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Station 2: Mystery Resolution Activity:

Given the story handout, students will to gather and analyze information, use
numerical data for deductions, and write a short report explaining their theory on
the death of the Iceman. This project combines research, numeracy, and literacy
Rubric for Mystery Resolution Activity:

Criteria Excellent Proficient Developing Novice

Fully understands and

skillfully uses information Good understanding Basic Struggles to
and numerical data for with minor gaps in understanding with understand and
Understanding deductions. data usage. limited data usage. use data.

Develops a
Develops a reasonable theory Develops a basic Fails to develop a
Theory comprehensive and well- with some data theory with limited meaningful
Development supported theory. gaps. use of data. theory.

Presents an
organized report Presents a
Presents a clear and with minor clarity Presents a report disorganized or
Report Clarity engaging report. issues. with clarity issues. unclear report.

Total Score 12-10 9-7 6-4 3-1

Solving Ötzi's Death Mystery - A Simple Explanation:

What We Know: Ötzi was an ancient mummy found in the Alps. He had an arrow
in his shoulder, head injuries, and a hand wound, indicating a violent death. Analysis
of his DNA shows he was related to early Anatolian farmers.

Our Theory: Ötzi, a farmer, went into the Alps. He likely had a fight with local
hunter-gatherers. On the day he died, he got shot with an arrow and suffered head
injuries. The preservation time calculation shows that his body was purposely left in
a cold place to hide evidence. This theory suggests he was killed in a mountain

Conclusion: Ötzi's violent death and his DNA connection to early farmers in Turkey
raise questions about his journey to the Alps. This theory gives a possible
explanation for how he died, but there's more to discover about his story.
Question and Answer:
1. Question: What other factors, beyond the evidence presented, could further
support, or challenge the theory of Ötzi's death, and how might researchers
explore these factors?
Answer Key: Other factors to consider might include the presence of specific
artifacts or substances in Ötzi's possession, further examination of the
arrowhead, or geological evidence in the discovery location. Researchers
could explore these factors through additional archaeological and forensic

2. Question: Considering Ötzi's possible migration from Anatolia and the violent
circumstances of his death, how might his journey to the Alps have
contributed to conflicts with local hunter-gatherer groups, and what could this
tell us about early human interactions?
Answer Key: Ötzi's migration may have brought him into contact with
different groups in the Alps, potentially leading to territorial disputes. Studying
these interactions could offer insights into the social dynamics and conflicts of
early human communities.

3. Question: If further evidence emerged that challenged the preservation time

calculation, how might this impact the theory of Ötzi's death, and what
additional data or analysis could provide a more accurate timeline?
Answer Key: If preservation time calculations were challenged, it might
affect the theory's accuracy. Additional data on local climate, burial practices,
or the condition of Ötzi's body at the time of discovery could provide a more
accurate timeline and potentially lead to a revision of the theory.

These questions encourage critical thinking about the theory's robustness, the
broader context of Ötzi's life and death, and the potential for further research and
evidence to refine our understanding.

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