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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Understanding the Scientific Method

The scientific method has the following steps:

1. Ask a question
2. Form a hypothesis
3. List materials needed
4. Decide the steps in the procedure
5. Perform the experiment
6. Analyze the results
7. Draw a conclusion

Sheryl’s Mom works third shift so she sleeps during the day. Sheryl and her friends
like to listen to loud music after school but they don’t want to disturb Sheryl’s
Mom. Put the step number next to each step of the scientific method for this

_____ She plans to stand outside her Mom’s room and measure the sound.

_____ She knows she needs her CD player and the loudest CD she likes.

_____ Sheryl wonders how loudly she and her friends can play music
without disturbing her Mom.

_____ Sheryl decides that half volume is still too loud.

_____ She plans to turn on the CD player in the rec room with her CD at
at half volume.

_____ One day when her Mom isn’t sleeping, Sheryl tries the experiment.

_____ Sheryl thinks that half volume should be low enough.

_____ Standing outside her Mom’s room she can still hear the music.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Practice with the Scientific Method

The scientific method has the following steps:

1. Ask a question
2. Form a hypothesis
3. List materials needed
4. Decide the steps in the procedure
5. Perform the experiment
6. Analyze the results
7. Draw a conclusion

In 1872 a wealthy railroad tycoon named Leland Stanford (Stanford University is

named after him) made a bet with a friend about a galloping horse. Put the step
number next to each step of the scientific method for this problem.

_____ Mr. Stanford proposed that the hooves of a galloping horse don’t
touch the ground at some point in time during the gallop.

_____ Before there were digital cameras the film in the camera needed to
be developed into pictures.

_____ A racehorse, a jockey and a camera

_____ Some of the pictures showed that the horse’s hooves were all in the
air at the same time.

_____ Leland Stanford made a bet that the hooves of a galloping horse
don’t touch the ground at some point in time.

_____ Mr. Stanford decided to ask a photographer to take pictures of a

horse galloping at the racetrack.

_____ The jockey rode the galloping horse around the racetrack.

_____ Mr. Stanford looked at the pictures the photographer brought him.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Historic Scientific Method

The scientific method has the following steps:

1. Ask a question
2. Form a hypothesis
3. List materials needed
4. Decide the steps in the procedure
5. Perform the experiment
6. Analyze the results
7. Draw a conclusion

Gregor Mendel was an Austrian monk who lived from 1822 until 1884. He
performed some of the first research ever in heredity. Mendel grew an estimated
28,000 pea plants over eight years. Students can perform an experiment that is
similar to one of his famous experiments with pea plants.

_____ Mendel proposed that cross-bred pea plants will show specific
characteristics from each parent.

_____ Two kinds of purebred pea plants, a place to grow crossbred plants

_____ Mendel thought that heredity depended on both parents and that
specific characteristics from each parent were passed on.

_____ Mendel analyzed the characteristics of the peas produced by the

crossbred plants.

_____ Cross-pollinate the purebred pea plants

_____ Grow the crossbred pea plants until they mature

_____ Mendel determined that there are dominant and recessive traits in
crossbred pea plants.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______

Practice with the Scientific Method

Design your own investigation

The scientific method has the following steps:

1. Ask a question
2. Form a hypothesis
3. List materials needed
4. Decide the steps in the procedure
5. Perform the experiment
6. Analyze the results
7. Draw a conclusion

In 1872 a wealthy railroad tycoon named Leland Stanford (Stanford University is

named after him) made a bet with a friend about a galloping horse. Put the step
number next to each step of the scientific method for this problem.

_____ Mr. Stanford proposed that the hooves of a galloping horse don’t
touch the ground at some point in time during the gallop.

_____ Before there were digital cameras the film in the camera needed to
be developed into pictures.

_____ A racehorse, a jockey and a camera

_____ Some of the pictures showed that the horse’s hooves were all in the
air at the same time.

_____ Leland Stanford made a bet that the hooves of a galloping horse
don’t touch the ground at some point in time.

_____ Mr. Stanford decided to ask a photographer to take pictures of a

horse galloping at the racetrack.

_____ The jockey rode the galloping horse around the racetrack.

_____ Mr. Stanford looked at the pictures the photographer brought him.


Practice with the Scientific Method

_2___ Mr. Stanford proposed that the hooves of a galloping horse don’t
touch the ground at some point in time during the gallop.
_4___ Before there were digital cameras the film in the camera needed to
be developed into pictures.
_3___ A racehorse, a jockey and a camera
_7___ Some of the pictures showed that the horse’s hooves were all in the
air at the same time.
_1___ Leland Stanford made a bet that the hooves of a galloping horse
don’t touch the ground at some point in time.
_4___ Mr. Stanford decided to ask a photographer to take pictures of a
horse galloping at the racetrack.
_5___ The jockey rode the galloping horse around the racetrack.
_6___ Mr. Stanford looked at the pictures the photographer brought him.


Historic Scientific Method

_2___ Mendel proposed that cross-bred pea plants will show specific
characteristics from each parent.
_3___ Two kinds of purebred pea plants, a place to grow crossbred plants
_1___ Mendel thought that heredity depended on both parents and that
specific characteristics from each parent were passed on.
_6___ Mendel analyzed the characteristics of the peas produced by the
crossbred plants.
_4___ Cross-pollinate the purebred pea plants
_5___ Grow the crossbred pea plants until they mature
_7___ Mendel determined that there are dominant and recessive traits in
crossbred pea plants.


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