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Nama : Fakhri Nasharul Syihab

NPM : 150320220004
Biokimia Tumbuhan
Enzym In Plants

No Enzym Substrat Product Sumber

1 Alpha amilase (α-Amilase) Amilum/pati α-maltosa dan α-glukosa (Damaris et al., 2019)
2. Invertase Sukrosa Fruktosa dan Glukosa (Siddappaji et al., 2015)
3 Urease Urea Amonia dan karbon (Myrach et al., 2017)
4 Chitinase Colloidal chitin β-(1,4) glikosidik Kitosan (Poria et al., 2021)
5 Phytase Phytin Phosporus dan phospate (J.Applegate & Angel, 1996)
6 Cellulase Selulosa glukosa, selobiosa dan (Byrt et al., 2012)
7 Katalase Hidrogen Peroksida Oksigen dan air (Yang & Poovaiah, 2002)
8 Peroksidase Hidrogen Peroksida Air (Singh et al., 2013)
9 Phosphatase p-nitrophenyl phosphate Phosporus (Cabugao et al., 2017)
10 Lipase Lipid Cutin (Lee & Park, 2019)

Referensi :
Byrt, C. S., Cahyanegara, R., & Grof, C. P. L. (2012). Plant carbohydrate binding module enhances activity of hybrid microbial cellulase enzyme. Frontiers
in Plant Science, 3(NOV), 1–8.
Cabugao, K. G., Timm, C. M., Carrell, A. A., Childs, J., Lu, T. Y. S., Pelletier, D. A., Weston, D. J., & Norby, R. J. (2017). Root and rhizosphere bacterial
phosphatase activity varies with tree species and soil phosphorus availability in puerto rico tropical forest. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8(October), 1–14.
Damaris, R. N., Lin, Z., Yang, P., & He, D. (2019). The rice alpha-amylase, conserved regulator of seed maturation and germination. International Journal of
Molecular Sciences, 20(2), 1–17.
J.Applegate, T., & Angel, R. (1996). Phytase : Basix of Enzyme Function.
Lee, H. J., & Park, O. K. (2019). Lipases associated with plant defense against pathogens. Plant Science, 279(June 2018), 51–58.
Myrach, T., Zhu, A., & Witte, C. P. (2017). The assembly of the plant urease activation complex and the essential role of the urease accessory protein G
(UreG) in delivery of nickel to urease. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(35), 14556–14565.
Poria, V., Rana, A., Kumari, A., Grewal, J., Pranaw, K., & Singh, S. (2021). Current perspectives on chitinolytic enzymes and their agro-industrial
applications. Biology, 10(12), 1–20.
Siddappaji, M. H., Scholes, D. R., Krishnankutty, S. M., Calla, B., Clough, S. J., Zielinski, R. E., & Paige, K. N. (2015). The role of invertases in plant
compensatory responses to simulated herbivory. BMC Plant Biology, 15(1), 1–12.
Singh, H., Dixit, S., Verma, P. C., & Singh, P. K. (2013). Differential peroxidase activities in three different crops upon insect feeding. Plant Signaling and
Behavior, 8(9), 1–7.
Yang, T., & Poovaiah, B. W. (2002). Hydrogen peroxide homeostasis: Activation of plant catalase by calcium/calmodulin. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(6), 4097–4102.

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