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Qandeel Fatima

Course: Communication Skills
Assignment # 1
Submitted to: Mam Sidra Ghazali
Dated : 28 March 2022
Topic: Presentation Skills
A process through which we present our thoughts and
views on a specific content based topic in front of the audience.
Steps which are followed to give a good presentation are:
1. Strategy
2. A good structure
3. Presentation skills
4. Handling questions
Firstly , you need to know the purpose of you presentation on
any topic. You must need to be clear about you views and you
need to have clear thoughts about your arguments. You need
to understand the expectations of your audience. Presentation
should be clear and restrictive. The presenter should do a
thorough research on the respective topic.
A good structured presentation always attracts the audience. It
is necessary to organize the content in a right manner. A
presenter should grasp the attention of audience. Credibility is
very important. There always have to be an alternate plan.
A personal style of the presenter is very important. There has to
be an energy factor and a proper body posture. A good use of
humour can enhance the presentation and may decrease the
effect of gloominess. Intellectual thinking also affects the
content. A presenter must have an ability to deal with all the
questions. While giving an idea about any specific content,
honest views count the most.
Use questions to strengthen the main arguments. Additional
information is always helpful. Remain true to the your topic.
Its absolutely alright if you don not know the answer to any
question from the audience.
Checklist :
 Start preparing early.
 Be clear and simple.
 Use an affective introduction.
 Use visual aids.
 Sound enthusiastic.
 Make a good conclusion.

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