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Second Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination, July 2021 SDE Computer Science CORE COURSE DCS 23 - OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (2017 Admission Onwards) Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 75 SECTION-A Answer all questions . Each carries 3 marks ©PVO2OKRONG What are collaboration diagram and sequence diagram? What is mean by object behavior and method? How objects respond to messages? What are the different components of client-server application? What are coupling and cohesion? What are redundant classes and adjective classes? What are black box testing and white box testing? What are the purpose of deployment diagram? What are association, composition and aggregation? (9 x 3= 27 Marks) PTO. SECTION -B Answer any two questions from each Module. Each carries 8 marke’ * Module — 1 0. Explain the Booch Methodology. 1. Explain (i) Encapsulation (i) Inheritance (ii) Polymorphism 2. Explain about UML activity diagram with examples. (2 x 8 = 16 Marks) Module — II ES Explain the class visibility with examples z What is aggregation? What are the properties of aggregation? How to identify a- Part-of structure? Explain. 15. Explain the guidelines for designing forms, data entry window, dialog box, error messages and command button layout with examples (2x 8 = 16 Marks) ’ Module — III 16. Why component diagrams are important for software implementation? Explain. 7. Explain the full life cycle object-oriented testing method, 8. Explain deployment diagrams with suitable examples (2 x 8 = 16 Marks) 2 L-3134

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