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Group: 06
Class: Human Resource Management EEP 63
Supervisor: Mr. Nguyen Huy Trung
Group Student Name: Nguyen Ngoc Huyen – 11218120
Tran Kim Phuc – 11214713
Pham Phuong Thuy – 11215639
Tran Ha Trang – 11215909
Dao Anh Tuan – 11210152

Ha Noi, May 2023

Human Resource Management encompasses all of an organization's activities to attract,
build, develop, employ, evaluate, preserve and retain a workforce that matches the
organization's job requirements both in terms of quantity and quality. The object of
Human Resource Management is employees, whose purpose is to effectively use human
resources to achieve the goals of that organization.

Our group assignment consists of the following main sections: Analysis of the entry into
the labour market of Gen Z - our generation. Next, we'll focus on how HR responds to
Gen Z and more specifically, what are the Recruitment and Selection, L&D, and Internal
Communication requirements to adapt to Gen Z. All parts are analyzed in more detail by
our team in this group assignment.

Our group assignment will exemplify on FPT - a pioneering corporation in digital

transformation in Vietnam - and how they have applied their own HR strategies to attract
talented people, especially gen Z - one of the future labour market masters. In order to
deal with the volatility of the labour market, a typical image of HR strategy - FPT
Software always finds ways to offer its own strategies to attract and recruit dynamic
individuals to conquer new technologies and explore new frontiers. To ensure a highly
motivated team, peak performance and to world class leaders, FPT Software invests
heavily in people across all levels.

In short, our group assignment will analyze the participation of the labour market of the
new generation - Gen Z, then we make the corresponding changes of HR functions to
adapt to the change of the labour market. Finally, we will explain how FPT has improved
to attract the generation with hiring, training and internal communication policies.


1. Gen Z general characteristics 3
2. Labour market analysis 4
3. How does HR adapt to Gen Z? 7
a. Transparent leadership and communication at all levels 7
b. A diverse and inclusive workplace 7
c. Proper work-life balance 7
d. Growth, career development and job stability 8
e. Benefits and perks 8
4. Requirements for HRM in the companies 8
a. For Recruitment & Selection 8
b. For Learning & Development 9
c. For Internal Communication 9


1. Hiring 9
2. Learning and Development 11
3. Internal Communication 13

As the workplace continues to change, a new generational cohort - Generation Z is
beginning to enter the workforce. At the same time, millennials are now progressing in
their careers and will be challenged with managing these incoming workers. The different
environment both generations grew up in, as well as technological advancement over these
several decades, are reasons these generations have completely different characteristics.
The conditions a given generation grew up in influences the needs and expectations in
private and professional life. This becomes a challenge for employers who have to adjust
workplaces to their requirements.
1. Gen Z general characteristics
Gen Z is a phrase used to refer to people born in 1997 - 2012. This is the next generation
to enter the labour market. People born between 1997 and 2009, will make up at least a
quarter of the global workforce by 2025. By looking at the global economic environment
and demographic factors, Deloitte has conduct a surveys about gen Z most popular
characteristic and abilities:
● Adapt quickly to technology: As a generation that matures with the continuous
development of technology and the internet, they are more adaptable and more open
to change in the workplace. In addition, they are quicker to pick up on new habits
than older generations. It comes with poor concentration because they absorb the
constant stream of content on the internet.
● Tenacious and resourceful: Research shows that three-quarters of young people have
demonstrated their resilience in times of crisis. Some build pandemic preparedness
(48%) and some learn new skills (41%), while others create new sources of income
● Committed to great causes: Young workers just want to work for a job or company
that aligns with their values ​and goals. Research from the World Economic Forum,
shows that Gen Z wants leaders with a vision of sustainable prosperity.
● Open-minded and dedicated to inclusion: According to research by Deloitte, three in
five Gen-Zers consider systemic racism to be 'very' or 'quite pervasive' in society at
large. At least one in five said they felt discriminated against 'all the time' or often
because of an aspect of their background. More than half believe that older
generations are hindering social progress.
● Ask for an authentic employee experience: Deloitte found that about a third of
Gen-Zers (35%) said they took time off work due to stress and anxiety caused by the
pandemic. Overall, about 40% of workers felt their employer did poorly in supporting
their mental health during this period.

2. Labour market analysis
After more than two years of the pandemic, along with the effects from the conflict
between Russia and Ukraine, global economic activity has decreased drastically. Economic
activity in advanced economies has been held back by rising energy prices, unfavourable
financial conditions and supply chain disruptions. As a result, growth in advanced
economies is forecast to nearly halve, from 5.1 per cent in 2021 to 2.6 per cent in 2022, 1.2
percentage points lower than forecast in January 2022. Economic growth in developing
and emerging economies is also forecast to halve this year, from 6.6 per cent in 2021 to 3.4
per cent in 2022, 1.2 percentage points lower than forecast in January 2022.
When it comes to labour and employment, according to the latest report of the
International Labour Organization (ILO) the recovery of the global labour market is being
threatened by the ongoing crises that influence each other and increase inequality.
Following the remarkable achievements in the fourth quarter of 2021, the number of hours
worked in the world has deteriorated in the first quarter of 2022 and remains 3.8 per cent
below the level of the fourth quarter of 2019, equivalent to a deficit of 112 million
full-time jobs. The ILO’s latest projection for the second quarter of 2022 shows that the
level of hours worked is expected to be 4.2 per cent below the pre-pandemic level, which
is equivalent to 123 million full-time jobs.
According to a United Nations report, 15 and 24 year olds are hit harder by the
COVID-19 crisis than adults. Globally, youth employment is down twice that of adults.
According to research by DHL Group, up to 95% believe the pandemic will affect their job
prospects. Even so, 88% of Gen Z are confident they are ready to enter the job market,
with more than 7 out of 10 optimistic that they will find a job in less than six months after
Jobs impose prejudice because the generation gap causes many obstacles for gen Z in
their career. Some major stereotypes about gen Z are
● “Snowflake” & “Strawberry”: The generation is weak, cries out a little, can't stand
pressure and often jumps from work. They can't stand the pressure or work as hard as
previous generations of workers. Some label individuals as empowered, easily
offended, overly emotional, and self-obsessed about their perceived uniqueness.
● Selfish, self-interested: Gen Z people are labelled as disloyal to the company, poor
commitment. If they stay at the company, they often demand benefits and are less
According to a recent DHL survey report with more than 70 000 people, Gen Z has the
following needs:

In Viet Nam, the flexible responses together with constant efforts by the entire political
system, from central to local, to recover and develop the economy, have helped bring the
Covid-19 pandemic under control, with most of production and business operations
returning to the normal state as before the Covid-19 pandemic. The 31st SEA Games event
was successfully held in Viet Nam, thus helping promote more vibrant trade, tourism and
cultural activities as a spur for economic recovery. The socio-economic situation in the
second quarter of 2022 in Viet Nam has prospered. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the
second quarter of 2022 grew by an estimated 7.72 per cent over the same period last year,
higher than the growth rate of the second quarters in the 2011-2021 period. In particular,
the agriculture, forestry and fishery (AFF) sector increased by 3.02 per cent, contributing
4.56 per cent to the increase in total added value of the whole economy; the industry and
construction sector increased by 8.87 per cent, contributing 46.85 per cent; and the services
sector increased by 8.56 per cent, contributing 48.59 per cent.
Viet Nam’s labour market in the second quarter of 2022 continued to maintain its
recovery momentum. Both the total labour force and employed workers in the second
quarter of 2022 increased relative to the previous quarter and over the same period last
year in all three economic sectors. The average monthly income of workers increased
relative to the previous quarter and over the same period last year. The statutory
working-age unemployment and underemployment rates both decreased relative to the
previous quarter and the same period last year. The employees aged 15 and over in the first
quarter of 2023 was 52.2 million people, an increase of 88.7 thousand people compared to
the previous quarter and an increase of more than one million people compared to the same
period last year.
According to a survey of 200 Vietnamese university students in November 2021, their
needs include:

3. How does HR adapt to Gen Z?

a. Transparent leadership and communication at all levels

Trust in the workplace is important to Gen Z employees, and they want an honest and
transparent leader. This will create trust between the two parties and employees then feel
safe voicing their views and ideas to colleagues without being judged or ridiculed.
Gen Z also wants their time and effort to have an impact on any task they do. So they
always want to know exactly what is expected of them at work and how it affects the
company. Leaders being open about what they need from Generation Z employees helps
set clear goals for employees and reduces any confusion or miscommunication.

b. A diverse and inclusive workplace

Gen Z is the most diverse generation to date. The younger generation lives in a more
diverse world than other generations. As a result, they learned the importance of respect
and inclusion right from an early age and expect their employers to hold the same
principles as them when it comes to diversity.
Cultivating a diverse and inclusive workplace shows Gen Z candidates that the company
is fair and gives everyone an equal opportunity to perform. In addition, it shows them that
they will be respected when participating in the workplace and feel safe being themselves,
increasing employee engagement and leading to higher productivity and satisfaction in the
workplace job.

c. Proper work-life balance

Allowing employees to create healthy boundaries about how well they work helps them
stay mentally and physically healthy. Companies can achieve this by offering wellness
programs such as employee assistance programs (EAPs), encouraging employees to use
leave credits, and fostering a workplace culture. Pay attention to employee workload and

d. Growth, career development and job stability

Gen Z employees attach great importance to learning new skills and expanding their
knowledge further. This generation does not care as much about job titles as older
generations but is always interested in advancement opportunities. Investing in their
growth benefits the company as it produces skillful employees that produce high-quality
output and service.

Providing development for employees also meets the generation's need for job security.
Since the pandemic and the rising unemployment rate, Zers has worried about the
possibility of job loss. Therefore, employers should proactively offer ways for employees
to develop their expertise, such as training courses and seminars. In doing so, Gen Z
employees will be able to apply their skills in new roles within the company and have less
anxiety about maintaining the right relationship in the industry should they decide to
explore new roles. other external opportunities.

e. Benefits and perks

Regarding the right work balance, Gen Z employees are looking for employee benefits
packages and perks that help with their personal lives outside of work. As a result,
employers that offer extra assistance with loans are more attractive to these employees. It
helps to relieve the extra worry and stress from budgeting and working more shifts just to
pay off the loan.
In addition, many people have taken an interest in staying mentally and physically
healthy since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lifestyle benefits and perks like gym
memberships, meditation sessions, additional paid leave, or even reimbursement for
employee wellness items and activities considered good privileges.

4. Requirements for HRM in the companies:

a. For Recruitment & Selection

The Z Generation have been exposed to the Internet, to social networks and to more
mobile systems. That contact has produced a hypercognitive generation very comfortable
with integrating virtual and online inference. As a result, it is a trend in Z Generation to
learn all about the firms’ information on the Internet before applying for the position. So it
is really important for organisations to build brand identity on social media platforms.
Moreover, in order to attract more applications, employers can use online interview
methods instead of only face - to - face interviews. As a generation well prepared for
knowledge and skills, the recruitment process of Generation Z needs to update
competencies and use different selecting methods that fit employers' requirements. Firms
can use forms such as personality tests, face-to-face interviews, especially case tests which
reflect close to the working conditions. After COVID-19, Z Generation tends to find job
positions which are committed and reliable. Therefore, in the recruitment and selection
process, companies need to clarify health securities and benefits, provide them with stable
rights in the recruiting process so that employees can make the most accurate decisions,
which benefits both employers and interviewers.

b. For Learning & Development
Besides professional skills and knowledge, employees need to be trained in soft skills
such as communication, rejection handling skills and especially the ability to use office
computing. Having these things, employees can adapt and better adapt to the change in
working form, keeping labour efficiency. Large enterprises not only prefer training at
campus, but also online training, because Generation Z is someone who quickly adapts to
technology and hopes to gain more experience in new training. Meanwhile, the application
of online training technology will enable more employees to participate and improve the
company's productivity. Moreover, Generation Z are ambitious workers, they are
committed to great causes so the training program needs to depict the company's vision for
them. If they go with the company, they can guide the development path, linking the
interests of employees with the company. You can create a survey questionnaire to
understand that Z gene workers hope to receive training in skills, knowledge, and
problem-solving, in order to develop an appropriate training plan. Especially, the training
plan should involve many people so that they can learn from each other and develop
together. Education and training systems must be prepared to develop skills for the future.
In particular, partnership between policymakers, business and training providers are
required to ensure adequate supply with demand in the labour market.

c. For Internal Communication

Globalisation and diversity help organisations attract labour forces from all over the
world. This requires the organisation to have multi-ethnic policies, build a corporate
workplace culture that will respect each other. In particular, there should be exchanges ,
company events, gatherings and other occasions to bring everyone in the enterprise closer
together. Nowadays companies are very focused on internal communication, from small
startups to large corporations not only to exchange information but also to bring members
together, especially the workforce young workers. These people tend to go on social media
often and get to know each other online, so organisations focus on developing social media
platforms for their employees. This can be an effective way for Gen Z to bond with the
company more. Friendly working environment: Generation Z requires a friendly
atmosphere in the office and they spend a large amount of time building relationships with


1. Hiring:
In order to build brand identity on social media platforms and online interview methods,
investing in images on online platforms is focused on by FPT. The company's main
channel is FPTJobs website, which was built in 2016. Through the FPTJobs, candidates

can apply for jobs, take an online exam, do an online interview with computers, or online
with an employer. Since then, FPT Telecom has saved nearly 50% of time for data entry,
interview arrangement, input screening, and expanding the talent pool since the online
platform is suitable for all audiences.

There are 6 main stages in FPT’s recruitment process, namely: applying, receiving and
screening of applications, doing multiple choice test and essay writing, interviewing,
contract discussion, and completing the application after being recruited. With the
purpose of updating competencies and use different selecting methods that fit employers'
requirements to Gen Z, As can be seen from the recruitment process, before coming to
the interview round, candidates have to go through multiple-choice and essay tests with
many parts such as: IQ - Logical thinking test, GMAT - Time calculation ability test.
Short, English, Professional tests (corresponding to the position applied for), etc. that help
employers assess more precisely. FPT also periodically conducts many activities for
technology candidates, such as the program "Technology students in training", "Future
leaders". Accordingly, the company recruits students of information technology or
electronics and telecommunications right from the time they are still in school, and raises
sources for official positions after graduation. Furthermore, at some universities, FPT
Telecom has a team of Recruitment Ambassadors - excellent students who bring the FPT
brand closer to students nationwide. In addition to students from information technology
and telecommunications training schools, FPT Telecom also provides scholarships, cash
donation, and training courses of FPT Telecom Training Center to students of schools that
have good results in the company's related fields.

To meet the requirements of Gen Z, in the recruitment and selection process, companies
need to clarify health securities and benefits and provide them with stable rights. There
are two types of contracts: "on-the-job-training" (experimental training - usually for 3rd
year students) or "fresher" (apply not only for students but all employees with no
experience, undergo selection to re-train). These are types of labour contracts that allow
young people to be considered as other ordinary employees, with salary and benefits,
well-trained, and email/Workplace FPT accounts. Contract term can be from 3-11
months. Selected students will be able to sign a longer-term employment contract after
completing the program. In the recruitment process, regarding contract negotiation, FPT
also stated that the candidates selected through the interview round will be scheduled for
another meeting to agree on the labour contract and related issues, including : type of
contract, job, salary, working time. All subsequent work is carried out according to the
labour contract and the instructions of the staff in charge of direct responsibility and the
Human Resources officer.

2. Learning and Development:
FPT Corporation has focused on developing training from within. FPT Corporation's
leadership has not stopped taking care of internal training to keep up with the trend of
development. FPT has paid great attention to training - training human resources in a
methodical and long-term plan depicting the company's vision. The training system is
implemented comprehensively and extensively, from the group level to the member units.
And the training is considered as a "force majeure", for most employees. "At FPT, learning
is not simply sending staff to study and then return to work. The way the company does it
is that learning must go hand in hand with practice. We create a playground, where
employees can practise practising properly, in other fields so that they can see the goals
that FPT sets for each person. Those who are educated will also participate in teaching,
transmitting and sharing knowledge to their colleagues." Head of Human Resources
Department (FHR), Mrs. Hong talked about how to build a learning environment in the
enterprise. At FPT, 100% of new employees can participate in an orientation training
course called "72 hours of experience". With this course, new members have the
opportunity to work together to understand the history, people, cultural values and spirit of
FPT. FPT's MiniMBA is a 35% reduction of the Swiss-standard MBA program along with
FPT's practical development experience. FPT is also known for a very new form of
training - the form of "Master - Disciple". Each master has at least 5 disciples, who can
choose to be in that unit or another unit in FPT. "Master" has the task of leading, sharing
experiences and training for his "disciples" so that they have the opportunity to improve
their self-worth as well as develop the work they are in charge of. Every year, each
employee must also complete a number of courses (with percentages) according to the
regulations of their units. Internal training shows FPT Corporation's commitment to
employee development. Employees feel their value is greatly increased in a business that
values training and coaching. Internal training contributes to the capacity development of
The amount of training course FPT completed in 2021:

Evaluation criteria 2021

Budget for training 99.3 billion VND

Total number of training courses 8.289

Total number of training sessions 818.580

Total hours of training 3.803.220 hours

Number of training sessions/person 23

Number of training hours/person 91

New technology certificate number 4.768

At FPT IS, the Human Resources department is focusing on building and systematising
the training matrix (training plan and tutoring) for a number of positions in the company,
and at the same time bringing focused training activities to the next generation Z is
associated with this training matrix. In addition to training young human resources in the
professional field, the system house combines training in soft skills necessary for work as
well as personal capacity development. In particular, online learning has begun to be
promoted through the internal e-learning channel combined with webinars through the
online training system - one of the ways of learning in line with current trends and young
people - needs to be flexible and ensure that learning is not limited by space and time.
develop skills for the future: The company has researched and built a new training program
suitable for the young generation. From the first days of joining the company, staff will be
provided with a relatively methodical training route, combined with supplementary
training courses and specialised courses, which will help young staff quickly integrate into
the workforce. New environment, quickly adapted to work effectively, a "Talent pool" is
also built to take the initiative in human resources, especially young human resources, to
be ready to respond when needed. FPT Human Resources Director Chu Quang Huy
affirmed: "At FPT, we are very aware of the changes in human resources, especially Gen
Z. We have conducted studies and surveys to understand the behaviours of FPT because of
the changing characteristics of Gen Z compared to previous generations, thereby
developing policies to suit this audience, creating the best environment for you to
showcase your talents”.

3. Internal Communication: To build the transparent leadership matching with young , the
founder of FPT Corporation - Mr. Truong Gia Binh had acknowledged the importance of
social responsibility since the first day of establishment. He shared about the management
style at FPT through the story of Genghis Khan. This opinion shows the highest respect
from the leader of FPT to their followers. Truong Gia Binh also oriented several training
courses about leadership, which have formed 3 competencies of a FPT’s leader: Influence,
Result (Profit - Productivity - Digital Conversion) and Employees Development.
Moreover, the Letter from Chairman dear esteemed shareholders, customers, partners, and
all employees published on the website helps all employees know about the
overview picture, they understand where they need to go with the corporation and what
their targets are. Specifically, they feel respected and crucial for the development of the
company, therefore, they are ready to dedicate themselves to the common goals of FPT.
About internal communication channels, the information flows are continuously moving
back and forth with great intensity and are divided into different streams. For working, the
back office can talk directly to one or more leaders through live chat and video
conferencing as needed. In some cases, the application of this technology to administrative
and office activities has helped the Group to have quick and effective strategies.
Employees of the same departments can also chat with each other via the internal chat
channel, FPT's leadership and information technology department also skillfully built an
online forum for employees throughout the corporation, enabling employees to ask
questions, consult, get information, and answer difficult work-related issues. The forum
also has a function for employees to contribute their opinions to the corporation on the
strategy as well as the performance of the leadership and divisions. Besides, FPT creates a
website to update every internal event, information of FPT called “”. The
transmission of information is always guaranteed to be smooth at all levels. FPT focuses
on building a corporate culture that will respect each other and a friendly working
environment. All the managers comply with core values (“Respect – Innovation –
Teamwork – Equality – Exemplarity – Lucidity”) of FPT. They empower employees to
take ownership of their work and make decisions, with a culture of trust and autonomy.
They have respected the creativity from every generation through the work environment
and culture where everyone has the right to express themselves, to promote all talents, no
matter how weird. The chairman permits employees to raise their voice about their work
life (good and bad stories are accepted) through their proud culture - STCo. STCo has
touched the highest extent of culture: People who work or worked at FPT are proud of
being a part of FPT. As a result, the culture is nurtured and developed so that internal
strength makes FPT develop. Employees got to know STCo through songs that distort
lyrics or funny stories, bad stories, articles about FPT characters, speeches, small chats, or

when talking about work with co-workers, etc. FPT has also organised a “72 hours
experience” as onboarding training for new employees to get on well. It is a trip (2 days 1
night) in which employees will be joined in team building activities, conquer challenges
with the team. The purpose of the trip is to spread the history, STCo and FPT’s humanity.
They have respected the creativity from every generation through the work environment
and culture where everyone has the right to express themselves, to promote all talents, no
matter how weird. The chairman permits employees to raise their voice about their work
life (good and bad stories are accepted) through their proud culture - STCo. He also
participates in big internal events of FPT such as STCo night on 19th March, festival night,
etc. Since the top management, the culture is nurtured and boosts internal communication
transparently and friendly with the younger generation.


Young Generation Z (Gen Z) with its creative, dynamic, and inquisitive characteristics is
a new driving force for the workforce, but at the same time poses a difficult problem for
businesses that need an HR strategy that best suits the unique characteristics of the

There are several factors that help FPT Corporation hit the goal, and adapt to Gen Z
which can be listed as their own Hiring, Learning and Development (Training), and
Internal Communication strategies. FPT may have employed some human resource
management methods to manage, optimise its activities, and attract a young, dynamic
workforce, attracting Gen Z talents in the harsh business environment. This explains why
FPT Corporation retains talent and adapts quickly to changes in the labour market.
Today's businesses also need to always change to adapt to the ever-changing labour
market, especially in the dramatical development of the current 4.0 technology.

The Human Resource Management course is an extremely necessary and meaningful

subject for not only economics students in general but also human resource management
students in particular. Thank you to Mr. Nguyen Huy Trung, lecturer of Human
Resource Management, for providing us with not only a general overview of
organizations in business but also effective management methods and ways of working
with people. Especially, through lectures and practicing hypothetical situations in class,
we have gained deeper insights into behavior in business organizations. Applying this to
practical situations, we understand that understanding human resource management is a
skill that a human resource manager cannot do without, as well as continuously
improving knowledge to work more effectively.


[1]. Course book: Human Resource Management (Gary Dessler - 15th Edition)
[2]. Mr. Nguyen Huy Trung: Slide Human Resource Management
[3]. Website FPT:
3.2: STCo - Culture immortality
3.3: FPT turns its personnel policy to attract the young generation
[4]. Survey: Survey of students' interest in businesses
[5]. Article: Report on the post-pandemic recovery of employment and labor market in
second quarter of 2022.
[6]. Article: Age and sex structure of the Vietnamese population
[7]. Article: Why gen Z will change the way we work
[8]. Article: Gen Z: How to attract the next generation of employees
[9]. Article: Almost all Gen Z ‘anxious’ over lack of jobs
[10]. Article: ILO downgrades labour market recovery forecast for 2022


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