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I decided to study French because I was very interested in the language and also because it is a language

that many people speak where I live. Studying French would open new doors for jobs since I previously
studied Italian and Spanish. my way to learn languages is simple and i have done it in the same way as in

First of all, I learned the verbs and how to conjugate them and I only did exercises to conjugate the
verbs. The second thing was to learn the past and the future because they are very useful when
speaking and I did it by doing exercises. Also, I had to practice my accent because it was difficult for me
to speak, for the moment, French is a language that requires a good accent, it is not so compared to
Italian and Spanish, which are easier to learn.

Secondly, I had to learn the articles and the countries, which I learn only with practices and exercises
that I did on my mobile. The most difficult thing to learn are some things that change with the articles.
However, I have seen that there are useful things like making columns and learning the verbs in order.

During the course, I have learned a little French but I know that I still have a lot to learn. For these
holidays I have thought of going to France and learning a little more about the culture, etc. In addition, I
am very interested in how they speak and the accents that exist.

The reason why I chose French is because it is a very useful language at work since there are many
people who speak French but not English and it would have an advantage since, I could translate.

At the beginning-mid, I did not know how the French classes worked at the university since it was my
first time and also, I did not know how to use my university profile, there I had difficulties and months
later I found out that I had to submit work and well, I did. I tried to do but it was difficult for me to
deliver them because it gave me an error. Although I had these problems, I was able to learn how to
make long sentences and manage a little how to write formally and informally.

The topic that I liked the most was food because they talked about what they eat in France and all the
gastronomy there is, and I found it interesting since I am a person who likes food. Here I learned how to
write names and other phrases such as when you go to order something in a restaurant or talk about
the food you like the most.

There are some topics that I didn't like, such as how to tell the time since I don't like to read the time
formally, I don't even like to read it in my own language, I just say the numbers that appear on my watch
and that's it. but in general, I didn't like this topic since the phrases that had to be learned were too
complex and difficult to remember since I couldn't remember which one was which.

In conclusion, I have had my pros and cons in my French classes but it is only the first year and I hope
that I will learn more difficult and challenging things.

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