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Towards a scalable discrete quantum generative adversarial neural network

Smit Chaudhary,1, 2 Patrick Huembeli,1 Ian MacCormack,1 Taylor L. Patti,3 Jean Kossaifi,3 and Alexey Galda1
Menten AI, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA
(Dated: September 29, 2022)
We introduce a fully quantum generative adversarial network intended for use with binary data.
The architecture incorporates several features found in other classical and quantum machine learning
models, which up to this point had not been used in conjunction. In particular, we incorporate noise
reuploading in the generator, auxiliary qubits in the discriminator to enhance expressivity, and a
direct connection between the generator and discriminator circuits, obviating the need to access
the generator’s probability distribution. We show that, as separate components, the generator and
arXiv:2209.13993v1 [quant-ph] 28 Sep 2022

discriminator perform as desired. We empirically demonstrate the expressive power of our model
on both synthetic data as well as low energy states of an Ising model. Our demonstrations suggest
that the model is not only capable of reproducing discrete training data, but also of potentially
generalizing from it.

I. INTRODUCTION to map to samples that resemble the data, x. This func-

tion is derived from the Jensen-Shannon divergence [6],
Unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learning and quantifies the extent to which the data distribution
models have been successful in recent years at learning and the distribution of samples from the generator over-
from and generating complex sets of data, ranging from lap. The first term is maximized when D correctly as-
images [1–3], to audio [4], to time series data [5], and signs labels to all ‘real’ and ‘fake’ (generated) data, while
more. These models typically involve training on a set the second one is minimized when G produces samples
of data whose essential features are distilled into a more that D classifies as real data (the functions, D and G
compact form, from which new samples that share the have a probabilistic interpretation here). We update D
qualitative features of the training data can be generated. to maximize the former and G to minimize the latter, in
Architectures for such generation include variational au- an alternating, adversarial optimization. At the end of
toencoders, generative adversarial networks (GANs), and a successful training run, D should misclassify samples
language models like transformers [6]. In this paper, we from G half the time.
focus on GANs. Generative adversarial models such as Since a GAN requires sampling fake data from a prob-
the style GAN [7–9] demonstrate state of the art image ability distribution, p(z), it is natural to wonder if a pa-
generation capabilities. GANs also may be particularly rameterized quantum circuit would be well-suited as a
well-suited as an architecture for unsupervised quantum generator. After all, a wave function naturally encodes
machine learning, which we discuss in more detail below. a potentially very intricate probability distribution over
Specifically, we introduce a quantum GAN architecture basis states, and the measurement process naturally cor-
for learning from discrete datasets, and show that this responds to taking a sample from this distribution in a
architecture has properties that suggest its scalability to very efficient way. Indeed, sufficiently large quantum cir-
larger system sizes. cuits can very easily encode probability distributions that
GANs come in a variety of forms, but all consist of two cannot be efficiently sampled on a classical computer [10].
basic components: a generator (G), which attempts to This suggests the possibility of a more expressive quan-
generate new samples from the distribution of training tum generator, which could produce a more intricate ar-
data, and a discriminator (D) that attempts to distin- ray of samples than, for example, a classical neural net-
guish the fake data from G from the real training data. work with a Gaussian prior distribution.
During training, the two components (which usually take In this paper, we take advantage of this increased
the form of neural networks) compete in an adversarial generative capability by combining a quantum generator
minmax game in which convergence is reached when the with a quantum discriminator into a fully quantum GAN
discriminator can no longer distinguish between the real (QGAN), which we specifically apply to discrete data sets
data and the generator’s forgeries. The optimization is encoded as binary strings. We first review recent work
expressed generically in the following form: on partially and fully-quantum GAN architectures. We
then introduce the separate components of our QGAN ar-
min max[hlog (D(x))ix∼pdata (x) (1) chitecture, contrasting them with previous architectures
−hlog (1 − D(G(z)))iz∼pz (z) ], and demonstrating their capabilities as independent com-
ponents. We then explain how the full QGAN is trained.
where pdata (x) is the training data distribution, and pz (z) We demonstrate the full QGAN by training it on the low
is a random distribution (often a multivariate Gaussian energy states of a classical Ising model and showing that
distribution, called the prior), which the generator learns the average energy of the states sampled from the gener-

ator is lower than that of a random sample, which serves In other words, using a classical discriminator with a
as evidence of generalization. Finally, we conclude with a discrete quantum generator somewhat defeats the pur-
discussion about the scalability of the QGAN and future pose of a Quantum GAN. One of the advantages of using
work. a GAN is that the output probabilities of the genera-
tor pG (x) do not have to be measured, which is par-
ticularly important when pG (x) corresponds to the am-
II. PREVIOUS WORK ON GANS AND QGANS plitudes of a very large-dimensional wave function. For
a batch of discrete samples x ∼ pG (x) and a classical
The recent emergence of quantum machine learn- discriminator function y = fD (x), the average output
ing [11] has lead to the proposal of various hybrid archi- of the discriminator with respect to a batch of samples
tectures, including quantum generative adversarial net- is hyi = M x∼pG (x) fD (x), where M is the number of
works (QGANs) [12–21]. Compared to other probabilis- samples x. To take the gradient of hyi with respect to the
tic models, GANs are especially well suited for implemen- parameters θG of pG one has to employ the log-likelihood
tation on quantum devices because they do not require ‘trick’, i.e.
exhaustive sampling during training. Even more impor- 1 X
tantly, they do not require access to the output probabil- ∇θG hyi = ∇θG log(pG (x))fD (x). (2)
ity distribution of the generator. These attributes ren- M
x∼pG (x)
der them a promising candidate for a scalable generative
quantum model. For a QGAN, we replace the classical Measuring the probabilities pG (x) and their derivatives
functions G and D from the previous section with pa- would require an exponential amount of measurements.
rameterized quantum circuits UG (θG ) and UD (θD ). Thus, employing a classical discriminator with a quan-
Previous works on QGANs have explored different ar- tum generator for discrete data is not a scalable ap-
chitectures, benchmarked on both binary and continuous proach.
data. In [13, 16, 17, 22], the authors focus on continu- To our knowledge, none of the proposed QGAN ar-
ous data, obtained by measuring expectation values at chitectures for discrete data use a quantum discrimina-
the output of the quantum generator. As we will later tor, relying instead on measuring the sample probabili-
see, their architectures cannot be ported directly to our ties pG (x). However, there is good reason to believe that
binary data. Furthermore, in [13, 20–22] as well as to generative quantum models are well-suited to the task
a lesser extent in [16], the authors use a classical dis- of learning and generalizing from distributions of dis-
criminator. In [18], the authors focus on learning 1-qubit crete data [24–27]. This juxtaposition motivates the cen-
quantum states. QGANs for binary data have been stud- tral question of this work: can discrete quantum GANs
ied in [14, 15, 20]. In these schemes the binary samples be constructed with a quantum generator and a quan-
are obtained via single-shot measurements of the gener- tum discriminator and trained on the discriminator labels
ator’s output. Both proposals use a classical discrimina- alone? Furthermore, the aim of this work is to better un-
tor. Since single shot samples are not as readily differen- derstand the capabilities of QGANs to learn binary data
tiable as expectation values, the binary generator has to distributions. To test the components of our QGAN ar-
be trained via the log-likelihood of its output probability chitecture, we use a synthetic “bars and stripes dataset”,
distribution. This renders the method computationally which provides a simple and easily visualizable check as
intractable, as it scales exponentially in the number of to whether the generator and discriminator are function-
qubits, requiring the estimation of O(2N ) output proba- ing properly. We then demonstrate the QGAN by train-
bilities for N qubits. ing it on a subset of the low energy states of classical
For continuous data, the output of the generator cir- Ising Hamiltonians. Hamiltonians of this sort are par-
cuit is obtained by measuring expectation values of arbi- ticularly relevant, as they are used to encode quadratic
trary n-qubit operators. A common choice are Pauli-Z unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems of
operators measured on each qubit. If such a continuous the sort solved by the quantum approximate optimiza-
valued quantum generator is employed alongside a clas- tion algorithm (QAOA). As such optimization problems
sical discriminator, the expectation values are used as are vital to a wide variety of fields, if the QGAN can
the input to the discriminator. Since expectation values meaningfully supplement algorithms like QAOA by pro-
are differentiable, the training of the quantum-classical viding additional low energy solutions, it would impact
hybrid circuit can be performed via gradient backpropa- numerous practical applications.
gation [23].
In contrast, with a quantum discriminator, the gener-
ator and the discriminator form a single quantum circuit III. OUR QGAN ARCHITECTURE
where the output state of the generator is directly fed
into the discriminator. As a result, no measurements are We here introduce the components of our QGAN archi-
required at the output of the generator and only a sin- tecture that distinguish it from other proposed QGANs.
gle qubit measurement is required at the output of the Before explaining the details of our generator and dis-
discriminator to obtain the label ‘fake’ or ‘real’. criminator, we first note that we use a Wasserstein-type

loss [28] to train our GAN, rather than the standard GAN
loss given in Eq. I. Generically, the Wasserstein loss re- | 0⟩ Rx (b1π) R (ω1) R (ω6)
places non-linear activations at the end of the discrimi-
nator with linear ones: | 0⟩ Rx (b2π) R (ω2) R (ω7)
min max hD(x)ix∼pdata (x) − hD(G(z))iz∼p(z) . (3)
| 0⟩ Rx (b3π) R (ω3)

Wasserstein-type loss functions makes use of the earth R (ω8)

movers (EM) distance metric instead of other popular
probability distances used to learn distributions. This | 0⟩ Rx (b4π) R (ω4) R (ω9)
allows for much more stable training, and mitigate is-
| 0⟩ Rx (b5π) R (ω5)
sues such as the vanishing gradient that are encountered
with the standard GAN loss function. Furthermore, the R (ω10)
measurement expectation values can be directly used in
our loss function. In our case the EM distance is applied
to the classical expectation values and, therefore, should
UE(x (k)) L1(θ1) L2(θ2)
not be confused with the quantum EM from [29].
FIG. 1: The quantum circuit architecture of the
A. Training Data discriminator. It consists of a layer-wise structure where
the first layer is an encoding layer. I.e. it prepares the
To train a generative model, we require a set of training state |x(k) i from a binary string x(k) . The encoding is
data points D = {x(k) }N data
that are sampled from the followed by Layers of parameterized single qubit
(k) rotations and CZ gates. The label of the discriminator
data distribution x ∼ pdata (x), which constitutes the
is obtained by measuring the 1st qubit of the circuit.
ground truth that the GAN should learn.

1. Bars and Stripes the travelling salesman [33] and portfolio optimization in
finance [34].
We here consider the simplest case of Eq. 4: constant,
In this manuscript, we focus on two datasets that we
nearest-neighbor interactions, zero magnetic field, and
want the QGAN to reproduce. The first one is the so-
open boundary conditions, producing the Hamiltonian
called ‘Bars and Stripes’ (B&S) dataset, which was also
used in [30]. It consists of binary square matrices, each N
X −1
with either its columns or rows set to 1 or 0. We fo- HN N = Zi Zi+1 . (5)
cus on the 2 × 2 B&S dataset with 4 pixels that consists i=1
of Ndata = 6 images to be learned. All other binary
configurations of the 24 dimensional state space are con- The dataset D consists of uniformly drawn low energy
sidered noise. In this simple case of B&S, the dataset D states of HN N .
contains all the training data and the data distribution Ultimately, the QGAN should not merely learn the
pdata (x) = 1/6 is uniform. We will refer to the training training data, it should also generalize from the learned
data by their ‘image index’ which are 0, 3, 5, 10, 12 and data. For example if the QGAN is trained on a sub-
15. This comes from the fact that the binary representa- set of the low energy states of the above Hamiltonian,
tion of e.g. 3 is 0011 which is a ‘bar’ if it is reshaped to it should learn to generate low energy states that are
a 2x2 image. not in the training dataset. Successful generalization is
applicable to the more practical task of enhancing the
solutions to QUBO-like problems, which take the form
2. Ising Data of the above Hamiltonian. Such diversity of solutions is
often considered as crucial as finding the ground state of
The second dataset consists of low energy states of clas- the Hamiltonian, particularly in drug discovery [35–37].
sical Ising-like Hamiltonians. Specifically, we consider
the Hamiltonian
B. The quantum discriminator
H= Jij Zi Zj + hi Zi . (4)
For the training of a QGAN it is crucial to obtain a
i,j=1 i=1
good gradient signal from the discriminator. Therefore,
This dataset is inspired by the fact that many real-world we first verify that the quantum discriminator is able to
optimization problems can be formulated as Ising Hamil- distinguish the training data from any outside data.
tonians [31], with some of the more prominent applica- To construct a supervised classification task for the
tions including protein design and drug discovery [32], discriminator, we take the set of binary strings {x(k) }

nator. Therefore, it is sufficient to measure a single qubit

predicted y real y in an arbitrary basis. In this work, we measure the first
qubit of the discriminator in the Pauli Z direction. We
then renormalize the measurement outcome as
0.8 1
ypred = (hZ1 i + 1) , (6)
y such that the label can later be interpreted as the prob-
ability of the input sample x(k) being real (i.e. that it is
part of the training dataset) during training.
In the supervised setting, the discriminator circuit
0.2 1
P (k)
is trained to minimize the loss function M k (ypred −
(k) 2
0.0 y ) , where M is the number of input label tuples
(x(k) , y (k) ). We optimize the parameters of the quan-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 tum circuit by minimizing the loss function via gradient
image index descent.
Fig. 2 displays the performance of the discriminator
FIG. 2: Discriminator on B&S data: The on the B&S data. It identifies the the B&S data points
discriminator predictions ypred after training on the (labeled y = 0) and the noise data points (labeled y = 1)
B&S dataset with their real labels. The x-axis with high accuracy.
represents the indices of the different images of the B&S Fig. 3 shows the predictions of the discriminator for
dataset. In this figure, the ‘image indices’ are ordered the Ising dataset. In a realistic scenario for the training
for better readability. 0 to 5 represent the training data. of a QGAN one would provide a small set of low energy
The rest of the indices represent states that are not part states as a training dataset and the discriminator needs
of B&S. to distinguish them from arbitrary noise samples. I.e. we
benchmark the discriminator on a strongly imbalanced
dataset. The dataset contains all 2N energies eigenvalues
with x(k) = (b1 , . . . , bN ) and bi ∈ {0, 1} and add labels of a classical Ising model with N = 8. We split the
y (k) ∈ {0, 1}. These labels represent if a data point x(k) is dataset into 20 low energy states (y = 0) and the rest high
part of the data distribution pdata (x) or not. The aim of energy states (y = 1). The training without any auxiliary
this task is to see if the discriminator is able to predict the qubits (Fig. 3 (left panel)) converges to a solution, where
correct label for a given binary input after the training. the predicted labels almost can’t be distinguished. If we
add NA = 4 auxiliary qubits the discriminator is able to
Fig. 1 shows the parameterized quantum circuit archi-
label the data with higher accuracy (right panel).
tecture that we use for the discriminator. To encode the
This highlights an important implication of how the in-
classical data into a quantum state we use basis encod-
put data is partitioned into low and high energy states.
ing [38] which consists of layer of single qubit rotations
Namely, note that a projective measurement necessarily
which we denote UE (x) = ⊗N i Rx (bi π). This layer maps divides the entire Hilbert space into 2 equal parts. For
x(k) → |x(k) i. The trainable, parameterized part of the
our N = 8 spin Ising system, the discriminator necessar-
circuit consists of a layerwise structure of single qubit
ily divides the 256 states into 128 low energy states and
rotations R(ω i ) = Rz (γi )Ry (βi )Rz (αi ) applied to each
128 high energy states. This comes from the fact that
qubit, followed by controlled Z gates. The single qubit
for the 2N states, measuring Z on qubit 1 would give
rotations are parameterized by the rotation angles α, β
+1 and -1 an equal number of times. The measurement
and γ. The trainable part of the discriminator UD (θD )
divides the N qubit system into two equal parts, which
consists of l layers L(θ i ), where l is referred to as the
further means that the N spin Ising data is also divided
depth of the circuit. The variable θD denotes all the
accordingly, because of the unitary mapping of the bi-
variational rotational angles of the discriminator circuit
nary Ising states to discriminator states. However, it is
that are optimized over the course of training.
completely reasonable to want an unequal division of the
Finally, to obtain a label prediction ypred from Ising states, so that the discriminator can distinguish,
the quantum discriminator, we prepare the state for example, the lowest k of states from the remaining
UD (θD ) |x(k) i and estimate the expectation value of an 2N − k. To achieve this, we add auxiliary qubits to the
observable hOi, interpreting this value as the predicted discriminator circuits. These auxiliaries are initialized as
label. Note that this method of retrieving the discrimina- |0i, rather than according to the input data. Otherwise,
tor label is especially suitable for quantum circuits, as the the circuit architecture in Fig. 1 remains the same, save
expectation value of a single operator can be estimated now with N + NA qubits, where NA is the number of
efficiently, with a relatively small number of shots. auxiliary qubits.
For the task at hand, i.e. distinguishing between train- In Appendix A we show that the discriminator is able
ing data and ‘noise’, we require a simple binary discrimi- to achieve much higher accuracy without auxiliary qubits

data generator
predicted y real y predicted y real y loss G loss D

1.0 1.0 0.15


0.8 0.8
0.10 −0.2

0.6 0.6
y y −0.4
0.4 0.4 0.05
0.2 0.2 0.00 −0.8
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5000 10000
0.0 0.0 image index num iterations
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
state index state index
FIG. 4: Quantum generator toy model with
FIG. 3: Discriminator on imbalanced data: noise: Output distribution (left) and loss during
Discriminator predictions vs. real labels for the Ising training (right) of the generator quantum state |ψG (z)i
data on N = 8 spins for imbalanced datasets that with a classical noise source z trained together with the
contains all 2N = 256 states without auxiliary qubits discriminator circuit UD (θD ). The training converges as
(left) and with NA = 4 auxiliary qubits (right). The expected for a GAN and the generator learns the data.
x-axis represents the index of the states ordered by Both figures are averaged over 20 different random
energy. initializations. The error bars in the histogram show the
variance of the probabilities. The variance of the
probabilities is small and barely visible which means
if the dataset is balanced or also if it discriminates a set of that the 20 training runs converge to very similar
states that is much smaller than the whole Hilbert space. output distributions pG (x). The shaded region in the
right panel shows the standard deviation.

C. The generator
the generator pG (x) of the QGAN with a noise depen-
dent generator state. The loss curves and the histograms
Since classical neural networks are fully deterministic,
are averaged over 20 different random initializations. The
a classical GAN requires a noise vector z as an input
error bars in the histograms show the variance.
to obtain different samples x = G(z). As quantum cir-
cuits are by design probabilisticP and the output quantum For the optimization without noise we P represent the
state of the generator |ψG i = ci |xi i can be designed output state of the generator |ψG i = ci |xi i directly
such that p(x) = hx|ψG i is exactly pdata (x). One could with 2N trainable parameters ci . In principle, this should
therefore conclude that noise inputs to the quantum gen- allow us to train a generator capable of expressing the
erator are unnecessary. However, as we illustrate here, data distribution pdata (x) and we can see if such a ‘per-
noise is also crucial for the training of binary generators, fect’ classical state ansatz can be trained with the quan-
and that intrinsic quantum randomness alone is insuf- tum discriminator UD (θD ) from last section. We assume
ficient to successfully train the quantum generator. We ci ∈ R without loss of generality.
emphasize that, while in theory the generator itself could To train the QGAN we perform the optimization de-
be designed to represent the entire data probability dis- scribed in Eq. 3. To estimate the expected label of the
tribution pdata (x), in practice we do not observe the ad- real data hD(x)ix∼pdata , we prepare the state |ψD i =
versarial training converging to the correct distribution UD (θD ) |x(k) i and take the average over the measured
without a noise input. To better understand the influ- 1
P (k) (k)
ence of noise on training and prescribe the generator’s
expectation values |B| k hψD | Z |ψD i, where B is ran-

quantum circuit architecture, we start with two simple dom batch drawn from the training data D. The ex-
toy models. pected label of the fake data hD(G(z))iz∼p(z) can be es-
f ake
First we show how the training converges if the gen- timated by preparing the state |ψD i = UD (θD ) |ψG i.
erator state depends on a classical noise input |ψG i → Fig. 5 shows the loss during the training and the out-
|ψG (z)i. As a simple model of such a noise conditioned put distribution of the generator after training pG (x).
state we choose a fully connected neural network (for The loss of the QGAN gets stuck in a local minima
more details see Section V) that has a noise vector z after a short amount of training. For the Wasserstein
as an input and a 2N dimensional vector |ψG (z)i as an loss, the generator loss is expected to go to lossG =
output. That is, we interpret the output of the neu- hD(G(z))iz∼p(z) = −0.5, indicating that the discrimi-
ral network (c1 (z), . . . c2P
N (z)) as the amplitudes of the nator is unable to distinguish between the fake and real
generator state |ψG i = ci (z)|xi i. This simple model data. Likewise, the discriminator loss is expected to con-
allows us to have a highly non-linear connection between verge to lossD = hD(x)ix∼pdata −hD(G(z))iz∼p(z) = 0, as
the noise and the resulting quantum state and as a result the correct and incorrect classification of data should oc-
the training losses converge to the correct values. Fig. 4 cur with equal frequency. Even though the loss gets stuck
shows the resulting loss and the output distribution of in local minima, the distributions pG (x) and pdata (x) are

data generator data generator

loss G loss D loss G loss D

0.20 0.0 0.15


0.15 −0.2
0.10 −0.2


0.10 −0.4
−0.6 0.05
0.05 −0.8 −0.6
0.00 −1.0 0.00 −0.8
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5000 10000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5000 10000
image index num iterations image index num iterations

FIG. 5: Quantum generator toy model without FIG. 6: Quantum generator with noise
noise: Output distribution (left) and loss during reuploading: Output distribution (left) and loss
P (right) of the generator quantum state during training (right) of the generator quantum circuit
|ψG i = ci |xi i without classical noise input trained with data reuploading UG (θG , z) trained together with
together with the discriminator circuit UD (θD ). The the discriminator circuit UD (θD ). The training
loss gets stuck very fast and the generator does not converges as expected for a GAN and the generator
learn the training data which can be seen in the big learns the data. Both figures are averaged over 20
variance of the probabilities. They manifest that the different random initializations. The error bars in the
training suffers from mode collapse, where some some histogram show the variance of the probabilities. The
training data is not learned at all. An example of a shaded region in the right panel shows the standard
single run can be found in Fig.10 in the Appendix. deviation.
Both figures are averaged over 20 different random
initializations. The error bars in the histogram show the
variance of the probabilities. The standard deviation in The label for the ‘real’ data can be obtain the same way
the right panel is barely visible. as described in section III B
1  (k) 
yreal (x(k) ) = hx |UD (θD )† Z UD (θD )|x(k) i + 1 .
similar, but the generator tends to omit certain training (8)
samples completely and assigns too high probabilities for
other training examples. This phenomenon is also called To evaluate a batch of classical data B = {x(k) }M k=1 we
a mode collapse [6]. (x(k) ).
take the average over single predictions M k y real
These toy models show that noise is a crucial ingre- Another possibility would be to prepare a superposition
dient to build a discrete quantum generator and that in state |ψdata i = √1M k=1 |x(k) i and use this as an input
theory it is possible to create a state |ψG (z)i that en- state for the discriminator. In this work we focus on the
codes all the training data. Since representing the gener- former and leave the latter for further future investiga-
ator state as a 2N dimensional vector is not scalable, the tion.
toy model will be replaced with a parameterized quan- Previous research has shown that the so called data-
tum circuit. Therefore, we are looking for an appropriate reuploading circuits are universal function approxima-
circuit ansatz that maps f : z → |ψG (z)i. In the next tors, at least for classification tasks [39, 40]. Originally
section we discuss how such a quantum circuit could look this architecture was introduced as a quantum analog to
like. a classical neural network [39]. Therefore, it is a promis-
ing candidate to replace the classical neural network from
the previous section to adopt the non-linear function that
maps noise to the output state of the generator.
D. Complete quantum GAN Data reuploading refers to a quantum circuit structure,
where parameterized unitaries U (θi ) are alternated with
a data dependent unitary U (x). In a layerwise structure
The output state of the quantum generator is given the final circuit U (θ, x) consists of an alternating pattern
by circuit |ψG (z)i = UG (θG , z)|0i⊗N , where θG are the of U (θi ) and U (x). In our case we do not upload data to
trainable parameters of the generator and z is a noise vec- the circuit but random noise z which we refer to as noise
tor coming from a classical source of noise, e.g. a uniform reuploading. Therefore
distribution pz . The output state of the discriminator is Q the generator circuit will have the
form UG (θG , z) = i U (θi )U (z) Fig. 6 shows the training
given by a unitary UD (θD ) acting on the output state of loss and the resulting output distribution of the generator
the generator |ψD (z)i = UD (θD )|ψG (z)i. The label for a for the data-reuploading circuit architecture.
‘fake’ input is given by Another straight-forward way to add a source of classi-
cal noise to a parameterized part of the generator quan-
1 tum circuit UG (θG ) is to start from an initial state
yfake (z) = (hψD (z)|Z|ψD (z)i + 1) . (7) ⊗N
2 |zi = ⊗N i Rα (zi )|0i , with Rα an arbitrary single qubit

loss G loss D data generator

0.0 0.12


−0.2 0.08


0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
num iterations state index
FIG. 7: Loss functions for G and D trained on 8 low FIG. 8: Samples from G trained on 8 low energy states
energy states of 5. D and G both consist of l = 20 of 5. We draw 10k samples from 100 different noise
layers, and D has NA = 4 auxiliary qubits. The loss instances to obtain the histogram of the samples. The
curves are averaged over 20 different random x-axis represents the indices of the states ordered by
initialization. The shaded region in the right panel energy. This histogram represents the ouput
shows the standard deviation. distribution of the generator for a single training run.
Different random parameter initializations lead to
similar results.
rotation. The output state of the generator is |ψ(z)i =
UG (θG )|zi. In the appendix C we show the training of
such a circuit and that applying a unitary on the noise To check the performance of the GAN, we draw sam-
vector shows worse performance than the reuploading ar- ples from the trained generator. A histogram of the re-
chitecture. A likely conjecture is that the linear trans- sultant states, ordered by energy, is displayed in Fig. 8.
formation that is applied to the noise vector |zi via the While the average energy of the training states is −3.0,
unitary UG does not provide a sufficiently non-linear cor- the states produced by the generator have an average
relation between noise and the output state |ψG (z)i. energy of −2.6, indicating that the generator is able to
produce states that are below the mean energy of the
spectrum (0). Since a significant proportion of the states
IV. TRAINING QGAN ON ISING DATA sampled from the fully trained G were repeats of the
training data (which is to be expected) we remove the
In this section, we discuss training the fully quantum training states from the samples generated by G and the
GAN on a low-energy subset of states from the Ising average energy is still negative, at −0.34. This quanti-
model Hamiltonian of Eq. 5. A central motivation for fies what is visible from the histogram in Fig. 8. The
our use of QGANs in this context is their potential to high energy states to the right are sampled with much
generalize, i.e., to generate low energy states that are not lower probability. This suggests that even with a limited
in the training dataset. As discussed above, such gener- number of training samples, G is potentially capable of
alization would have practical implications for enhancing generalizing and producing novel low energy states at a
the solutions to QUBO-like problems, due to their simi- higher rate than would be expected by chance.
larity with the above Hamiltonian. Though in this example the generator was able to pro-
In this section we train the QGAN on low energy Ising duce novel low energy states, the discriminator does not
states from a Ising chain of length N = 6 which has explicitly know that it is training to learn low energy
26 = 64 total energy eigenstates. As the Ising model states, and thus may be learning other patterns common
Hamiltonian is constrained to a single basis, all of its to the training set not strictly related to energy, which
eigenstates are product states. As training data, we ran- the generator then learns to reproduce. This problem
domly select a subset of 8 states from the bottom quar- is somewhat ameliorated by the fact that the 8 training
tile of the energy spectrum. The discriminator is given samples were drawn randomly from a band of the energy
no information besides these states from which it learns. spectrum, so that we don’t actually teach the genera-
The loss curves of G and D depicted in Fig. 7 result from tor to produce, say, states of a particular parity. This
training a QGAN of the previously described architecture test serves as a proof-of-concept of using the QGAN to
with 20 layers in both G and D and NA = 4 auxiliary generalize from low energy Ising states. To more rigor-
qubits in D. ously test this capability, larger system sizes and more

complicated Ising Hamiltonians should be used, and the does not suffer from this limitation. Furthermore, we
required circuit depth and hyperparameters should be show that adding classical noise to the quantum genera-
studied. We leave these tests for future work. Further- tor is crucial for it to be trained in the adversarial setting.
more, the QGAN tends to converge to a distribution that To add noise to the circuit we use the data reuploading
has zero probabilities for certain states, even those these architecture. Finally, we benchmark our QGAN architec-
pertain to the training dataset (index 9 and 14 in Fig. 8). ture on the B&S dataset and on low energy Ising states
While clearly some variety of mode collapse, the precise and demonstrate that it successfully learns the training
cause of the phenomenon requires further investigation. data and and achieves aspects of generalization.
With respect to our main goal, the sampling of un-
known low energy states from a given Ising Hamiltonian,
V. METHODS various open questions remain. For example an in-depth
study of QGANs’ generalization capability, similar to
The numerical simulations in this work are performed that done for Born machines [47] should be performed.
with pennylane [41], jax [42], TensorLy-Quantum [43] Furthermore, even though our ansatz does not require ac-
and numpy [44]. The code to reproduce this work can cess to the generator’s output distribution pG , its scala-
be found under [45]. Throughout this work we used a bility might still be limited by many factors. First, for the
Wasserstein protocol where the parameters of the dis- given hardware efficient circuit ansatz, barren plateaus
criminator are updated 5 times more frequently than will make the training for a large number of qubits im-
those of the generator. This variable is referred to as possible [48–50]. As a result, it may be preferable to
n_critic = 5 in the GitLab repository [45]. The learn- find a more barren plateau-resistant ansatz for the dis-
ing rates for both, the generator and the discrimina- criminator — for example quantum convolutional neural
tor are lrG = lrD = 0.01. The ADAM optimizer with networks [51, 52] or general dissipative QNNs [53]. Sec-
β1 = 0.9 and β2 = 0.999 is used for all parameter up- ond, it is not clear yet how the required depth of the
dates [46]. quantum circuit scales with the size of the input data
Circuit Architecture for B&S training: The dis- and the number of qubits. The worst case scenario is
criminators in Figs. 6, 5 and 4 are all with depth_D = 20 O(4N ) [54, 55], which would become intractable at scale.
and 0 auxiliary qubits. The neural network that is used Thus, it is be necessary to analyze the scaling of our al-
for Fig. 4 has an input dimension of 8, 8 hidden nodes gorithm’s requisite circuit depth and performance with
and 24 output dimensions. The activation functions are respect to qubit count and data complexity.
ReLU for the hidden nodes and Tanh for the last layer. In summary, we test our fully-quantum QGAN archi-
The generator for Fig. 6 has depth_D = 40. tecture on a data sets derived from the low-energy states
Circuit Architecture for Ising data: The discrim- of Ising models with constant, nearest neighbor interac-
inator circuit for the training in Figs. 8 and 7 has tions and no magnetic field. Though the QGAN per-
depth_D = 40 and depth_G = 20. formed well in our investigations, most QUBO problems
encountered in industry sport more complicated Hamil-
tonians with more intricate connectivity graphs. For in-
VI. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK stance, these may involve all-to-all coupling with varying
magnitude. As a result, it may become important to pro-
Variational quantum circuits with a hardware efficient vide information about the connectivity of the problem
architecture are a suitable choice to learn discrete data to the QGAN as the Hamiltonian grows more complex, as
in a generative adversarial setting. To our knowledge, it will become more difficult for the QGAN to infer infor-
previous work focused on QGANs with classical discrim- mation about the energy spectrum from a few training
inators, which require access to the generator’s output states alone. In classical ML this can be accomplished
distribution. This poses a major limitation for the scala- with a conditional GAN [56]. Augmenting our QGAN
bility to higher dimensional binary data. We show that a architecture by conditioning on Hamiltonian information
fully coherent quantum architecture is capable of learn- would serve as an interesting and useful extension of this
ing discrete data in an adversarial setting and, therefore, work.

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close to the data distribution, but the variance of the

predicted y real y predicted y real y probabilities is far bigger than for the toy model with
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
data generator
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.35
0.2 0.2 0.30
0.0 0.0

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0.25
state index state index
FIG. 9: Discriminator balanced and reduced 0.15
data: Discriminator predictions vs. real labels for the
Ising data on N = 8 spins for a balanced dataset that 0.10
contains all 2N = 256 states (left) and an imbalanced 0.05
dataset that only consists of 80 states with 20 low
energy and 60 high energy states (right). 0.00
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
image index
Coles, Physical Review Letters 128, 180505 (2022),
arXiv:2005.12458. FIG. 10: Quantum generator toy model without
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arXiv:2109.06770. discriminator circuit UD (θD ). As shown in Fig 5, the
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loss gets stuck very fast and the generator does not
learn the training distribution. This figure shows the
output distribution after a single training run without
averaging. The training gets stuck and the images of
Appendix A: Discriminator with balanced data the B&S dataset with index 3 and 5 are barely learned,
while others have too high frequency. This phenomenon
Fig. 9 shows the discriminator’s performance on the is known as mode collapse.
Ising dataset with N = 8 spins and no auxiliary qubits.
In the top panel, we compare the predicted and the real
labels for a balanced dataset, where the whole state space noise for example. We here show in Fig. 10 the output
of 2N states is split into 2 equally sized sets of low energy distribution of a single training run. One can see that
(y = 0) and high energy (y = 1) states. One can see that the images 3 and 5 have very low probabilities and oth-
the discriminator struggles to correctly classify some of ers have too high probabilities. This is a so-called data
the intermediate energy states but shows high accuracy collapse. Since it is dependent on the initialization which
in the low and high energy region. Fig. 9 (bottom) shows of the data collapses, the average distribution over many
a scenario where N = 8, but we only train the discrim- training runs seems to be close to the actual data distri-
inator on a dataset of 20 low energy states and it needs bution.
to distinguish them from 60 random high energy states.
To train a QGAN the discriminator will have to distin-
Appendix C: Linear noise model
guish the training dataset, i.e. the low energy states,
from some randomly sampled high energy states. If we
assume that during the training of the QGAN we do not Fig. 11 shows the training of a fully quantum GAN
sample the whole space of 2N states but only 60 the dis- without data reuploading but with a noise model where
criminator shows high prediction accuracy even without the generator state reads UG (θG )U (z) |0i . Even
auxiliary qubits. though the output distribution of the generator comes
close to the one with data reuploading, it seems like
the QGAN does not converge to the correct distribution
and consequently samples the images that are not in the
Appendix B: Toy model without noise: Single run training set too high and the rest too low. Furthermore,
the loss curves do not converge to the correct Wasserstein
In Fig. 5 the output distribution of the generator are GAN losses. This behaviour can be reproduced for most
averaged over 20 training runs for different random ini- choices of noise and circuit depth. See also our Gitlab
tializations. The average distribution itself seems to be repository [45].

data generator
loss G loss D


0.00 −0.7
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5000 10000
image index num iterations

FIG. 11: Quantum generator with linear noise

input: Output distribution (left) and loss during
training (right) of the generator quantum circuit with a
noise state as an input UG (θG ) |zi trained together with
the discriminator circuit UD (θD ). The training does not
converge as reliably as with the reuploading circuit but
the output distribution of the generator comes close to
the training data. Remarkably, the loss functions are
not converging to the expected Nash equilibrium.
loss_G should converge to −0.5, not to 0 and loss_D to
0. Both figures are averaged over 20 different random
initializations. The error bars in the histogram show the
variance of the probabilities. The shaded region in the
right panel shows the standard deviation.

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