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What's in this Issue?

Cover Page
Rev. Norville's Reflection
Lectionary & Information Pages
Parish Nurse Team
Altar Flowers and Poinsettia Order Form
Kid's Corner
Micah’s Backpack Information
November Birthdays/Anniversaries
& Financial Numbers
Consistory Bullets/Church Info
List of Events
November Calendar

Volume 70, Issue 10

Reflection from Rev. Mary

Pink has a song called “Just Give Me A Reason.” It’s about someone asking
their partner to give them just one reason to stay. They already have a million
reasons to leave, but clearly still love their partner and are begging for just
one reason to stay. When it comes to faith in God, I often hear the same

For most of us, our lives have carried some hurts that we just can’t
understand. For many, the trauma of not understanding why God didn’t
intervene to protect us is a reason to stop believing that there is a God.
Because of the hurt in this world, many are begging God to give them just one
reason to believe.

Have you ever felt that way? I have. When I was dealing with depression the
only scroll in the Bible that I read was Psalm. Day after day I returned to the
psalms seeking help. Although there was a lot wrong with King David’s
leadership, there was also a lot right about his words of lament for those who
are hurting.

Hear my prayer, O LORD; let my cry come to you. Do not hide your face from
me in the day of my distress. Incline your ear to me; answer me speedily in
the day when I call. Psalm 102.

We are all trained to express gratitude during November. It’s a good and
healthy habit, but sometimes the pain we are feeling seems more real than
the gratitude and we find ourselves begging for just one reason. If you are
feeling that way this year, know that I am here for you.

If you are excited and feeling overwhelmed with gratitude, I hope you will
patiently share that joy with others through acts of kindness that help each
person remember they are loved.

How ever you come to this day, remember the “one reason” is love. Love is
present in this world because of God. For as the heavens are high above the
earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him. Psalm 103:11.

Our God of love, you bring forth all the good in this world and we are in awe
of who you are. You already know the times when we become overwhelmed
with the hurts of this life and struggle to feel grateful for our struggles.
Please be patient with us. Please point out your love in this world and gently
lead us back to the still waters. Thank you for loving us and never giving up
on us. Amen.

Rev. Mary Jane Norville

"From the Pulpit”
We will be focusing on the lectionary text listed below.

November 5 Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Joshua 3:7-17 and Matthew 23:1-12

November 12 Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 and Matthew 25:1-13

November 19 Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Matthew 25:14-30 and Mark 11

November 26 Hanging of the Greens

Christmas Story

Micah’s Backpack is November’s

Change 4 Change project. See page in
this newsletter and on bulletin board for
list of items to donate. Monetary
donations are always welcome.

Change 4 Change offering in October was Breast Cancer Awareness

of Cumberland Valley. Thank you for your many donations and making
a difference for our Hagerstown Families.

Harvest Home is accepting donations from now through November

19th. This year the donations will be going to Micah’s Backpack. Please
see the the page in this November Tidings or Bulletin board for list of

The Women’s Fellowship Breakfast group will meet on

Saturday, November11th at 8:30 AM in person. Please
bring your favorite breakfast item to share with others.
Our focus will be the readings from The Upper Room for
both Oct. 11 and Nov. 11. The focus will be Sacrificing
for Others. Come enjoy a time of fellowship and digging
into God's Word.
Time Change on November 5th - Don't
forget to turn your clocks back before you
go to bed on Saturday night.

November 5th - Guest Preacher will be Rev. Esther Ziegler.

November 12th is our Anniversary Sunday. We will be serving

communion. We will also be joined by our Associate Council
Minister from the Central Atlantic Division, Rev. Sheresa
Simpson-Ricen. The Anniversary Offering will be used for the
Atrium Renovation.

Tidings Deadline - November 14th is the deadline for the

December Tidings. If you have anything you want in this issue
please contact Cheryl via phone or email.

On November 23rd the church office will be closed. Have a

Happy Thanksgiving.

November 26th will be our Annual Hanging of the Greens

Service to welcome our Advent Season.

Shut-In's - Our Shut-in's would love to hear from you. We have

several members that are unable to attend our services. Let them
know you care. Reach out to Cheryl for the list.
Lectionary Group
The Lectionary Group will meet on Wednesdays at 11:00 am.
Join Zoom Meeting:
or call the following local number: 301.715.8592
Enter Meeting ID: 863 9383 9530
From your Parish Nurse Team
The seasons have changed. The beauty
of winter is upon us. The colorful
seasons of spring, summer and fall are
gone. Feeling a little let down? Here are
some reasons to smile.

Sleeping late
Finding a four leaf clover
A clear blue sky
Baby birds chirping
Coming home for the holidays
Giving a treasured gift
First winter snowfall
A sleeping baby
A beautiful sunset
Seeing a good friend
A day at the beach
A phone call from an old friend
A hug
A sunrise
A good joke
Hearing the words “I love you”
A day off
A surprise birthday party
Dancing with your sweetheart
A hot beverage on a cold day
Sleeping puppies
A child’s smile
A job well done
Witnessing an act of kindness
Please sign up for the week of your choice
by completing the order form below and
turning it in to the church office or by
signing the altar flower chart on the Parish
House bulletin board. The cost is $50.00.
Please pay at the time of ordering by paying
with cash or a check, payable to Christ's
Reformed Church. Thanks for your
contribution, If you have any questions give
Cheryl a call at 301-733-4144.
Altar Flowers order form for 2024

Date flowers are to be placed: ____________________________________________

Name of Donor: _______________________________________________________

Information for Bulletin: The altar flowers are placed to the glory of God and
in loving memory/honor (circle one) of ___________________________________

Given by: ______________________________________________________________

The Worship Team will have poinsettias
for sale at $9.00 each. If you would like
to place a poinsettia in memory or in
honor of a loved one, you may place your
order with a Worship Team
representative or contact Cheryl in the
office. You can begin placing your order
on Sunday, November 13th. They can be
picked up after the Historic House of
Worship Tour on December 26th.
Poinsettia order form for 2023

I would like to purchase _____ poinsettia(s) for the 2023 Christmas Season.

In honor/memory (circle one) of _________________________________________

In honor/memory (circle one) of__________________________________________

Given by: _____________________________________________________________

Birthdays Anniversaries

Financials for September 2023

Samaritan Balance $ 924.88

Offerings $ 11,414.00
ATS Repayment $ 0
Endowment Interest $ 10,000.00
Expenses $ 22,389.25
Net Profit/Loss $ 975.25

YTD Jan-September 2023

Offering $ 99,291.05
ATS Repayment $ 0
Endowment Interest $ 110,000.00
Expenses $ 209,530.60
Net Profit/Loss $ 239.55
Volunteers Needed – Take a look at the list of volunteers we need at Christ’s
Reformed Church. Turn your form into the offering or into the office. We would love to
hear from you!

Altar Flowers – There are still several dates available for altar flowers for the balance
of 2023.

Lectionary Group – The Lectionary group will meet on Wednesdays at 11:00. You may
also join on zoom.
Donations for Micah’s Backpack are being accepted. The collection box is located in
the hallway near the East entrance.

Micah’s Backpack will also be the recipient of November’s “Change 4 Change”


We are still in need of tenants for portions of the Aspiring to Serve building although
we may soon be blessed with being able to lease the 4th floor and half of the 5th floor
to the Hagerstown Fire Department.

Consistory meeting for November 2023 will be held on November 9 at 6:30 pm.

The “Hanging of the Greens will take place on November 26th this year.

High School Sunday school will be held weekly. Adult Sunday School will be held on the
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.

Shut-In’s – Our Shut-in’s would love to hear from you. We have several members who
are unable to attend services. Let them know you care. Contact Cheryl for the list.

November communion will be on November 12, 2023. (Anniversary Sunday).

This year’s Anniversary Fund (November 12) will be dedicated to repair of the Atrium

Christ's Reformed Church Address Changes

Please contact Cheryl with any changes you
Phone No: 301-733-4144 have to your address or phone number.
Fax No: 301-733-4145
Church General email: crc1854@myactv.net Office Hours
Website: www.crcucc.org Cheryl's office hours are 8-3 Monday
through Thursday and Friday 8-2:30. Her
YouTube: CRC Christ's Reformed Church email is: cheryl.crc@myactv.net.
Morning Worship 9:30 am
Church Staff
To join by phone. Simply dial 1-301-715-8592, Rev. Mary Jane Norville Sr. Minister
wait for the prompt, enter the access code 853 Larry Hoeck President
3757 7035 followed by #, wait for the prompt Margaret Bussard Custodian
Cheryl Wilson AA/Organist
then enter # again. To join the worship by Thomas Greenawalt Technology Support
computer on Zoom, enter the following Charlotte Trout ATS Board President
into your web browser: Gene Jones Treasure Team
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85337577035 Jenny Kelly Treasure Team
November 1 Office Closed
November 5 Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost–
Guest Preacher/Rev. Ziegler
November 8 11 AM Lectionary
November 9 6:30 PM Consistory Meeting
November 11 8:30 AM Women’s Breakfast
November 12 Anniversary Sunday w/Communion with
Rev. Sheresa Simpson-Rice
November 12 Sunday School –H.S Youth and Adults
November 15 11 AM Lectionary
November 19 Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost –
Harvest Home Sunday
November 19 Sunday School – High School Youth
November 22 11 AM Lectionary
November 23 Office Closed
November 26 Hanging of the Greens
November 26 Sunday School –H.S. Youth and Adults
November 27 7 PM ATS Meeting
November 29 11 AM Lectionary
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
Office Closed

11:00 am
2:00 pm AA 2:00 pm AA 2:00 pm AA

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Twenty Third 11:00 am Fellowship
Sunday after 6:30 PM
Lectionary Breakfast 8:30
Pentecost Consistory Mtg
Guest Preacher
Rev. Ziegler 2:00 pm AA 2:00 pm AA 2:00 pm AA

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Twenty Fourth
11:00 am
Sunday after
Pentecost -
Anniversary Tidings
w/Communion Dealline 2:00 pm AA 2:00 pm AA 2:00 pm AA

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Twenty Fifth
Sunday after 11:00 am
Pentecost Lectionary

Harvest Home Office Closed

Sunday 2:00 pm AA 2:00 pm AA

26 27 28 29 30
11:00 am
Hanging of Lectionary
the Greens ATS 7PM 2:00 pm AA

I will give thanks to the Lord with my

whole heart; I will recount all of your
wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1

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