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Lê Thị Lan Anh 21010275 K15 VLTT&Nano

Đinh Đức 21012731 K15 VLTT&Nano


Trần Hoàng 21013190 K15 VLTT&Nano


Đinh Văn Hợp K16 VLTM&AI

Specialization: Electronic & Nano Materials

Ha Noi – Octocber, 27, 2023

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Fundamentals and setups
4. Operating parameters (Page number)
5. Advantages and disadvantages (Page number)
6. Reference (Page number)


Book: [1] Solid State Synthesis of Materials V. Grover, Balaji P. Mandal & A. K.

[2] Solid State Synthesis, Phase Diagrams and Solid Solutions Chemistry 123 Spring
2008 Dr. Woodward.

Journal: [3] Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

1. Introduction
A solid state reaction, also called a solventless reaction, is a chemical reaction
in which solvents are not used. In a little more detail, with a normal reaction,
the reacting agents, also called the reactants, are placed in a solvent before the
reaction can take place. These reactants react to form a new substance. After the
reaction is completed, scientists are able to remove the new product from the
solvent. A solid-state reaction, however, allows the reactants to chemically react
without the presence of a solvent. Most of the solid-state reactions occur at slow
rate in room temperature that in practice no reaction occurs. So this method
requires at high temperature (above 1000oC ). This reaction don’t have solvents
so the elimination of solvents means that products will cost less. It’s really
important to economics because this will make those products cheaper to buy. It
also is more environmentally friendly. Since there is no solvent, there is no
waste to eliminate at the end of the reaction.
2. Fundamental and Setup

Solid-state synthesis, or the ceramic method, is commonly used to cause a

chemical reaction from solid starting materials to form a new solid with a well-
defined structure. End products include polycrystalline materials, single
crystals, glasses, and thin-film materials that are widely used for energy and
electronic applications.

Fine-grain metal compounds are combined, pelletized, and heated at a

controlled temperature for a specific time period. Some metal compounds, such
as metal oxides or salts, require extreme conditions, such as high temperatures
and pressure, to initiate reactions in a molten flux or a rapidly condensing vapor
phase. This process is often referred to as “shake and bake” or “heat and beat”

The reaction can be simply described by 4 pictures. Grinding 2 or more

different compose together and heating them up, just repeat that again and again
and then, we got a material that in nanoparticles or crystalline.
Figure 1. The example of solid-state reactions

So, after we got raw materials is metal oxides or their salts at powder type.
First, we need to mix them together by grinding, we can use hand milling or
ball milling. This ball milling can crack their shape into very small piece, so
that the particles have a larger surface contact area. Then calcination at a
specific temperature depend on those materials we use. Heating up is for a good
diffusion but we cannot get a perfect diffusion at the first time and that why we
should repeat grind and heat again to make better quality products. Next step is
palletization by a machine that can produce a lot of pressure, the grains start to
forming their sharp. And sintering at high temperature to compressing material
to form a solid mass without melting it to the point of liquefaction because
melting is changing their phase. After all, we can polish and electrode to test the
properties of these materials we get.
Figure 2. The process of solid-state reaction [3]

The reaction rate in solid state synthesis is particularly important to

characterize. Solid state reactions must go to completion, as techniques for
purification of formed solids are severely limited. The rate of the solid-state
reaction depends on the reaction conditions, including the structural properties,
shape and surface area of the reactants, the diffusion rate, and the
thermodynamic properties associated with the nucleation/reaction. The
chemical and physical properties of the final materials are determined by the
chemical precursors and preparation techniques.

3. Operating parameter

The reaction parameters are some of the crucial factors directly affecting the
reaction. They can make the reaction occur faster or slower. Here are some
important parameters in a reaction, including

(a) Particle size and contact area

Particle size distribution affects the course of a solid-state reaction to a great
extent, the smaller particle in the ensemble will be consumed in a shorter period
of time as compared to the bigger particles. Hence, the reaction rate per unit
volume which is based on the radius of an individual particle will be affected.
when the surface area is lower the reaction is slower and when surface area is
higher the reaction is faster. Particle size distribution will also have an effect on
voids and hence on the effective contact area Since smaller particles can go into
the interstitial space formed by bigger particles.

(b) Train
Looking at this Picture you can see molecule A is blue and molecule B is green.
When there is pressure, they move chaotically and collide with each other, then
continue to diffuse and finally stick together and merge into one. There by, can
you see strain may be arise from external pressure, imperfection or from the
existence of impurity atom of such a nature as to disturb the regularity of the

(c) Temperature
First, let's consider the example of MgO + MgMo O3 MgMoO4 . The light
pink is MgO, the green is MgMo O3 After going through the heating process,
they gradually mix with each other, and in the end, they become MgMo O4 ,
which is a deep pink. Look at the chart below, can you see when increasing
temperature usually increases reaction rate. Increasing temperature will increase
the average kinetic energy of the reacting molecules. Therefore, a larger
proportion of the molecules will have the minimum energy required for an
effective coon.

(d) Additives
Additives are often used in solid-state reactions to modify and control the
reaction process and the properties of the resulting products. These additives can
serve various purposes, including
Control of Particle Size and Morphology: Additives can influence the size,
shape, and distribution of particles in the final product. They can act as growth
inhibitors or promoters, controlling the nucleation and growth of crystals or
Doping: In materials science, additives are used for doping, introducing specific
elements into the crystal lattice of the host material to modify its electrical,
optical, …
Stabilization: Additives can help stabilize metastable phases, which may be
desired for certain applications. They prevent the phase from reverting to its
more stable form.
The careful selection and control of additives can significantly impact the
outcome of solid-state reactions, making them a valuable tool in materials
synthesis and processing.

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