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Adjectives - Comparison Karta pracy Zadanie 1: Dokonaj stopniowania przymiotnikéw: Adjectives Comparative Superlative big tall dangerous wide exciting wet good happy Zadanie 2 Uzupetnij zdania wtasciwa forma przymiotnika z nawiaséw. Zastosuj stopien wyiszy lub najwyészy. . day of the year. (hot) 1. Yesterday was ... 2. Mark is .. at maths than me. (bad) 3. I think Tom i .. Student in the class. (intelligent) eaLIVEWORKSHEETS 4. Cheetach is .. animal on the land. (fast) 5. My phone was ... .. than yours. (cheap) 6. This was ... film I've ever seen! (boring) 7. Table tennis is han tennis. (difficult) 8. For me riding a bike is .. than ridind a horse. (easy) Zadanie 3: Uzupetnij zdania, wstaw TOO lub ENOUGH 1. Tom isn’t old .. . to drive a car. . You need another computer. This one isn’t fast .. It’s . dangerous to climb this tree. Bown . My ladder isn’t tall ... shelf. . Ican’t reach top of the 5. Can | switch the heating on? It’s cold. 6. | don’t want to walk home because it’s .... eaLIVEWORKSHEETS ****Zadanie dodatkowe Wykorzystujac wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupetnij kaide zdanie z luka, tak aby zachowaé sens zdania wyjsciowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazéw. W kaéda luke modesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. 1, This car isn’t fast enough. TOO This car .... 2. My smartphone is too old. ENOUGH My smartphone is .... 3. My car is older than your car. NEW My car isn’t . YOUFS. 4. Tom is shorter than Mark. AS. Tom isn’ Mark. 5. That restaurant isn’t cheap enough. TOO That restaurant is eaLIVEWORKSHEETS 6. My smartphone is too old. ENOUGH My smartphone is 7.My laptop isn’t as big as yours. THAN My laptop . eaLIVEWORKSHEETS

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