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Word list Unit3 Passage2 Name_______________

English Chinese
word phonetic
Meanings Meanings
Part 1
insert * [ɪn'sɜːt] put or place sth in (sth else) v. 嵌入
covering that is folded over to
folder ['fəʊldə(r)] n. 文件夹
protect the contents

file [faɪl] place in a file; place on record v. 把...归档

injured* ['ɪndʒəd] harmed adj. 受伤的

[ˌriːə'bɪlɪteɪtɪd restore to a state of good condition

rehabilitated v. 使恢复,修造
] or operation

supervise* ['suːpəvaɪz] keep an eye on; v. 监督;管理

an unshakable belief in something n. 坚信,定罪,信
conviction* [kən'vɪkʃn]
without need for proof or evidence 服
recall [rɪ'kɔːl] bring back to the mind; n. 回忆;召回

large in spatial extent or range or adj. 广泛的 ; 大量

extensive* [ɪk'stensɪv]
scope or quantity; 的

break suddenly into very small

shatter ['ʃætə(r)] v. 使。。粉碎

become less, smaller v. 萎缩,畏惧,害

shrink* [ʃrɪŋk]

walk with a lofty proud gait, often

strut [strʌt] v. 趾高气扬地走
in an attempt to impress others
recoil [rɪ'kɔɪl] draw back, as with fear or pain v. 退却,弹回
will [wɪl] determine by choice; v. 决心;想要

Make a short high-pitched cry or

squeak [skwiːk] v. 吱吱叫

in a faint and feeble manner; adv. 贫乏地;虚弱

feebly* ['fiːbli]

Part 2

one having charge of buildings or

custodian [kʌ'stəʊdiən] n. 管理人;监护人
grounds or animals

hurricane* ['hʌrɪkən] storm with a violent wind n. 飓风

a prediction about how something
forecast* ['fɔːkɑːst] n. 预报;预测
(as the weather) will develop

skew [skju] turn or place at an angle v. 歪斜;扭转

strip of water extending into the

n. 水湾;小湾;海
inlet ['ɪnlet] land from the sea or lake, or

between islands
likely* ['laɪkli] probably adv. 有可能地

angry, violent, and likely to attack adj. 强烈地 ; 凶猛

fierce* [fɪəs]

continuing;not stopping adj. 持续的 ; 不断

persistent* [pə'sɪstənt]

shutter ['ʃʌtə(r)] a hinged blind for a window n. 百叶窗;遮门
aviary ['eɪviəri] a building where birds are kept n. 大鸟笼;鸟舍
jangle ['dʒæŋɡl] make a noisy sound v. 发出刺耳的声音
intently* [ɪn'tentli] with strained or eager attention; adv. 一心一意地
coastline ['kəʊstlaɪn] the outline of a coast n.海岸线

give orders and in this way

direct* [də'rekt] v. 指导;指示

make a deep sound forced out by

groan [ɡrəʊn] pain, or expressing despair or v. 呻吟,抱怨

inwardly ['ɪnwədli] with respect to private feelings; adv. 在内心里地

suddenly dangerous or very serious n. 突发事件;紧急

emergency* [i'mɜːdʒənsi]
situation 状态
surge* [sɜːdʒ] a sudden forceful flow n.汹涌;猛增
Part 3

demanding or deserving respect adj. 权威性的 ; 命

authoritative [ɔː'θɒrətətɪv]
and obedience 令式的

being nervous or upset adj. 慌乱的 ; 混乱

flustered* ['flʌstə(r)]

caught or fixed adj. 不能动的 ; 束

stuck* [stʌk]
gasp [ɡɑːsp] struggle for breath; v.喘气

deprived of courage and strength; adj. 气馁的 ; 慌张

unnerved* ['ʌn'nɜːvd]

cause sudden fear in or fill with adj. 恐慌的 ; 惊慌

panicked* ['pænɪk]
sudden panic 的
state of uncertainty or perplexity

especially as requiring a choice

dilemma [dɪ'lemə] between equally unfavorable n. 困境;进退两难

any cold-blooded vertebrate of the

reptile ['reptaɪl] n.爬行动物
class Reptilia

cause to be agitated, excited, or

rouse* [raʊz] v. 唤醒;激起
satellite [ˈsætəlaɪt] far away in space or time n. 卫星
unusual largeness in size or extent
vastness* [vɑːstnəs] n. 巨大;广阔
or number

make a thrusting forward

lunge [lʌndʒ] v. 猛的向前冲

make sb feel angry, anxious or

agitate ['ædʒɪteɪt] v. 煽动;搅动

give instructions or directions for

instruct* [ɪn'strʌkt] v.命令;指导
some task;

in a humble manner; adv. 温顺地;卑躬

meekly [miːkli]
soothingly [suːðɪŋli] in a gentle manner; adv.安慰地

awe [ɔː] a feeling of profound respect for n. 敬畏


someone or something;
mimic* ['mɪmɪk] imitate (a person or manner) v.模仿
the front part of the human leg
shin [ʃɪn] n. 胫骨
between the knee and the ankle

become less
subside* [səb'saɪd] v. 沉没;平息
Part 4

pull back or move away or

recede* [rɪ'siːd] v. 后退;减弱

concern* [kən'sɜːn] worry; anxiety n. 忧虑;关心

cause to feel sure; give reassurance

reassure* [ˌriːə'ʃʊə(r)] v. 使安心;再保证
foresight* ['fɔːsaɪt] seeing ahead; knowing in advance; n. 远视;深谋远虑

with admiration; adv. 钦佩地;羡慕

admiringly* [əd'maɪərɪŋli]

summon ['sʌmən] call in an official matter v.召唤;召集
admit* [əd'mɪt] allow sb/sth to enter v.承认;允许进入

interrupt temporarily an activity

pause [pɔːz] v. 停顿;终止
before continuing;

II. Word transformation

n. v. adj. adv.
desperation --- desperate desperately
injury injure injured ---

director direct directed directly

persistence persist persistent persistently

intent/intention --- intent intently


worry worry worried ---

authoritativeness/ --- authoritative authoritatively


vastness --- vast vastly

--- soothe soothing soothingly

admiration admire admiring Admiringly

III. Tense

Infinitive Third personal Present participle Past tense Past participle

strut struts strutting strutted strutted

hang hangs hanging hanged/hung hanged/hung

stride strides striding strode stridden

catch catches catching caught caught

rise rises rising rose risen

leave leaves leaving left left

admit admits admitting admitted admitted

hide hides hiding hid hidden

IV. Phrases

1 be weary of 对。。。感到厌倦

2 speak up for sb 为某人说话

3 burst in 打断;破门而入

4 strut around 招摇过市

5 rush into 冲进去

6 hang up 挂断

7 leap to one's feet 跳起来

8 be in charge 负责;主管

9 catch a glimpse of 瞥了一眼

10 watch in awe 敬畏的看着


11 leave alone 听...自便,随...去,不打扰

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