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Academy of Language Studies

Bachelor of Applied Language (Hons)

English for Professional Communication

Course : Technical Writing (EPC 555)

Subject : Progress Report

Submission date : 23 June 2023

Lecturer’s name : Dr Siti Aeisha Joharry

Group : LG2404E

Student’s Name Amirah Solehah Binti Muhammad Harith

Zaini Naufal Bin Mohd
Matrics Number 2021641066 2021614418

10th June 2023

Product Name:
Maleeya Night Owl Cooling Powder

Dr Siti Aeisha Joharry Amirah Zaini Harith Zulkarnain

Managing Director Project Manager Project Assistant Manager


1.0 Introduction 4
1.1 Objectives of Project 4
1.2 Purpose of The Report 5
2.0 Work Accomplished 5
2.1 Developing new formula 5
2.2 Packaging Designs 5
2.3 Delivery of Raw Material 6
3.0 Problems Encountered 6
4.0 Work Remaining 6
4.1 Sample Making 6
4.2 Regulatory Compliance 7
5.0 Project Completion / Recommendation 7

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objectives of Project

Maleeya Skincare is a local skincare brand that had been receiving phenomenal recognition in
these past few years, especially from the younger generation across the globe. Therefore
Maleeya is thriving in pursuing and creating a new product that could satisfy all of our
customer’s needs. The new product that we created is called Maleeya’s Night Owl Cooling
Powder. Maleeya Skincare took inspiration from a centuries-old skincare product that are
traditionally used by our ancestors and pursued into making it popular again in the modern
world. The objectives of this project are:

1. Reviving back a century-old skincare product and popularising it among the younger

2. Promoting the traditional skincare routine into the global market.

3. To maintain Maleeya’s image as a no.1 local skincare brand.

According to the objectives, the main purpose of this project is to revive back a long-lost
traditional skincare product that was used by our ancestors. This project will not only promote
our culture and history into the world, but it will also maintain Maleeya’s reputation as the no.1
local skincare brand. There are several departments that are involved in this product development
and one of them is the marketing, laboratory, production, and sampling department. These
departments will also contribute to the product launchings. The project has been costing around
RM5 million as capital and appears to be our biggest project yet. The project itself is estimated to
be completed in 9 months and consists of three phrases:

1. Pre-construction phase (3 months)

2. Production phase (3 months)

3. Post-construction phase (3 months)

1.2 Purpose of The Report

The aim of this report is to inform the Managing Director regarding the progress of the new
product development. This report entails the first phase which is the pre-construction phase of
the project. In this phase, we were focusing more on discussing the main theme of the product,
brainstorming marketing strategies, developing new formulas for the product ingredients as well
as producing samples. This phase is the most important as it is the root of this project
development and everything ought to be perfectly prepared before we even started the
production phase.

2.0 Work Accomplished

2.1 Developing new formula

In developing this new product, the research team has been trying to create a new formula to
ensure only safe and clean ingredients are to be used for the new products. This is extremely
important as it will reflect Maleeya Skincare's policy of only using all-natural and safe
ingredients. Each experiment is also ensured to be safely clinically tested before moving on to
the next steps. Moreover, no animal testing has been conducted as Maleeya is a cruelty-free
brand. This task took the longest to be finished and was finally completed on 28th April 2023.

2.2 Packaging Designs

The marketing teams have started to send out several packaging designs for the new product. The
new packaging is made out of recyclable material and is also refillable. The marketing teams
have contacted Kenanga Waja Sdn. Bhd, a local recycling centre, to gain materials in making
recyclable packaging. This collaboration is also beneficial for both companies. Maleeya Skincare

also hints at future project collaboration with Kenanga Waja as the company are envisioning it to
be fully environmentally friendly. They accomplished this task on 13th May 2023.

2.3 Delivery of Raw Material

Cooling powders are mainly made of rice. Several rice companies have been contacted to
provide us with the rice supply. Our production team have made a deal with several local small
rice farmers to sell their rice production to us. A dozen trucks filled with tons of rice arrived at
the Maleeya Production Factory in Shah Alam on 27th May 2023

3.0 Problems Encountered

During the development of this new product, a heavy flood occurred all around Malaysia and
affected most of the places in Selangor. Heavy rain started to pour non-stop for a week straight
since 7th March 2023, and the water level started to rise due to that. The flood had affected
mostly the lowlands and areas near the sea so, since our company building was a little bit on a
higher place our company did not get directly affected by the flood water. Although our company
was not directly affected by the flood, the roads to our company building were badly submerged
with water and made the route there closed so we could not come to the office. Other than the
company building, our team staff live in various places which can be on lower lands. So when
the flood happened and affected the route, most of our department team also had it bad in their
homes. They could not come to the office for a while to manage their worse-affected houses and
that has taken a toll on the production as we were facing this natural disaster, there was no
progress that could be made during that time until 21st March 2023.

4.0 Work Remaining

4.1 Sample Making

Additional testing and refinement are required to improve the cooling powder's performance.
This includes more extensive user testing, optimising the formulation for different skin types,
and fine-tuning the effectiveness and intensity of the materials. Therefore, we are currently
preparing a few packs of newly produced Maleeya’s Night Owl Cooling Powder to make as a
sample for the production team to try out at home. This is one of our quality control methods so
that we can ensure the effectiveness of the product and whether the product is safe to be used.
We will also hand it over to the Managing Director to give approval for the product.

4.2 Regulatory Compliance

It is challenging to navigate the regulatory landscape for cosmetics and personal care goods. As
we progress through the development process, we’ve been foreseeing the need to ensure
compliance with appropriate legislation and standards in order to make a product of good quality
so that it can be patented without many problems.

5.0 Project Completion / Recommendation

At the moment, 80% of the first phase of our project has already been done but the project is still
nowhere near the final phase. Maleeya Skincare took pride in this project as it is truly a
revolutionary towards the company's future. Every step and phase ought to be done with the
utmost attention to detail. The remaining works were to be expected finished on 4th July 2023
with the pre-production phase still going after that. Further setbacks can be greatly reduced by
increasing the number of competent workers that can pour their heart and dedication into making
this project a success. Follow-ups must be informed constantly in order to avoid any mistakes.


Picture 1: Master Gantt Chart

Picture 2: Revised Gantt Chart

Here’s the link for the Gantt Chart, in case the pictures here are not clear:

EPC555 gantt chart

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