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Friends Plus 6 – Unit 3: Wild life

Lesson 1 – Vocabulary: Animals

I. New words:
 ostrich (n): con đà điểu e.g. An ostrich can run fast.
 eagle (n): con đại bang e.g. What does an eagle eat?
 gorilla (n): con khỉ đột e.g. A gorilla is usually scary.
 crocodile (n): con cá sấu e.g. I don’t like that crocodile.
 wolf (n): con sói e.g. My favorite animal is a wolf.
 giraffe (n): con hươu cao cổ e.g. A giraffe has a very long neck.
 camel (n): con lạc đà e.g. A camel lives in the desert.
II. Structures – Key phrases:
Question: “What do you think it is?”
Answer: “I’ve got no idea.” / “It looks like… / It sounds like… / Maybe it’s…?”
III. Practice: Choose the correct answer for each question.
1. Which animal can fly? A. an eagle B. an ostrich C. a penguin D. a camel
2. Which animal can’t swim? A. a whale B. a dolphin C. a crocodile D. a bat
3. Which animal is closely related to dog? A. a tiger B. a cat C. a wolf D. a gorilla
4. Which animal lives in deserts? A. a gorilla B. a camel C. a fish D. a shark
5. Which animal hasn’t got any legs? A. a human B. giraffe C. a snake D. a cheetah
6. Which animal is the fastest? A. a cheetah B. a cat C. a tiger D. a lion
7. Which animal has got eight legs? A. a butterfly B. an octopus C. an ant D. a bird
8. Which animal can talk? A. a dolphin B. a parrot C. a panda D. a cat
9. Which animal can change its colors? A. chameleon B. a lizard C. a crocodile D. a crab
10. Which animal has colorful wings? A. a crow B. a lobster C. a butterfly D. a bee
IV. Practice: Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. think / it is / do you / What / ? //  ____________________________________
2. sounds /It / like / wolf / a /. //  ____________________________________
3. a gorilla / a tail / Does / have / ? //  ____________________________________
4. favorite / is / His / an eagle / bird /. //  ____________________________________
5. an elephant / it’s / Maybe / ? //  ____________________________________
6. this / two crocodiles / There are / river / in /. //  ____________________________________
7. is taller / A giraffe / a zebra / than /. //  ____________________________________
8. ostriches / deserts / live / Do / in / ? //  ____________________________________
9. looks / a frog / It / like /. //  ____________________________________
10. idea / got / I’ve / no /. //  ____________________________________

Lesson 2 – Reading: The ugliest animals?

I. New words:
blobfish (n): cá giọt nước
e.g. The blobfish isn’t the most beautiful fish
common (adj): popular, with a big number: phổ biến
e.g. Dogs are very common in Vietnam.
 uncommon (adj): with a small number, not popular: không phổ biến
e.g. Do you think keeping an eagle at home is uncommon?
dull (adj): boring, not bright: tẻ nhạt, nhạt nhòa, xỉn màu
e.g. This fish has a dull color.
famous (adj): known about and loved by many people: nổi tiếng
e.g. Taylor is a famous singer.
 fame (n): tiếng tâm
e.g. It isn’t easy to achieve fame and money.
extinct (adj): no longer exist: tuyệt chủng
e.g. Dinosaurs are extinct animals.
 become extinct (v. phr.): trở nên tuyệt chủng
e.g. Thousands of species become extinct every year.
 extinction (n): sự tuyệt chủng
e.g. Some animals are on the verge of extinction now.
weird (adj): strange, unusual: kỳ lạ
e.g. That’s a weird cat.
rare (adj): hard to see or find because there aren’t many: hiếm
e.g. Kangaroos aren’t rare in Australia.
species (n): a group of animals or plants that are the same: chủng loài
e.g. There are a lot of species of marine animals that we don’t know.
protect (v): keep something or someone safe: bảo vệ
e.g. We must protect all kinds of species.
 protection (n): sự bảo vệ
e.g. Tigers are dangerous, but they still need our protection.
information (n): facts about somethings: thông tin
e.g. We can find information about animals on websites.
 inform (v): tell someone about something: thông báo
e.g. The school informs us about the trip to the national park.
in danger (phr.): gặp nguy hiểm
e.g. Koalas are in danger.
II. Practice: Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the list above.
1. A lot of animals _______ due to the loss of their habitats.
2. Keeping a dog as a pet is very _______ in Vietnam. A lot of families keep them.
3. Red pandas are _______. We must protect them at all cost.
4. Oh my god! That cat has a _______-looking face. It’s so funny.
5. He is very _______ at our school because he’s a good student and joins in many clubs.
6. How many _______ does this zoo keep?
7. We don’t normally see sharks near this beach. They are quite _______.
8. There is a lot of _______ on the internet about the wildfire in Australia.
9. What caused the _______ of dinosaurs?
10. The fire died down to a _______ glow.
Lesson 3 – Language Focus: Superlative adjectives
I. Short adjectives: (1-syllable adjectives): the + adj-est
 Regular: weird  the weirdest; long  the longest…
 Ending in e: rare  the rarest; safe  the safest…
 Ending in y: ugly  the ugliest; pretty  the prettiest…
 Ending in c-v-c: big  the biggest; hot  the hottest…
II. Long adjectives: (adjectives with more than 1 syllable): the + most + adj
common  the most common; beautiful  the most beautiful…
III. Special cases:
good  the best
bad  the worst
far  the farthest / the furthest

IV. Practice: Study the example and complete the sentences, using superlative adjectives.
e.g. He – tall – person – in this class.  He is the tallest person in this class.
1. This – big – house – here.  ___________________________________
2. I think Vietnam – happy – country – in the world.  ___________________________________
3. These – good – shops – on this street.  ___________________________________
4. What – hot – season?  ___________________________________
5. That dress – expensive – of all.  ___________________________________
6. Banh mi – delicious – food – in Vietnam?  ___________________________________
7. Who – lazy – student – in this room?  ___________________________________
8. This – short – movie – I’ve watched.  ___________________________________
9. She – bad – friend – because she’s rude.  ___________________________________
10. Do you think being a flight attendant – nice – job?  ___________________________________

Lesson 4 – Vocabulary and listening: Amazing animals

I. New words:
 communicate (v): share ideas or feelings with each other: giao tiếp
e.g. Dolphins can communicate by sound waves.
 survive (v): continue to live: sinh tồn, sống sót
e.g. We can’t survive without water.
 kill (v): make someone or something die: giết
e.g. Can a lion kill people?
 grow (v): be older, stronger and bigger: phát triển
e.g. An adult gorilla can grow up to 250 kilos.
 move (v): change position: di chuyển
e.g. How can a snake move without legs?
 intelligent (adj): very smart: thông minh
e.g. Human isn’t the only intelligent species.
 scorpion (n): con bò cạp
e.g. Some scorpions have venom.
II. Practice: Match two parts to make meaningful conversations.
Can wolves really communicate with each other? About 6 tons if you’re talking about an African one.
How big can an adult elephant grow? Where does she want to go?
Sharks can kill people. A compass, a torch and some water are important.
Who is the most intelligent here? You need to study hard for that.
Jackie wants to move away from her town. Of course. They howl to call their friends.
What do we need to survive in a jungle? No doubt. Their sharp teeth are too deadly.
I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Oh Grandma. You’ve got a phone, remember?
How can we communicate when you are not here. It’s Frank. He can solve every math problem.

Lesson 5 – Language Focus: can for ability – might – questions with How
I. can / can’t: to talk about abilities
(+) S + can + V e.g. I can play soccer.
(-) S + can’t / cannot + V e.g. He can’t go to school by car.
(?) can + S + V? e.g. Can Mr. Andy sing?
II. might: to talk about something we’re not sure if it’s true.
(+) S + might + V
(-) S + might not + V
III. Questions with How…?
Asking about age: How old…? e.g. How old are you?
Asking about height: How tall / How high…? e.g. How tall is he? How high can he jump?
Asking about weight: How heavy…? e.g. How heavy is a baby?
Asking about distance: How far…? e.g. How far is it from Ha Noi to Hue?
Asking about length: How long…? e.g. How long is an adult snake?
Asking about speed: How fast…? e.g. How fast can a cheetah run?
Asking about number: How many…? e.g. How many elephants are there in the zoo?
IV. Practice: Make questions for the underlined parts.
1. Hayden is 1.80 meters tall.  ____________________________________
2. A blue whale can swim 4000 miles.  ____________________________________
3. I have three brothers.  ____________________________________
4. Adult gorillas are about 250 kilos.  ____________________________________

5. Usain Bolt can run about 38 kilometers an hour.  ____________________________________

6. My mother sometimes goes shopping.  ____________________________________
7. That anaconda is about 4 meters long.  ____________________________________
8. Jack usually jumps over 1 meter.  ____________________________________
9. This dress costs 20,000 dong.  ____________________________________
10. His baby is only 2 months old.  ____________________________________

Lesson 6 – Speaking: Asking for permission

I. Structures – Key phrases:
Question: “Is it OK if I…?” / “Can I…?”
Answer: “I’m afraid you can’t.” / “Yes, of course you can.”
Question: “Why not?”
Answer: “I’m sorry, but…”
II. Practice: Reorder the sentences to make meaningful dialogue.
o I’m afraid you can’t do that.
o I’m sorry but you have a test tomorrow.
o Mom. Is it OK if I go to the park with Hannah tonight?
o But Mom. Why not?
o Yes, of course you can.
o OK. Can I go after the test?
o Great. Thanks Mom.

Lesson 7 – Writing: Animals in danger

I. New words:
 farm (n): a place to grow crops or keep animals: nông trại
e.g. My grandfather owns a big farm.
 farming (n): jobs on the farm: việc đồng áng
e.g. Farming is interesting.
 farmer (n): a person who works on a farm: người nông dân
e.g. How many farmers are there on the farm.
 hunt (v): catch and kill animals for food, bones, skin…: săn bắt
e.g. Cheetahs usually hunt deer for food.
 hunting (n): việc săn bắt
e.g. We must prevent illegal hunting.
 pollute (v): make the air, water or land dirty: gây ô nhiễm
e.g. People mustn’t pollute the earth.
 pollution (n): the state of being dirty: sự ô nhiễm
e.g. Air pollution in some areas is getting worse.
 pollutant (n): something that makes the air, water or land dirty: chất gây ô nhiễm
e.g. Oil is the main water pollutant.
 problem (n): something difficult: vấn đề
e.g. The biggest problem is pollution
 adopt (v): take and raise a child or an animal: nhận nuôi
e.g. Can I adopt a dog, please?
II. Language point: Giving examples:
like = such as + N / N. phr. e.g. The eagle eats smaller animals like / such as rats and snakes.
For example + clause e.g. You can help those stray dogs. For example, you can adopt them.
III. Practice: Supply the correct word forms.
1. The _______ are working very hard on the farm. (farm)
2. I think, exhaust from cars is the main air _______. (pollute)
3. _______ is when the air, the land and the water are dirty. (pollute)
4. _______ can be a heavy job, but it is a lot of fun. (farm)
5. A bat is a nocturnal animal because it lives and _______ at night. (hunt)
6. One of the tigers’ biggest problems is _______. (hunt)
7. _______ from factories need to be treated properly. (pollute)
8. Can you ask the _______ what drinks he likes? (farm)
IV. Practice: Complete the sentences, using like, such as, or for example and your own ideas.
1. There are some good drinks at the shop, _______________________________________________
2. We can write about many topics. _____________________________________________________
3. Boys usually like playing sports, _____________________________________________________
4. My favorite animals are sea animals, __________________________________________________
5. Some subjects aren’t easy. ___________________________________________________________
6. You can become whoever you want. __________________________________________________
7. A lot of cities in Vietnam have fantastic beaches, _________________________________________
8. I am interested in playing video games, ________________________________________________
9. They always help their parents at home. ________________________________________________
10. Some animals are in danger, _________________________________________________________

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