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“After climbing a tall sand dune for some minutes and two vials of antitoxin, amidst old notes

d notes and
you get to the top and are surprised by what you drawings of the different plants in this oasis.
see directly in front of you: the dune slopes down Characters proficient in Nature, Survival, or
into a dry riverbed, visibly rocky and full of cracks. Medicine might be able to use some of the plants
The slight winding form, about 300 feet wide, here as supplies, at your discretion.
stretches northward and southward, until you lose The last chamber is Vysianter’s bedroom,
its sight in the sea of sand all around you. when the characters arrive he will enter a special
Curious, however, is something else you see in hideout he carved above the wardrobe, and remain
this riverbed, a few hundred feet north: a cluster of there until he is assured that the characters were
cacti and other plants, seemingly growing directly not sent to kill or capture him. The room is fairly
over the dry soil. Even though they are so close simple: a large bed bears clear signs of use, a small
together that it is difficult to see through them, full body mirror can be seen on a corner, with
you can glimpse that apparently they encircle a some cracks on its surface, and a large wardrobe,
small structure, probably only one-story high and with only a few worn-out clothing complete the

with a roof covered in dust and sand.” decór.
If Vysianter notices they are just travellers
If the characters investigate they can attest that from the Material he might interact with them
this is, indeed, a small grove of cacti, succulents, to gain more information on the rest of Avernus.

and other small desert vegetation. This is probably He is naturally curious, and in his current
not only the first type of real vegetation they situation can rarely listen to rumors from what is
encounter on the Wastes, but in all of Avernus. happening outside the Wastes. He will, however,
Although a little frail and grey, the clear greenish present himself and Gumrad, a gardener, who
tint on the stalks is surprisingly “normal”, and is researching the oasis, perceptive/inquisitive
reminds them of the lush vegetation on the characters might notice this is probably not
Material Plane. entirely true. Only if he gains very important
If they enter the hut read: information, or is somewhat convinced that they
e can help him, will he actually talk a little bit more
about his true self. Although unlikely, it is not
“Inside this hut the air is considerably stale,
impossible that he may talk about his brother,
but somewhat better than the sand-filled air of
Karnak, Ozoth, or even Tarzothan.
the open desert. This place seems to have three
If the encounter lead to a relationship the
characters might be allowed to stay a little bit in
The main one, where you stand right now,
the hut, but not for long, as Vysianter appreciates
has some simple furniture such as a table, two
his privacy.
chairs, a worktable filled with papers and writing
supplements, and a little oven that can be seen
on a wall. Across a tight archway you can see
some sort of greenhouse, with dirty glass walls THE WANDERING EMPORIUM
and roof that filter the reddish light that comes
As in every location in Avernus, characters

through, illuminating tables and shelves storing

many different pots and jars, with what appears travelling through the Red Wastes might
to be plants. Across another archway you can encounter, or rather, be encountered by, The
see a darkened chamber, where the silhouettes Wandering Emporium, the distinguished group of
of furnitures can be seen, but not entirely merchants that roam the plane in search for the
deciphered” most varied body of customers. If the encounter
indeed happens, it can be played out according to
the rules established in “Baldur’s Gate: Descent

The main chamber has the papers with into Avernus” normally, but in this case the
Vysianter’s personal writings. They are, NPCs might be able to share information about
however, written in a personal Infernal cypher. the Wastes or its locations, sometimes freely,
Characters must examine the texts for 1 hour sometimes only after a “small tip”. More complex
and be successful on a DC18 Intelligence check information, especially about the Wastes’ history
to understand it. They are journal entries, and lore, should be more difficult to obtain, and
mostly describing his escape from Tarzothan. even more studied members of the bazaar might
Moreover, in the wall directly in front of the have only superficial knowledge about.
desk, there is a rough map from the Wastes that Regardless of their intentions regarding the
Vysianter has created in the months he has been party, the Emporium might be a sliver of hope
here. The drawers store writing equipment and and safety for groups being crushed by the
miscellaneous objects worth about 40gp. desert’s wrath, since the space enclosed by the
The greenhouse is a remnant of the hut’s warmachines is definitely better than the open air
original inhabitants, dozens of jars and clay pots camps they will probably be staying during most of
guard some rare plants, as well as large self- their journey.
sustaining terrariums with many different types
of ecosystems. Here the characters can find a
herbalism kit, a healer’s kit, and a poisoner’s kit;
Medium fiend, lawful neutral AVERNIAN WASTELANDS
Armor Class 17 (studded leather)
As in every location in Avernus, characters
Hit Points 73 (13d8+13)
travelling through the Red Wastes might
Speed 30 ft. encounter, or rather, be encountered, by one of the
many gangs that roam the plane on their infernal
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA warmachines in search of prey and treasure. If
8(-1) 20(+5) 12(+1) 18(+3) 13(+1) 10(0) the encounter indeed happens, it can be played
out according to the rules established in “Baldur’s
Gate: Descent into Avernus” normally, but in this
Saving Throws DEX +8, INT +6 case the NPCs might be able to share information

Skills History +7, Stealth +12, Thieves Tools +12 about the Wastes or its locations, if combat is
Senses Passive Perception 15, Darkvision 60ft avoided.
Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic Regardless of which warlord or gang you decide
Damage Resistances fire to use, the party’s journey will be significantly
jeopardized if, for example, they are captured
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
by the gang. If the tides of an attack turn in the
party’s favor, however, this might be a chance

Spellcasting. Vysianter is a 8th-level spellcaster. His for them to acquire a warmachine, which could
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 facilitate their time in Avernus.
to hit with spells attacks). Harexa has the following
wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): minor image, mage hand,
prestidigitation, true strike Every now and then a large sandstorm ravages
1st level (3 slots): charm person, disguise self, color the Red Wastes, wrecking with immense force
spary everything in its path. Characters might see such
2nd level (2 slots): invisibility, mirror image phenomenon from afar, but if it gets really close to
them read:
Short Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
30ft./120ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d6+5) piercing
damage, plus 4d6 if Sneak Attack applies.
Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d6+5) slashing damage, plus
4d6 if Sneak Attack applies.
“After walking miles and miles on the crimson a larger location. Remember to keep locations
sands you get to a high vantage point, above a and encounters somewhat sparse, to indicate the
large rocky basin, allowing you to see much farther Wastes’ vast emptiness.
than usual. The view is impressive, and allows a You can also use these encounters to populate
moment of respite until you look northward. some of the locations described above, this can
In the horizon you see a giant cloud of sand increase the time spent on each, or make them
and dust, millions of particles crashing and seem more important and different from the rest of
spiraling, in a complex dance with fast winds and the desert. Suggestions are made below.
bright lightning. This sandstorm is an absolute
behemoth, dozens of miles wide and at least 1000 d6 Result
feet high. Quickly moving through the sea of
1 No encouter
dunes, apparently in your direction.”
2 Desert Bandits

Distances might be difficult to ascertain in 3 Dust Devil
the desert, especially when dealing with such
enormous phenomena, so you can be flexible on 4 Ancient Cemetery
how close or how fast you want the sandstorm to
hit the party. If you would like them to improvise 5 Lamia Attack

some sort of shelter give them a little more time to
6 Zanthrax, the Storm’s Wrath
prepare, if, for example, ruins or caverns can be
seen nearby, make the storm much closer or faster,
to impose a high-adrenaline run against the winds. DESERT BANDITS
Many bandits roam through the Red Wastes,
RANDOM ENCOUNTER TABLE usually near the Road, rock cliffs, caves, or
ruins. They are usually devils, but sometimes
This table was made to allow the DM to introduce also humanoids, that live in the desert and have

the desert. They are usually leaning towards

combat/confrontations, but there are many
smaller encounters on the party’s journey through

options available for different parties to surpass

developed a way of life that allows them to coexist
with the hostile environment.
Consider that a desert bandit has the stats
of a standard bandit, but with the following
these obstacles in innovative ways. As stated modifications, raising their CR to 2:
previously in this chapter: you might roll in it - 14 Armor Class
every two days the party does not come across - 28 Hit Points

“Temple of Kom Ombo, Upper Egypt” (1888),

by Amelia Edwards
- Advantage on Perception, Stealth, and with a hatred-filled undeath.
Survival checks while in the desert. When the characters find an open space, or the
Consider that a desert bandit captain has the surroundings of a small ruin, read:
stats of a standrd bandit captain, but with the
following modifications, raising their CR to 3: “The sand makes way to small stone objects.
- 65 Hit Points As you approach to investigate you notice their
- Advantage on Perception, Stealth, and positioning form almost a crescent moon, and the
Survival checks while in the desert. objects seem to be deeply buried gravestones.”
Unless very perceptive or lucky the party will
most likely be surprised by the bandits in some If the characters investigate they can see that
sort of ambush, the natives will utilize their time and erosion have made the gravestones
surroundings to hide, merging as best as they can completely flat and plain, removing any texts or
with the environment, make sure to include this symbols that might have existed there. If they
advantage. Usually they can be found in groups pass more than a minute here, however, they

with 2-4 bandits and a captain. Moving through might hear, see, or feel some disturbance on the
the desert in more numerous groups could be a sand, and witness the original occupants of the
problem. graveyard rising from the grave to attack them.
All bandits possess some coins and treasure, A suggested arrangement might consist of: three

but never more than 15gp in one individual. Each zombies, three skeletons, one ghast, and one
captain, however, has a 25% chance of having wight. In their bodies/graves the characters might
a sanctuary shard (see Appendix A) with them, find rusted pieces of equipment; some valuables,
whenever the characters loot a captain, roll a d100 especially coins; or other strange trinkets, at your
to ascertain that. discretion.


The strong winds that travel through the Wastes Originally created by a demon prince, a pride of
lamias were sent into Avernus to fight the Blood
are subject to the ancient magic that prevails
in this region. Especially powerful sandstorms
might be imbued by the magic in the air, and
eventually produce mighty elemental creatures
such a dust devil. These foes roam the vast desert
War. Realizing they wouldn’t be successful, they
revolted and fled to the Wastes, searching for a
way to return to the Material Plane and exert
evil on their own terms. After this mutiny, the
at high speed, looking for possible victims to its prince removed their spellcasting powers, and
destructive power. When the party approaches a cursed them, banning them from extraplanar
very open area where this encounter can happen travel, locking them in the First Layer of Hell
read: forever. Deprived of their powers the lamias slowly
descended into madness and became more beasts
“As you thread through the dunes you feel the than cunning spellcasters.
air becoming faster, the grains of sand brushing Use standard stats with the following

your exposed skin like small thorns. You see a modifications, which reduce their CR to 3:
disturbance on the ground, about 30 feet in front - They lose all of their spellcasting abilities,
of you, as the sand seems to be enveloped in including ‘Intoxicating Touch’.
some sort of whirlwind that quickly travels to your - The dagger attack is replaced by another claw
direction. As you brace for the sudden contact attack on the multiattack.
you can swear you see a vaguely humanoid face - Their movement speed is increased to 40 ft.
stretched in the dust grains.” They roam the desert, searching for food and

prey, still retaining their original bloodthirst and

The devil enters the space of a character and appetite for violence. When the characters are in a
uses its whirlwind feature. Afterwards it always open field where the lamias hunt, read:
attacks the closest target. If reduced to less than
“From afar you see three shapes, running fast
30 hit points it will try to flee.
atop a dune. In the next moment they disappear,
obscured by the large wall of sand behind which
ANCIENT CEMETERY they crouch. Suddenly, while trying to find the
shapes again, you see, much closer now, three
Beneath the dunes that form the Red Wastes mostruous figures, with human upper bodies and
thousands of corpses can be found. From the leonine lower bodies, charging like a stampede in
Blood War, the attack on the Sanctum, or even due your direction.”
to more recent events, creatures have always died
here and were hidden by the ever-shifting sand. As experienced hunters, the lamias will retract if
Sometimes the dunes move just enough so that clearly in danger, but their confidence might mean
some of those corpses, or their resting places, can that it only happens after one of them has been
be seen by travellers, the corpses, however, aren’t
always in its peaceful slumber, but rather cursed


downed. In each of them it is possible to find about cutting the dusty horizon. You can tease the
100gp in old jewelry they still pridefully display, players with eventual sightings of the dragon
faint memories from better times. before the actual encounter, but when it happens
“After a long day journeying, you start to look for
Perhaps the strongest non-fiendish creature in the a place to camp for the night. After a while, you
Wastes is a young blue dragon called Zanthrax, start to hear a buzz, looking around you, you
also known as the Storm’s Wrath. He was brought don’t see anything. The sound seems to be coming
to Avernus by a careless devil when he was still a from below. A fraction of second passes, and you
wyrmling, some decades ago. With time he grew immediately see a path being carved on the sand
and became more difficult to hide and control. from below, about 20 feet from you, before a blast
One day the dragon escaped, killing the devil in erupts from under the surface, revealing the
terrifying visage of a blue dragon. Its protruded

the process. Once he found the Wastes, he felt at
home, and has ever-since lived there, surviving skull emerging from the dune as an apex predator,
surprisingly well. while the wings extend for almost 20 feet,
When not buried beneath the sands, in the dispersing a lot of sand and dust into the air. Its
caverns he calls his lair, Zanthrax eventually eyes shine bright with intent, as a hunter who has

comes out to hunt, especially large or exotic found its prey.”
targets; and collect treasure from ruins and
caravans. Few can boast to have survived an Depending on the mechanics used in your
attack from the dragon, but some have already table you might consider this a surprise attack
seen him flying through the red sky. He also flies or not, at your discretion. The dragon attacks
close to the strong sandstorms that produce so to kill, as a true storm, his overall strategy also
much energy that lightning bolts can be seen includes using his incredible flight and burrow
speed, so keep that in mind. If endangered (below
e a third of his hit points) he will flee to his lair. If
the party deems fit, they might chase him, but
would probably take some time (more than a day).
Acting revenge against the dragon, and potentially
looting his marvellous hoard, is a short adventure
in itself, but it is a divergence that’s worth hours of

Zanthrax takes advantage of the Wastes’

environment to ambush his prey

Artwork courtesy of
Wizards of the Coast
One of the most important structures in the Additionally you can add the sandstorm
Sanctum was the Temple of Dak-Thrael, dedicated description from “The Red Wastes” chapter to
to the ever-shining figure of the Queen. Erected as make the location more dramatic and the entrance
the first bastion of civilization on the still wild and sequence more dynamic, basically forcing them
idyllic landscape, this temple became the center for inside as quickly as possible.
pilgrimage in the first decades of the project. After Most chambers inside have between 12 and
many other temples were constructed, Dak-Thrael 15 feet from floor to ceiling, exceptions are noted
became a place of rituals for the embalming of on the relevant descriptions. From A2 onwards
citizens that passed away, as well as the operation there is absolutely no light in the interior, the
base for a dark sect of priests who discovered a descriptions are written assuming the party has a

nefast ritual in which the soul of humanoids could light source.
be harnessed into magical power for a variety of
uses. A1. ENTRANCE
The pyramid, which once stood in the middle of

a lush staggered garden, now resides half-buried When the characters climb the pyramid they
beneath the sands. The main entrance (A5) in the should be able to enter from a hole close to the
ground floor is submerged, but a hole on the top of summit, in this level.
the pyramid allows for passage within (A1).
Adventurers exploring this dungeon will face many A1a. Entry
challenges, but many rewards await, both in
terms of material wealth and information. When When the party approach, read:
they first see the temple from afar, read:

at a high point from where you see, in the red

horizon of the Wastes, a dark pyramid buried in
“After a hot day traversing the desert you arrive

the sand, it is impossible to estimate its true size,

“This large hole in the side of the pyramid is about
10 feet in diameter, the wear on the surrounding
stonework suggests that the structure is ancient,
and somewhat successible to the ages of erosion.
but the part above the surface towers to a height The interior is much darker than the open-air
of 35 feet. Near the pinnacle it is possible to see a desert, but the amount of red sand inside this level
small opening, overflowing with sand, from which could certainly be mistaken by a dune on itself.
a glimpse of the darkness inside appears. Many When you enter the building your eyes adjust
chunks of stone are scattered on the side of the and you see two chambers, accessible, through the
gigantic structure, as well as around it, as a ruined layer of sand, by two open archways each, as well
complex of buildings that now resemble toys left as a gaping hole on the ground that leads deeper
behind by a child.” within the temple.”

“The Hanging Gardens of Babylon” (1882),

by Edmund Ollier
A1b. Foodstuff Storage The large sarcophagi in the middle of the room
still bear the titles of the ones buried within.
This small room was once the storeroom to the The names are preceded by denominators such
temple’s food, both practical and ceremonial. Now, as “Overseer”, “Minister”, “High Priest”, and the
however, it is half-full of sand, and the few clay like. All of them bear the inscription in Infernal:
pots that can be found store only the remains of “The eternal rest is the beginning of the joyeful
what was once rotted food and foul water. journey beyond. May this soul cherish Her many
A1c. Miscellaneous Storage The ones in the shelves do not bear any
naming. From each one breached the party
This small room was once the storeroom to the might recover about 100gp in jewelry and coins,
temple’s varied needs, such as candles, incense, to a maximum of 2000gp. Apart from the ones
cloths, tinderboxes, ropes, etc. It is currently half- destructed by rubble, the party might encounter a
full of sand, but some pots and crates with such sarcophagus opened in the floor, if they investigate

objects can still be found. Characters successful read:
on a DC15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, might
find, overall, about 25gp in ancient, strange coins “The stench of death seems to come from this
with the visage of a female devil. fallen sarcophagus. As you approach you can

see the body inside has been flung outside of
A2. EMBALMING ROOM the container, and lie crushed by its weight. The
flesh has been smashed and a dark fluid has
This level has a large chamber that was once accumulated beneath it. The wrappings are worn
dedicated to the embalming of corpses. When the out, revealing the dry grey skin within.”
characters arrive read:

“This large chamber seems to dominate this level. You might use this moment as a tense scene
In the middle of the room, in an organized row, where the characters think the corpse will return
you can see six stone tables, about 5 feet high. to life, but it is in fact just a corpse which has

plants, and different animals.

On the far wall you see many large stone
Decorated on all sides with bad-reliefs of flowers,

shelves, divided into niches, with a width of about

“recently” (about a month ago) fallen from its
niche due to earth tremors. The hole on the floor
continues downward.
5 feet, they seem to be full of different objects.” A4. CEREMONIAL CHAMBER

The tables were used to prepare the bodies and This floor has a large chamber once used by the
then dry them with the appropriate connoctions, priests to conduct smaller ceremonies. When the
but are now empty. Even though the bas-reliefs are characters arrive read:
all different, in all of them the same inscription
can be seen, written in Infernal: “The Queen opens “This large chamber is dominated by a devilish

the gate to the Field of Reeds and Lilies, and statue, almost on its center, surrounded by three
welcomes all of her children back home.” reflecting pools. Behind it a large double staircase
On the shelves supplies like embalming cloth, leads downwards. A lot of debris can be seen in the
salt, herbs, incense and different types of canopic chambers’ corners, a few seem to have originated
jars can be found. As well as many equipment from the hole through each you traversed,
such as knives and scalpels. The hole on the floor especially a large boulder that could have been
continues downward. from the pyramid’s exterior.”

A3. THE CRYPTS The statue, made out of marble, is about 8 feet
tall. It depicts the Queen of Lilies in her complete
This level has a large chamber that is the resting
fiendish glory, but with an expression that
place for many of the Sanctum’s most prominent
resembles joy. In the base of the statue, directly
figures. They rest under the gaze of their Queen
in front of the pools characters can see three
inside sarcophagi that are placed on niches and
small holes, like ducts, where liquid could flow
shelves all over this room. When the characters
to or from. The stone reflecting pools are about
arrive read:
six inches deep, all currently empty. In the base
a inscription, in Infernal can be seen: “With her
“The first thing that catches your attention when
golden crown held up high the Queen illuminates
you enter this chamber is the scent of decay and
all of her subjects. May she witness the acts of
rot. Looking around you can see the walls of this
good and the offerings made on her name. May the
chamber are completely filled with shelves where
Sanctum be blessed by her immortal heart.”
sarcophagi lie silently. In the middle many others,
Characters with a Passive Perception higher
clearly larger, also stand solemnly.”
than 15 might notice that something in the rubble
is generating sound. After a while, from under


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