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Cli or command iterpreter allows direct commad entry

- Sometimes implemented in kernel, sometimes by programs

- Sometimes multiple flavors implemented-shells

It means that there are different types of command interpreters available, each with its own set of
features and functionalities.

- Primarily fetches a command from user and executes it

- Sometimes commands built-in, sometimes just names of programs, if the names of programs,
shell is not need to be modified

Gui or graphical user interface

-friendly desktop metaphor interface (metaphor = some point of comparison)

- icon represent files programs actions

Various mouse buttons over objects in the interface cause various actions providing information options
execute fucntoin open directory

System calles

Programmatic way for a computer program to request a service from the operating sys kernel

Some features:

- Interface: provide a well defined interface between user programs and the operating sys
- Protections: sys calls are used to access privileged operations that are not available to normal
user programs. Os uses this privilege to protect the system from virus access
- Kernel mode: when make sys call, the program is temporarily switched from user mode to
kernel mode. Program has access to all system resources
- Context switching: require a context switch, involves saving the state of the current process and
switching to the kernel mode to execute the requested service. Can introduce overhead, which
can impact sys performance (overhead ~ additional time and resource to save the shit and move
to kernel mode)
- Error handling: sys calls can return error codes to indicate problems with the requested service
- Syn: can be used to syn access to shared resources, provide some syn mecha like lock or

Sys call implementation: refers to the way in which sys calls are eected by os.

- Typically, a number associated with each sys call

Like when user program want request service from the os, it makes the sys call.each sys call has
unique num, like open has num 5, read has num 3. Os maintains a table that maps these syscall num
to corresponding functons that implement the requested services.

- The sys call interface invoks the intended sys call in os kernel and returns status of the sys call
and any return values.
- The caller need know nothing about how the sys call is implemented.
Most details of os interface are hidden from programmer by api.


Os module that selects the next jobs to be admitted into the sys and the next process to run.

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