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Ro bbins Basic Patho lo gy Chapter 17 & 20 : Pancreas and Endo crine System

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F actors common to both type 1 and type 2 di abetes mel l i tus i ncl ude al l of the
f ol l owi ng except: a.E l evated bl ood gl ucose l evel s b.D ef i ci ency of i nsul i n or
d.An autoi mmune eti ol ogy
f ai l ure of i nsul i n acti vi ty c.Predi sposi ti on to mi crovascul ar compl i cati ons d.An
autoi mmune eti ol ogy

Long-term compl i cati ons of type I i nsul i n-dependent di abetes mel l i tus i ncl ude
al l of the f ol l owi ng except: a.H ypothyroi di sm b.Accel erated atheroscl eroti c a. H ypothyroi di sm
heart di sease c.Bl i ndness d.Renal f ai l ure

Al l are true statements about di abeti c reti nopathy except: a.I s a common cause of
adul t onset bl i ndness b.I s due to smal l bl ood vessel di sease c.I s a compl i cati on
d.I s most of ten associ ated wi th non-i nsul i n dependent di abetes mel l i tus
of i nsul i n dependent di abetes mel l i tus d.I s most of ten associ ated wi th non-
i nsul i n dependent di abetes mel l i tus

T he l evel of gl ycated hemogl obi n (gl ucose coval entl y bound to hemogl obi n i n
red cel l s) i n the bl ood represents an i ndex of bl ood gl ucose control at whi ch
c.Over the l i f e of a red cel l (120 days)
ti me: a.T he moment of bl ood drawi ng b.Over the past 24 hours c.Over the l i f e of a
red cel l (120 days) d.Over the l ast year

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng statements i s f al se? a.T he thyroi d makes T 4 (thyroxi ne)
b.T he pi tui tary makes T SH (thyroi d sti mul ati ng hormone) c.Pi tui tary-thyroi d
d.T he hypothal amus makes T 3 (T ri i odothyroni ne)
regul ati on i s by "negati ve-f eedback" d.T he hypothal amus makes T 3
(T ri i odothyroni ne)

An el evated bl ood l evel of thyroi d sti mul ati ng hormone (T SH ) i s l i kel y to be

associ ated wi th: a.H yperthyroi di sm b.H i gh l evel of thyroxi ne (T 4) c.H ypothyroi di sm
c.H ypothyroi di sm d.E xophthal mus

H yperthyroi di sm i s most l i kel y to be associ ated wi th: a.D estructi on of the

pi tui tary gl and b.D estructi on and l ymphocyte i nf i l trati on of the thyroi d gl and
c.Producti on of a T SH -l i ke i mmunogl obul i n f rom B l ymphocytes
c.Producti on of a T SH -l i ke i mmunogl obul i n f rom B l ymphocytes d.A pi tui tary
gl and tumor

A pati ent wi th exophthal mus i s f ound to have f ati gue, excess sweati ng, a
temperature of 100 degrees F and an el evated resti ng pul se rate. Al l but whi ch
one of the f ol l owi ng serum f i ndi ngs i s compati bl e wi th the most l i kel y di agnosi s? b.I ncreased thyrotropi n-rel easi ng hormone (T RH )
a.I ncreased thyroxi ne (T 4) b.I ncreased thyrotropi n-rel easi ng hormone (T RH )
c.D ecreased thyroi d-sti mul ati ng hormone (T SH ) d.I ncreased tri i odothyroni ne(T 3)
Ro bbins Basic Patho lo gy Chapter 17 & 20 : Pancreas and Endo crine System
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Common cl i ni cal and l aboratory f i ndi ngs i n Cushi ng's di sease i ncl ude al l of the
f ol l owi ng except: a.M uscl e weakness b.Col d, cl ammy ski n c.M oon f ace and b.Col d, cl ammy ski n
obesi ty of the trunk d.Psychi c depressi on

I n general , the target organ hormone product causes: a.Suppressi on of rel ease of
trophi c hormone b.An i ncreased rel ease of trophi c hormone c.N o change i n rel ease a.Suppressi on of rel ease of trophi c hormone
of trophi c hormone d.N one of the above

Where i s i nsul i n usual l y produced? a.F ol l i cl es of the thyroi d gl and b.Cortex of

the adrenal gl and c.Anteri or pi tui tary gl and d.Beta cel l s of the I sl ets of d.Beta cel l s of the I sl ets of Langerhans i n the pancreas
Langerhans i n the pancreas

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng i s true about type 1 (i nsul i n dependent) di abetes

mel l i tus? a.T he usual age of onset i s af ter age 50 years b.I n the USA, compri ses
about 10% of the overal l cases of di abetes mel l i tus c.D i sease i s due to a b.I n the USA, compri ses about 10% of the overal l cases of di abetes mel l i tus
rel ati ve l oss of ef f ecti ve i nsul i n d.Pati ents wi th thi s di sease are of ten
overwei ght

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng types of di abetes resul ts f rom an absol ute l ack of i nsul i n
caused by destructi on or reducti on of the beta cel l s i n pancreati c I sl ets of
a. T ype 1 di abetes mel l i tus
Langerhans: a. T ype 1 di abetes mel l i tus b. T ype 2 di abetes mel l i tus c.
Gestati onal d. D i abetes i nsi pi dus

Bef ore puberty, whi ch of the f ol l owi ng condi ti ons resul ts f rom excessi ve l evel s of
growth hormone: a. Gi ganti sm b. Acromegal y c. D i abetes i nsi pi dus d. D i abetes a. Gi ganti sm
mel l i tus

Growth hormone i s secreted f rom the: a. Anteri or pi tui tary b. Posteri or pi tui tary c.
a. Anteri or pi tui tary
H ypothal amus d. Beta cel l s i n the pancreas I sl ets of Langerhans

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng condi ti ons resul ts f rom a def i ci ency of anti di ureti c
hormone (AD H ) rel eased by the posteri or pi tui tary: a. D i abetes mel l i tus T ype 1 b. c. D i abetes i nsi pi dus
D i abetes mel l i tus T ype 2 c. D i abetes i nsi pi dus d. Gestati onal di abetes
Ro bbins Basic Patho lo gy Chapter 17 & 20 : Pancreas and Endo crine System
Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/ro bbins-basic-patho lo gy-
chapter-17-20 -pancreas-and-endo crine-system-49 1558

T hyroi d enl argement resul ti ng f rom di f f use hyperpl asi a i s known as: a. Cushi ngs
b. Grave's di sease
di sease b. Grave's di sease c. H ashi moto's thyroi di ti s d. M yxedema

M ani f estati ons of hyperthyroi di sm i ncl ude al l of the f ol l owi ng except: a. Rapi d
and i rregul ar heart beat b. Wei ght l oss wi th i ncreased appeti te c. I ntol erance to d. Col d, dry ski n
heat d. Col d, dry ski n

E l evated l evel s of parathyroi d hormone produced i n pri mary hyperparathyroi di sm

can cause al l but whi ch of the f ol l owi ng: a. H ypercal cemi a b. Renal di sease
c. Smal l bl ood vessel di sease
i ncl udi ng f ormati on of ki dney stones c. Smal l bl ood vessel di sease d. E xcessi ve
reabsorpti on of cal ci um f rom bones

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng condi ti ons woul d be most l i kel y to present wi th symptoms
of ki dney stones: a. Grave's di sease b. T ype 1 di abetes mel l i tus c. H ashi moto's c. Smal l bl ood vessel di sease
thyroi di ti s d. H yperparathyroi di sm

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng i s not a mani f estati on of Cushi ng's syndrome: a.

H ypertensi on b. D ecreased l evel s of gl ucocorti coi ds c. Wei ght gai n, wi th
b. D ecreased l evel s of gl ucocorti coi ds
unusual obesi ty di stri buti on (truncal , not extremi ti es) d. H ypergl ycemi a,
gl ucosuri a, pol ydi psi a

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