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1. Obstetrics or the care of the women during childbirth is derived from the Greek word
“obstare” which means
a. To keep drunk
b. To keep cold
c. To keep watch
d. To keep hold
2. Pediatrics is a word derived from the Greek word ____ meaning “child”
a. Pasi
b. Pais
c. Poo
d. Pays
3. Preconceptual health care is one of the goals of maternal child health nursing
a. True
b. False
4. The period or adjustment after childbirth - 6 weeks after childbirth. -- PUERPERIUM
5. The phase of life between childhood and adulthood ages 10-19. -- ADOLESCENCE
6. True or False. Family is the basic unit of society.
a. True
b. False
7. The number of births per 1,000 population
a. Fertility rate
b. Death rate
c. Birth rate
d. Childhood mortality rate
8. The number of deaths rate per 1,000 live births occuring at birth or in the first 28
days of life.
a. Fetal death rate
b. Infant mortality rate
c. Neonatal death rate
d. Maternal mortality rate
9. The number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births that occur as a direct result
of the reproductive process. -- MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE
10. True or False. Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn care ( BEmONC ) refers
to lifesaving services for emergency maternal and newborn conditions/complications
being provided by a health facility professional.
a. True
b. False
11 - 14. Enumarate 4 phases of health care
15. True or False. Maternal and child health nursing - deals with care of woman
throughout pregnancy and childbirth and the care of the newborn. -- TRUE

1. Number 4 is pointing to the:

a. Cervix
b. Uterus
c. Vagina
2. The endometrium is indicated by number:
a. 3
b. 8
c. 6
3. Number 2 indicated the:
a. Vagina
b. Uterus
c. Cervix
4. Which number is pointing to the fallopian tubes?
a. 7
b. 5
c. 6
5. Number 7 is pointing to the:
a. Testis
b. Ovary
c. Fimbriae
6. The uterus is indicated by number:
a. 4
b. 2
c. 1
7. Number 5 indicates the:
a. Fimbriae
b. Ovary
c. Fallopian Tubes
8. The cervix is indicated by number:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
9. What is number 3 pointing to?
a. The Myometrium
b. The Endometrium
c. The Fimbriae
10. Which number is pointing to the ovary?
a. 7
b. 6
c. 5
11. Number 1 is pointing to the:
a. The Uterus
b. The Vagina
c. The Cervix
12. Which number is pointing to the vagina?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
13. Number 8 indicates the:
a. Myometrium
b. Fimbriae
c. Endometrium
14. Which number is pointing to the myometrium?
a. 8
b. 6
c. 3
15. What is number 6 pointing to?
a. The Fimbriae
b. The Endometrium
c. The Myometrium


1. A branch of medical science that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum
a. Obstetrics
b. Obstetrician
c. Gynecologist
d. Obsetetric
2. A gynecologist specializes in caring for the reproductive health of a woman from the
time she gets her first period all the way to post-menopause.
a. True
b. False
3. Cesarean section is one of the procedure that OB -GYNs can perform.
a. True
b. False
4. A pad of adipose tissue located over the symphysis pubis. Its function is to protect the
pubic bone from trauma.
a. Fundus
b. Mons veneris
c. Labia majora
d. Labia minora
5. Vestibule– a small rounded organ of erectile tissues at the forward junction of labia
minora, sensitive to temperature and touch.
a. True
b. False
6. Small opening between the clitoris and vaginal orifice for the purpose of Urination
a. Vaginal opening
b. Urethral meatus
c. Perinium
d. Hymen
7. All but one are the Functions of Vagina:
a. Menstruation- as a canal for menstrual fluid and tissue to leave the uterine cavity
b. Sexual functions - for female arousal response and sexual pleasure
c. where a fertilized egg implants during conception and where baby grows.
d. Reproduction functions- as the receptacle for sperm and canal for parturition
8. A hallow, pear-shape muscular organ located in the lowest pelvis, posterior to
the bladder and anterior to the rectum
a. Vagina
b. Cervix
c. Uterus
d. Fallopian tubes
9. What happens to uterus during menstruation
a. The lining gets thicker and rich with blood as you near ovulation
b. If an egg is fertilized during that cycle, it implants into the lining of your uterus, and
pregnancy begins
c. Your endometrial lining sheds if pregnancy doesn’t happen
d. All of the above
10. The site where fertilization happens.
a. Uterus
b. Vagina
c. Fallopian tubes
d. Cervix


1. 1st onset of menstruation? -- A. MENARCHE

2. What age hair first appears on mons and then labia majora about time for
menarche, still scanty soft and straight? -- D. 8-13
3. Menarche usually occurs at this age. -- E. 9-14
4. Hair in pubic area more abundant, axillary hair present. -- F. 12-15
5. Skin - increased sebaceous glands activity and increased severity of acne in
some girls. -- J. STAGE 5
6. Average menstrual cycle. -- M. 28-35 DAYS
7. True or False. About twice a month, the uterus grows a new, thickened lining
( endometrium ) that can hold a fertilized egg. -- X. FALSE
8. True or False. Follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation, but it last
till the 13th day of the menstrual cycle. -- W. TRUE
9. True or False. On the 14th day of the cycle, the pituitary gland secretes a hormone
that causes the uterus to release the matured egg cell. -- X. FALSE
10. The released egg cell is swept into the fallopian tube by the cilia of the _______.
11. True or False. During luteal phase the egg cell released during the ovulation
phase stays in the fallopian tube for 24 hours. -- W. TRUE
12. Secretes hormone that stimulates the egg cells in the ovaries to grow.
13. True or False. Blood loss of 10ml to 80 ml is considered normal. -- W. TRUE
14. At which days in the uterine cycle does the luteal phase occur. -- T. 15-28 DAYS
15. Absence of menstruation. -- V. AMENORRHEA

A. Menarche K. 14-28 days U. Menorrhagia

B. Telarche L. 30-35 days V. Amenorrhea
C. Adrenarche M. 28-35 days W. True
D. 8-13 N. Interstitial X. False
E. 9-14 O. Fimbria
F. 12-15 P. Sebaceous Gland
G. Stage 1 Q. Pituitary Gland
H. Stage 2 R. Days 1-5
I. Stage 3 S. Days 5-14
J. Stage 5 T. Days 15-28


1. _____ is the most favorable for vaginal birth. -- GYNECOID

2. Formed by the soft tissues which fill the outlet of the pelvis. -- PELVIC FLOOR
3. True or False. Pelvis protects and supports the pelvic visceral organs. -- TRUE
4. A male pelvis has a _____ shaped pelvic inlet. -- HEART
5. The pelvic inlet in a female pelvis is slightly _____ in shape. -- OVAL
6. Situated above the pelvis brim and for by the ileum. Supports the growing fetus into the
true pelvis near end of gestation. -- FALSE PELVIS
7. Pelvic _____ is the entrance of true pelvis. -- INLET
8. It is sometimes called the tailbone. It’s connected to the bottom of the sacrum supported by
several ligaments. -- COCCYX
9. Space between inlet and outlet ( approximately 12cm diameter ) short, curved canal and a
much deeper posterior wall. -- PELVIC CAVITY
10. Formed by pubis in front, the ileum and the ischium on the sides and the sacrum and
coccyx behind. -- TRUE PELVIS
11. True or False. The male pelvic bone is heavier, taller and much thicker compared to a
female pelvis that is thinner and denser. -- TRUE
12. A type of pelvis that usually seen in males. -- ANDROID
13. True or False. Pelvic floor influences the passive movement of the fetus through the birth
canal and relaxes to allow it’s exit from the pelvis. -- TRUE
14. _______ region part of the body that connects the trunk, the upper body, to the lower legs
and lower extremities. -- PELVIC
15. _______ is the largest part of hipbone, broad and fan shaped. -- ILIUM

1. Celine who delivers a twin at 38 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy is

a. G2 P2
b. G1 P1
c. G3 P0
d. G1 P2
2. Nana, a 27 year old female came to the clinic with history of missed periods and positive
urine pregnancy at home. According to ultrasonography, she is 9 weeks pregnant. Further
reproductive history reveals that she was never pregnant before but used to have irregular
menstrual periods for past 1 year. How would you record her obstetric history
a. 1-0-0-0-1
b. 1-0-0-1-0
c. 1-0-0-0-0
d. 2-0-1-1-0
3. Primigravida
a. A woman pregnant for the first time
b. A woman pregnant for the second time
c. A woamn who has never been pregnant
d. None of the above
4. A pregnancy that ends after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks gestation
a. Preterm
b. Term
c. Post term
d. Abortion
5. Any pregnancy regardless of duration including the present one
a. Gravida
b. Parity
c. Multipara
d. Stillbirth
6. A woman who has given birth to a fetus ( dead or alive ) that had reached at least 20 weeks
a. Nulligravida
b. Primigravida
c. Primipara
d. Nullipara
7. The average duration of pregnancy is approximately
a. 260 days
b. 280 days
c. 250 days
d. 180 days
8. There are 10 lunar months ( 40 weeks, 260 days ) in a full term pregnancy, which is
approximately the same as 9 calendar months
a. True
b. False
9. The first trimester is considered the first 14 weeks
a. True
b. False
10. Not all pregnancies continue to term ( 40 weeks )
a. True
b. False
11. A pregnancy that terminates before the fetus reaches 20 weeks gestation is called
a. Preterm birth
b. Abortion
c. Postterm birth
d. None of the above
12. A pregnancy that terminates 2 weeks after the EDD, or 42 weeks gestation is called a
a. Preterm birth
b. Abortion
c. Postterm birth
d. None of the above
13. A nurse is caring for a client who is pregnant and states that her LMP was April 1,2022.
Which of the following is the client’s estimated date of delivery
a. Jan 8, 2023
b. Jan 15, 2023
c. Feb 8, 2023
d. Feb 15, 2023
14. A women’s serum pregnancy test is positive. The nurse explains this indicates a
a. Presumptive sign of pregnancy
b. Probable sign of pregnancy
c. Positive sign of pregnancy
d. Potential sign of pregnancy
15. The nurse is aware than a adaptation of pregnancy is an increased blood supply to the
pelvic region that results in a purplish discoloration of the vaginal mucosa, which is known as
a. Goodell’s sign
b. Hegar’s sign
c. Chadwick’s sign
d. None of the above
16. A pregnant woman last menstrual period began on April 8, 2022, and ended on April 13.
Using Naegele’s rule her estimated date of birth would be
a. January 15, 2022
b. January 15, 2023
c. February 15, 2023
d. January 20, 2023
17. Gravida refers to which of the following descriptions?
a. A serious pregnancy
b. Number of children a female has delivered
c. Number of term pregnancies a female has had
d. Number of times a female has been pregnant
18. Ms. Cathy used a urine pregnancy test but was surprised to learn that a positive result is
not a sure sign of pregnancy. She asks you what a positive sign would be. Your best answer
would be:
a. She is having consistent uterine growth
b. She feels the fetus moves especially after meals
c. HCG can be found in her bloodstream
d. The fetal heart can be seen on ultrasound
19. Compute for EDD: LMP : November 3, 2021
a. August 10, 2021
b. August 10, 2022
c. July 10, 2022
d. August 1, 2022
20. Mae is currently pregnant at 32 weeks gestation. Her first pregnancy resulted in a
spontaneous abortion at 16 weeks. Her second was induced post term and the child is 3 years
old. The third delivered at 36 weeks due to placental abruption and the infant died at six
months. GTPAL ?
a. 3-1-0-0-1
b. 4-0-1-0-1
c. 4-1-1-1-1
d. 4-0-0-1-1
21. A nurse reviewing the record of a client who has just been told that a pregnancy test is
positive. The physician has documented the presence of a Goodell’s sign. The nurse
determines this sign indicates:
a. A softening of the cervix
b. A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the maternal pulse during auscultation of the uterus.
c. The presence of HCG in the urine
d. The presence of fetal movement
22. Compute AOG : LMP : March 01, 2020
Today is June 7, 2020
a. 9 weeks 4 days
b. 9 weeks 5 days
c. 14 weeks
d. 14 weeks 5 days
23. Compute for AOG : LMP : April 20, 2022
Today is October 08, 2022
a. 24 weeks
b. 24 weeks 3 days
c. 23 weeks 3 days
d. 25 weeks
24. Compute for AOG : LMP : July 15, 2022
Today is January 26, 2023
a. 25 weeks 1 day
b. 26 weeks 6 days
c. 27 weeks 6 days
d. 27 weeks 5 days

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