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European Heart Journal Supplements (2006) 8 (Supplement A), A10–A13


The mechanism of ranolazine action to reduce

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ischemia-induced diastolic dysfunction
Luiz Belardinelli*, John C. Shryock, and Heather Fraser
Pharmacology and Translational Biomedical Research, CV Therapeutics Inc., 3172 Porter Drive, Palo Alto,
CA 94304, USA

KEYWORDS Ischaemia of myocardium is associated with increases in the late sodium current
Late INa; (INa), intracellular sodium and calcium concentrations, calcium overload, and
Ischaemia; impairment of contractile relaxation (i.e. increased diastolic wall tension). An
Diastole; increase in diastolic wall tension compresses the vasculature and reduces nutritive
blood flow, creating a positive feedback system that further impairs myocardial
Calcium overload;
oxygenation and contractile function. Ranolazine reduces the late INa and, is
Persistent sodium current;
expected to decrease sodium entry into ischaemic myocardial cells. As a conse-
quence, ranolazine is proposed to reduce calcium uptake indirectly via the
sodium/calcium exchanger and to preserve ionic homeostasis and reverse ischae-
mia-induced contractile dysfunction.

Introduction Sodium channels and the action of

Ranolazine improves exercise tolerance and reduces
the frequency of angina attacks in patients with Electrical excitation causes sodium ions to enter cardiac
ischaemic heart disease.1–3 The beneficial effects of cells through membrane sodium channels. The passage
ranolazine are proposed to be a consequence of its of sodium ions through sodium channels and into a
action to reduce sodium entry into myocardial cells myocardial cell generates the rapid depolarization or
through sodium channels that either fail to inactivate ‘upstroke’ of the action potential. Sodium channel
or that re-open.4,5 In the following review, the role ‘openings’ are very brief and, after opening, channels
of sodium as mediator of ischaemia-induced patho- inactivate rapidly and stay closed during the plateau
logical changes in calcium homeostasis and diastolic phase of the action potential. Channel inactivation
heart function is described. Moreover, the preclinical appears to involve a ‘plugging’ of the channel pore by a
evidence suggests that ranolazine reduces sodium cytoplasmic loop of the channel.7 Upon repolarization
entry into cardiac cells, thereby maintaining sodium of the cell membrane, sodium channels transform from
and calcium homeostasis and preventing ischaemia- the inactivated to a resting state and do not open again
induced diastolic dysfunction. The substantial effects until the next membrane depolarization.7–9 However, a
of ranolazine to attenuate electrical dysfunction small fraction of sodium channels may not fully inactivate
(i.e. afterdepolarizations, increased heterogeneity of after opening. These channels may continue to open and
ventricular repolarization, and arrhythmic activity) close spontaneously throughout the plateau phase of the
caused by excessive entry of sodium through non- action potential at a time when sodium channels typically
inactivated sodium channels are not presented here, remain closed. The late openings of these channels allow
and have been reviewed elsewhere.4,6 a sustained/persistent current of sodium ions (referred to
as late INa) to enter the myocardial cell throughout
* Corresponding author. Tel: þ1 650 384 8526; fax: þ1 650 475 0450. The nature of the modification(s) of the sodium
E-mail address: channel that leads to an increase in late INa is largely

& The European Society of Cardiology 2006. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:
Mechanism of ranolazine action A11

overloading causes increased actin/myosin filament

interaction and an increase in the left ventricular (LV)
diastolic tension (i.e. ‘stiffness,’ a failure to relax nor-
mally).18 As a result, myocardial contractile work,
oxygen consumption, and compression of the vascular
space during diastole may become abnormally elevated.
Compression of the vascular space causes a reduction in
myocardial blood flow.19 Consequently, oxygen supply is
reduced (especially in the subendocardial region of the
left ventricle), whereas the demand for oxygen to
support contraction is further increased. This pattern of

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cause and effect has the characteristics of a deleterious
positive feedback system, wherein ischaemia leads to
Figure 1 Positive feedback during ischaemia increases the imbalance
further ischaemia (Figure 1).
between myocardial oxygen supply and demand. In this deleterious posi- The effect of ranolazine to block late INa has the poten-
tive feedback cycle, the [Naþ]i-dependent calcium overload caused by tial to disrupt this cycle by reducing intracellular calcium
the imbalance between O2 supply and demand results in a further accumulation and the accompanying increase in ventricu-
decrease in O2 supply and increase in O2 demand (see text for details).
lar wall tension. This can be expected to have at least
two beneficial consequences. First, the reduction in
unknown. However, late INa is increased in myocytes wall tension during diastole should reduce the consump-
exposed to hypoxia,10 ischaemic metabolites,11,12 and tion of oxygen and ATP for contractile work, and thus
reactive oxygen species,13 and it is increased in post- oxygen demand. Secondly, the reduction of wall tension
ischaemic ‘remodelled’ ventricular myocytes.14 Nitric should reduce vascular compression. Because vascular
oxide is also reported to induce late INa by direct chemi- compression causes closure of small vessels and reduction
cal modification of a thiol group either in the sodium of blood flow, a reduction in compression may lead to
channel or in a closely associated protein.15 increased myocardial nutritive blood flow and oxygen
Ischaemia creates an imbalance between myocardial supply to the myocardium during diastole.
oxygen supply and demand (Figure 1). The pathological
milieu during ischaemia (e.g. hypoxia and formation
of reactive oxygen species, palmitoyl carnitine, and Preclinical evidence for ranolazine
lysophosphatidylcholine) is associated with an eleva-
tion of the intracellular sodium concentration in Ranolazine improves sodium and calcium homeostasis
myocytes.10–14,16,17 An increase in the late INa contributes and contractile function in experimental models in
to the elevation of intracellular sodium that is observed which sodium overloading is caused by increased late
during ischaemia.10,16,17 By virtue of the coupled exchange INa. Ranolazine, at concentrations within the proposed
of sodium and calcium that is facilitated by the cell therapeutic range of 1–10 mM, attenuates an increase
membrane Naþ/Ca2þ exchanger (NCX), an elevation of in late INa caused by the sea anemone toxin ATX-II, an
the intracellular sodium concentration leads to an enhancer of late INa.4 ATX-II mimics the effects of ischae-
increased exchange of intracellular sodium for extracellu- mia to increase [Naþ]4i and [Ca2þ]i.20 Ranolazine has been
lar calcium (i.e. activity of NCX in the reverse mode, shown to significantly reverse and/or prevent the sus-
with sodium exit and calcium entry), and a reduced tained rises in diastolic and systolic [Ca2þ]i caused by
exchange of intracellular calcium for extracellular ATX-II.20 The attenuation by ranolazine of the rise in
sodium (i.e. activity of NCX in the forward mode, with [Ca2þ]i caused by ATX-II is accompanied by a reduction
calcium exit and sodium entry). An excessive or prolonged in the ATX-II-induced rise in LV end-diastolic pressure
increase of the intracellular sodium concentration, and decrease in peak LV 2dP/dt, a reversal of the
thereby leads to intracellular calcium ([Ca2þ]i) overload.16 decreases in LV systolic pressure and peak LV þdP/dt,
In several preclinical models, ranolazine has been and a reduction in the ATX-II-induced increase in myocar-
shown to reduce late INa.4–6 The action of ranolazine dial lactate release.21 Equally importantly, ranolazine
to inhibit late INa is concentration-, voltage- and also reverses the decrease of coronary flow caused by
frequency-dependent.4–6 During ischaemia, a decrease ATX-II (unpublished data). This finding suggests that rano-
of late INa by ranolazine would be expected to attenuate lazine is capable of reversing the ATX-II-induced increase
the ischaemia-induced increase in the cytosolic sodium in extravascular compression that may be the proximate
concentration, and to reduce reverse mode NCX and cause of the decrease in myocardial blood flow when ven-
calcium loading. Thus, ranolazine may act to preserve tricular wall tension is increased. Furthermore, ranola-
ionic homeostasis in the ischaemic myocardium. zine was found to improve diastolic ventricular
relaxation during ischaemia/reperfusion,22,23 in the pre-
Consequences of altered sodium/calcium sence of ischaemic metabolites,24 in the presence of
homeostasis and the effect of ranolazine reactive oxygen species,25 and in ventricular myocytes
from dogs with ischaemic heart failure.5
The failure of myocardial cells to maintain calcium The actions of ranolazine on in vitro cardiac prep-
homeostasis has adverse consequences. Cellular calcium arations are similar to those of the sodium channel
A12 L. Belardinelli et al.

blockers R56865 and KC1121.26–29 R56865 and KC1121 cellular calcium overload. Calcium overload in turn
have been shown to inhibit late INa, decrease calcium causes abnormal LV relaxation and diastolic dysfunction.
overload, and improve LV diastolic function during Both preclinical and clinical data support the hypothesis
ischaemia, hypoxia, and other conditions known to that ranolazine reduces the severity of ischaemic and
increase [Naþ]i.26–31 R56865 significantly attenuated the post-ischaemic LV diastolic dysfunction by decreasing
impairment of LV relaxation (i.e. R56865 improved dias- the intracellular calcium overload that is secondary to
tolic compliance) during pacing-induced ischaemia in an inhibition of the late INa. The improvement in diastolic
dogs.31 This latter observation is consistent with studies function by ranolazine occurs without a decrease in
in dogs that describe the effects of coronary artery steno- systolic function, because ranolazine does not reduce
sis and associated LV diastolic dysfunction.31–37 These either the peak inward sodium current or the peak
studies demonstrate that pacing-induced ischaemia is inward calcium current. In contrast, both calcium

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accompanied by an impairment of LV diastolic relaxation, channel blockers and beta-adrenergic receptor blockers
including increases in LV end-diastolic pressure and dias- can decrease cardiac systolic function; the former
tolic stiffness, a decrease in LV peak 2dP/dt and an directly decrease cardiac excitation–contraction coup-
upward shift in the diastolic pressure–volume relation- ling, whereas the latter attenuate the cardio-stimulatory
ship.31–37 The impairment of LV diastolic relaxation is effects of sympathetic nervous activity. Thus, both the
attributed to the sustained increase in myocardial mechanism of action and the effects of ranolazine are
[Ca2þ]i (i.e. cellular calcium overload) that occurs different from those of currently available anti-anginal
during ischaemia. and anti-ischaemic drugs.

Conflict of interest: All authors are employees of CV

Clinical evidence for ranolazine Therapeutics, Inc., and CV Therapeutics has patent rights
related to Ranolazine.
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