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Ans 1. While preparing for the VARC section, I primarily read. I read a lot.
Be it newspapers, be it storybooks, be it novels, I read a lot.
And reading through all of these things, I spotted out words which are not a part of my vocabulary.
Using those words in casual conversations later in my life is something which I believe that
helped me a lot during my VARC preparation.
And along with that, the strategy I went for was dividing the work into three segments.
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

Ans2. For improving my reading speed as well as my comprehension ability, the only thing which I did
was practice.
Reading and comprehension are two things which cannot really be learned through any shortcut or
through any cheat.
So I would suggest that you practice a lot and practice as much as you can to improve on both of
these skills.

Ans 3. For enhancing the VARC skills, I would suggest three things number one the book word power
made easy
It has got a lot of tips and tricks for learning on how you can
Get the meaning of a word that you are reading for the first time in an exam number two mock tests
mock test on any different
Portal on the internet or any different book that you can get use them and number three practice a
Practice through any single thing be it a crossword in the times of India be it a normal
Book be it a game on your phone practice as much as you can for VARC

Ans 8

With only one month to go, I would advise you to practice a lot. Take some time out every day. Work
for at least 30 minutes on your VARC skills, because this is the section which can literally make or
break your paper. You could change the entire scenario of your score just using this section. I know
that quant and logical reasoning need you to practice, but VARC is a section which requires minimal
practice, but maximum scores. So that is the thing. Go around, practice it, talk to your peers, tell
them and be confident about it.

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