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10 Department of Education

National Capital Region


Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health

Third Quarter – Module 2
Health Trends, Issues and Concerns Global Level
(Issues in the implementation)

Writer: Victor E. Bedico Jr

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What I Need to Know

This module will help you understand global health issues, trends, and concerns.
It aims to:

Analyze the issues in the implementation of global health initiatives - H10HC-


To do that you must first:

1. Identify/review the global health initiatives.

2. Determine the issues in the implementation of global health initiatives.

What I Know


TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE is the statement is correct and FALSE if not. Write the
answers in your answer sheet.

1. Health trends, issues and concerns should be addressed by the United Nations to
achieve global prosperity.

2. One of the goals of United Nations is to fight communicable diseases globally.

3. Politics will always affect the development of a specific country.

4. Access to healthcare is not a problem, especially in developing countries.

5. The World Health Organization and the United Nations are the leading agencies in
promoting global development.

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Lesson Issues in the Implementation of
Global Health Initiatives

What’s In
Write in each box the different health issues, trends, ad concerns encountered
around the world. You can also write the issues that is in your mind that should also be
addressed locally, nationally, or internationally.

These are some examples of the health trend, issues, and concerns that we need to
address around the world.

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What’s New
Global health initiatives are programs and projects which help address global
health issues, trends, and concerns. Global health is a new trend in which the World
Health Organization (WHO) addresses health concerns in cooperation with member-
nations and private international organization as partners. Some of these health issues,
trends, and concerns are about mental
health, population, climate change,
environmental sanitation, tobacco
control, harmful use of alcohol, and
prevention and control of
communicable and non-communicable

Note: All the pictures used were taken from

DepEd commons

What is It

Global health initiatives aim to improve the lives of every individuals around the
globe. Partnering with other nations and collaborating with local agencies will result in
providing high quality of healthcare system. Communication and collaboration are keys
to success as health care is most effective when carried out in sustainable and culturally
adoptive way.

Global Heath Initiatives

A. Global Health and the Millennium Development Goals

The Millennium Development Goals are the eight international development

goals. These goals were set by 189 countries in 2000 as a result of the Millennium
Summit of the United Nations.
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B. World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is

the prime international treaty negotiated under WHO. The
WHO FCTC came into existence in reaction to the global
epidemic of tobacco use and abuse. It reaffirms the right of
every individual across the world to the highest standard of
health promoting public health and providing new legal means
for global health cooperation.

C. Global Initiative for Mental Health

Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020
The comprehensive Mental Health Action plan 2013-2020 is the result of
extensive research and consultation by stakeholders, member-nation, academic
and non-government centers across the globe. The mental health action plan
should be impartial, life-based and preventive in nature.

D. Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol

The global strategy will be implemented by engaging all countries who participate
in the treaty, the international development partners, and public and private health
research institutions.
The four Priority Areas for Global Action are:

1. Public health advocacy and partnership,

2. Technical support and capacity,
3. Production and dissemination of knowledge, and
4. resource mobilization

E. Global Alliance for Vaccines and


GAVI or the Global Alliance for Vaccines and

Immunization is a global health partnership
which is aimed at the private sector
organization, the group, now called GAVI
Alliance, aims to save children’s lives and
protect people’s lives by increasing access to
immunization in poor countries.

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Issues in the Implementation of Global Health Initiatives

In the implementation of these programs there are some challenges and issues that
arise that hindered in achieving the expected outcome of the United Nations.

● Health Care Trends

Doctors will tell you prevention is better than cure, but how much can an individual
really go to address the underlying
causes of disease or illness? This
limited ability to control our own
health manifest our needs for a
wider understanding of health and
wellness. Doctors can no longer
focus on their local communities.
Finding solutions requires collective
efforts from people in different

● Environmental Factors
Growing concerns about the environment center on climate change and air
pollution. But how will these challenges directly affect the health of the people.
Mostly, the answer lies in water sources and sanitation.
When the basic needs are disrupted by devastating storms, flooding other
natural calamities, and air pollution, the diseases can easily spread across the
groups of people. The fast solution is to provide resources like sanitation technology
and education, but global health must also focus on the prevention of
environmental challenges in the first place.
● Economic Disparities and Access to Healthcare
Despite the continuous progress in the field of medicine, communities around the
world still lack access to basic health education and health care. As a result,
they face harsh realities in the sexually transmitted disease, child mortality rates,
basic and nutrition. These are all issues that could be alleviated by reducing the
disparities that isolate these populations.

Some of the disparities are the result of income inequality, individuals, and families
simply unable to afford health care that is otherwise unavailable.
As a solution, global health professionals must explore opportunities to lift
underrepresented communities in public health forums, encourage doctors to
practice in remote areas, and start policies that
reduce barriers and increase access to healthcare.

● Political Factors
Inadequate access to healthcare may also be a cause
of political issues or conflict between cities or two
countries. Political leaders should always set aside
personal conflict to serve in the communities that
they are working. Political conflicts will only hinder
the unity, prosperity, and development that
everybody wants.

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What’s More
Now that you are done with our simple discussion, let us see if you can use this
new information to answer the different learning task designed to deepen your
understanding about our lessons.

Activity 1

How do these issues affect the development of a country?

Issues in the implementation Impact

1. Healthcare trends
2. Environmental factors
3. Access to healthcare

Activity 2
Think of the present status of these global health issues and concerns. Write these in
the first column. Predict what will happen if these global health issues and concerns are
properly addressed by the Philippines. Write these in the 3rd column.

Present Global Issues Future

1. Communicable Diseases
2. Mental Health
3. Drugs and alcohol

What I Have Learned

Complete the statement.

I have learned that


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What I Can Do

Prepare a learning log about your reflections on the implementation of global health

My Learning Log
1. What are the reasons why global development is hard to achieve?
2. As a student, how can you help in achieving these goals?
3. In the Philippines, why do you think is it hard for the leaders to achieve national
development in terms of issues and trends in health?

Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is one of the reasons why global development is hard to
a. unity b. cooperation c. political will d. communication

Choices for nos. 2-4, Issues in the implementation of global health initiatives
a. access to health care c. health trends
b. environmental factors d. political factors

2. Which talks about the different views of the leaders.

3. Which has something to do with the economic standing of the country.
4. Which states that natural calamities can somehow affect the goal of the United
Nations and WHO?
5. What does the acronym WHO stands for?
a. World Health Organization c. Wildlife health Organization
b. Women Health Organization d. World leader Health Organization

II. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE is the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
1. The World Health Organization and the United Nations are the leading agencies in
promoting global development.
2. Health trends, issues and concerns should be addressed by the United Nations to
achieve global prosperity.
3. Access to healthcare is not a problem, especially in developing countries.
4. Politics will always affect the development of a country.
5. One of the goals of UN is to fight communicable diseases globally.

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Additional Activities
Put a check mark (/) on the blank before each number if the statement describes your
skills, attitude, and feelings during and after doing the activities in this lesson.
___ 1. I can discuss the significance of global health initiatives.
___ 2. I can describe how global health initiatives positively impact people’s health
in various countries.
___ 3. I can express my thoughts and emotions in the activity.
___ 4. I understand the topic that was discussed in this module.
___ 5. I can recommend ways of adopting global health initiatives.

Answer Key 5. TRUE

1. TRUE may vary
TRUE OR FALSE Activity 2 Answer
5. A may vary.
4. B Activity 1 – Answer
3. D What’s More
2. A 5. TRUE
1. A 4. FALSE
Assessment 3. TRUE
Answer may vary. 1. TRUE
What I can Do Pre test


1. Cipriano, E.V. 2015. The 21 st Century MAPEH in Action 10, REX PRINTING COMPANY, INC.
2. Callo, L.F. et al. 2015. Physical Education and Health 10, DEPED (IMCS)
3. Galvez-Tan, J.Z. 2009. The health curriculum in Philippine Basix Education. (volume 2:A
resource book on health for teachers)
44B58B45009802F6BB68%7D&file=Document.docx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM%2dWE B%2e


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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Victor E. Bedico Jr.

Editors: Veronica A. Cena
Layout Artist: Maria Isabel. G. Tutor
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consortia Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

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