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Moon to call on the spirit of your ancestors. - Incense (dragon’s blood, Harness the power of this lunar eclipse and Full re valerian, rosemary or mugwort) - i + Yellow candle + Bell + Offerings to ancestors 1. Decorate your ancestor's altar with candles, personal and devotional items. 2. Light the incense and move clockwise starting : with the East, then South, West and North. 3. Call out to your benevolent ancestors by saying: “Blood of my blood, spirits of love, * Come trom below and trom above. tog ' Entities loving who wish me well, 2" iS) Come to this circle as I sound the bell.” ts ¢, 4.Ring the bell 3 times, place the offerings. Say: “Full Moon, hear me calling x Let your strong light shine in me Z All my ancestors stand by me ; Teach my Spirit to be free.” a 5. Close your ritual by saying: “Bless this altar and those present. Spirits of the Four Corners, I bid you Farewell’

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