CRIM 1 Assign 1

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Mariela Louise S.

Oebanda JD - I
CRIM 1 - 1st Assignment

What makes an act mala prohibita?

An act is considered mala prohibita if positive law forbids them even when they would
not be wrong. It answers the inquiry is the law has been prohibited. These acts are violation of
mere rules of convenience designed to secure a more orderly regulation of the affairs of society.
Mala prohibita generally refers to acts made criminal by special laws.

What makes an act mala in se?

An act that are mala in se are acts that are wrong in themselves. Intent governs mala in
se, as they are crimes so serious in their effects on society, and calls for almost unanimous
condemnation of its members. Acts thats are mala in se are generally referred to felonies that
are defined and penalized by the Revised Penal Code. When acts are inherently immoral, they
are mala in se, even if they are punished by special laws.

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