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Academic Session 2023-24

Practice Paper 15
Class : VII Topic: Literature
Subject : English (184)

1. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.

1.1. “The old man sat alone in his empty shop, listening to the eternal hissing of his kettle and
wondering if anyone would ever again step in for a glass of tea. He had lost his own appetite, and
ate and drank very little.”

a. Who does the old man refer to in the above line?

b. Why was he sitting idle in his tea shop?
c. What was the reason of his loss of appetite?
d. Find a word from the extract which is similar in meaning to „endless‟
1.2. “Mrs. Phelps was concerned about the child’s safety on the walk through the fairly busy
village High Street and the crossing of the road, but she decided not to interfere.”

a. Which child is referred to here?

b. Where does the child go?

c. Why did Mrs. Phelps decide not to interfere in the matters of the child?

d. Find a word from the extract which means the same as „disturbed‟.

2. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.

1.1 It said unto the forest, “Shout!

Hang all your leafy banners out!”

It touched the wood-bird’s folded wing,

And said, “O bird, awake and sing.”

a. Who is „It‟ in the above extract?

b. What does it say to the woods?

c. Why was the bird‟s wings folded?

d. Name and explain the poetic device used in the second line. “Hang all ……out!”

1.2. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;

He watches from his mountain walls,

And like a thunderbolt he falls.

a. Why is the sea called as „wrinkled‟?

b. Who is „he‟ in the above extract?

c. What does „He‟ watch from the mountain walls?

d. Mention two figures of speech used in the above extract.

3. Answer the following questions in about 20-30 words each.

a. Why didn‟t Mrs. Phelps talk about Matilda‟s achievements to others? (The Reader of Books)
b. Why does the stranger strike a conversation with Badan Babu? (The Pterodactyl‟s Egg)
c. What did Matilda do when her father refused to buy her a book? (The Reader of Books)
d. How did the stranger describe his time machine? (The Pterodactyl‟s Egg)
e. How did Binya happen to possess the blue umbrella? (The Blue Umbrella)
f. How was Bijju different from Binya? (The Blue Umbrella)
4. Answer the following questions in about 20 – 30 words each.
a. What did the wind say to the sailors? (Daybreak)
b. Mention three examples of animals that eat specific food.
c. Explain the physical features of the eagle as described in the poem. (The Eagle)
d. Why is the wind in such a hurry to wake up the different aspects of Nature?
e. Why is the camel known as the ship of the desert? (The Plaint of the Camel)
f. What does the eagle symbolise in the poem „The Eagle‟?
5. Answer the following questions in about 80 – 100 words.
a. Write a character sketch of Badan Babu. (The Pterodactyl‟s Egg)
b. Mrs. Phelps supported Matilda without the world getting to know about it. Explain. (The
Reader of Books)
c. Write a character sketch of Ram Bharosa. (The Blue Umbrella)
d. Describe the stranger who greeted Badan Babu. (The Pterodactyl‟s Egg)
6. Answer the following questions in about 80 – 100 words.
a. “We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us.” Explain the quote in light with the
theme „Wonders of Travel‟ giving suitable examples from the text.

b. “To make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be rich, brilliant or perfect. You just
have to care.” Elucidate the quote with respect to the theme „Lifeline‟ and support with the
examples given in the text.
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