Dowry System

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Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality

Chapter · January 2021

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95687-9_21


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Rajeev Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


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Dowry System: Unequalizing in many indigenous cultures (Anderson et al.

Gender Equality 2018). However, in Muslim marriages, dowry is
also in practice along with meher, whereas meher
Rajeev Kumar is just a social formality. Dowry custom is
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, prevalent across the world, and it is known by
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, different names in various geographical and
Kharagpur, WB, India cultural locations – in Hindi (Dahej), Tamil
(Varadhachanai), Urdu and Arabic (Jahez),
Bengali (Joutuk), Mandarin (Jiazhuang), Turkish
Definitions (Ceyiz), French (Dot), and Nepali (Daijo) (Harrell
and Dickey 1985) – and in African countries it is
Dowry is an asset provided by a father or guardian known as Idana (Comaroff and Roberts 1986).
to a daughter during her marriage; on the other Primarily dowry is related to gender and own-
hand, bride price is an amount of money or prop- ership of the asset and gradually evolved as gen-
erty or an asset provided by the family of the der ownership and distribution of wealth. Gender
groom to the family of the bride during the distribution of wealth varies across various coun-
marriage. tries and cultures. Before marriage, possession of
The tradition of dower (meher) is very different property and assets among women widely varies
from dowry or bride price – in meher, a husband is across different cultures and nations – such distri-
supposed to provide an amount of money or asset bution of wealth is largely mediated by inheri-
to a wife, which is a token of respect as well as tance law of societal pattern and dowry system
social security during the dissolution of marriage (Deere and Doss 2006).
(Singh 2010).
Dowry Culture in European and American
Introduction From the medieval period to the early nineteenth
century, dowry custom was common in European
A Global Perspective of the Gender countries. In the sixteenth century, clandestine
Distribution of Wealth marriages in Europe and administration of
Dowry was considered a social security to women Catholic churches promoted the dowry system in
during a post-marriage crisis such as alienation by marriages by mandating parental consent, which
a husband or another marital conflict (Goody mainly violated the right of brides to choose their
1976). Similarly, the bride price is still prevalent partner (Sperling 2004). In Italy, this practice of
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
W.Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Gender Equality, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
2 Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality

dowry in marriages was widespread; however, in included materials useful for household life, but
the Iberian Peninsula, mutual consent in mar- jazz was different from meher, which is given by
riages was in practice because of joint ownership the groom’s family to the bride’s family according
in the property and equal inheritance (Sperling to Sharia law (Ghorayshi 1996). In other Islamic
2004). Records of court cases revealed that countries, Turkey (Samli 2011), Egypt (Amin and
dowry was widely prevalent in the thirteenth cen- Al-Bassusi 2004), and Morocco (Mir-Hosseini
tury in England (Steinberg et al. 1971). During 2000), there was a uniform pattern of dowry
those periods in England, marriageable daughters custom similar to Iranian dowry custom.
used to be a valuable asset for their guardians Consequently, dowry-related crimes are reported
because noble families were enhancing their in Turkey (Sallan Gül 2013).
social status by expanding their alliances with
royal families (Harris 1993). However, the sce-
Dowry in Southeast Asian Countries
nario of dowry customs in the early nineteenth
Dowry practice in China is very similar to India.
century in Romania was distinct. Though similar
Daughters would not hold right in property shar-
to other cultures, dowry was a part of an inheri-
ing; property would equally be divided among
tance to a daughter in Romania – but the assets of
sons. However, the share of a daughter would
dowry were under control of male members of the
be given in the form of dowry (Brown 2009).
paternal family of the bride, and they had several
Currently, in modern times, the custom of dowry
legal rights in this regard; eventually, legal
is diminishing. Pakistan and Afghanistan follow
empowerment of women provided social security
the nature and pattern of dowry system similar to
to abandoned, divorced women and their children
other Islamic countries such as Iran, Turkey,
(Jianu 2009). In the indigenous cultures of
Egypt, and Morocco, and likewise, dowry-related
America, dowry custom was already in practice,
violence occurs in Pakistan and Afghanistan
but European colonies greatly influenced it, but
(Gulzar et al. 2012).
unlike European cultures, it was a mutual
In contrast to other Islamic countries, Bangla-
exchange of gifts between families of bride and
desh had a custom of joutuk (bride price):
groom (Deogaonkar and Deogaonkar 2002;
according to this, the family of the groom would
Ferraro and Andreatta 2011). In Mexico, Spanish
give dowry to the bride’s family, but gradually the
colonial rules imported dowry culture; however,
tradition of joutuk converted into dowry (Jones
after marriage, assets and amount of dowry used
1997). Because of dowry crime against women
to go under control of the bride (Mangan 2005).
are often reported in Bangladesh (Huda 2006).
Similarly in Russian culture, during the six-
Similar to the Indian scenario, in Nepal, dowry
teenth century, dowry custom was in practice;
demand is on the rise; in fact, this demand is much
however, property transferred in the name of
higher among educated and prosperous classes
dowry was completely under ownership of the
(Rankin 2003). As a result of the dowry system,
bride only – after death or any mishap happened
sex-selective abortions (Sapkota et al. 2019) and
to bride, the amount of dowry would be spent for
domestic violence against females (Paudel 2007)
charitable causes only; and the family of the
are reported in Nepal.
groom has no right over it (Olga 1993). There is
However, a progressive change is observed in
a distinct culture of dowry practiced in Tajikistan,
Sri Lanka regarding dowry tradition – it is declin-
and there is no transfer of property in the name of
ing rapidly compared to other South Asian coun-
dowry, somewhat reciprocal gift of traditional
tries – although dowry custom was deep-rooted in
dresses to both the families of bride and groom
the social fabric of Sri Lanka and witnessed
(BBC 2011).
dowry-related offenses too (Pieris and Caldwell
Dowry in Middle East Countries
Iranian tradition of dowry is 1000 years old, there
Jahez (dowry in Urdu and Arabic language)
Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality 3

An Indian Scenario of Dowry Custom India (Sachdeva 1998). However, cultural and
Considering the population, geographical area, community differences don’t discourage this
and cultural diversity, India is the largest country practice because of direct monetary benefits. In
after China in Southeast Asia. Dowry is followed the Indian states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya
in the social culture of India. Because of sociocul- Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Odisha, the practice of
tural, linguistic, and regional diversity in India, an dowry is highly prevalent; even high rates of
interregional analysis of dowry practice with the dowry-related deaths are reported from these
perspective of socioeconomic and legal perspec- states (Babu and Babu 2011). In both north and
tive can give an enriched insight to dowry issue south regions, the tradition of dowry is practiced,
and its relation to gender equality. This more in- even among Muslim and Christian societies also;
depth insight into the Indian scenario of dowry however, in the north region, dowry is practiced
custom can be generalized at the global level. among both high and lower class, but in south
In India, dowry is defined as a material in the regions, it is mostly among high-class people
form of cash, goods, and movable or immovable (Caplan 1984).
property, which is provided by the family of The demand for dowry amount is increasing in
the bride to the family of the groom as one condi- Punjab, where the sex ratio is very low and there
tion of marriage. This practice is being continued are high rates of reported cases of female infanti-
from many centuries in India (Gaganpreet and cides (Makino 2018). On the other hand, dowry is
Sukhdev 2013). The definition of “dowry” is not practiced at a very large level in Kerala, which
restricted to agreement or demand for payment of holds the highest sex ratio and literacy rate in
dowry before and at the marriage but also includes India (Kodoth 2008). However, dowry-related
demands made after marriage (The State Of deaths occur much lower in Kerala because of
Andhra Pradesh vs. Raj Gopal Asawa And Anr the highest literacy rate among women (Babu
on 17 March 2004). However, the word “dowry” and Babu 2011). Though divorce doesn’t sound
should be any property or valuable material given a healthy practice for matrimonial alliances, nev-
or agreed to be presented in connection with the ertheless it may be a remedy for women stuck in
marriage. The customary payments in connection abusive marital bond. In the Kerala state, smooth
with the birth of a child or other ceremonies are facilitation of divorce and awareness of women’s
not involved in the ambit of dowry (Satvir Singh right prevent women from dowry-related deaths
And Ors vs. the State Of Punjab And Anr on 27 (Vasudevan et al. 2015). Both Punjab and Kerala
September 2001 2001). share one common trend – high immigration to
Origin of dowry can be traced back to the foreign countries (Walton-Roberts 2014) – which
tradition to provide the gift in the form of jewelry, increases the wealth and family status and, conse-
electrical appliances, furniture, bedding, crockery, quently, dowry price of grooms (Biao 2005).
utensil, or other materials needed for household
use for newly wedded couple to start their married
Gender Inequality and Association with a Dowry
life (Diwan and Diwan 1997; Gaganpreet and
Gender equality is an essential goal of Sustainable
Sukhdev 2013). However, concerning the pres-
Development Goals. Across the globe, many
ence of dowry culture in ancient and medieval
countries are meeting the goal of gender equality,
India, there are various remarks of authors which
though girls’ enrollment in schools and women’s
are conflicting to each other and unable to produce
participation in politics are noticeably observed
any consistent fact (Tambiah and Goody 1973;
which are one of the markers of gender equality
Witzel 1996).
(Sachs 2012). Dowry custom is closely related to
gender inequality, and it is synonymous of the
Regional and Community Variation of Dowry in
gender distribution of wealth (Deere and Doss
2006) and correlated with gender discrimination
The practice of dowry is prevalent across most
and gender disempowerment; thus in dowry or
of the cultures, religions, castes, and regions of
4 Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality

Victimization of husbands and their

Legal Perspective
Violation of gender human rights

Ineffective dowry prohibiting laws

Misuse of section 498-A

Obstructed social justice and

protection to real victims of dowry

Dowry deaths/ Decrease in sex ratio

domestic violence

Social Perspective Dowry Practice

Patriarchal Mind-set
Female feticide Gender Inequality
Son preference

Women Economic Perspective

Disempowerment Dowry Market
Financial dependence on men

Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality, Fig. 1 Conceptual diagram of the antecedent, perpetuating factors,
and adverse outcome of dowry practice and its association with gender inequality

bride price system, the bride and groom are con- However, hospital data reported fire-related
sidered only a commodity (Riley 1997). deaths in India; all those deaths shared the com-
The dowry system is a complex social phe- mon cause: kitchen accidents, self-immolation,
nomenon. An issue of gender equality and and domestic violence. Most of these deaths
women empowerment is closely associated with occurred to married females of 15–34 years of
the practice of dowry. In this entry, I will discuss age group. These deaths directly suggested its
the issue of dowry system in India in a regional, association with dowry demand (Sanghavi et al.
economic, social, demographic, and legal per- 2009). Because after the death of one wife, men
spective (Fig. 1). had the option to marry again and fetch a dowry
from the family of a new bride (Jutla and
Heimbach 2004). A bride burning is not only a
Dowry-Related Crimes in India
social and legal issue but a significant public
Initially, dowry was a social tradition, but with
health concern also and demands intervention
time, it became a social evil, and a voluntary gift
from a health perspective too (Kumar and Kanth
turned into a forceful demand (Gaganpreet and
2004). Despite strict legal enforcement, dowry
Sukhdev 2013). When the dowry demands were
demand is still in practice and taking away lives
not met, consequently, the deaths of brides began
of brides (Nigam 2017). These dowry-related
to come in light (Sachdeva 1998). There is no
deaths share a significant portion of all cases of
available database on specific dowry deaths.
Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality 5

female homicide; surprisingly, it was noticed that Social Perspective

most of the perpetrators are either intimate partner
or family member (Singh 2018b). Gender Stereotype and Discrimination
Initially, it was hypothesized that dowry prob- In India, there is a patriarchal social system; there-
lems are due to poor awareness of the law, the fore, the socioeconomic condition of women has
lower position of women, and less education of been inferior to men (Figes 1970). This
women (Sachdeva 1998). However, with the disempowered position of women begets further
increasing modernization and escalated work- disempowerment. On the other hand, culturally,
force participation of women and their pivotal women are considered deity or Shakti symboli-
role in the economy, the practice of dowry is cally in the Indian religious system (Wadley 1977)
still prevalent in society, and it is increasing, because, in the ancient period, women were
mainly because of growing materialism having a high position in society (Bader 2013).
(Srinivasan and Lee 2004). However, from the medieval period onward, the
status of women began to decline.
In Indian societies, sons are given
prime importance, and girls are often neglected.
Economic Perspective
Daughters are even poorly fed and given less
immunization, which further leads to poor
Formation of the Marriage Market
health and early mortality of girl children
According to the hierarchy of human needs, a
(Raymond 1994).
human being has its social obligation and a need
Consequently, women, from their childhood
for procreation and to form his/her own family
itself, have been subjected to discrimination in
(Maslow 1943). An institution of marriage was
their own family. They were given food of lower
evolved to meet this need. Gradually this institu-
nutritional quality compared to the male child in
tion of marriage is converted into a marriage mar-
the same family (Pande 2003); women have been
ket (Kodoth 2008). The marriage market was
deprived of participating in sports or other activ-
automatically established to cater to the necessity
ities involving physical activities, as these activi-
of matching the compatible bride and groom for
ties were considered the men’s arena (Harrison et
forming a family of procreation. With this market,
al. 2009). As a result, their physical and psycho-
a chain of demand and supply was also created.
logical development was lower than males (John-
Economics of dowry is deeply rooted in the socio-
son and Johnson 2001).
cultural system of India. With the growing econ-
There have been many gender stereotypes in
omy, societies are getting modernized, but due to
Indian societies – the husband will be a bread-
lack of respect toward rights and individual iden-
earner, and women will be a housewife. A narrow
tity of women, and narrow mindset, and with
meaning of housewife was devised – a woman
considerably enhanced materialism, this is merely
who doesn’t hold her own independent identity,
a pseudo-modernization, which is further perpet-
she is merely a caretaker of household activities,
uating devaluation of women. The foundation of
because she can’t cope with men in the competi-
the dowry market lies in the overvaluation of
tive world, she is just dependent on the earnings of
grooms and depreciation of the brides. The deval-
her husband. This narrow meaning of housewife
uation of women is the result of consistent disem-
was furthermore widened – bringing up children,
powerment through various phases which lies
taking care of other members of the family, and
deep in the social fabrics (Esteve-Volart 2004).
executing other household activities holds no
value compared to duties performed by men
(Dasgupta and Basu 2011).
This gender stereotype began to reflect in every
arena of life. Women were not encouraged for
higher studies. Their education was just for
6 Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality

formality, thinking that their career has no mean- violence (Babu and Kar 2009), whereas it has
ing; they have to manage only household duties. also been noted that an economic-dependence of
A prejudice against girls was developed that they women decreases the dowry-demand, and bride-
cannot study the complex science subject like price increases due to the disempowered position
boys (Tomasetto et al. 2011). Even those girls of women (Randeria and Visaria 1984).
were educated, they were not encouraged to do
the job or make their career (Correll 2004). Caste-Based Societies and Dowry Demand
Because of those reasons, girls have been Casteism is an active promoter of dowry practice.
physically, educationally, and economically A tendency in marriage within caste and subcaste
weaker than men and became dependent on men is encouraged by leaders of particular caste asso-
for their life. Their husband became their lifesaver ciations. There is a variation of numbers of suit-
rather than a life partner. And gradually, it became able brides and grooms across a diversity of caste
a tradition (Greenstein 2000; Carr 2004). and community. There is also variation in the
After getting a good education, males got dowry price across various castes and communi-
opportunities to do a job and build their careers. ties (Kodoth 2008). Because of a limited number
On the contrary, a disempowered girl became a of boys who were educated, financially sound,
burden to her parents. To get rid of this burden, the and having origin from reputed families, their
parents of the girl began to find a suitable demand in the sphere of particular community
life partner-cum-lifesaver for them (Babu and and caste increased. Thus a competition emerged
Babu 2011). among the families of brides to get an alliance
with the suitable groom. Economically well-off
Socioeconomic Factors of Dowry Practice families decided to offer a higher price to win
Here the political economy of the marriage market such race. And in this way, the dowry market is
depends on multiple factors that decide the formed (Caplan 1984).
markers of compatibility. Those factors are age, Social pressure is a strong deterrent to solem-
income, socioeconomic status of parents, and nize intercaste marriage. People belong to a par-
caste. ticular caste or community; they are bound to
The age of marriage is an essential factor in follow the norms of that community; each mem-
deciding the amount of dowry. To avoid huge ber is affiliated with the community, and affilia-
payment in the form of dowry, parents marry tion is the need of human beings (Rofe 1984). In
their daughters at an early age and sometimes the case of nonadherence to community norms,
below marriageable age; they do so to get rid of there is always a fear of ostracization from the
their liability at a lower payment of dowry. Girls community. Giving dowry and marriage within
who are married before the age of 18 years have caste or community are also such pressure.
poor coping skills, feel helpless, and more likely Many times the need for social affiliation is
to commit suicide than girls of mature age (Babu converted into affiliation dependency, and this
and Babu 2011). A study conducted by Kodoth affiliation dependency is exploited, and
(2008) described the parameters of the dowry thus, community members are pressurized to
market of Kerala; there to marry an overage girl, give dowry. The practice of dowry is glorified by
i.e., above 30 years, parents have to pay a higher those stakeholders of the marriage market who
amount of dowry, because overage is considered a have benefited from it. Some parents with high
deficit in the girl. socioeconomic status afford to offer a dowry to
Poverty is another factor in reinforcing the seek an alliance with a reputed family and com-
dowry market. Families who have lower socio- patible groom. These people glorify the practice
economic background find dowry as an opportu- of dowry because it shows their socioeconomic
nity to enhance their socioeconomic status. When reputation. This phenomenon of glorification of
they receive an insufficient amount of dowry, they dowry can be explained by social labeling theory,
pressurize the bride and her family and inflict where the behavior of the individual is controlled
Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality 7

by the superior people of the community (Adam Legal Aspect

1978). When various caste and communities are
merged, then their equation of demand and supply Inheritance Rights of Women
of compatible brides and grooms are somewhat According to Hindu law, the streedhan – a gift
equalized, and dowry market loses their impact. provided by relatives to her during the marriage –
The incidences of dowry practices occur less in was her only asset, which she could utilize
intercaste marriage or casteless societies than (Srinivasan 1984).
the same caste or caste-oriented societies (Ander- Hindu Succession Act was enacted in 1956 to
son 2003). provide equal rights of property to daughters and
sons, but, it would not give full power to daugh-
ters, whereas sons hold coparcenary rights by
Female Feticide and Dowry
birth, but daughters are deprived of it. Later the
Female feticide or female infanticides are the
amendment made in 2005 in the Hindu Succes-
adverse repercussions of the dowry system. It is
sion Act, daughters were given equal rights in the
because sons hold functional value in the dowry
paternal property (Deininger et al. 2013).
market; the male child is primarily preferred in
The property rights of tribal women are
families. And because of widely prevalent son
governed by customary laws, which almost deny
preference in Indian societies, girls are generally
her of succession; she doesn’t hold share even in
killed in the womb of mothers, so the burden of
agriculture land. A majority of Indian Christians
dowry can be avoided (Saravanan 2002; Garg and
were still governed by the customary laws, which
Nath 2008; Bhalotra et al. 2018). If sex ration
prohibited daughters from inheriting rights in the
continues to fall, there will be a shortage of mar-
parental property (Khan 2000).
riageable girls, which may either reduce the
Inheritance laws of almost all the communities
demand for dowry or reverse the dowry system
of India have gender bias with regard to property
(Jeffery 2014). Girls are perceived as a financial
rights of daughters. Therefore in many cases, the
burden on the family (Yadav et al. 2018), because
daughter demanded dowry as part of their share of
money spent on her education and bringing up
the property. Thus, this unjust situation of prop-
will not be repaid as sons do in the form of
erty shares somewhat promotes the dowry system
dowry; even women who give birth to a female
in India.
child are looked down upon in family and society
(Muzamil and Farhat 2016). Another reason is
Legislation Against Dowry and Domestic
that women hailing from the lower socioeconomic
Violence in India
background suffer domestic violence on account
To curb the menace of dowry-related crimes, the
of not bringing robust dowry amount; thereby,
government of India enacted the Dowry Prohibi-
some parents prefer to kill the girl in the womb
tion Act in 1961. Section 498-A was added in the
to avoid humiliation in later life (Chander et al.
Indian Penal Code to deal with the dowry-related
2018). Despite growing modernization, an educa-
offense, domestic violence, and mental cruelty. It
tional campaign, and strict legislation against
is a cognizable, non-bailable, non-compoundable
fetus detection and selective abortion, still a
act. However, there are certain conditions when
sizeable group of people seeking preference of
dowry law is not violated: if gifts in marriage are
son have devised new technology to do female
given voluntarily by parents of the bride and if the
feticide through the mobile van and portable ultra-
list of gifts with its cost is maintained on a paper
sound (Bhattacharya and Singh 2016). Because
with the signature of both the parties. Therefore
outwardly people may show so-called modernism
there is a generalized notion in the families that
and broadmindedness, but they can’t leave their
every dowry is voluntary, and it is well accepted in
narrow, patriarchal mindset.
the society. Dowry exchange in families is not
considered an offense or violation of the law.
Instead, it is taken as private familial matter
8 Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality

Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality, Table 1 Crime against women and their conviction rate
Crime against women Number of incidences reported Conviction rate (%)
Cruelty by husband or family members (Section 498A) 1,10,378 12.2
Assault on women/outraging modesty (Section 354) 84,746 21.8
Kidnapping 64, 519 21.4
Rape (Section 376) 38,947 25.5
Dowry Prohibition Act 9,683 15.3
Total crime against women 3,38,954 18.4
Source: National Crime Record Bureau, 2016 (Government of India)

(Vindhya 2000; Rao 2007). Several studies con- which is one-third of total offense against women.
cluded that anti-dowry law in India has been inef- However, the conviction rate is lowest for Section
fective and failed to deliver justice to victims; 498-A and Dowry Prohibition Act compared to
despite the enactment of such legislation, there is other crimes against women.
no significant reduction in the phenomenon of It was further noted that conviction under other
dowry taking and violence against women IPC crimes is increasing. However, it is declining
(Ghosh and Choudhuri 2011; Shenk 2007). Mere rapidly in the cases under Section 498-A
enactment is not sufficient; its enforcement is (Dubbudu 2017). The Honourable Supreme
weak; there is a need of new strategy to empower Court, in its decision, even called misuse of Sec-
women so that their economic dependence on tion 498-A is legal terrorism (Sushil Kumar
men can be reduced (Rocca et al. 2009). Sharma Vs. Union of India (UOI) and Ors – Jul
Furthermore, considering rising cases of vio- 19, 2005 2005).
lence against women, the government of India Even violence against men in India is rising,
made new laws – Domestic Violence Act-2005 – but those are unreported and hidden because
it broadened the definition of violence and domestic violence laws of India are gender-biased
encompassed physical, psychological, emotional, (Kumar 2012). A study conducted by HelpAge
and economic violence. Any female living on the India concluded that misuse of Section 498-A
premises of home: mother, sister, wife, live-in causes harassment of elderly people, because find-
partner, a female relative, friend, and housemaid ing the loophole in the law police unnecessarily
come in the purview of the domestic violence act harassed even older members also, and do physi-
(Singh 2018a). cal, psychological, emotional, and economic
exploitation (Soneja 2011).
Misuse of Domestic Violence Act From 1990 onward, an emergence of men’s
Though domestic violence act in India did not rights groups such as Save the Indian Family
bring any revolutionized change in the lives of Foundation are seen; these groups are formed to
victimized women, somewhat, it suffered a gross provide support to victimized husbands of false
misuse in the hand of the upper class and finan- 498-A and dowry cases (Basu 2016); even women
cially well-off women, who filed fabricated cases activists are also joining their hand in this move-
against their husbands (Ahamad and Mishra ment (Sengar 2018). Through the lenses of human
2016). They misuse the Domestic Violence Act rights, rampant misuse of 498-A and Dowry
and Section 498-A of Indian Penal Code out of Prohibition Act was viewed as a severe violation
vengeance against their husband and other family of gender human rights, which is the prime con-
members (Shetty et al. 2012) (Table 1). dition of gender equality (Abeyratne and Jain
An analysis based on data released by National 2012). As a result, amid this game of feministic
Crime Record Bureau, New Delhi, revealed that vengeance, real victims of domestic violence and
of the total crimes against women, the highest dowry-related crimes are getting away from jus-
number of cases are filed under Section 498-A, tice and protection (Agnes 2015). In Indian
Dowry System: Unequalizing Gender Equality 9

judicial system, now there is a generalized opinion and financial dependence on men, dowry is pro-
formed about false nature of dowry and domestic moted. Inability to give dowry causes victimiza-
violence-related complaints, which can cause fur- tion of brides; on the other hand, the glorification
ther hindrances to protect genuine female victims of dowry generates son preference, which
of dowry and domestic violence; they may give up encourages female feticide, disturbs the sex
their effort to get justice and protection in the ratio, and eventually results in gender inequality.
complicated legal system. Legislations prohibiting dowry and domestic
violence remained ineffective to reduce crime
against women; contrastingly, these laws were
A Way Forward grossly misused to victimize husbands and their
families. As a result, genuine victims of dowry
Although the data and fact revealed dowry is a face hurdles in accessing legal service, justice,
continual process, a dim light at the end of the and protection. Women’s disempowerment is the
tunnel can be seen. Through the determination of antecedent of dowry, and it leads to gender
people either at the individual or at the collective inequality. Gender equality and women empow-
level, there are few illustrations that challenged an erment in a holistic way are the antidote to curb
old-aged custom of dowry. The Government of the menace of dowry.
India launched a nationwide program to save and
educate girls (Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao); under
this program, strict enforcement of preconception
and prenatal diagnostic technique act was done. A
study conducted in Haryana revealed the signifi-
▶ Convention on the Elimination of All forms of
cant effectiveness of Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
Discrimination Against Women
program (Gupta et al. 2018). Kerala – an infamous
▶ Council of Europe Convention on Preventing
state for its dowry demand – has a model village,
and Combating Violence Against Women
which is dowry-free, thought consistent effort of
(Istanbul Convention) (2014)
people’s movement (Anand 2014). Northeastern
▶ Domestic Violence Against Women: Rele-
states of India created another example of dowry-
vance, Reflections and Public Policies
free communities and dignified women to the
▶ Family Law: Path Toward Achieving Gender
societies of rest of the country, who are encoun-
Equality in India
tering the pain of this social evil (Think Change
▶ Femicide and the Continuum of Gender Based
India 2017). Official records show that there are
four states reported no case of dowry death in
▶ Forced Marriage
the year 2014; those states are Goa, Mizoram,
▶ Gender Power Relations
Nagaland, and Sikkim. However, some states
▶ Gender Stereotypes
reported very few cases of dowry deaths such as
▶ Violence Against Women
Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal
▶ Zero-Tolerance Policy Towards Gender Based
Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Manipur
Abuse and Violence
(Webindia 2015).

Conclusion References

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