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Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical


Ping Florida & Stephen Roulac

To cite this article: Ping Florida & Stephen Roulac (2007) Measuring the Effectiveness of
Geographical Diversification, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 13:1, 29-44, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10835547.2007.12089761

Published online: 18 Jun 2020.

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical

Executive Summary. How many markets does it take by Ping Cheng*

to form a geographically well-diversified portfolio? Using Stephen E. Roulac**
a simulated approach, this study investigates the effect-
iveness of geographic diversification across the metro-
politan areas in the United States. Four diversification Geographic diversification is considered as an im-
schemes, the ‘‘Mixed MSA,’’ ‘‘Large MSA Only,’’ ‘‘Simul- portant portfolio strategy by most real estate in-
taneous,’’ and ‘‘Large MSA by Property Type,’’ are ana- vestors. In an early survey of the investment prac-
lyzed. The effectiveness of diversification is measured by tice of real estate investment trusts (REITs), Webb
the proportional portfolio risk reduction from the risk of
and McIntosh (1986) reported that, among inves-
single market. The findings suggest that: (1) it takes a
tors who make systematic efforts to diversify their
large number of markets to eliminate most of nonsyste-
matic risk in portfolios; (2) diversifying across large
holdings, over 90% of them consider varying the
MSAs only is much less effective than across all MSAs; geographic locations of properties the most popular
and (3) different types of properties exhibit very different method of diversification. In a more recent survey
risk reduction capability. The study raises the question among pension fund real estate holdings, Worzala
as to how well-diversified are current institutional and Bajtesmit (1997) indicated that 73% of the
portfolios. managers consider geographic diversification at
the regional levels, and 23.9% of these managers
consider diversification at the metropolitan area
level in their asset allocation process. While the
evidence seems compelling that investors do at-
tempt to diversify across geographic locations,
their choices seem to be limited to a few so-called
‘‘core locations.’’ Shilton and Stainley (1995) sur-
veyed the NCREIF property database and found
that institutional real estate investments are
highly concentrated in large counties and/or met-
ropolitan areas. Their findings indicate that about
30% of NCREIF properties are located in the seven
largest counties, 45% in the largest fifteen coun-
ties, and nearly 60% of all investments are in the
largest thirty counties, which represent twenty-six
distinct metropolitan areas. Given there are over
320 metropolitan areas and more than 3,000 coun-
ties in the United States, such high concentration
of institutional real estate holdings raises ques-
tions as to the effectiveness and appropriateness of
* Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431 or institutional investment strategies.
** The Roulac Group, San Rafael, CA 94901 or For example, are those institutional portfolios well
experts@roulac.com. diversified? How much risk is (or is not) eliminated

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 29

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

by diversifying across only those ‘‘core locations’’? form a well-diversified portfolio, such consensus
More generally, in how many different markets was challenged by Statman (1987). By comparing
must one invest in order to achieve good geo- the marginal benefit to marginal cost of diversifi-
graphic diversification? And how should the ef- cation, Statman concluded that it is beneficial to
fectiveness of geographic diversification be mea- increase portfolio sizes to thirty or so stocks for a
sured? Numerous studies have proposed various borrowing investor and forty or so stocks for a
geographic/economic diversification strategies, but lending investor. Today most finance textbooks
few have attempted to quantify the effectiveness concur that portfolios with thirty to forty randomly
of the strategy. This study takes up the task and selected stocks can diversify away nearly all the
examines the question of how many markets nonsystematic risks, which accounts for about 60%
make a geographically well-diversified real estate of the average total risk of individual stocks.
Few studies have directly addressed the question
It is important to distinguish the question of ‘‘how for real estate. DeWit (1997) used twenty-nine
many markets’’ from the question of ‘‘how many property-specific return series to measure the port-
properties.’’ First, the latter is analogous to the folio risk reduction in the U.S. and found that as
question of how many stocks make a well- much as 94% of individual properties’ variance can
diversified stock portfolio, while the former focuses be eliminated. In a study of the return distribu-
on examining the relative and proportional reduc- tions of real estate, Young and Graff (1995) sug-
tion of total risk by investing in multiple markets gested that it takes a large number of properties
versus concentrating in a single market. Second, to eliminate the non-systematic risk of real estate
given the heterogeneous nature of real estate mar- portfolios. While not quantifying the benefits of di-
kets within MSAs, a significant degree of diversi- versification, a number of studies have investi-
fication may be achieved within a single MSA by gated the return and risk attributes of real estate
property as well as portfolios. Hartzell, Hekman,
selecting properties in different sub-markets of the
and Miles (1986) used data from a large open-end
city (Rabianski and Cheng, 1997; and Wolverton,
CREF to estimate the proportions of systematic
Cheng, and Hardin, 1998). For example, a simple
risks in real properties. They also estimated that,
‘‘indexing’’ of sub-markets within an MSA may re-
for the period from 1978 to 1983, the average cor-
move some of non-systematic risks of properties.
relation coefficients of their sample properties
Thus the question of ‘‘how many markets’’ only
were 0.09 for quarterly data and 0.19 for annual
deals with the residual non-systematic risk that
data, indicating potential benefit of diversification.
remains after diversification from indexing within Also using CREF data from a different source,
a city. In other words, assuming investors can Dokko, Edelstein, Pomer, and Urdang (1991) de-
achieve a certain degree of within-city diversifica- veloped a return index for the period from 1976 to
tion, how much more beneficial is it to invest in 1984 and estimated the variance of the index to be
multiple MSAs for additional risk reduction? This about 4.2, which is about 81% reduction from the
study attempts to shed some light on this issue. average variance of individual properties. Grissom,
Kuhle, and Walther (1987) used simulated trans-
It is well documented in the finance literature that action prices for two cities in Texas and found that,
portfolio risk reduction is a function of the number for example, portfolios of ten properties may re-
of assets in the portfolio, as well as the average duce the average variance of single properties by
correlation among those assets. Evans and Archer about 58%, which translates into about a 35% re-
(1968) provided perhaps the first study on the is- duction of standard deviations. Webb, Miles, and
sue and suggested that a portfolio with ten or so Guilkey (1992) use quarterly NCREIF data for the
randomly selected stocks can effectively eliminate 1980–1988 period and find the average correlation
most of the diversifiable risk. Elton and Gruber coefficients for transaction based data to be 0.014
(1977) developed an analytical model that quanti- and for appraisal-based data to be 0.055.
fies the effect of portfolio size and asset covariance
on portfolio risk. While for many years the consen- The purpose of this study is to investigate the
sus had been that ten or so stocks are sufficient to marginal benefit of diversification across multiple

30 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical Diversification

MSAs as opposed to investing in a single MSA. The will approach the average covariance of all assets
data used in this study are the NCREIF property in the market. That is:
indices in various MSA and submarkets. This im-
plies that indexing within MSAs already removes ␴M
⫽ ␴jk, (2)
portions of non-systematic risk of portfolios.
The question is: How much more beneficial it is where ␴M 2
indicates the minimum risk achievable
to invest in multiple MSAs for additional risk by forming equal-weighted portfolios. In a Mar-
reduction? More specifically, the research inves- kowitz style diversification, the portfolio weights
tigates the following questions and quantita- are allowed to differ, and portfolio risk may be
tively measures the effectiveness of geographic reduced to below ␴M 2
. The focus of this paper is
diversification: limited to equal-weighted diversification. The
1. Assuming investors can invest in any city in additional risk reduction from Markowitz style di-
the U.S., in how many cities must investors versification will be investigated in a separate
spread their capital to achieve good geographic study.
2. What will be the maximum portfolio risk reduc- Since typical real estate portfolios contain finite
tion if geographic diversification is limited to numbers of properties, and property returns are
only the largest cities in the U.S.? not perfectly correlated, the following is generally
3. Given the limit of investing only in large cities, true:
can additional risk reduction be obtained by ex-
tending diversification to the intra-city level? ␴M
⬍ ␴P2 ⬍ ␴i2. (3)
4. How do different types of properties behave in
various diversification schemes? The effect of diversification can be measured in two
ways. The first is by the ratio of portfolio standard
deviation to the average standard deviation of sin-
Research Methodology gle assets. That is:

According to Elton and Gruber (1995), the total

risk of an equal-weighted portfolio can be mea- B⫽ . (4)
sured by the variance of its returns: ␴j

1 This ratio indicates the percentage of average in-

␴P2 ⫽ (␴ 2 ⫺ ␴jk) ⫹ ␴jk. (1) dividual assets’ risks that remains in an N-asset
N j
equal-weighted portfolio. The average risk reduc-
tion from single-asset portfolios is then 1 ⫺ B. Sub-
Where: stituting Equation 1 into Equation 4 yields:

␴P2 ⫽ The variance of returns of an equal-weighted

N ⫽ The number of assets in the portfolio;
⫽ 冪 ␴P2

N 冉␴ 冊
␴j2 ⫽ The average variance of individual assets (j
⫽冪 ⫹
1 N⫺1 ␴ jk
⫽ 1 . . . N); and , 2
N j
␴jk ⫽ The average covariance of all assets in the
⫽冪 ⫹
portfolio (j, k ⫽ 1 . . . N). 1 N⫺1
␳ jk
This equation shows that the total risk of a port-
folio consists of two parts. As portfolio size N in- where ␳jk ⫽ ␴jk / ␴j2 is the average correlation
creases, the first term decreases. Assuming there coefficient of assets in the portfolio. Obviously, as
is a sufficiently large number of assets in the mar- N approaches infinity, B approaches 兹␳jk. Notice
ket, then an equal-weighted market portfolio’s risk that, while correlation coefficient of any two assets

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 31

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

can range between ⫺1 and ⫹1, the average corre- of the random portfolio and the average covariance
lation coefficient among N assets, ␳jk, can only of the N randomly selected assets are then calcu-
range between 0 and ⫹1. Therefore, given an un- lated and saved. The process is repeated 1,000
limited number of investment opportunities, the times to obtain 1,000 average correlation coeffi-
maximum reduction of portfolio standard deviation cients and portfolio standard deviations for each N
is (1 ⫺ 兹␳jk). Equation 5 shows that portfolio risk (N ⫽ 1 . . . n). These 1,000 simulated results permit
reduction is a function of the number of assets in the determination of empirical distributions of cor-
the portfolio and the average correlations among relation coefficients and portfolio standard devia-
those assets. tions, based on which statistical inferences can be
made. Three geographic diversification schemes
Another measure of the diversification effect is by are investigated using this general simulation
the following ratio: process.

␴P ⫺ ␴M First, there is an examination of a ‘‘Mixed MSAs’’

K⫽ . (6)
␴P scheme. Here it is assumed that investors have no
capital constraints and can invest in any number
This ratio indicates the percentage of portfolio risk of cities. It is also assumed there is no transaction
that is not eliminated by the diversification. That cost, and investors are indifferent to all cities, big
is, it is the remaining portion of diversifiable risk or small.
of the portfolio. The higher the K, the less effective
is the diversification. Substituting Equations 1 and The aggregated MSA total return indices from the
2 into Equation 6 yields: NCREIF data set are used to analyze this scheme.
Each of these indices is the average quarterly re-
␴M turn of all properties reported within an MSA. For
K⫽1⫺ most large MSAs, the indices reflect the average of
five types of properties—apartment, industrial, of-

fice, retail, and warehouse. For small MSAs, some
⫽1⫺ . (7)
1 of these property types may be missing from their
(␴ 2j ⫺ ␴jk) ⫹ ␴jk indices. These indices are used as indicators to ap-
proximate the performance of the overall real es-

⫽1⫺ tate market in various cities.
1 N⫺1
⫹ ␳jk
N N Second, there is an examination of a ‘‘Large MSA
Only’’ scheme. Large MSA is defined here as the
Again, it can be seen that portfolio risk reduction top thirty most populous MSAs in the U.S. based
is a function of the number of assets in the port- on the 2000 Census data. Shilton and Stainley
folio and the average correlations among those as- (1995) suggested that institutional investors do not
sets. As N approaches infinity, K approaches 0, view all metropolitan areas indifferently; rather,
which indicates the maximum risk reduction. their real estate holdings are largely concentrated
in the top thirty counties. The first justification for
To use the ratios of Equations 5 and 6 to measure so doing seems to be that investors rely on the
the effect of geographical diversification, there ‘‘rule of 15,’’ as proposed by Elton and Gruber
must first be estimates of ␴P2, ␴M
, and ␴i2. This is (1981), which holds that fifteen distinct positions
accomplished by employing a simulation process. are sufficient for minimizing a portfolio’s nonsys-
Specifically, given a number of n real estate return tematic risk. However, it seems that Elton and
indices of various MSAs, each return index is Gruber themselves now have come to believe that
treated as an observation of the sample. Next, a it takes a lot more than fifteen stocks to eliminate
randomly drawn N (N ⫽ 1 . . . n) observations from all the nonsystematic risks from a portfolio. The
the sample (without replacement) is used to form second justification for a highly concentrated strat-
one N-asset equal-weighted portfolio. The variance egy seems to be the managerial cost associated

32 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical Diversification

with diversification. According to the economic law sub-indices were extracted from the indices that
of increasing marginal cost, diversification be- ended at the fourth quarter of 2004. Those with
comes increasingly costly as investors expand their return series that were shorter than 32 quarters
holdings into more metropolitan areas. Although a or had missing values in the last 32 quarters were
concentrated strategy may be justifiable, empirical eliminated. This criterion is somewhat arbitrary
evidence is lacking as to at what point marginal and is only intended to ensure the time-series are
cost exceeds the marginal benefit. This is an issue statistically valid. After the screening, the data set
that warrants a separate investigation. The cur- contained 244 sub-indices for analysis. The time
rent study ignores the marginal cost of diversifi- span of the sample is from the first quarter 1993
cation and only examines the effectiveness of a to the fourth quarter 2004. Exhibit 1 displays the
‘‘Large MSA Only’’ scheme in comparison to the break-down of these sub-indices by categories.
other schemes.
The NCREIF indices are used as proxies for port-
Third, there is an examination of a ‘‘Simultaneous’’ folios already diversified somewhat within MSAs
scheme. Hudson-Wilson (1987) suggested that di- or submarkets. No inference is made between the
versification by geographic location and by prop- indices’ risk and return to those of individual prop-
erty type should be conducted simultaneously erties. In other words, the validity of these indices
rather than sequentially. Following this idea, the
property sub-indices in the NCREIF data set are
also used. Each index represents the average re-
turn of a property subtype. There are total 124 Exhibit 1
sub-indices for the thirty largest MSAs, each of Final Sample Breakdown by Region and
which is treated as an individual asset, such as Property Type
Atlanta-apartment, Boston-office, Chicago-retail, East Midwest South West Total
Dallas-industrial, etc. The simulation process is Panel A: Number of return sub-indices by property type and by
then performed on the set of sub-indices, and the regions
ratios of Equations 5 and 6 are calculated.
MSA-All types 20 11 18 17 66
Apartment 9 0 14 12 35
Fourth, there is an examination of a ‘‘Large MSA Industrial 8 7 9 11 35
by Property Type’’ scheme. Here the ‘‘Large MSA Office 14 12 7 17 50
Retail 4 4 9 15 32
Only’’ scheme is repeated for five different property Warehouse 7 6 5 8 26
types and there is an examination of whether they
Panel B: Descriptive statistics
exhibit different diversifying abilities. All property
types are not equal in the eyes of investors. The Quarterly Average
weights of property types in institutional portfolios Mean Quarterly Return Number of
Property Return Std, Dev. per Unit Number Properties
vary from fund to fund and over time. Therefore, Types (%) (%) of Risk of MSAs per Indices
examining this issue offers additional insights into
All types 2.50 1.09 2.29 66 28
proper asset allocation by property types. And it is Apartment 2.90 0.56 5.17 35 11
also interesting to see whether investors recognize Industrial 2.87 1.08 2.65 35 20
and take advantage of the different diversifying Office 3.03 1.84 1.65 50 17
Retail 1.76 1.20 1.47 32 13
characteristics of various property types.
Warehouse 2.84 1.02 2.79 26 16

Notes: The NCREIF indices were compiled at the MSA level for twelve
Data sub-types of commercial properties. An average return is reported for
a certain quarter if there are at least four properties of a same sub-
The published quarterly NCREIF property indices type in that MSA. A total 244 sub-indices were extracted from the
indices ended at 4th quarter 2000 that have no missing values in the
are chosen for the analysis. The indices were com- last 32 quarters. The time span of the sample is from 1993:Q1 to
piled at MSA level for twelve sub-types of com- 2000:Q4. Return per unit of risk is computed as the mean return
mercial properties. An average return is reported divided by the mean risk. The best performing sector seems to be the
apartment (5.17) and the worst sectors are office (1.65) and retail
for a certain quarter if there are at least four prop-
erties of a same sub-type in that MSA. A total 316

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 33

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

is not the concern of this study. Therefore, no at- wide when the number of MSA is less than twenty.
tempt was made to correct the various biases as- This suggests that there is great amount of un-
sociated with property indexing [i.e., the appraisal certainty associated with the amount of risk
bias (Giliberto, 1998; and Geltner, 1989), the sam- reduction.
ple selection bias (Munneke and Slade, 2000), the
transformation bias (Shiller, 1991; and Goetzmann
and Peng, 2002), or the aggregation bias (Good- The Large MSA Only Scheme
man, 1998; and Geltner, 1993). When diversification is limited to the thirty largest
MSAs, the effectiveness of the strategy is signifi-
cantly reduced. Exhibit 4 displays the results of
Results the analysis. It is obvious that, for portfolios con-
First, an estimate was made of the minimum risk sisting of less than thirty MSAs, the percentages
possible for the equal-weighted portfolios in order of risk reduction in Exhibit 4 is much less than
to measure the effectiveness of the four diversifi- those presented in Exhibit 2 for any number of
cation schemes. According to Equation 2, the min- MSA portfolios. For example, a 10-large -MSA
imum achievable variance of equal-weighted port- portfolio is subject to about 71% of the average risk
folios is the average covariance of all assets in the of single MSAs, compared with the 49% for the
market. Using the entire sample, the average cor- Mixed MSA scheme. The maximum of risk reduc-
relation coefficient of all the indices was estimated tion, when diversify across all the thirty largest
to be ␳jk ⫽ 0.13 and the average variance ␴j2 ⫽ 1.78. MSAs, is 1 ⫺ 68% ⫽ 32%; whereas in Exhibit 2,
Since ␴jk ⫽ ␳jk ␴j2, plug in Equation 2 to yield ␴M 2
the risk reduction with thirty MSAs is 1 ⫺ 40% ⫽
⫽ 0.13 ⫻ 1.78 ⫽ 0.64, which is the minimum 60%. Most portfolios’ K remains above 45%, indi-
achievable risk through diversification. cating about half of the portfolio risks are not elim-
inated by the diversification scheme. Exhibit 5 il-
The ‘‘Mixed MSA’’ Scheme lustrates the relationship between portfolio size
and risk reduction for the Large MSA Only
The sample contains 66 MSA return indices.
scheme. Notice that the curve of mean portfolio
Equal-weighted portfolios of N randomly drawn as-
risk stays well above the line of minimum achiev-
sets (N ⫽ 1 . . . 66) were formed using the simu-
able risk. And the curve of K remains rather flat,
lation process described in the methodology sec-
indicating increasing portfolio size does not effec-
tion. The average standard deviations for each
portfolio were then calculated. The results are tively reduce portfolio risk. This confirms the hy-
summarized in Exhibit 2. It is apparent that, as pothesis that geographic diversification across only
the number of cities in the portfolio increases, the largest MSAs is not very effective, largely be-
mean portfolio risks decline, but at a decreasing cause markets of large cities are more highly cor-
speed. For example, a portfolio diversified across related. Thus the dilemma: on one hand, for geo-
over ten randomly selected cities is subject to only graphic diversification to be effective, investors
51% of the average risk presented by a single city. should mix large and small cities; on the other
But when a portfolio is expanded to thirty cities, hand, since small cities usually have less institu-
the portfolio risk is still about 46% of the average tional grade properties, it is often not possible to
risk of single cities, and the portion of portfolio risk include small cities in the portfolio. Therefore, ef-
not eliminated by diversification is 22%. The max- fective diversification across only the largest cities
imum risk reduction when taking diversification must be modified in a way that increases the num-
across all the sixty-six MSAs is about 60% (⫽ 1 ⫺ ber of investment opportunities.
40%). At that point, 90% of the diversifiable risk is
eliminated, as indicated by K. Exhibit 3 illustrates
The ‘‘Simultaneous’’ Scheme
the relationship between portfolio size and risk.
Two points may be noted. First, the curve of mean One possible way to modify the previous asset al-
portfolio risk becomes virtually flat when the num- location scheme is to consider geographic and
ber of MSAs exceeds fifteen or so. Second, the con- by-sector diversification simultaneously. Instead of
fidence intervals of mean portfolio risks are rather using the aggregated MSA total return indices,

34 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical Diversification

Exhibit 2
Average Portfolio Risk Reduction and the Number of MSAs in the Portfolio
Number of Properties 95% Confidence Interval of Portfolio
Contained Risks
Number of Mean Portfolio
MSAs Minimum Maximum Risks (%) Lower Bond (%) Upper Bond (%) Ba Kb

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 5 112 1.78 0.89 3.49 100 64

2 10 210 1.44 0.78 2.58 81 56
3 16 292 1.18 0.69 1.86 66 46
4 22 373 1.11 0.68 1.68 62 42
5 28 454 1.04 0.63 1.47 58 38
6 35 535 1.01 0.74 1.44 57 37
7 42 601 0.95 0.69 1.29 54 33
8 49 656 0.95 0.68 1.24 53 32
9 57 711 0.91 0.64 1.20 51 30
10 65 761 0.91 0.61 1.13 51 30
11 73 808 0.89 0.62 1.10 50 28
12 82 854 0.89 0.56 1.10 50 28
13 92 899 0.89 0.65 1.05 50 28
14 102 942 0.87 0.62 1.04 49 27
15 113 978 0.86 0.62 1.04 48 25
16 125 1011 0.86 0.64 1.05 48 26
17 137 1043 0.85 0.63 1.03 48 24
18 149 1074 0.84 0.62 1.04 47 24
19 161 1105 0.83 0.59 1.02 47 23
20 173 1132 0.83 0.64 1.01 47 23
21 186 1158 0.84 0.58 1.00 47 24
22 200 1184 0.84 0.59 0.98 47 24
23 215 1209 0.84 0.67 0.99 47 24
24 230 1234 0.84 0.62 0.97 47 24
25 245 1259 0.83 0.65 0.97 47 23
26 261 1283 0.84 0.63 0.96 47 24
27 277 1306 0.84 0.62 0.94 47 24
28 294 1328 0.84 0.65 0.96 47 24
29 311 1349 0.82 0.64 0.94 46 22
30 328 1369 0.82 0.65 0.91 46 22
31 345 1389 0.82 0.64 0.90 46 22
32 363 1408 0.84 0.61 0.90 47 23
33 381 1426 0.82 0.60 0.88 46 22
34 399 1444 0.82 0.64 0.88 46 22
35 418 1462 0.80 0.64 0.88 45 20
36 438 1479 0.79 0.65 0.88 45 19
37 458 1496 0.80 0.67 0.87 45 20
38 479 1513 0.79 0.63 0.87 44 19
39 501 1530 0.81 0.64 0.89 45 21
40 524 1546 0.80 0.64 0.88 45 20
41 548 1562 0.81 0.64 0.86 45 21
42 573 1577 0.81 0.65 0.85 45 21
43 598 1592 0.82 0.65 0.85 46 22

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 35

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

Exhibit 2 (continued)
Average Portfolio Risk Reduction and the Number of MSAs in the Portfolio
Number of Properties 95% Confidence Interval of Portfolio
Contained Risks
Number of Mean Portfolio
MSAs Minimum Maximum Risks (%) Lower Bond (%) Upper Bond (%) Ba Kb

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

44 623 1607 0.82 0.67 0.84 46 22

45 649 1621 0.81 0.70 0.84 45 21
46 675 1634 0.81 0.72 0.83 45 21
47 702 1646 0.80 0.69 0.82 45 20
48 733 1658 0.79 0.70 0.82 45 19
49 764 1670 0.80 0.69 0.83 45 20
50 796 1682 0.79 0.72 0.82 44 19
51 829 1694 0.78 0.70 0.82 44 19
52 865 1705 0.80 0.69 0.81 45 20
53 908 1715 0.79 0.73 0.80 44 19
54 953 1725 0.78 0.72 0.79 44 18
55 999 1734 0.78 0.71 0.79 44 18
56 1046 1742 0.77 0.73 0.78 44 17
57 1096 1750 0.76 0.73 0.76 43 16
58 1151 1758 0.75 0.73 0.78 42 15
59 1206 1765 0.74 0.72 0.78 42 14
60 1272 1772 0.74 0.73 0.76 41 13
61 1353 1779 0.74 0.74 0.76 42 14
62 1434 1785 0.76 0.74 0.76 43 16
63 1515 1791 0.75 0.74 0.75 42 15
64 1597 1797 0.74 0.71 0.74 42 14
65 1695 1802 0.72 0.71 0.72 40 11
66 1807 1807 0.71 0.71 0.71 40 10

Mean portfolio risk as a percentage of the mean risk of a single MSA.
Percentage of portfolio risk not eliminated by diversification.

property type sub-indices are used for the analysis. apartment market of Seattle. Intra-city diversifi-
That is, for each of the thirty largest MSAs, there cation can be carried out in two ways, by submar-
is an index for each property type within that kets and by property types. The analysis discussed
MSA. From a certain angle, this is actually a way here chooses the latter.
of intra-city diversification. Previous studies have
shown that diversification within a city can reduce The results of the analysis are presented in Ex-
portfolio risk. Rabianski and Cheng (1997) dem- hibit 6. Comparing with the ‘‘Large MSA Only’’
onstrate that properties located in different areas scheme, the results are very similar in terms of
of four major cities exhibit low or negative corre- mean portfolio risk and percentage of risk not
lation, indicating possible diversification benefits. eliminated by diversification. Exhibit 7 illustrates
Wolverton, Cheng, and Hardin (1999) show intra- relationship between portfolio risk and portfolio
city diversification can be achieved within the size. The mean portfolio risk of ‘‘Large MSA Only’’

36 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical Diversification

Exhibit 3
Effects of Diversification: ‘‘Mixed MSA’’ Scheme

scheme is also plotted for comparison purpose. diversification? Not exactly. Although for a given
Clearly, the mean portfolio risks of both schemes portfolio size, there are no significant differences
are within the 95% confidence interval, indicating between the portfolio risks or risk reduction, the
there is no statistical difference between them. Ex- ‘‘Simultaneous’’ scheme usually covers a less num-
hibit 8 plots the Ks for the three schemes. The ber of MSAs. For example, whereas the ‘‘Large
curves of the ‘‘Large MSA Only’’ scheme and the MSA Only’’ scheme requires diversification across
‘‘Simultaneous’’ scheme track each other fairly thirty MSAs to achieve a K of 40%, the same may
closely, whereas the curve of the ‘‘Mixed MSA’’ be achieved with only thirty property type sub-
scheme lies below the other two curves. The obvi- markets in only a few MSAs. Given the fact that
ous conclusion is that the ‘‘Mixed MSA’’ scheme is investing in real estate requires localized market
the most effective in reducing portfolio risks close knowledge, which is often expensive to acquire, if
to the minimum achievable risk. The other two the similarly diversified portfolios can be achieved
schemes do not differ significantly in their Ks. This without having to go into too many different cities,
is not surprising because the aggregated MSA in- so much the better. In other words, intracity di-
dices used in the ‘‘Large MSA Only’’ scheme are versification can be beneficial to investors to the
nothing more than the average of property type extent that it is less costly to implement.
sub-indices used in the ‘‘Simultaneous’’ scheme. In
other words, the ‘‘Large MSA Only’’ scheme actu-
ally implicitly considers by-sector diversification, The ‘‘Large MSA by Property Type’’
which is explicitly considered by the ‘‘Simultane- Scheme
ous’’ scheme. So does it mean that there is no ben- This scheme examines the risk reduction capabil-
efit to be gained from intracity, by-property type ities of various property types within the thirty

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 37

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

Exhibit 4
Portfolio Risk Reduction by Diversifying among the 30 Largest U.S. Cities
Number of Properties 95% Confidence Interval of Portfolio
Contained Risks
Number of Mean Portfolio
MSAs Minimum Maximum Risks (%) Lower Bond (%) Upper Bond (%) Ba Kb

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 8 112 1.64 0.81 3.08 100.00 61

2 20 210 1.41 0.78 2.04 85.70 54
3 33 292 1.32 0.74 1.81 80.21 51
4 47 373 1.28 0.73 1.87 78.11 50
5 62 439 1.24 0.86 1.73 75.43 48
6 78 494 1.27 0.92 1.64 77.38 50
7 95 544 1.22 0.87 1.69 74.32 47
8 113 591 1.20 0.85 1.60 72.99 46
9 132 637 1.17 0.95 1.49 71.53 45
10 152 682 1.16 0.95 1.43 70.98 45
11 173 725 1.18 0.92 1.47 72.21 46
12 195 761 1.20 0.93 1.42 72.85 46
13 218 794 1.19 0.99 1.35 72.25 46
14 244 826 1.19 0.97 1.35 72.65 46
15 271 857 1.23 1.05 1.32 74.69 48
16 302 884 1.22 1.07 1.34 74.09 47
17 334 910 1.24 1.08 1.30 75.80 48
18 367 933 1.23 1.10 1.29 74.69 48
19 403 955 1.21 1.15 1.27 73.48 47
20 446 976 1.19 1.12 1.26 72.34 46
21 491 996 1.21 1.09 1.25 73.75 47
22 537 1015 1.19 1.07 1.25 72.78 46
23 584 1033 1.17 1.04 1.24 71.55 45
24 634 1050 1.17 1.09 1.20 71.55 45
25 689 1066 1.19 1.06 1.21 72.73 46
26 755 1081 1.18 1.10 1.19 71.62 45
27 836 1095 1.15 1.08 1.16 69.89 44
28 918 1108 1.10 1.04 1.10 67.04 42
29 1016 1120 1.08 1.08 1.11 66.07 41
30 1128 1128 1.12 1.12 1.12 68.19 40

Mean portfolio risk as a percentage of the mean risk of a single MSA.
Percentage of portfolio risk not eliminated by diversification.

largest MSAs. Five types of properties are exam- types of properties exhibit very different risk re-
ined and the Ks of each property type are sum- duction abilities. According to the results, apart-
marized in Exhibit 9 and graphically presented in ments and retail properties are the best diversi-
Exhibit 10. The obvious result is that different fiers while office is the poorest diversifier. An

38 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical Diversification

Exhibit 5
Effects of Diversification: ‘‘Large MSA Only’’ Scheme

apartment portfolio of fifteen properties can elim- why institutional investors choose to allocate one-
inate nearly 90% of the diversifiable risk, but the third of their portfolio in this sector. In addition,
same size office portfolio can only eliminates about there is the question of whether it is justified to
36% of the diversifiable risk. This result suggests allocate heavily to the office and industrial sectors.
that apartment properties across the large MSAs
are less alike than that of office and industrial
properties, thus offering better diversification op- How Affective is Geographic
portunities. Therefore, investors should allocate
more capital in apartments and less on office and
industrial for better diversification. The current in- So far, the findings seem to suggest that the ef-
stitutional practice, however, seems to indicate just fectiveness of geographic diversification is limited.
the opposite. Worzala and Bajtelsmit (1997) re- To eliminate the diversifiable risk of real estate
ported that pension fund real estate portfolios on portfolios requires investing in many different
average allocate 32.3% to office, 33% to retail, and MSAs and potentially a large number of proper-
17% to industrial. But they only allocate 10.8% ties. As indicated in Exhibits 2, 4, 6, and 9, the
to apartments. Shilton and Stainley (1995) also marginal risk reduction from expanding diversifi-
showed that the apartment sector is the least rep- cation to more MSAs declines rather quickly, and
resented sector in the NCREIF database. While become very small beyond ten to fifteen MSAs. On
the retail sector seems to exhibit the second best one hand, this explains why institutional portfolios
diversification ability, their performance for the tend to be geographically concentrated. On the
study period, as shown in Panel B of Exhibit 1, is other hand, it also implies that diversifiable risk
the poorest sector, which raises questions as to remains a large portion of a portfolio’s total risk.

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 39

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

Exhibit 6
Portfolio Risk Reduction by Diversifying Simultaneously by City and by Property Type among the
30 Largest U.S. Cities
Number of Properties 95% Confidence Interval of Portfolio
Contained Risks
Number of Mean Portfolio
MSAs Minimum Maximum Risks (%) Lower Bond (%) Upper Bond (%) Ba Kb

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 4 67 2.49 0.91 5.31 100.00 74

2 9 125 1.93 0.85 3.53 77.53 67
3 15 180 1.72 0.85 3.32 69.11 63
4 22 231 1.62 0.88 3.14 65.18 61
5 30 276 1.49 0.87 2.87 59.89 57
6 39 319 1.44 0.80 2.62 57.95 56
7 49 359 1.39 0.82 2.32 55.96 54
8 60 393 1.33 0.79 2.25 53.49 52
9 72 426 1.30 0.83 2.10 52.09 51
10 85 455 1.31 0.79 2.14 52.65 51
11 99 483 1.25 0.81 2.10 50.11 49
12 114 510 1.24 0.78 1.91 49.95 48
13 130 536 1.21 0.76 1.78 48.45 47
14 147 561 1.22 0.81 1.76 49.03 47
15 165 585 1.17 0.81 1.70 46.98 45
16 184 608 1.17 0.80 1.61 47.19 45
17 204 630 1.15 0.82 1.63 46.08 44
18 225 651 1.16 0.81 1.66 46.80 45
19 247 671 1.14 0.81 1.50 45.86 44
20 270 690 1.14 0.78 1.48 45.70 44
21 294 708 1.12 0.79 1.46 45.05 43
22 319 725 1.13 0.79 1.50 45.28 43
23 345 741 1.12 0.78 1.44 44.85 43
24 372 756 1.11 0.80 1.38 44.51 42
25 400 770 1.11 0.80 1.44 44.49 42
26 429 783 1.09 0.79 1.35 43.70 41
27 462 795 1.10 0.80 1.32 44.18 42
28 496 806 1.09 0.79 1.30 43.78 41
29 536 816 1.07 0.78 1.28 43.04 40
30 579 825 1.07 0.78 1.28 43.02 40

Mean portfolio risk as a percentage of the mean risk of a single MSA.
Percentage of portfolio risk not eliminated by diversification.

For example, when diversifying across all thirty of it may allow the same diversification effect to be
the largest MSAs, diversifiable risk remains as achieved with a smaller number of MSAs. Even
high as 40% of the portfolio’s total risk. This is with the more effective scheme, the ‘‘Mixed MSA’’
largely because markets of large MSAs tend to scheme, Exhibit 2 suggests that, to reduce the di-
move in the same directions; that is, they are more versifiable risk to about 10% of a portfolio’s total
positively correlated. The effectiveness is not im- risk, investors would have to invest in at least
proved with the ‘‘Simultaneous’’ scheme, although sixty-six MSAs, an impossible task for virtually

40 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical Diversification

Exhibit 7
Effects of Diversification: ‘‘Simultaneous’’ Scheme

Exhibit 8
Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Three Diversification Schemes

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 41

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

Exhibit 9
‘‘Large MSA Only’’ Scheme for Various Property Types
Percentage of Portfolio Risk Not Eliminated by Diversification (K)

MSAs in the Portfolio Apartment Industrial Office Retail Warehouse

1 63.00 71.39 78.81 70.42 68.66

2 51.02 65.75 75.16 62.50 60.73
3 43.40 62.13 73.20 56.70 54.67
4 36.93 58.87 70.89 51.70 51.03
5 31.35 55.52 70.07 47.57 47.30
6 27.39 54.61 68.55 42.50 46.05
7 23.09 51.76 68.10 39.56 43.95
8 20.53 50.87 66.60 37.84 39.37
9 18.70 49.93 66.09 34.74 38.93
10 16.10 48.65 65.50 31.62 37.07
11 12.97 47.71 65.35 30.77 35.29
12 11.20 46.43 64.95 28.62 35.40
13 10.70 44.81 65.34 27.79 33.80
14 12.16 46.82 64.69 28.01 33.11
15 10.32 45.63 64.20 27.68 34.42
16 8.12 45.15 64.74 27.71 35.70
17 5.38 45.39 65.58 27.38 37.74
18 4.72 45.21 65.05 26.19 35.83
19 4.81 45.41 64.91 28.80 34.76
20 2.85 45.45 64.79 27.04 37.53
21 1.39 44.31 64.05 26.23 37.95
22 1.12 44.07 63.80 25.78 36.52
23 2.82 43.58 64.05 27.35 36.05
24 3.21 42.65 64.24 24.48 35.68
25 0.33 41.80 64.39 22.42 35.47
26 2.94 41.38 63.97 24.04 37.07
27 2.26 40.24 63.55 21.34
28 3.98 40.45 63.79 21.45
29 2.77 42.12 63.56 22.02
30 3.57 43.30 63.59 22.70

any institution. This is consistent with Young and ishes quickly; on the other hand, geographically-
Graff (1995) who suggested that it takes nearly all concentrated portfolios may be severely under-
the NCREIF properties to eliminate nonsystematic diversified in the sense that they contain high div-
risks. Thus the dilemma: On one hand, inves- ersifiable risks, and it is questionable whether the
tors should not diversify across too many MSAs returns of those portfolios sufficiently compensate
because the marginal risk reduction dimin- investors for taking the risks.

42 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

Measuring the Effectiveness of Geographical Diversification

Exhibit 10
Effectiveness of Geographic Diversification for Different Types of Properties


Percent of Risk Not Diversified Away







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Number of MSAs in a portfolio

Conclusion The findings also suggest that different types of

properties exhibit different effectiveness in geo-
This study investigates the effectiveness of geo-
graphic diversification. Apartments, a sector that
graphic diversification across the U.S. metropoli-
has historically attracted less institutional atten-
tan areas. Four diversification schemes, the
‘‘Mixed MSA,’’ ‘‘Large MSA Only,’’ ‘‘Simultaneous,’’ tion, turns out to be much more effective for geo-
and ‘‘Large MSA by Property Type,’’ are analyzed. graphic diversification than the traditional insti-
The effectiveness of diversification is measured by tutional investors favor, such as the office and
the ratio of portfolio risk to the average risks of industrial sectors. This suggests that institu-
single assets (the B), and by the proportion of port- tional investors rethink their asset allocation
folio risk that is not eliminated by diversification strategy and pay more attention to the apartment
(the K). In general, the findings suggest that the sector.
effectiveness of geographic diversification should
not be over estimated. The marginal risk reduc- The notion that geographic diversification provides
tion from expanding into more cities diminishes limited risk reduction for real estate portfolios has
quickly, making the choice of staying geographi- at least two important implications. First, unlike
cally concentrated a sensible portfolio strategy. Yet investing in the securities markets, where portfolio
it is also a risky strategy that may subject portfo- performance is largely determined by asset allo-
lios to rather high diversifiable (nonsystematic) cation than security picking, in the real estate
risks. It would be an important extension of the market, asset allocation with regard to geographic
current study to investigate the actual institu- diversification should not replace property level
tional portfolios to see whether they are indeed decisions. Investors due diligence plays an irre-
subject to nonsystematic risks and whether their placeable role and has significant impact on port-
returns sufficiently compensate investors for tak- folio performance. Second, if it takes a large num-
ing the risk. ber of properties in a large number of cities to

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 43

Ping Cheng and Stephen E. Roulac

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44 Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007

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