu.
Again asks the same question,
Again pbuh says...
Then he asks , is the son of Abu Quhafa alive??
Prophet again says don't anser him.
Then ,is the son of khattab alive?
"Don't answer him"

🌟 notice that even a pagan like Abu sufian as

Early as at Uhud understands that who is Nmbr 1 and who is number 2.... But for some
people............... How unfortunate are those who...

So no answer is given, at this Abu sufian feels exalts!

'we killed them all !!'

At this umaar couldn't keep patience, ya enemy of Allah, we are all alive.

Hubal was the main idol of quraish.

Abu sufian at last promised that we will meet again , in one year .

The end of 49th.

Episode -50, uhud part 5,, ++ episode 51

Even there are reports that Hamza's Private parts were cut !
Such was the cruel vengeance, to hart prophet sm.

No prison was taken except one! Surely there must be a story..

Abu uzza, he was. He was a prisoner of badr, begged to prophet sm to let him go.. prophet took pity
on him. And let him go .
So khiyanaah, treachery!
That's why he was captured and executed.
In Islam u can take revenge equally but u can't do khiyanaah for khiyanaah, it's prohibited !

Surah imraan talks about Uhuud //

Like anfaal ........... Badr

"Kullu musibaati baadaka jalalu" the women's famous dialogue, when she heard her
father,son,husband died but prohet sm is alive!

The number one narrator from Aisha is urwah ibn jubair, his nephew,, because she didn't had to wear
hizab in front of urwah......blood nephew,can talk directly......mahraam

Maabad inn khujaya, the symphathetic to Muslim men, seeing the vulgaurity of quraish, when asked
by Abu sufian what is the present situation of Madina, maabad paints whole picture and as he wasnt
Muslim could have lied, and told the situation in favor of Muslims...... interesting..min 33

Was uhud a win or defeat?

Depends on how look on it, perspective.
Min39.. 🌟🌟 🌟
The only sense of loss for Muslims was the nmbrs of death, 22 were death of quraish and 70-75

Look at the contrast between the badr and uhid ... Min47
They disobeyed in uhud so Allah didn't help!
But Allah forgave them in Quran.

Victory just doesn't come just if u are a good Muslim! Not even if u are the best Muslim,which was
prophet sm.
Got to struggle got to sacrifice.
Got to obey Allah and the messenger!

8 years after uhud, prophet sm gave a khutba or dua about uhud.

Last year of his life and he things about uhud!
And ukba bin amir says it's the last time that I saw the face of prophet sm.

He sm said our meeting will be in the fountain, and than he said I am not worried that u will fall into
shirk, I am worried that after I die, this dunia will open up for u and u will compete with one
another,tanafasuha, to try to get the most of it. 🌟🌟 🌟

Uhud,dunia, competition
Look the very last khutba he gives,very last pablic lecture and he still thinking of uhu,shuhada of
uhud and he phraises the shuhada and then the lesson of uhud is what?

Loving this dunia too much!

He says that's what I am worried about.

this is what our prophet sm was worried about.

Battle of uhud really reunified the ummah.

And learn the Islamic etiquette, once the shurah has been made, u don't say that , look what has
happened! , U didn't listen to me!

Fa, iza azamta fatawakkal alallah- from quran

And don't say if... It opens the door for shaitan-from hadith

This is also a benefit of Uhud.


Episode-- 51
Massacre of Al-raji' and Bir Mauna--

The background of Raji' event..

One miracle at start.

Dalayel, sadaka rasulullah sm...

The most evil appearance u(Abdullah ibn unais) have ever seen, khalid ibn sufian, the revoltee!
Then Abdullah ibn unais kills him.

To take revenge, Banu huzail makes the worst kind of planning.

Asim ibn samit and nine were the sahabas...

Asim ibn samits body was for hundred camels because of ...
He prays to Allah and dies a valliant death.. and his body was protected in a miraculous way by Allah
swt !.... A1

100 vs 10(not sure)

So the sahaba had no chance!
At last 3 left...
Then Abdullah ibn Tariq died..

Then Zaid and khubaib left.

Khubaibs story is cry worthy....child,razor,grapes!

Khubaib was surprised, do u(mother) think that I am going to harm this child!....
Khubaib started, by iztihaad, salaat before execution.

And with Zaid, the quraish bought him.

They made a festival to kill Zaid.
Then the precious answer comes from Zaid, that we all know.
Abu sufian asks in front of everyone...tell the truth, don't u wish now that Muhammd sm were in ur
place and u are with ur family, safe..

Now he doesn't have anything to gain or lose ... He is dying.

And he replies with the iman that only a Muslim can have!
"Wallahi I would rather die like this than that the prophet sm get a thorn prick right now where he

Abu sufian says I have never seen a leader who is more loved by his companions than Muhammad.

And Abu sufian is not the only one to say something like this.

Karamaat means mini miracle.

Something that is given to non prophets.
Prophet are given Mozeja, his believers are given karamaat!
What just happened with Zaid and khubaib.

The history of biir a maouna ...

Starts at min28
Abul Bara, a man comes from Najd ...
Now the Nazd area is bigger than the Hizaaz,almost double,... So prophet sm sent best of the best 70
sahaba, people of the suffah.

Amir bin tufail does the trick,, double,triple c crime,crime over crime!
U cant kill an envoy, messenger s can't be...
And they were also protected by Abul Bara.

Amir sends a signal, Haram ibn milhaan who was sent to amir's tribe with a letter, was thrusted by a
spear between his shoulder by the signaled beduin in front of the crowd of his..
As soon as he realizes,first thing comes to his mind "fuztu was rabbal Kaaba"
I won, by the Lord of the Kaaba..
Meaning I am shaheed..

One man hearing this went to know the meaning and excepted Islam..

Now amir bin tufail feels denger, he has killed an envoy! So has to do something, he takes the
decision of killing other 69!
Goes to find tribes to help him... Only 3 tribes of Nazd agrees with him others refuse because they
know abul Bara has given them protection.

They surrounded the sahabas...all are killed except three.

Kaaba ibn Zaid, who was left under a pile.died two years later in khandaq.
And other two were Amar and munzir,who were gone two fetch water.while they returned they saw
Amar saw let's go back and inform prophet sm and munzir the anseri, told he doesn't want to leave
for some reasons..
At the end both them goes to the beduins and as was their niyyah munzir was killed and Amar was
left .

Waqidi says ar Raji' and biir Mauna both news came to prophet sm in the same night!
Guess how was the grief of SM..
Lessons from this events-

The message of Islam can't be spread without sacrifice.even at the time of prophet sm. So what it
means now! Some life's will be ...

Look at the difference between a Muslim and pagan, Khubaib ra and amir bin tufail ..
Khubaib gets a child whom he can easily kill but...
Where amir gets some messengers with protection, and what he does is ...
Diff between heart of iman and heart of qufr. Heart of iman has morality, heart of qufr doesn't have a
bit of it//
(At present time if we Muslims don't have this morality then...)

Ykd says kunut may not be done on a daily basis. Shafeyi madhb has it in fazr and hanafi madhab it's
in esha. But it should be done on a crisis, serious event.

Another lesson-
Don't blame a person for the crime and sins of his tribe or people 🌟 🌟 the issue of collective guilt.
As prophet gives protection to two people of amir bin tufails tribe.and when they were killed
unknowingly by Amar , prophet sm gave the blood money 💰



It's a myth that iztihaad was closed, it was never totally closed,shut or opened.
It is actually a balancing thing . Watch at 1.04 minuet.

The end

Episode 52 (A1) - background of the wives of the prohet sm,Asma bin Umais + hadith of Jabir 🌟🌟 🌟

After the death of khadiza, prophet sm didn't smiled for few months..

Khaola bint haqim suggested pbuh to marry again, she suggested on asking if u want an elderly lady
sowda, if u want a young lady Aiyesha.
So within a a month rasul sm married both.
Though Aiyeshas marriage was consummated 3 and half years later.

🚩 The fourth lady- Hafsa bint Umar. She was first married to unais.. was dead by an wound of uhud.
Umar ra went Usmaan ra offering Hafsa ra.
Usman says he doesn't want to get married now. So there was something going on what Usman was
Umar ra goes to Abu bakr, Abu bakr doesn't reply him at all !!
Umar says this was more painful to me!

Prophet sm said , Hafsa will marry someone better than Usman and Usman will marry someone
better than Hafsa!
..Atlast Abu bakr came back to Umar and told that prophet sm had already mentioned Hafsa to them
for marriege and they couldn't pass the secret to Umar(this was after Umar knew the prophets wish)

Aiyesha ra said Hafsa was the main competition for me.. as she was quit similar in stature, and again
Abu bakr ,Umar competition and their daughters compete.
Prophets sm once wanted to divorce her when Allah swt intervened through Gabriel !!
Telling prophet sm that She will be ur wife in jannah!.....what an honour

Hafsa was one of the very few ladies who knew how to read and wright... So the grand mushaaf,
original mushaaf , after the death of Umar hafsa took it and then Usman took it .

🚩 The fifth wife was-- zainab bint khujaima Al hilaliya. Very few info. As she died in Madina. The only
two wives who died in the life of prophet sm- khadiza and this zainab ra.
And a lot of people get confused, prophet sm- had two wives named Zainab! Another one was his
cousin, zainab bint zahash.
Was with prophet sm- only for few months.
Known as ummul masakin, for generosity.even before Islam she had that name and character!! 🌟🌟

One very interesting tidbit about the mother of

zainab bint khujaima . It is said that she was the most Noble luminary mother in law .... 🌟 🌟 🌟 zainab
bint khujaima's sisters were married to some Noble Noble daughter was Asma bint
umais was married to Zafar,Abu bakr and Ali ra and gave child to all . Min 24 🌟🌟 🌟

🚩 the 6th wife -- Umm salamah.

Umm salamah and Abu salamah's story!

Absolutely awesome .
And the dua that Abu salamah does with the hadith 🌟🌟 🌟
Allahumma ajurni fi musibaati waklufnii khairam minhu.
One who does that dua will get a better thing than the lost thing

Then umm salama used to think , there can be no one better than Abu salamah proposing me! 🌟 🌟 🌟

The first person to propose was Abu bakr. Umm salamah refuses!
So she had class!!

( Sahaba were always married!! There was no stigma in the society about marriage. They couldn't
think even that a man and woman can stay without marriage!)

After a while - prophet sm- goes to her house and proposes.. can u imagine!!!
Even with Rasulullah sm she doesn't say yes immediatly!!
🌟🌟 🌟 min41
Nice, intelligent answers/conditions by umm salamah, 3 conditions- giyarah/ego, age, family
An equally awesome replies from prophet sm!
Umm salamah - lot can he told about her. Her wit and wisdom was visble in the tough situation of
Umm salamah died in 59 hizrah, long life.

(Lots of notes can be taken from umm salamah's story, note that Rasulullah sm proposed directly)

🚩 The 7th wife - zainab bint zahash.

(Will be continued later, from here)

Hizab was one of the later of the laws revealed. All the laws came quickly. Hizab came after
salah,after zakaah, after all of this. At the beginning of the 5th yet of hizrah. And it was revealed at
the story is f zainab bint zahash.

Back to the gaazawaat..

Zatur riqa, controversy regarding when it took place, ibn ishaaq says right now, thats why we are
doing it now(after uhud), as we try to follow ibn ishaaq.

However people greater than ishaaq such as bukhari and others they said it happened after Khaibar.

But one of the main evidences that happened now is the story of Jabir. বুঝি নাই কেমনে ...

Against Banu gatafaan, prophet sm arranged 700 men, they were standing in the
battlefield seeing each other,but no fighting took place . Gatafaan basically retreated.

Then while returning, the story of anaother miracle of prophet sm- takes place with a Gatfaani who
was following the Muslims, Ghaoura was his name, when the Muslims took rest and all were sleeping,
he found prophet sm and attacked with sword ,just at that moment Rasulullah sm wakes up...
Ghoura says, do u fear me? Rasulullah sm said, no, why should I fear u!?...
Who is gonna save u from me??
At this he was trembled and the sword fall from his hand.... And the story we all know, there two
versions of the story.

The prophet sm didn't do him anything. And left him safe!!

Who is in the world would have done that ,will do that??
The prophet just asked with the sword, do u accept Islam? The man said I just guarantee u that I will
never attack u again .
Prophet sm- takes it. And leaves him. 🌟🌟 🌟

The man went back to his tribe and said zi'tu min khairin naas... I have come back from the best of
all of mankind.
Now one of the famous story of two sahaba- Abbad ibn bishr, Amar ibn Yasir nightgourds.
Abbd in bish stood first guarding, then when he started to pray a salah, an arrow hits him from
gaatfan spy... He brought out the arrow and continued to pray! The another arrowhita him, still he
was praying and just when he thought that he would faint, then he called Ammar bin Yasir. Ammar
asked why didn't u call me early, he replies- I was reciting a beautiful surah, meaning the lazza was
precious,sweet in his heart, and I didn't want break my salah! Has it not for the amanah of gourding I
would have continued to pray!!
(It is said that he was praying surah Yusuf)
What a story!

Now this one ,, is even better
Then comes the defining story of when zatur riqa took place happen,Zabir ibn Abdullah.
He narrates it by himself-
His father was just dead, piling a huge debt,, he had 7 sisters ,,he had just a thin,old 🐪 camel,, so he
was very tensed,nervous.
Just then prophet sm came riding camel from behind him. Asked "Jabir what happened,why do u
look so tensed? Jabir tells the story... And pbuh asks, are married? He says yes. A virgin or widow? He
says a widow/older girl. Rasulullah sm (who was actually trying to raise his mood,every young man
understands 🌟🌟 Zabir was 17 years age) why didn't...... He says I wanted someone who could look
after my sister's,not someone who joins them and pressurises me more.hearing this Rasulullah sm
says "Asabta, you were right ✅✔
This prove marrying only depends on situation.... And necessity,no problem to....

And the story in total is a one piece 🌟🌟 🌟

এটা অনুবাদ করতেসি ইন শা আল্লাহ।।
Hour 1.05

Go with the story from the starting....

Man ,, what a man!!

((Wallahi, it shows that what care did phrophet am had! That he is looking at every one person, so
much so a 17 year person! & This hadith also tells about marital intimacy; Muslimmatters has an
article of ykd about this; this hadith also tells us about buy and selling; the hadith is called 🌟 Hadith
of Jabir 🌟 full of wisdom))

Man ,, what a man!


Episode 53- expulsion of banu nadhir ,, + episode--54 (a1, 54 is a1-- juyairiah bint harith marriage+
slave theory cleared 🌟🌟 )

So among the first six wives of prophet sm- only one was non quraashi . And that was ...?(should
Now the expulsion of Banu nadhir is the precursor of battle of khandaq.

In Islamic fiqh, the recompense/blood money of 100 camels for the accidental men slauter will given
by not only the person who did the mistake but the whole tribe.
And the recompense/blood money for killing a person is 100 camels + two months fasting by the
person who committed the crime.

Now from the story of Amr, the man who killed two innocent person from the Amir in tufails tribe..
Prophet sm needs to collect 100 camels as for the blood money of this two person, as He had
already gave them protection, before the killing happened .

That's why prophet sm goes to banu nadhir, and the whole story is connected.

Musa ibn okba ,one of the early seerah researcher of the time of ibn Saad and other he was one of
the classical writers of seerah, says Banu nadhir helped the quraish by guiding them in the battlefield
of uhud.
And of course the Kaab ibn ashraaf, the dirty character, was from Banu nadhir.

Prophet sm with Abu bakr , Umar ra went to banu nadhir seeking help for the blood money, they
informed them and Banu nadhir told them to sit under the fortress, then the treachery!
They tried to fell something from the top very Rasulullah sm's head but Allah swt informed him
through gibrael and immediatly he prophet SM stands up and walks away... Without telling the
sahabas anything..
This was the famous incidents what we hear.

Suratul maayida is one of the last surahs to be revealed.

Father of safiyyaa later ummahatul muminin ,huay ibn akhtaab was the leader/chieftain of Banu

Abdullah ibn Ubai the hypocrite was like himself(munafiq) with the Banu nadhir, yahuds,, who
promised many things to them ,upon which promise they took the battle decision, but he doesn't do
That is also a predection 🌟🌟 🌟 of Quran!
Needs to be researched a bit more...

So the Banu kainuka previously gone now Banu nadhir gone, left is Banu quraizaa.

To show that how confident was prophet SM -- when Banu nadhir was in siege, he SM took the bulk
of the army and went to the Banu quraizaa to ask them whether they are gonna uphold and
rejuvenate the treaty or not !
(This is obviously connected to the story of Banu quraizaa , which the anti Muslims they
were warned by the prophet far before the killing)

Prophet SM , after the Banu nadhir accepted the defeat, without any battle,. Left them with as much
they could take in their camels... No punishment, no life taken,nothing just leave!!

For they threatened the life of the main person of the Muslims!!!
Still Islam is bad??

So the they left Madina with the camels piled to the topmost,didn't leave a penny which they could
take! Even they child of them were walking!
And they destroyed their own nicely built architecture ,which they were specialized upon,by their
own hand!!
In Quran it is mentioned as a punishment by Allah, imagine what pain to break ur own built house!

The land got by the expulsion of Banu nadhir were distributed to the Muhazirun whom didn't had
any land . It is also noted that 3 of the ansers who didn't had any wealth, was also given lands from

Now sura hashr is totally linked with Banu nadhir story , we are taking a quick look..
Ibn Abbas said don't call it sura Hasr , call it surahtul Banu nadhir, because the word Hasr makes us
think about the main Hasr/gathering, though here it's not pointing to the main hashr.

Like awwalin hashr, a nice implication by Allah swt...many hashrs will take place.
Wealth should not make the wealthier wealthy! The ayah of Islamic economy.. like Kaila yakuna
doolatan bayna agniya minkum.. money should not just go around among the rich,should filter down
to the poor...

Tahsabuhum jamiya, kulubuhum shatta...

So without understanding seerah , surah hashr is you won't understand. So seerah's importance also
reflect on understanding Quran.

Now some early scholars also said that banu nadhir story happened just after badr. Ibn shihab juhri,
urwah ibn jubair they said this, remember they are the earliest scholars,most famous scholars of
seerah of the tabiuun..
But later scholars confidently opposed that saying their must be a genuine mistake!
Or they are confusing this with Banu kainuka, as the blood money system only started after uhud !
(Rem. All the strory of Banu nadhir begins with blood money collecting necessity for Banu amir ) this
opinion is given by waqidi,ibn Saad, ibn ishaaq.and this opinion is logically clear. Ibn ishaaq is one
generation later scholars of ibn shihab juhri ,✔✅
👋 So it took place shawwal of the 4th year of hizrah.


Who performed the niqah / niqahs of prophet SM?


There is a cultural element here, and there is a myth going on..many people thing that the marriage
must be performed by a priest or some 1,, like the Christians.

No no , there is no such thing like this in Islam, marriege is a contract, between a wali and a groom
which is done under two witnesses an.. we bring an imam to check all things, but islamicly speaking
there is absolutely no need of an imaam or some1 to perform the niqah.... Hour 1.09 👍
Episode 54 ---- expedition of al-Muraysi & banul mustaliq ((a1))

In between Zaid ibn sabith is being told to learn Hebrew. He learns it in 15 days.!

//The explanation and revelation of the verse ... La iqraha fiddini....even if it is your son...
Min 10 🌟🌟 🌟
Was actually revealed in favour of the Jewish people.

At the time of Islam, prophet SM ... Islam was unparallel in the case of religious freedom etc.
But the type of freedom the modern secular Western democracy gives is a modern phenomenon,
this didn't exist 200 years ago.its a different tangent to talk about. 🌟

The civil wars of Christianity gave birth to modern secular values. 🌟🌟 🌟

Whereas we never had that problems.

Muslims belief our faith is true but if u want to follow your faith that's ur business, it's ur business in
this world and the next.
🌟We will not gonna say it's okay morally but we will say it's okay legally 🌟🌟

It came down for Muslims that they are not allowed to force their own sons back into Islam !!

Hassan and Hussain were born between less than one year.
Prophet SM always changed bad, negative, egotistical names to good ones. He SM changed Hassan
ra name from harb.

Famous Hadith in bukhari is of course very well known-

Once prophet SM was intentionally holding Hassan during his khutba. And he then says during the
khutbah,. " Inna bani haza sayyid .
And sayyid actually means one of respect and undisputed leader, this is what sayyid truly means, in
Our culture sayyid means something else , the descendents of pbuh.

'and a day will come when he will cause reconciliation between two large groups of muslims'

And that is what actually happened as we know...min23... Than we know the story between Hassan
and Muawwiya .

We belief there were five khulafa ar-raashidun. And Hassan was the fifth of them. He was only for 6
months but still ..

And there is an interesting Hadith which is in musnad a Ahmed - " takunul khilafaatu... Khilafah upon
you will be for thirty years upon the methodology of the prophet sm., Then there shall be a righteous
kingdom for as long as Allah wills, than that will be taken away. Than there shall be an unrighteous
kingdom for as long as Allah wills, and then it will come back to khilafah all min haza an-nobuah and
then he was quite"

So it shows that as the prophet sayd for thirty years.... Subhanallah down to the very month! Exactly,
the dirty years, he passed away in rabiul awwal and when did Hassan abdicate rabiul awwal , down to
the very month !!
Clear dalayel 👍✔✔✌

Now the expedition of al-Muraysi and Banu Al mustaliq.

Muraisi is the location and banul mustaliq is the tribe .

They lived between macca and Madina, south of Madina.

When this battle happened??.... Many opinions,4th or 5th or 6th...

The strongest position(5th year) goes against ibn ishaaq(6th year) that is why 90 percent of seerah
books will have muraisi after hudaibia and after khandaq whereas i am doing it before khandaq and
hudaibia because Saad ibn muaz couldn't be a part of muraisi if it took place 6th year of hizrah. it
must have took place in the 5th year of the hizrah which makes scense.
Therefore without a doubt in Sha Allah, muraisi and incident of Ayyesha and all of this, Took place in
5th year of hizrah.

"Catch them dead or alive" this phrase prophet SM used only to 4 man and 2 women,half of them
were forgiven, 2 man and 1 women were forgiven at the end . Miqyas ibn subaba is one of them,
height of treachery. Pretended to be Muslim, Took the blood money,killed the man and fled away. So
the phrase prophet SM used for a reason!

According to Islamic law a slave can demand his freedom. So juyairiah bint Al harith demanded her
freedom from sabith ibn qayis.
She goes directly to pbuh seeking monetary help. Ayesha ra narrating directly here.... Nice little story!
As soon I have seen her I have hated her... 🌟
...Than prohet SM marries juyairiah, now the answers began to whisper how can we captive the in
laws of prophet SM as our slaves. So one by one all the ansers freed their own slaves untill all the
slaves were freed!!
When al-haris comes back to take back his daughter, prophet SM like the Zaid bin haritha story gives
the decision power to juyairiah,and she decides to stay with pbuh. Seeing this , Al harith becomes
Muslim, seeing Al harith becoming Muslim the whole tribe of him became Muslim! 🌟🌟
So prophet SM made him the leader again! And the tribe goes back with all their possessions ,all the
things were like it was previously except that they become Muslims and juyairiah is prophet SM
🌟🌟 🌟

This clearly proofs that muslims didn't fight for wealth or anything else.
Zihaad and qitaal is clarified here
🌟🌟 🌟

Ayyesha ra later commented that I have never seen a women bringing more good luck to his tribe.

Some nice interpretation of ykd about prophet SM desire after seeing the beauty of juyairiah.... 🌟🌟 🌟
min 56
There were both marriage for self and wise perspective of..
Some cmnts about slavery, we can't even say the term slavery in Islamic culture. Min 59.
When the world practised a very barbaric system our sharia humanised it ! 🌟
The only source of Riq or abd is the captive who is not ransomed yet.
Free people can't be and can't be made slave!
And there is also Hadith about that.

Another impo fact-

The sons from slave will get exactly same honour and everything as from the son of a full marriage.
The best example for this is the example of ismayeel and ishaaaq.
Again in our own history, the majority of Abbasid khulafa is the sons of slave women!
And the slave mother gets an immediate automatic upgrade from her slave status, she can't be sold
and she is freed automatically after her husband is dead!!
🌟🌟 wow


Episode 55 (behaviour towards father,maslahaa,hizaab,zilbaab,khimar,qaalimatul haqqi..), + 56

( slendar--part 2)

Ep55-- return from Al muraisi and slender on ayyisha ra

We said previously that battle of muraisi is known for not the battle itself but the things that
happened after the battle 🌟,, three things- first one was marriage with Zuyyairiah.

2nd incident was the muhajir and anser fight, aftermaths ignited by the hypocrites...nice wisdom
from prophet SM solving this matter as he didnt even asked who did what..just admonished the total
affair. And another great wisdom is he SM called answer , muhajir racism muntina meaning rotting,
disgusting-- if this group in is stingy which is mentioned in the Quran(obviously this is the negative
use of the grouping) than what do u think about the grouping things that happened today in the
Than comes the sayings of the hypocrite Abdullah Ubai... Comparing Muslims or muhajirs with
fattening dogs and saying that when we go arrive at Madina the honourable will sway away the ones
who have no honour.
He was saying in his tent where there was only the munafiqs . But there was a young munin Zaid ibn
....than Abdullah ibn Abdullah Ubai comes just in front of the gate of the Madina telling prophet SM
that let me kill my father because if someone else kills him than I have to take retribution. But
prophet sm said "la bal ahsin suhbatahu" no rather your duty is to be good companion to him (!)। 🌟
Then the topic of maslahaa..maslahaa means public welfare,take things,laws which is better for
people,,many people takes it to corrupt things.... Ykd surely says maslahaa is only used in the
absence of text, not to discredit the text ✔✔

3rd incident is the event of Ayyesha slender::

One of the traumatic incident of the seerah. Prophet sm sometimes took his wives on war not
Everytime. Most of the time when the victory was pretty much sure. Ayesha narrates that battle of
muraisi took place after the hizab ruling gas been revealed. (In the end of 4th year reaveled the hizab

& here again Ykd says that the verses of hizab are the last commandments to be revealed. After
salah,zakaat,fasting,after marriege and divorce which is in baqaraah..after etc. No doubt hizaab is
important, but i think many of us has made the hizaab more important than the salaah!!! ★ 🌟🌟 no
doubt hizab is important but put it in it's own place!

The meaning of hizaab in the Quran is total different from the term hizaab we use in our vernacular.
What we use for hizaab as a word is basically a qhimaar (in Quran). Clered in min 45.
The hizaab in Quran means physical Curtain which was only applicable to the wives of the prophet
SM . Qhimaar and zilbaab for all women... For only the wives of prophet SM -- Hizaab ✔

Nowdays some progressives say that... Hizaab was only for the wives of prophet sm...
🌟🌟🌟 Now this is a technically true statement that is intended for something false 💯 qaalimaatu
haqqi an urida biha baatil .
it is true - the quranic hiZaab is only for the wives of the prophet SM, but what is a quranic hiZaab???
It is an extra layer of curtain ,not the hizaab(headscarf) we think. Ayesha would wear a khimaar,would
wear a zilbaab but she would also had a hizaab! 💯 Even the figure of Ayesha couldn't be seen in
public(rules for ummahatul muminin) she has to be behind a canopy/curtain ((but why is the rule for
ummahatul muminin by Allah swt, YKD didn't explain,, we reason found in this
lecture in the q/a session- Umar ra told to pbuh that u should put curtain ruling on your wives
because the munafiqs will speak bad,this was before Allah revealed verses of hizaab))

Then Ayessha narrates the rest of the story...

... I didn't wake up until I hear the voice "la haula wa la quaata I'll Billah" of Saffwan ibn Muattal as
sulaami . And Ayyesha says ..he has seen me before the hizaab verse came down, so he recognized
me. Ayessha says I swear by Allah, He didn't say one word to me.just took the rope of the camel....
They caught the group before it just reached Madina. And guess what who was at the back of the
group, Abdullah ibn Ubai in saalun,typical place for the hypocrites. Ayessha says the she was sick for
at least one month, so she didn't know anything about rumours spreading.

One of the fascinating thing about the scholars narrating or discussing the story is that they never
ever mentioned the actual rumour, it's just so!
💯 No books of seerah ever verbalizes the slander.

Even if something happens and u hear about it don't spread it to others. The more u spread
faahisha,, forget about faahisha. The more u spread violence the more u r going to descensitize to
violence. The more u spread vulgarity ,the more vulgar people will become.and that's why the adab
of our scholars...


It was not like that Umar ra was always right, later on umars life Umar by himself that only people
check ur opinion before u suspect Quran, for that on the day of hudaibia I was almost reach the state
of qaafir... Hour1:11.
Episode 56 ---- the slander of Ayyesha-Part 2

Out of adab to maa ayesha ra, no scholar ever uttered the slender in history books up to even recent

Ayesha was even innocently naive, dont even understand the sophistication of the elder world!

She fell sick with a fever for one month after the arrival. Nobody informed her about a bit about the
rumours, flying out. The only thing ticked in her mind was that prophet sm wasnt reacting to her like
he used to do before.

She saying... One night we went to relieve ourselves, i and umme mistah. We didnt use to go
Everyday, may be once in two to three days..-- note that how little they used to eat that...
Umme mistah is abu bakr first cousin. Umme mistah falls and curses her own son! Ayesha stands up
to defend mistah! how can u curse ur own son?! ---watch out the fitrah of a muslim.

After hearing the rumour she felt more sick than the last month, severe sickness,, now its more

Successful marriages are always the object of jealousy among people,specially to the women.
Ayesshas mother tried to make her understand.

So abdullah ibn ubai was the main guilty party of the rumour. Mistah,hamanah bint jahaash,hassan
ibn saabit were responsible for gossiping issues- they were not the main rumour monger-nauzubilla.

Ayesha said the only wife of prophet sm who competed with me was zainab bint zahaash.she was
righteous but her sister hamana fall prey to shaitan.

Majority of the munafiqun was from khajraj because abdulla ibn ubai was from khajraj...problems of

Usamas nickname Was hibbun nabi.

Now ali and ayesha, yani we know from the seerah that there were some minor tensions between
them and there is nothing wrong mentioning this after all they were humans,but ali and ayrsha they
never went beyond the bounce.

Usama clearly defended ayesha ra but ali remain a bit vague but still 100‰ honest.not against not
beside.... If prohet sm u doubt u can ask ayeshas maid barira..

So prophet sm called barira.

Now barira mentions the heinous,grivous sin which ayesha commits 😮 lol
La haula wa la.... Min 30
Goat ate the dow!!

Now what we can definitely learn from this Consultancy of prophet sm with ali and usama is that
rasul sm isnt hesitating at all from getting informed from even the teeneger usama!
But we tent to be egotistical to invite our juniors to consult.

My qsn is - if both jainab and saad ibn muaz was in bukhari about this event and one is
mistaken......then how come imam bukhari didnt get that!!.....may be i didnt get some point.

Saad ibn muaz,aaus and saad ibn ubadaah,khajraj...... Talk fight in the gathering called by prophet in
the mosque of the prophet..
Tribalism ignites!
This is the problem of furqa and ikhtilaaf!!
This is the problem of fighting for egos ⭐⭐🌟
This is the problem of not caring the bigger picture!
Is this the time to bring up aaus and khajraj fight!!?

& That's why prophet SM said 4 things will always stay in my ummah faqhru bill ansaab, which is basically tribalism. In our days it is nationalism. And it is happening in
the time of best generation..than what about our time?!
............ This thing , party politics rises and the broughter picture, the main thing,greater reason goes
begging ((this thing must be understood if we want to reunite Muslims 🌟🌟🌟))

2.questioning others geneology

3. Qualling,wailing over the dead
4. Astrology, believing in the stars

★ ★🌟
One of the interesting thing about Ayesha is that even when she narrating the whole story..she
always tried do defend even the slight wrongdoer. Here she is defending Saad bin ubadaah,
previously defended jainaab.....don't think bad of them!!

prophet sm atlast goes to ayesha ra or Abu bakr house to tal with ayesha..
He start by phraising Allah even at this situation than amma baad ...
Then he sm tells ayesha if u r innocent than Allah will make u clear...
But in case u have slipped to a sin than ask forgiveness to Allah and repent to him for indeed Allah
I'd ever forgiving.
...notice even this tough situation prophet sm is relaxed and how important is repentence 💯 ⭐⭐⭐
The sin for which sharia law is death.. Prophet is still saying that just in case u slipped, repent and
Allah will forgive 👍
Any sin can be forgiven by repentance.

And this story surely makes it clear that Muhammad is a true prohet and the final messenger,
without any shadow of a doubt.
🌟 how?

 wahi isn't coming for an entire month! Such a painful situation. While everyone is in pain,
nervousness...including abi bakrs family, Muhammad SM,his family and the believer, had he
been a false prophet, wahi would have come the 2nd day and problem khalas.....easy// min 49.

Very strong detail here, need to hear, can't take all the notes.

Now, Ayessha stops cryning and start to feel rage,anger...

She tells her mother than her father to reply on behalf of her...but both of them says I don't know
what to say..

Than she gathers all her courage to reply by herself and Ayessha narrates- as I was too young I
couldn't remember the name of yaqub as.
So I said to prophet SM - all I can say now is what abi yousuf said to his sons...fasabarun
zamil,wallahul mustaaunu..
Saying that I completely turned around in the bed to the side of the wall.

So what happens when all refuses to take her side she turns to Allah swt. And Allah swt immediately
responses to her call.. reality of tauhid,not even the prophet of Allah will help u against Allah. We
only seek Allahs help. Ya kanaa budu...

Then they all saw prophet SM crooking and henching with pearls of sweat!! Wahi comes..after the
revelation completed the prophet SM smiles.
Surah Nur veses...

Umme ruman says o Ayesha stand up to thank prophet SM,but Ayesha says I Will only thank Allah

Than the verse about Abu bakrs donation prevention of mistah, Allah directly almost admonishes
Abu bakr to make that kind of propmise!....and till the end of his life Abu bakr continued to donate
with an extra donation to mistah ra 👍 🌟🌟

What a religion is this !!

Than about the punishment.

Only the righteous ones were punished...mistah,hamana,Hassan ibn sabith was whipped 80 times.

Abdullah ibn Ubai was not punished at all. Scholars say that Abdullah was left for the akhira as Allah
doesn't want to diminish his punishment by...

As for safwan ibn Muattal ,his testimony was also taken...he said i swear by Allah I never ever raised a
veil of a women in my life.
Also he hit with his swords blunt side Hassan ibn sabith. And also he makes poetry....also the matter
goes to who else ....prophet SM for justification. As safwan cannot take law in his hand!
And prophet SM.......makes unbelievable justification with handing a gift of garden to Hassan!
As Hassan could have demanded the same bitting to safwan. Islamic law is tooth for tooth, eye for

And ayyub Al Ansari get phraises in the Quran by directly quoting him in the Quran. Becareful of
nammam(true gossiping),buhtan ( opobaad). These are highly prohibited in Islam.

The fruits of patience will always be sweet. Even if no one stands with u turn to Allah!
(Better is don't wait even for anyone, directly turn to Allah)

Then some talks about the group who still today slender our mother when Allah directly announces
our chastity. Hour 1:17.
They, all of them don't say this, only some of them ..
May be they don't like her but they in majority don't slender her,only few of them..


The end


Epi 57- battle of khandaq/ahzaab + epi 58

Hizbx, means group

Ahzaab means groops
In the 4th year khandaq battle takes place.(directly from bukhary hadith) 🌟 . But still there is
difference of opinion!! Many ulama said it happened in 5th year! By piecing together the whole
seerah ,they say it took place in the 5th year. Then what about the bukhari,,ibn umar Hadith?! Imam
bayhaki gave the explanation that mayxz be it was just at the beginning of 14th year of ibn umar that
uhud takes place and... But the whole point is who take care of the birthdays at that time!

So the correct opinion is the khandaq battle

took place at the 5th year of the hizrah.

In the 3rd year uhud takes place.
In the 2nd year badar takes place.

There is no zero in the hizri calender.

What was the reason of this battle of khandaq??

-Where did the Banu nadhir's go??

After the attempt to kill the prophet SM... When they were expelled from Madina , they went to
Khaibar . (rem)

Khaibar was in the vicinity. If u drive 2 hours.

So the Banu nadhir were greedy to have there land back.

The quraish had an inferiority complex to the yahuds.. yahuds went to the quraish for help to fight
against Muhammad!

Now , which religion was closure to the yahuds ? Quraish or the islam?? Abu sufian asks to the

Almost 80% basic things are almost the same.taharah, libas, theology..
Halakha means the way (yahudi term)
Sharia means the way .
No other religion in the world are as close to Islam than the yahudi religion.
Than the footnote is how? That happened??
Prophet SM didn't study their scriptures to make that happen .....! He was iliterate!!

Thats because the source was same 🌟🌟

And the yahuds reply, u quraish are more rightly guided than the Muslims!

They yahuds also hired the gatafaan (mercenaries)

And Many other tribes were also ready to help the yahuds..

All of the people if Madina were not more than 2500. So the opponent were quadruple if counted.
Never before 10-15 tribes of arabia came together.

Khandaq was the first battle Salman Farsi perticipated and he gave the idea of 'khandaq' (idea of
person) thing. By the way this also proves that Islam is very open to new ideas,and it is historically
proved as well.
🌟🌟 🌟
That when comes to technology, innovation is positive!
That when comes to rituals , innovation is negative . (Meaning worldly things..)

Details min32 🌟🌟

So the saying like.....this is the quffar thing we can't do it !!

Doesn't work.
If it doesn't go against Allah law.

... And inside the Madina lies Banu quraizaa!

Abdulla ibn jubair born in quba, positive omen. U can have positive omen in islam but no negative

Hassan ibn sabit rohoshsho....

Why didnt he participate in khandaq. Yes it is may be heard to hear but he had problems with
war,battles. Abdullah ibn jubair who was also sent in the fort(aged 4 at that time) where banu quraiza
attacked, tells us that Hassan wasn’t brave.
Ykd explains this as, as he was good in arts. people most of them -if good in arts than poor in
fightings... This is abput the left brain, right brain etc thing.

First thing the banu quraiza planned was to execute the women and children.. then safiyyaa binte
Abdul muttalib. - she takes a shaul and takes man look... Directly cuts the throat of the spy and send
it down to the spy's companion 🌟🌟 🌟 brilliant min 45
So the companion gets totally afraid. And runs away, thinking they were guarded!

Guess what would had happened if safiyyaa doesn't do this??!!!

Than another funny cmnt from hassan ibn saabit.... I am in no need of those Shields and arms 😅

Ykd says ..why I am mentioning this , weaknesses of the sahaba....min 50

Ykd says ilham is the wahi of non-phrophets, delivered by the anjel jibrael... Than the super position
of Hassan ibn saabit , which is given to him prophet SM, that he had a mimber in the mosque of
prophet SM where he used deliver his poetry ,while phrophet SM was alive...another event of Hassan
with Umar ibnul khattab, which clearly shows that... Min.53..
Isn't it comforting that Hassan ibn saabit who had such high position also had human flows, which
makes us realize that he was just a human like us?! 🌟🌟

Wisdom is- every single one of us has a role to play, our negative side shouldnt hampere our
positives when it needs to be displayed. Hassan ibn saabit did what Abu bakr, Umar couldn't 👍
Even further we can say that there is a place o fine arts in Islam! ...Hour 1:10 🌟 🌟 সেরা

Next time when when shaitan comes and whispers to u......who r u to contribute to the
ummah??!........just realize
A true muslim never dismisses his sins but he never uses this or due to this sin seats back while he
gets the opportunity to do good to the ummah. 👍

At the end 🚩🚩
Narrating someone's faults for wisdom isn't rediculing them

Episode-- 58

battle of the trench took place in the winter. Food shortage,full. Why they used bind rocks in the

Now jabir ra narrating a miracle, which is highly laugh inducing!

Jabir ra just cooked a little goat, and whispered to prophet sm that... Ya Rasulullah, You and just 1 or
2 people are invited to my home.. 🌟🌟🌟 prophet SM stood up and said ya ahlul khandaq , Jabir and
his wife has prepared a meal for us,and fa haiyya halla bikum..... meaning all of u welcome!
Then Prophet SM told Jabir don't lift the pot cover until I come. So prophet SM spits on the food
and makes dua over the food. And told the people to come ten at once than ten than ten...ten..ten...

And at last one sahaba asked how many people ate in ur house roughly.....Jabir replies-- around a
thousand people. 🌟🌟🌟 A1, dalayel an nobuah..

Now this types of event happened many times in the seerah but perhaps in terms of shear quantity
this incident is the most 👍✔

🌟 BARAQA..... Min8 .....highly important

Allahumma barilq Lana fi qulli ma razaqtaana ✔ if I have one dollar let it stretch out so that it acts
100 dollar! 🌟🌟🌟
Essense of baraqa...
Then the Hadith of the big Rock....another dalayel !!!

The keys of Shaam,madaayen (white pillers, telephones rem. Rasulullah SM never saw this things,this
telephones still remain to this day...clear miracle ) Yemen.

One by one... RASUL SM PREDICTED all ...... absolute dalayel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌟🌟 🌟 A1 .

Then the Hadith of alfiyatul bagiyya..of Ammar bin Yasir killing.

Sakhar ibn harb ibn umaiyya was the name of Abu sufian(Abu sufian is kuniah).after badr he become
the defacto leader, as all the leader were dead ! But he was a Noble enemy. wins people..
...Becareful!! Min23.

Another interesting opponent of khandaq ,, uuaaina ibn hisn......the real jaheliya level person... অনেক
কিছু জানার এই ব্যাক্তির সাথে জড়িত...worst of mankind..prophet SM was polite in front of him but harsh
when he lived,when Ayesha Ras asked about this pbuh replied "the worst people of mankind are
those, with whom people are nice only to save themselves from there evil" 🌟🌟 .. Killer of his own
father by his father order min 29. Banu fazara leader was he.

Tulaiha Al asadi was one of those ten people who declared him to be a prophet, the third he was,
after musailama and sazzah. Tulaiha said he has a Quran. Khalid ibn Walid was sent to him and he
demolished.tulaiha went to Syria, amazingly in Syria he genuinely accepted Islam. He then came back
to Madina,repentent. Abu bakr forgave him. He made dua to Allah for forgivance and to take him as
a shaheed. Eventually he fought with khalid ibn Waleed in the battle of qadisiya and died as a
shaheed 👍
(O ho, can u call him a kaafir?? Naauzubillah)
He had a big role to play at qadisiya.accomplished a lot!! Lot of things to be learned 🌟🌟🌟 declared
himself a prophet and still look how he came back!

Gatafaan the trickers..... Told the Muslims, they the Khaibar people are giving us half of their crops for
attacking u, but if u give us ur one third... We will not attack u and sit at home (!). Min 38.
Most authentic books say the building of khandaq took 6 days. And the siege was for one
was the middle of the winter.

Khandaq was the most terrifying and fatigued battle for muslims, umme salamah narrates.

Huay bin akhtaab made his way to Banu quraizaa,sneaking between the trench. Banu quraizaa
chieftain was qaab ibnal First qaab directly ignored to break the treaty. But huay knows his
people well. He kept insisting...until finally qaab agreed to shift over.

Now the rumour begun to spread... Prophet SM is thinking and asking who is going to spy Banu
quraizaa for me?... Jubair ibnu awwam stands out immediately... This was the time when prophet SM
speaks the famous phrase. Every prophet has his hawaarii, my hawaarii is jubair 👍
As this was super brave from jubair..


Episode 59+ episode 60

Episode 59----khandaq 3

Zubair ibn awwam spies and first give the news that quraiza broke the treaty but how did he knew it
we don't know.

Saad bin ubadaah was the leader of khajraj. Was also a contender of khilafah.thats why he had a
slight tension with Abu Bakr ra during the khilafah of Abu Bakr.

Prophet SM sent 4 big sahaba Saad muaj,Saad ubadaah,abdullah rawahaa,...

As deligation. After the affirmation of jubair ra that they broke the treaty and the quraiza people
behaved too badly.
YKD is saying that a rape did happened during the time of Prophet SM. Min 18. Sahih muslim. & we
know that there were prostitutes in the time of prophet SM in Madina. Bukhari.
But Islamic style is we never spread the vulgar evil news, because the society gets desensitized.
Islam doesn't sensationalize even the truth !!
It's after the committee of the sin is arrested than u tell everyone that , yes that was happened and
the criminal is gonog to be punished, than the moral is in front 👍

But the society we live in is...... Does it is necessary to say!....scandals,rumours, newspapers...

And the munafiqs started to gossip and say... He promised us kaisar and kisrah and etc and now we
can't even go to the bathroom!

Barely 6-7 years after this munafiq utter this words, Muslims were eating from the plates of kisrah 🌟
Not even a decade!!

Despite being the largest army, yet in terms of casualty it is the smallest, and wallahi wallahi it is a
sign from Allah swt.

A small group of man snicked over the trench. Their leader was Amar ibn abd Uud. He worn a red
turben. Ferocious worrier . And he said who is going fight me!? 🌟🌟🌟
Ali ra stood up ......and story goes by........
........ Brave ya Ali ..

Nowfel ibn abdillah vs jubair ibn Awwam..min 31. Jubair directly splits nowfels body!'s not the
sword it's the arm!! .... sometimes a bit feeling is allowed 😮

The rullings of hizaab revealed at the end of 5th year of hizrah.

Saad ibn muaz's wound .....

About saad ibn muaz,, min43.

And his fantastic dua..... Star 🌟🌟 🌟
A gift from Bahrain king, the name of that place at that time wasn't Bahrain. This incident took place
2-3 years after Saads death. A fine , gold decorated robe.
It was so beautiful that sahaba didn't see that type of cloth before. they literally circled around to
catch the sight of the cloth.

Many fatwas are derived from that incident..first is it is absolutely halaal to wear nice cloths . (There is
another Hadith to proof this... Innalloha jamilun..) but prophet SM never spent money on it. And his
heart was not atouched with that. 🌟 point is that he was shocked at their shock and said...
Ataajabuna min haza??!

Fawallahi lamindiluu Saad ibn muaz fill zannah... Wallahi the handkerchief of Saad ibn muaz in jannah
is better than this (!!!)
Wow....again many things to be learnt. . Out of nowhere Saads name comes in the mind of prophet
sm's mind , out of all the sahabas..
And the hearts place is not for these worldly things is also shown!

We have only two incidents of prophet sms missing salah. One is when at khandaq last times while
arrows were flowing too much from the opponent, and there for the attack is going too hard
prophet SM forgot to pray.

Another incident was the fazar prayer issue..when all fall asleep. Belal was on duty.and he also felt
asleep. Then the sun Rose and prophet SM was the first one to wake up. 'Ya bilaaa what happened?!.
Bilal answered , the one who cause u to sleep,cause me to sleep.. 😀 the one took ur soul also took
my soul...

Salatul wusto--- means the asr prayer.

Prophet SM became angry , and made dua to Allah against them,, not because of the
war ,not because they are trying to kill them but because they made him not pray the Asr!!!
🌟🌟 🌟 then what is our reasoning for not praying?!
We play,watch TV,, hang with friends, run for money and not pray!.......... সাবাশ নিজের প্রতি.
Normally if there is time pray the earlier prayer in the case of kaja prayers...min56.

The story of nuaaim ibn masuud ibn gatafaani..the one Allah used to turn the things around at
We don't know many things about him.

At the end of uhud 2, Abu sufian announced to Muslims that we will meet again at badr.

Nuaaim comes at the ending of khandaq and tells pbuh that he has accepted Islam. Only comes in
mind the ayah... O maai yattaqillaha yajallahu mukhraja.... Hour 1.06

It was to nuaaim that prophet SM said his famous phrase........" Al harbu khiiDaa"
War is deceit...war is tricks.

Now very important point we need to be careful is.... khiiDaa isn't khiyanaah.
khiiDaa is tricks whereas khiyanaah means u make a promise and the turn around. In islam it is never
allowed to do khiyanaah. Hour 1.09

Nuaaim was trustworthy to Abu sufian, and he was friend of Banu quraizaa also.

...And the emissary from banu quraiza comes whose name was azzal ibn Saamuel (আমার নাম, মুইন স্যার
যেটা ডাকে)

Episode 60 --- khandaq 4

From Nuaim ibn masuud Al gaatafani...

Qaab ibn asaad was the leader of Banu quraizaa.

Now the Sabbath confusion or tragedy which gets the quraish...min16

Break the Sabbath!!
That's superbly planned by Allah swt.... 🌟🌟

Great descriptions!...coming...min 25
Prophet SM on the windy,stormy night of that Friday, asks the sahabas....who is going to spy for me
what's going in quraizaa and gets me as the sahib at the yawmal qiyamah.

We know about the iman of the sahabas...even they..with their quality.. couldn't raise their hand even
how badly they would've want the company of Rasulullah SM!
So realize, how was their situation , how much tired and weakened the must have been after the one
month of hard work starving and ...

Prophet SM asked thrice .... Still nobody stood up .

Because this was a voluntary work not fard.

Than prophet called, ya Hudaifa...

And also we see that Hudaifa was honest describing his story. He said at last that he had no choice
when prophet called with his name.
What we do in these situations..... Exaggerate!

And we also learn difference between mustahaab and fard.

Why Rasulullah SM chosed Abu sufian ??

You gave the aura of authority 🌟🌟 🌟

The incident of Hudaifa bin yaman. When Abu sufian said I am going to announce just
make sure the person just on it Side is trustworthy..... So what them Hudaifa bin yaman ra do then?!
He jumped on the person right of him first and asked who r u ?!
So the person gave his description.
The Hudaifa jumped on the person left of him..
The person gave him his description!
In the process Hudaifa was left of from giving his own description......... awesome tricks.
মানুষ তো না জাইনাই এটা করে... ফু টবল খেলার মাঠে কয়েকজন কি করত...মনে আসে??
You gave the aura of authority 🌟🌟 🌟
প্রয়োজন এ করলে এক কথা। কিন্তু ফাও ফাও প্রতি স্টেপ এ করলে?! শিখা ফেল!... দেখা যাক কে কদ্দুর করতে পারে। তবে
প্রয়োজন ছাড়া আগ বাড়ায়া আমরা করবো না।

its a tactic of debate actually. U intimidate ur oponent. And by showing that he was so confident....

Then abu sufian says..... Banu quraiza has betrayed us......


Hudaifa comes back and he says the same thing that nuaim has said.... Rasulullah sm was praying.
And he adds what Ayesha ra said in bukhari... Whenever Rasulullah sm is worried,disturbed,
purturbed he starts to pray ★ ★

When all the doors are closed the door of Allah is open.

Hudaifa also mentions that 20 man while coming back told hudaifa that they were doing there job to
solve the war, there face were protected.meaning they were angels. These are the angels remained in
the Quran.

The winds army--- Saba and daabur....min48.


In the Quran , when Allah swt uses wind in singular, it is punishment. When it is used as winds
plural-- it is mercy ...hour 1:04

Episode 61(banu quraiza---A1) + 62

Starts with jibreel coming to prophet sm.

No one prays Asr, except in Banu quraizaa.(2 hours journey)

Interesting fiqh point in the life of prophet SM.
🌟-- when equally qualified mujtahids has made an ijtihaad than no ijtihaad is binding on other

But we know that he said to them, both of u are correct,,but this is from the false narration. The real
narration is , He sm didn't criticised anyone. He let it be.... But there was only one correct way. Both
sides thought they were right. But this wasn't the case. Prophet SM let it go because it's already one.

Is truth one or multiple?!

🌟🌟 🌟
The right position is - truth is one but a person who mistakenly misses the truth will not be
sinful,rather they will be rewarded.(in fiqh issues) there is a hadith also ... If anyone judges,and if he is
right two reward, if he mistakes one reward.
Notice prophet SM never said both of them are correct.
In the eyes of Allah there must be one truth. But whenever people tries and makes mistake ,honest
misunderstanding--than there is reward .

How literal we should be with Quran??

Not with Quran, but with laws of Islam. Min15

🌟🌟 🌟
Like ,can women travel without a marham for three days?.... There is authentic,clear Hadith for
that,can we use rationality with it?! Min16

There is a room for this fatwas, but the main point is only those who are qualified for giving fatwas
should give fatwas.big problems comes when unqualified people comes front and gives verdict and
behaves like they know.
But we r talking about real qualified ulamas. Can the rationalize?
The example can be stated like the matter of we know..... Can a laymen criticise a
doctor?! 🌟 Min 20

When the matter is under the tradition,under the banner of qualified people, let them talk. It
becomes a disaster when unqualified people jumps in the matter.

Classic example of literalists, rationality,ahlal Hadith,athar,qiyas....


then the banu quraiza sieze - lasted for,all ulama agree, 25 days. Prophet sm camped infront of their

Then their leader kaab ibn Asaad told the banu quraiza people- ok we have only three choices-
Nmbr 1-- we all know that he is the prohet that our books have predicted, lets expect his religion.
And we will be safe 🌟 🌟 🌟
But their people denied to accept. Kaab says sicret which everyone knew. So this is the worst time of
arrogance to know the truth and still not accept it.

Nmbr2-- this is even more gruesome! Let's kill all our families, than fight with them.if we lose than
there is nothing to worry. And if we win there are plenty of women to marry after. This was denied by
their people.

Nmbr3-- attack them surprisingly. On a surprise day. Which was their own surprise- at the day of
Sabbath. Bit still the people refused the idea . So kaab got so angry that he said,since the time of
your mother's have given u birth u never made only one decision together.always splited !!

Than kaab sent a messenger to prophet SM - shaas ibn Kai's. He said ,o Muhammad SM give to us
what u gave to Banu Nadeer.
-- No.
Ok,than take all our property and just leave us!
Only unconditional surrender.
Then shaas goes back and comes back ,he or somebody else. This one says send Abu lubaba to our
tribe,we want to talk .

Abu lubaba....story..... min35.

made a sign, which bhaiya used to do in the class.
..... He says I will never be in the venture of Banu quraizaa (area) where I have disobeyed Allah and his
messenger. Meaning the place even where Allah and his messenger are disobeyed should be
avoided 🌟🌟
The story of Repentence..

Then Aamal ibn Saa'da..... His story was also a proof that the quraiza people was killed because of
what they did but more for who they are.
He was not in accordance with banu quraiza but he was with the bank quraiza. Didn't want to betray
by breaking tge treaty at all.. so he was trying to leave just before the day of Banu quraizaa justice
day. Mohammad ibn maslamah was in the gate where and when he was leaving.....min 47.

At the justice day--

Banu quraizaa was with relation with tribe aaus. Saad bin muaz was the tribe head. After the
consistent persuading and forcing of Banu aaus (they were showing the case of Banu nadhir , where
banu nadir were given the chance baecause of persistence of abullah bin Ubai.) . So prophet SM said
will u be cooled if I give the verdict power to one of ur tribes man?? ...
They welcomed the decision.
So prophet SM eventually gave that to there leader Saad bin muaz......which event by itself shows the
magnitude of prophet SM as no ruler does this //
Saad ibn muaz was bleeding for 25 days.them he was slowly taken to Banu quraizaa.on the way to
Banu quraizaa he was surrounded by quraizaa people,and they were persuading him utmost that u
are only chosen because u are merciful. Saad gave the awesome reply.... Min50.
Now is the time.....

Then prophet SM told the aaus, when Saad came,, standup to greet ur leader. And there is not a
single time in the history of his SM liefe that he told someone to standup to show honour. He didn't
even like people standing up in his honour also.
This thing created a controversy in fiqh. Min53. It's regularity that creates problem. One-off maybe..

Then the verdict.......min56

What a scenery, what a leader Rasulullah SM. And what manners from Saad bin muaz.

..wallahi ya Saad, these is the decree of Allah min fawqi Saab e saamawaat.

So all the males were executed. In the valley of ...

Then the huay bin akhtaab two lines.. two phrases. O Muhammad I have never regretted the
animosity I have done to u. But whoever Allah humiliates that is the real one that is humiliated.
Hour 1.00

Qaab bin Asad, the leader of Banu quraizaa, he was not arrogant as huay, but still..
His lines are awesome. Prophet SM reminds him of Ibn kharrash , who was a rabbi and predicted the
coming of prophet SM.. qaab agreed to this but...

Only one women of Banu quraizaa was killed, as she killed a sahaba.

The story of saabith ibn kaab ibn shammas whose life was saved by jubair ibn batta of banu quraiza
in the battle of buas. ...hour 1.08

How many people were killed there??.....ibn ishaaq says 700 ;

Huge number of booty was collected. Prophet SM hot Raihanah as a slave. Prophet SM told her to
accept Islam. But she refused. So prophet SM decided to leave her. When she realized that prophet
SM is going to leave her, she accepted Islam imidietly.. than as happened to other slave s prophet
sm freed and married and said that your freedom is the mahar. But some scholars say that
rahayhanaab told that she wants to remain as a slave while others say she did marry.

🌟🌟 🌟 point is
They we're killed because of what they did. Not because of who they are. Never ever can anyone
charge anti semitism! ..... Hour1:14

Banu quraizaa was asked 3 times, will u agree to ally, shantichukti or not??!....still they did what they
did and...

The problem comes when the offenders offend is balecause when they talk about it they cuts the all
ahjab battle and only focuses to Banu quraizaa ...o u Muslims slaughtered 700 people!!!
Out of context foolishness*

Yes, it was harsh,, but it was deserved 👍

Deutornomy 20: 10-14//. 🌟🌟 🌟
It is just their shariah that, which is applied upon them.

Ihtazza arshur Rahman... Then some words about Saad ibn Muaz. Inspiring and fearful, threatening
also. .... Prophet SM was chanting Subhanallah subhanallah then all on a sudden Allahu
Akbar...sahaba asked why is this change ya Rasulullah?!.... Prophet SM replied the grave just have
squeezed Saad and he was freed just at that moment , wallahi if their were someone for whom the
squeezing could have been ignored , it would have been Saad !! 🌟🌟 🌟
High phraise for Saad ibn muaz, died at 37.
Phraises which didn't even come for Abu bakr and Umar.

Episode 62--- minor expeditions between khandaq & hudaibiyyah

Banu hanifa like a tribe of banu quraish, mohammad ibn salamah captured the banu hanifa
leader,unknowingly. Sumama ibn Asaal..

3 days only and he sees the real islam...

He was getting better food than muslims. It was to him that Rasulullah sm said,.... Verily the qafir
eats with 7 stomach and muslim eats with 1 stomach. (after his gettng muslim) stomach.
Sumama ibn asaal was the first muslim to enter macca with proper talbiya. Quraish tried to kill him
bit others made them calm by saying that, the entire banu hanifa could bounce upon the quraish.
Still Sumama stopped all the food supplies from banu hanifa to banu quraish. The matter went so
bad that the quraish were left to ilhizz, a food which isnt a food at all. Then Abu sufian writes a letter
to prophet SM saying that o Muhammad u are teaching silaye rahimi... Than why aren't u kind ur
own relatives?(meaning the qurais). This was again tricks and nonsense. Because they the quraish
had already did what they did and now they claim...
Still prophet SM, rahamatullil alamin writes letter to sumama to allow the foods 🌟🌟 🌟 this Islam what
the West and other says harsh! We know what the quraish did at shiab a Abu talib still prophets
granted them food.

The prophet sm allowed the christians of nazran to worship at the masjid of prophet sm. ☆ ★ 🌟. Min

Sallam ibn abil huqaiqs assassination... Which the non Muslims also find controversial. This man pais
the gatafaan, funded. The khajraj planned this by their own and came to prophet SM. question: why
khajraj did all this?! Response: because they felt they fall behind of aaus who assassined kaab ibn
ashraaf. They were filling one-zero.

In those days their were no civilians or army. Every man was a military man. Rasulullah SM said to
khajraj ,ok u can kill sallam but don't do anything to children and women. 5 men went. abdillah in
atiq was the leader.

Now , what if someone say. Then we can kill anyone! Answer is no. We have to understand that this
was the system of the world that time. Abu sufian just few day back tried to kill prophet SM with a
beduin. And we know how many time prophet SM was attacked or tried to be assassined by the
yahuds and others. So it was reciprocal. Bit we can't take it and apply. Only if an Islamic state/ khalifa
allows u to do..

Gazwah of banu lihyaan.

Sariiya of jaid ibnul harisaah in the plce of Iis. abul Aas ibn rabiaah, jainabs husband, was the son of
Haala- elder sister of Khadija. Rem prophet sm had 4 daughters- in order: zainab,Rukaiya,Umm
kulsum, Fatimah.

Tangent- Abul Aas and zainab had a daughter- Umama, this was the baby prophet sm was carrying
while praying. And Umama married whome? - Ali bin abi Talib. After her khala Fatima died. 🌟🌟

Abul aas's acceptance of islam---awesome 🌟

Min 58.

Everything from the sea is halaal, whether its caught or just got. Whether it is crab shrimp octopus
or anything else.. All the madhabs agree on this accept Hanafi madhabs has some discrepancies.

Hijab rulling and jainab bint jahash marriege took place now, in the 5th year of hizrah.


Episode 63(btwn K & h) + 64 ( A1 --- Urwah's description+ story...)

Did the muslims had arms with them while they went to hudaybia?... Big debate between the
scholars. One way to balance is..min14

Asharul hurum - zulqada,zulhizza,muharram and rajab.

Prophet sm starts his journey for the macca at the zulqada because he wants to give the message
that there is no desire to fight. Never before this time the quraish had ever broke the rules of sacred
Himarul wahshi is zebra, never wild donkey. The story of abu qatada and non ihram hunting, zebra
min 34. Ykd says he cant stay without two days withou meat, one day with great difficulty! .... What
sahabi did..... ☆ ★ ★

Prophets love for his own people. Prophet SM never wanted to fight his own people. He fought
because he was forced.

Prophet SM always planned, discussed (shura) matters with the sahabas..min 45.
He changed his own ijtihaad whern Abu Bakr...

Prophet SM (controversial) first prayed salatul khauf at Asfaan. 🌟

Hudaibiya = ash shumaisi

On the way to jedda to macca.

Ana's ibn Malik said 14 white hairs.... Ykd

Nadvi sir said 18 hairs. Prophet sms mules name was duldul.

Prophet SM protecting the rights of Kaswah, his camel !! Look at that , if the rights of a camel is
protected than what about the rights of humans ?! 🌟🌟🌟 Stop smearing your brothers.
And notice the aptness and subtlety,timing of prophet SM saying the one who has stopped the
elephant , has also stopped Kaswah. It was the same road, location,uddeshsho.....সেরা

Another dalayel .......A1

The gushing out of water from the well, kuaa. He SM gurgled water and put in the well.... Hour 1.02 .


Harm of macca and Madina has 50 differences at least.

Hunting in asharul hurum is never prohibited. It's the agression against human which is prohibited.
But hunting in the harm of Macca is prohibited of course.

Episode -- 64 : treaty of hudaibiya- 2

Tidbits problem ...

An attack from tanyim... 80 man attacked after fazr and got caught. Any laws of the world will say
that killing is justified at this position. But prophet SM forgave them all
And send them to Macca safely.
Still Islam is barbaric!

Surah alfath-24 says about this little event.

The first emissary was budail ibn warqa.. not a Muslim and not a quraish also..

Budail hears from prophet SM and goes to the quraish and asks that if u give permission I can say
what their leader just said. Ibn ishaaq says the foolish from them said, we dont need to hear from
u ,we already know what they want to say/do. But the wise among them said, let him speak, there is
no propblem to listen to a speech.

Notice here - 🌟🌟
It is always the ignorants, close mindeds who doesn't even want to hear what they thing are
opposition, wants to say !!
They literally wanna shut their ears, it doesn't matter how reasonable u are... Min 14 🌟

Urwaa ibn masuud was the first emissary that the quraish send though he wasn't a qurashi and he
was a saqaafi.

From the start of Islam or religion, the opposition does the same trick- they takes a karnel of truth
and coats it with multiple falsehood. Then brings it in front of people and points it to the people
saying look look.... Min 24 🌟🌟 🌟
Now , Urwaa doesn't understand the unity of Islam ...

It was the custom of the Arabs that when two leaders met they would catch each other's beard...
Mugira ibn shuba(nephew of urwah, turned to Islam from kind of mafia stuff, prophet SM accepts his
Islam but not his Haram wealth) warns urwah to take back his hand until it's late!

// Prophet SM and muslims used to rob highway caravans, but only the quraish caravans. Never have
they robbed the caravans of a nuetral tribe. That proves that they didn't robbed due to wealth issue
rather personal issues with quraish, mugiras story also proves that ....min 38 🌟

Urwah's description of the sahaba is one of the best because he was an outsider....min43. 🌟🌟🌟
The description is incredible, absolutely !!
What changed urwah in one hour?????
Just only one hour ago, he was saying to Rasulullah SM that who are these people! They will leave u
at the first hit of the sword!
---------- now then after one hour he is saying..what he is saying... I have seen all the kingdom and
kings and his disciples but never saw a leader to be loved like this that whenever he spits..... 🌟🌟🌟

Just one hour !!

Min 48

## replay

He comes back as a convert(not in Islam, it will come later) to the iman of the sahaba, though not in
iman yet.

এটা বেশি সেরা হইসে। লিখে শেষ করা যাচ্ছে না।

Urwah says, He has just come to visit the qaaba,wishing to honor it, sacrifice animals only and still he
is not permitted. ( immediate shift of opinion) lives maqqa saying u know i am in ur side.... Just one
hour!... And what happens!?
Our main weopon and other things brother, our weapon is believe in Allah swt. When this thing is in
right position othrr things will fall into places. And when the real faith is watched by even the quffar,
they cant control excepthat they only agree 🌟 🌟

Here a qafir,pagan recognizes the maqam of the sahaba ,such impressed that saying I have never
seen a human sight like this in my life. And it is wallahi shameful and sad that there are groups who
claims they are Muslim but stigmatize and discredit the sahaba's.

Again we see that, anybody that comes to meet him (sm) he comes back convinced !

Urwah was the first of saqif to except Islam. Saqif was one of the hardest tribes to deal with. Before
and after Islam. Ya Rasulullah it's cold in tayef we don't vwant to do wudu, literally! We don't want to
do zihad ,can we get rid of zaqaat?! ....

Urwah excepts Islam at 9th hizrah going to Madina. Prophet sm warns him about his tribe. He says,
my tribe! They would never wake me up even I am sleeping! ... Well prophet sm knows what happens
when u start to call people to Islam.
So he went to tayif , called his people and they started to derogate,mock etc at the highest level. So
he went back his home. Next morning he Rose to his roof gave azaan and started to pray and
someone hit him with arrow, he becomes a shaheed. ...min 55


episode 65 + 66

Hudaybiyya part 3

Affan and Abu sufian were first cousins.

So uthman and muaywiya were second cousins.
The story of a kharijite and Abdullah ibn Umar on the issues of Uthman ra. . 3 questions were asked.
What a fool the kharijite was!
Uhud - Allah forgave
Badr - rukaiyaa was deathly ill.
Baiyatur ridwan - only occurred because of Uthman. And the prophet sm used own hand to take the
oath on behalf of Uthman. 🌟🌟🌟 min25

1400 sahaba participated in baiyatur ridwan.

What does ahl as Sunnah wal jama'aa mean??the group who followed the Sunnah and the jamaa.
The jama'aa are who? Nmbr one they are the sahaba. And this is what separated us from day 1 from
the other groups. The kharijite,mutazilites... They all say we are not gonna respect the sahaba.

And this incident the baiyatur ridwan is but one of like a million evidences. Literally Quran and
Sunnah, common sense, reason, logic everything tells u that the sahaba has the highest maqaam. If u
insult the sahaba u have no religion left.

Sayyid ibn musayiib was the student of Ibn Abbas ra. Sayyid was the leader of the tabiyyuun.

Difference between emotional vs academic Islam 🌟🌟🌟 min 36

Our religion isn't based on feelings, it's based on what Allah and his messenger has told us to do.

And they didn't tell us to venerate any land or any site or any icon other than Macca and Madina
Jerusalem. This are the three holy lands.

So if we go to visit to any site of early Islam, we go for historical reasons, not for baraqah or tabarruk.
We go and take lessons but don't jump and take some sands and venerate.

Rem, the matter - prophet sm gave the opposition leader(prisoner) , to stay in his own house as a
prisoner and ykd commented that when in the history of humanity has ever happened that, the king
gives the lost enemy (POW)leader place in his own home ?! 🌟🌟🌟

After the conquest out of the converts the most pious was suhail ibn Amar , the orator., About whom
we are talking min 59.
And more interesting is the event - after the prophet sm died the newly converts,almost all, were
trying or jumping to leave the faith. Then who stand firm?! 🌟🌟 🌟 Hour 1.00.
It was suhail ibn amr who gave an outstanding speech to warn the locals.

Another awesome story which also includes suhail ibn amar ra.
While the time of khalifa Umar Ibnul Khattab , abu sufian, suhail and others went to see the khalifa
Umar. When they were in front of the house they saw a line. In the line there were Bilaal, ibn masud,
suhaib rumi etc. The quraish's also stood in the line. When the call was started ,the caller called first
Bilaal,then suhaib then..... At this event Abu sufian felt shame and said I have never thought I would
have seen this scene in my life. Hearing his sorrow remark suhail gave an absolute stunning reply.......
Hour 1.04 🌟🌟🌟 we really see iman now from the heart of suhail coming.

Before Islam suhail locked his younger son Abu jandal for four and half years in a dungeon!

Then the script writing story with suhail and Rasulullah sm and the writer was Ali ra.

Hudaiyybia part - 4

Sad story of Abu jandal. Just came out of the dungeon and directly went to the hudaiyybia to join
the Muslims.but the treaty effect and his father suhaiil ... Never in his whole seerah prophet sm has
made apeal, request for something so many times 🌟🌟 as ykd has seen.
Only plus point of that request is that Miqraaz who came previously as an ambassador was with
suhail that time and for the pleading of Rasulullah sm he promised that ok we will not torture him

And Umar ra getting lose his emotions,gets over the line , abu bakr made him stop by literally
shouting at him . Later in life Umar regretted highly...

Sahl ibn hunaif ra famous sahaba qouted famous line, ' accuse ur understanding before accusing
Quran and sunnah'

Umars tauba teches us what the quran tells us to achieve tauba. Real tauba isn't just utter some word
and khalaas, real 1 changes ur lifestyle, bring about actions, that's why in the quran it is mentioned
with amalas salihaat as like faith.

At last prophet sm ordered them that we will return and let's shave heads. Nobody moved. He
ordered thrice. But still nobody moved. As far as ykd concerned this is the only one time in the life of
prophet sm that nobody did samiina watauna . So he SM went to the tent disappointed. There were
umm salama, she advised him that u shave the head first than the people will follow.. min 45

Then Umar called Rasulullah sm by his name once,twice, thrice(as the ruling is almost call thrice) by
his Rasulullah SM gave no response. Umar feeled grief...

Interesting very interesting thing about the ijtihaad issue, Umar opposed till the end until the wahi
was revealed. In a fatahna laqa fatham mubinaa. Than Umar changed 180 degrees,
when the wahi was confirmed . He left recurring the ayah and saying Allahu Akbar.
This is the point- the sahaba were not acting upon prophets order because they know prophet was a
human and can make ijtihaadi fault (and the pre situation was harsh for them which made it worst,,
though they followed at last). 🌟🌟🌟 when they were confirmed that it was revealed from Allah
So it makes everything clear. We have to follow all from pbuh ( untill he himself specify that it is a
worldly issue- like the palm trees Hadith described by nadvi sir) but we can thing,guess and make
sure. ..... Min 50


Seerah 67 + 68

67- hudaiyybia part 5

Suratul fath was revealed at once. From fast to last.

-Hudaiyybia took place at the 7th hizrah and at the 8th Muhammad sm started to send the letters to
the kings. Realizing something??

-what Hudaiyybia treaty did is that it allowed for the first time the threat free communication(interact
without the fear of bloodshed) between muslims and mushriqs. 🌟🌟 🌟 ✓ this allows the message of
Islam to spread peacefully,and this obviously caused many people to convert. So Hudaiyybia wasn't a
jihad of sword it was a jihad of peace and a jihad of dawah.and frankly... M16

Then the famous comnts about Hudaiyybia as a victory by imam shihab azzuhri, "in the just next two
years of Hudaiyybia the Nmbr of converted Muslims doubled . No victory bigger than Hudaiyybia
took place before Hudaiyybia.."

Islam had been preaching it's msg for 19(13+6) years, and in two years after Hudaiyybia the Nmbr of
converts doubled!! 🌟🌟🌟

Had it not for Hudaiyybia there would be no coquest of Macca.

(Political advantages/benefits ends)


Theological benefits-

'Zaadul Maad ' is the seerah of Ibnul qaiyum written with the explanation or benefits from the
seerah. 🌟

Bad luck never exist, but good omen always exist in Islam. And should not be against Quran and
Sunnah and u relate it with Allah swt.

🌟 - when Rasulullah sm saw all the sahaba taking and collecting all the remnents of him like sweats
and hairs, wuduu'ed waters, he SM asked them why are u doing this? They replied so that we can get
barakah/blessings. So the prophet sm replied whoever wishes Allah and his messenger love him let
him be truthful in his speech, trustworthy in his Amanaah and let him not irritate his neighbors.

So notice- prophet sm isn't saying it is wrong, but he said if u really want blessing,..... But emphasized
on a better way..
🌟🌟 🌟
Min 29.

Then comes the qadr issue.. Allah knows, we don't know! What the sahabas thought and what was
the result of the hudaiyybia.

Very interesting thing happened relating the incident of Hudaiyybia at the 4th century hizrah in
Andalus. Abul Waleed al Bazi great sholar from Maliki madhab(who was the most famous schooler of
his time).. and some others.... এটাও সেরা শালার!! lay people do not and arent qualified to decide who is
qaafir and who isn't ! It is up to ulaamas…......... Al bazi was taken to court they brought charges
against him and he gave evidences to every charge! ( He believed that prophet sm could read and
write. Details in min38 with refutation)

-now fiqh benefits.

Any legitimate reason for breaking for the ihraam, u are allowed to do that and u give the fidiya...min
56 🌟🌟

Permissibility of hiring or taking help from a pagan ...

Sallu fi buyuutikum instead of haiya alas salah..min 51. When it's time of disaster or some natural
calamity, we learn it from Hudaiyybia.

We should study how IMF subjugates the 3rd world countries by giving them large amount of lones.
When they're not Able to repay they subjugates them with cheap exportation of their goods. Wallahi
these is like highway robbery 🌟🌟
Ykd insists that we all should read about what American has done to the South Americans. Muslim
world believes that America is at out and out war against Islam or Muslims. Bit if we just read what
America has done against those Venezuela and Nicaragua than we will realize that its not only
against Islam ...min 55
Chomsky is one of the greatest people to talk about this.

Ykd feels and believes that what America do is not that they want to destroy Islam, but what they do
is only for the fact that they have their own interest in it. e.g. if oil was in some Buddhist land,
Americans would have done exactly the same as ... Though there are lobby groups which have their
own agenda against Islam.

When u can make treaty with the direct clear enemy of Islam ,the quraish's then in the time of no
khilafa why u won't be able to make treaty with the one who isn't definite and clear enemy .

At least 50 million Muslims living in the western base countries.

Details about zihad and qital. বিস্তারিত কথা বলা হয়েছে। হুদাইবিয়া সন্ধি মাথায় রেখে।' ওওয়ার্ল্ড পলিটিক্স এবং
ইসলাম' বোঝা যাবে। সাথে we will understand the non sense of zihadi activist groups. Hour 1:10. 🌟 🌟

Daniel pipes ,the leader of the islamophobes. In 1999 , wrote "al-hudaiibiya and lessons from
prophet Muhammad diplomecy". He writes that the treaty (1994)of Yasir arafaat in osla,wasn't
actually treaty rather a trick to achieve their goal !

Yasir arafaat was asked previously after the treaty in 1994 , and he did reply that if prophet sm can
make treaty with the quraish in Hudaiyybia than why can't we. He said just that in public. And later
Pipes made a meal of it and claimed that he has

Episode 68
Battle of khaiber, part 1. 🐾🌲🌵

Diaspora - the expulsion of Jews from Jerusalem.

Banu kainuqa after expulsion (after bad) went to khaiber. Khaiber 230 km north in of the
largest date producing area in the Arab. All the evidences hints that the yahuds(Madina,khaiber) of
Arabia came from South Arabia or yemen.

There wasn't any immediate threat from the khaiber people. But as the history teaches and all the
loosing yahood party combined in khaiber the future threat can be inferred. And there wasn't any
treaty going on. So prophet pbuh decided to attack khaibar.

Barely two weeks has gone by prophet sm took that decision. Because khaiber is the only threat left
in central Arabia.

Mahmood in maslamah die by a log of stone. He was squashed to death. Then prophet sm made
that famous statement..." tomorrow at the salatul fazr will hand the banner to someone who Allah
and his messenger loves and Allah will grant us victory at his hands"

Aina Ali ibn.. ? ..... Story goes on.

Go forth! Indi...
Go forth and don't turn back.. ..min27
Note - 🌟🌟🌟 at the last point prophet sm tells Ali ra ... If even one man gets hidaya from u than it's
better than a herds of red camels(meaning a million dollar equal).

So why does prophet say this!?

Cause Islam didn't started war for money or power or anything else. Its the calling of people to the
truth,make them realize the truth that matters. It was nothing accept dawah.

Then the khaiber er kamus durga(An naim)... Which Ali ra used as a shield..min 31
And after the war has finished, Abu Rafe the narrator describes ,they seven people tried the the
door/durgo but couldn't pick that up!! 🌟🌟
Surely that was a karamah, a mini miracle that Allah gave to Ali ra. An Naim was completed.

Another man who goes to jannah without a sizdah. Like usairim. Min 35.
the story of a beduin, who was fighting hard and bravely, people said he is going to jannah, rather
prophet sm said he is going to jahannam!........ Suicide case, min37. Narrated in bukhari.
O! One correction about what we knew, arrow didn't pierced his, it only deactivated his hand so
when he saw that his hand was no longer usable, he put the sword in ground and commit suicide by
throwing his body in it.
That's why prophet SM said he is going to jahannam,he was not fighting fi sabilillah.

Than the interesting point- the man who followed the beduin to check why prophet said this, saw
those with his own eyes and came back in front of Muhammad sm by saying "Ash hadu Allah illalla
was Ash hadu annaka Rasulullah" prophet sm said what happened? We know u are a Muslim! than
the man described the full event to prophet sm...
.......... Dalayel an nobuah 🌟🌟🌟

That shows us- alaamanu bil khawaatim. Our life will be judged upon our last deeds. 💯

Remember khaibar is actually 8/9 battles and not a single battle. It is fought in different castles in
different time.

Lot of scholar differ on was the khaiber a conquest or surrender! Majority says that including Ibnul
qaiyum that they were conquered.

Now, the khaiber people said to prophet that ya abul qasim ur people don't know how to crop the
land of khaiber,let us harvest it and we give a share . So they were told to give 50% share. But no
help in the labour. Because....

Than the poisoning in the goat by a khaibar lady, she was wife of a leader. But prophet whiling
puting it in his mouth,stopped! Prophet SM told everyone don't eat! The shoulder of the lamb has
told me that it has been poisoned.. ............ Another dalayel 🌟🌟🌟

But one sahaba named bishr ibn Barra swallowed it and fell sick. And gradually felt to death. Prophet
SM didn't not swallow still felt the pangs of it until his death ,four years later.
Now they were asked why they poisoned it, they replied ,well if u r a lier than we r free of u and u are
gone. And if u say truth than u r a prophet and our mischievous mess doesn't make u any harm!
Watch out this, it was proved than that prophet SM said the truth but still their arrogance made
them didn't believe. As it is said in the Quran " yarifuna Kama yarifu Abna ahum " 🌟🌟🌟

Now, the master of seerah, specialist Hafiz Ibnul qaiyum has cleared that prophet SM at first forgave
the lady as the crime was against only him. But when bishr died , the lady has to be killed in qisas,
and was killed.

Then the beautiful Hadith regarding Asma bint unais , she was one of the people who migrated to
abisinia.when they came back,she went to met hafsa bint Umar, Umar came and semi teased her
saying we are ahead of u....min59 🌟🌟
She was agitated and said not at all,we are no less than u, at least u had prophet SM for 7years, we
had nothing.... Than she sweated that she won't eat or drink until she proves these with the
affirmation of prophet SM. Than she went and prophet SM agreed to her point and she came back
flaunting to Umar Ibnul Khattab...and the news spread like wildfire.

In terms of land khaiber was the greatest victory if Islam, interns of money , hunain was.

And Umar said , we never ate to our fill(muhajir) until we won the khaiber.

Ramlah bint Abu sufian, umm habiba (aftername)-- in their society the number one reason u marry
an women is lineage, our society has told us that it's beauty or something else but in their society it
was lineage.
So ramlah went to abisinia with the Muslims and there were no one to take care of her. All the
sahabas were married. So prophet SM sends married invitation. (As his was also important as it gives
a message) and Nazzashi himself gives the mohar of the marriage of prophet SM and the marriage
takes place at the house of Nazzashi. And Nazzashi becomes wali. Cause her father Abu sufian wasnt
Muslim. Most lavish,costly marriage of prophet SM was that one.

Episode 69 (A1, Zainab ra details) - 70 ( সফিয়া রা.+ সাম প্রেডিকশন + রিবা )

Prophets marriage to zaynab (number 8)

First cousin from the mother side of prophet SM. Born not as zainab rather Barra. Most book say she
is around 35 years old when she married prophet Muhammad sm.

Prophet send the proposal on behalf of said, zainab wasn't agree with the proposal.she felt that she
was above the ranks of Zaid. From the earlier commentaries, surah ahzab verse 36 was revealed
because of zainabs refuse.

Than zainab and his brother was content with Zaid.

After marriage of zainab and prophet ,the main opponent or competitor of Ayesha was only
zainab,interms of love and mahabba with prophet sm. And prophets wives were divided in two
groups.. ayeshas and zainabs.. despite this jealousy Ayesha had a lot of phraise for zainab (in
Muslim). And the story of smell from prophets mouth,magafir ,concocted by Ayesha and another
wife of prophet sm, was after when prophet stayed more than his time period in zainabs house.
Zainab was named the mother of orphans because of her generosity.

When the wives were debating who will die after prophet SM first among the wives, prophet SM
replied the one has the longest hand. So after the death of prophet sm they started to measure the
length of their hand in a wall 😴😅 it was after the death of zainab that they realise that by pointing to
the longest hand what prophet SM was actually mean was zainabs generosity in charity 🌟🌟🌟 and
another prediction , dalayel an nobuah A1 🌟🌟🌟

Marriage with the prophet took place at the zupqada of the 5th year of hizrah. Most important ly
verses of hizab were revealed on the night of the wedding of them. So when did the Sharia of the
hizab revealed?! That was the night.. 🌟.

The marriage also took place before the slender. Because Ayesha mentions the protecting of the
zainabs tongue. The best walima prophet did was the walima of zainab ra. And meet and bread was
served untill all people were filled. Everyone was invited. And here is another dalayel 🌟🌟🌟
everyone,more than 70 people, ate while there were only 2-3 peoples food present... Min 13

Surah ahzab 37 - the previous verse was also regarding zainab. Now 37 is an awesome ayah. And
Zaid is the only sahaba who is named by name in the Quran. Abu bakar is named with a pronoun..
so Zaids makam is very higher and many of don't know. People said had zaid was alive we would
never made Abu bakr the calipha.. 🌟

Falamma qada zaidu wataran zawwaznakaha... When Zaid devorced her, we give marriage her to u so
that... Min 19 details

This ayat was the niqah contract these marriage was done directly by Allah swt. And the contract we
recite till these day. Anas said if prophet SM were to hidden any verse from the wahi , these verse
would have been the one. 🌟🌟🌟 Bukhari. Which means these ayah is painful.

Bukhari , Muslim doesn't mentions much about these incident.

Min 24, from musnad a Ahmed from here starts controversy or this narration is understood
wrongly... ....Zaid then proposed zainab on behalf of prophet sm. Then the ayah reaveled when
prophet was sitting in front of Ayesha, Ayesha said when the ayah was revealed I became jealous
from every angle(awesome Arabic phrase which don't have an English translation)

This is the only marriage in history of the world that was organised,performed directly by the God

Ibn ishaq was highly criticised because he rarely mentions ummahatul muminins mname in his

Ibn Saad gives two versions-

the version A

is problematic. Min 32. 🌟🌟🌟 এটা নিয়ে ই বিতর্ক হয়। "Subhanallahilazim subhanallahi musarrifal kulub"
this line that ibn Saad mentioned made the whole controversy.
Muqatib ibn sulaimaan,150 hizrah, qassas. Not an academic scholar. Gives vivid imotions to ibn Saad
Than comes attabari ,the great..... Min37 ended

Version b - Ali zainul abedin, the son of Husain. ... The main point is what did the prophet SM
hide ?? In his mind which the Quran refers......
In version A what was he SM hiding - his inclination for zainab. Scared of people's rumors.
In version B - the fact that he knew that he eventually marry zainab.scared of zahili practice,and
people will say that o my God he married his adopted sons wife! Zahili criticism.

🌟🌟🌟 min 42- main points

Now chronologically, version B appears to come after version A.

....Al bagawi solved it all. He directly quotes ibn Abbas- what prophet SM hid was a love for zainab.
And mentions qatada...
And then he brings version B - and he says this version B is more appropriate and befitting for the
maqam of the prophets. So the first auther hints or catches that version A is problematic is Al
Bagawi. Ykd says he didn't found any author before Bagawi to... Attabari quotes it nonchalantly.
And then ,very interesting, he says even if the first story is correct- is actually not something that
ternishes the reputation of prophets .

For a servent is not criticised for a desire that comes to the heart as long as he doesn't intent any
evil. 🌟🌟 🌟 Because love and (or) inclination is not something that is in the control of man. ( It's the
reaction that makes it bad)

Ibnul zawzi comes than and removes the love inclination factor completely. He is a modified version
of version B.

So we can see that- for the 1,2,3,4 centuries only the version A was running. Than 5,6th century both
A,B versions were dominent. Than 7,8,9 centuries we see only the version B. So evolution takes place.
Ibn kaasir not even mentions the version A. Ibn hazaaz says there is some early explanations which
we are not mentioning.

Ibnul qaiyum .
His awesome book "Adda waddawaa" problem and his cure. Ibnul qaiyum answers one guys letter,or
solves the guys problem about Ishq. It's a beautiful book, it's worth in it's weight in gold. For Ishq
problems this book is a must !! 🌟🌟
He writes in the last part of his books some halaal isq. He gives examples from some salad. And what
he mentions is the story. He mentions a sanitized version of version A.

Now YKD explains his opinions...... Min57 🌟🌟🌟 both sides logics, heavy logics. YKD SPECIALLY
agrees to the later explanation of Al Bagawi,that even if........ (Me too,in the first place)
What YKD isn't agrees directly with the later schoolers who's says that first version is a total
fabrication, never is this true. Version A is narrated by many early scholars.

Now some awesome points from YKd - hour 1.05 🌟🌟🌟 it is more logical and appropriate that a
prophet has human like inclinations and He is controlling it and showing us the proper way. Which
makes him a perfect role model.

Ummal masaakin- zainab .

Awesome, brilliant lady,12000 dirham(yearly stipend from baitup maal from Umar) donates it
all.umar hears this and says"what a lady this is!" Than Umar visits her and gives another 1000 . Guess
what..she donates that again!! And continued to say ..wallahi,money is a fitnah. And also said 'Ya
Allah let me not see this money again!' so she passed away before the next stipend comes.

And Ayesha said wallahi I have never saw an women more muttaki than Zainab.

And the versions. Solution is 'when u have an evil heart u can take the most innocent story and make
it worse story,and when u have pure heart....' hour 1.11. 🌟🌟🌟

Ibn tayimiya not said anything or ykd could not find anything on the zainabs story.

Story of Barirah and Mugira 🌟🌟 🌟

And awesome Islam সেরা
Look at much Mugira loves Barirah and how much Barirah hates Mugira!..... Prophet SM
was quoting.


Episode 70--- 🔪💣🌋

Battle of khaiber- part 2

With the returnees of abysinnia,was one of the recently married wife(9) of prophet SM , Ramlah bint
Abu sufian (umm habiba). His previous husband was ubaidilla ibn jahash who was one the very few
murtads whom we can count on fingers.

Number 10 marriage of Rasulullah sm.

Rem. Khaiber gave 50%. Prophet SM gave them some conditions. Then the collection of gold of
huay bin akhtab(dead at khaiber). By capturing Saiyaa(uncle). Safiayaa bint huai arrives. Her Hadith
telling of her father and uncle. Safiayaa s brother husband father all were killed. rem. The khaiber
people were saved by half of their hervests every year but Banu nadir were taken as captives. And
safiayaa was from Banu nadiir. She was handed to dahyiaa qalbi. But many sahabi told sm that
safiayaa was too good for dahyiaa. Pbuh should take her custody by himself. Than pbuh ransomed
dahyiaa her value.

Than the sahaba wanted to know whether rasul sm took safiyya as a wife or jariya. For he answer
their is a beautiful narration of riding camel 💞💓 kind of romantic. Min 15...
Bending the knee of prophet SM and also the wiseness from safiayaa. 🌟🌟🌟
So the sahabas realise that she was a wife and not a concubine.

Now, at the first night, prophet SM checking her faith or does she has any kind of retaliation or
not.........nice technique. Min20.
For the sahabas she is pbuh's wife but She still remains a slave at her understanding. Then prophet
SM tests her a massively, "u can remain with me(for her ,as a slave) if u accept Islam. Or u can deny
and I will free u and you'll join ur people" 🌟 that was hard.

But she replied that she at attraction for Islam before he was given Islam. I have already accepted u
as a messenger before u have asked me to believe.

Now a 🌟🌟🌟 point........ Her all things were taken by the conquerer but still for some reason she
chooses to stay as slave rather than be freed and join her own people!.....what was the reason u
think ??! 🌟🌟 🌟

It shows us ( clearly) Safiayaa had a pure heart and Islam is a pure Religion. 👍

And after the first night ,in the morning pbuh wents out and sees Abu ayuub Al Ansari standing with
a sword !!
Saying ya Rasulullah ,this young lady has just lost..... So I didn't feel safe to leave.....!

Camel fell down with safiayaa and prophet SM. And all sahaba looks away. Only Abu talha asks ya
Rasulullah,are u alright? ... I Amnt hurt, replies sm. This shows prophet was only a human,yes he was
khatmun nabiyeen,yes he was Rasulullah. He eats,he drinks,and his camel trips... If Allah wanted his
camel wouldn't.... But Allah had his plans..

After joining Madina with other wives , they have some funny cmnts about her, as the women does.
Zainab said to zuyairia,I thing this one will cost us long , meaning take prophet SM away from us.
Zuyairia said ,no problem I have seen yahudi ladies to not get along with their husbands, meaning
they get divorced!

And one day pbuh saw safiayaa was crying, asked and reply was that hafsa said that she was a
daughter of yahudi. Prophet SM said why don't u give them reply. U could have said ,I am a daughter
of a prophet(harun,as descendent), my uncle(Musa) is a prophet and I am married to a prophet !
What do u have over me???!......gotcha

What a man! Prophet sm, his wives are all jealous among each other but everyone feels that she is
special to prophet sm . How and what was his behavior !!

Safiayaa at the deathbed of Rasulullah sm , says that if I could take the pain and agony of yours ya
Rasulullah sm.
Now look at that ! This is the women who was conquered by the man who is at the deathbed. This
man killed his father, husband,brother all. Than for what reason....?? 🌟🌟 🌟

Safiayaa ra dies at 52 hizri. One of the last ummul muminin to die.

Post khaiber events has the most important event - the arrival of Abu huraira.

In general rule - prophet sm never took women to the battlefield. But in the khaibar as it was a
predictable win, prophet sm took women with them .

There was a young girl at the back of Prophet sm's camel .......min47 🌟
Proves that Islam isn't that strict.

Mutaa wedding - majority says wrong, prohibited. Including 4 madhabs. Some say possible.

There is two types of riba.

1)riba Al Nasi.. -- time for money (cmn riba)
2)riba Al fadl - (commodity for commodity) exchanging same thing. ( বসিরার পর্ব ৮ এ এর ব্যাখ্যা দেয়া)

Islam prohibits riba but it inspires partnership 🌟🌟 🌟

Min 55.

Mujaraya , partnership business... 🌟🌟

Islam prohibits interest but it inspires partnership. 50-50,30-70 that's between the two. The main
point: There is no guarantees profit. There is a bit of risk u gotta take. U share the risk of profit and
risk of loss. While the other systems makes the rich, more rich. Their money is in the banks and it's
always increasing. Which is never possible.

Notes from baseera on riba:

4 mentions in the Quran about Riba.

যারা বলেন কু রানে রিবা বলতে চক্রবৃদ্ধি রিবা বোঝানো হয়েছে, তারা ভু ল বলেন। তারা আসলে একটা আয়াত দেখে বাকি ৩টা বাদ
দিয়ে দেন।

কোন জিনিস নতু ন যেমন ভাল্লাগে, আস্তে আস্তে আর এত ভাল লাগে না। যেকোন জিনিস-যেমন নতু ন নতু ন গ্রিল খাইলে, আহা
কি মজা। কিন্তু ডেলি ডেলি খান,বিরক্ত লাগবে। এক সময় জোর করেও আর ঢু কানো যাবে না।
এটাকে অর্থনৈতিক ভাষায় বলে law of diminishing marginal utility.

মুনাফাতে দুই পক্ষই লাভবান হচ্চে। সুদের ক্ষেত্রে এক পক্ষই।(পর্ব ৭)। মুনাফা ও সুদের পার্থক্য। উপযোগের সৃষ্টি টাই মুল পয়েন্ট।

ইসলামে মুদ্রাকে আর দশটা মুদ্রার মত একই কাতারে ফেলা যায় না। মুদ্রার কাজ অন্য সব প্রডাক্ট থেকে আলাদা। সুদকে মুদ্রার দাম
হিসেবে চিন্তা করার কোন সুযোগ নেই।


Episode 71 - 72


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