Mid-Term Prompts

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SYS 243:

Time, Space, and Sex: 20th-Century Central Asian


Due November 4th, 2022, at 11:59 pm Bishkek time

In approximately 1,250 words, answer one of the below prompts. Copy and paste the
prompt which you have chosen to answer before your answer. Have your answer formatted as
Times New Roman font. 12 pt. Double-line spaced. Justified left.

Your answer to your chosen prompt should offer an argument about the text in the first
paragraph, a thesis statement. The body paragraphs should provide examples from the text to
support that thesis statement. Include a concluding paragraph in which you reiterate your
argument and your evidence for that argument.

Your evidence must include citations from our text/s. That means do not just
summarize but take quotations from the text and examine the language of those passages to
show on the microlevel what you believe is occurring in the plot. I give Ds for papers that are
just plot summaries.

You may use whichever citation system you like so long as it is consistent. Modern
Language Association (MLA) is generally the easiest to use. It only requires that you put the title
of the work (normally it would be the author, but the epic has no recognized author) and the page
number in parentheses after your quote and then have a full citation at the end of the paper on
a Works Cited page. For example, “said Gilgamesh to her, to his mother, ‘Once more, O
mother, have I had a dream’” (Epic of Gilgamesh 11) or “” (Cho‘lpon 11). You do not need the
author or title of the work if you have already mentioned that you are quoting from that work and
it is obvious from the context of the sentence. Then just use the page number, for example (11),
after the quote.

You may use either American or British spelling, date, and punctuation conventions, just
be consistent.

As you write, think about some of the things you have learned about writing from your
FYS class. Avoid the passive voice, avoid fluff (words or phrases that add little), and avoid
statements that illustrate your thought process or self-doubt. If you want to make a statement,
then make it. If it’s wrong, I’ll tell you, but don’t say that it’s wrong in your paper.

This assignment will not require a draft, but you may turn one into me (fort_c@auca.kg)
if you so choose. If you would like for me to give comments on your draft, turn it in 7 days in
advance of the deadline (March 18th).

Choose one of the following questions to address or talk with me to formulate your own. Some
of these prompts contain multiple questions, so don’t think that you are responsible for
answering all of them in the course of your paper. Instead, use them to formulate an overall
question and a thesis that can create a cogent and focused paper.

1. In class, we discussed both the Central Asian (Sufi) and Russian philosophical
antecedents of Platonov’s thought. How do these antecedents manifest themselves in
Soul? How does Platonov respond to the thought of these influences with his own ideas?

2. We talked about the ways in which Platonov engages with Central Asian thought and
culture. Review the various ways (at least three) that Platonov engages with Central Asia,
and answer with them whether Platonov engages with them deeply or does he merely use
them to create an exotic and allegorical locale for making his unique vision of human
existence play out?

3. We will have talked about how both Platonov and Cho‘lpon view sex as an act that
constitutes the self. Examine the role sex plays or how sex is depicted in relation to the
self in both novels and draw conclusions about the similarities and differences between
the two novels’ approach to sex.

4. We will have talked about how both Platonov and Cho‘lpon exhibit elements of
modernist aesthetics. Review these and compare them for similarities and differences.
Draw conclusions about whether we can see between these two rather different novels
and artistic approaches a common Central Asian modernism.

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