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You work at home and have a problem with a piece of equipment that you use for your job.

Write a letter to the shop or company which supplied the equipment.

In your letter
• describe the problem with the equipment
• explain how this problem is affecting your work
• say what you want the shop or company to do
Dear Sir/Madam,

Recently, I have bought laptop from your shop that I significantly rely on during my work, however, I
have been facing some serious issues while using it. It suddenly stops working, while I am in the middle
of a specific task and I have to completely start doing everything again from scratch which is devastating,
time consuming and it also forces me to be delayed in submitting my tasks to my superiors. In addition,
some of the keys of the keyboard are stuck and I must forcefully press them to type the intended letter,
which is very anguishing to me as I am a fast writer, and it puts me under tremendous stress in finishing
my tasks.

I wonder if you could send anyone to check it or schedule an appointment for me to come and check it
in your shop as soon as possible. I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly, as I am really in a
hurry to fix it as I have a lot of tasks due next week.

Kind regards,
Amr Elfeky

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the
Sahara desert or the Antarctic.
What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in visiting places with extreme conditions, such as Sahara
desert or the Antarctic. This rising phenomenon has some significant merits and demerits for their

There are a lot of advantages for visiting a place where conditions are difficult. Firstly, people will have
the opportunity to experience the sense of adventure as they will deal with situations that are
unfamiliar to their normal daily activities, such as the unpredicted weather conditions and the lack of
luxuries that they used to deal with every day. Furthermore, tourists of dangerous places will have the
opportunity to learn new skills that may help them in their life, such as problem-solving skills which
might be tremendously helpful in their life after finishing this trip.

On the other hand, there are various disadvantages to visiting these places. To begin with, there is a lack
of facilities, such as hospitals, in these areas. These facilities are crucial in case there were any injuries
within the crew, regarding the high probability of injuries during these expeditions. Moreover, the
probability of facing a wild animal, such as wild bears in these areas is very high, which raises the risk of
continuing these journeys unharmed, especially if the travelers are not ready with any pieces of
equipment, in case any of these wild animal appear.

In conclusion, the increasing interest in visiting dangerous touristic landmarks by tourists has been
recently noticeable. This interest may have a lot of positives, such as experiencing adventures and
learning a new skills that may be useful in the future, however, it also has various negatives, such as lack
of essential facilities in these areas and the high probability of facing wild animals.
You recently organised an all-day meeting for your company, which took place in a local hotel. In
their feedback, participants at the meeting said that they liked the hotel, but they were unhappy
about the food that was served for lunch.
Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter
• say what the participants liked about the hotel
• explain why they were unhappy about the food
• suggest what the manager should do to improve the food in future

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to you regarding our recent all-day meeting at your hotel. There were various positive
comments provided by our participants that I would like to share with you. The view of the restaurant
was great as well as the choices of music during the event. Despite this, there were some negative
comments concerning the lunch that was served on that day. The food was cold, some of the introduced
main courses were undercooked and there were no alternatives or additional plates to replace the
undercooked ones, which made some participants dissatisfied. As we aim to continue our cooperation, I
would like to introduce some suggestion for the next times, including checking on the quality of the
introduced food, especially for the main course as well as having alternatives in case any mistake
happens during serving time, such as alternative meals or discount coupons for their next visit, which
might decrease their dissatisfaction. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Amr Elfeky

Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time,
and have health problems as a result.
Why do many working people not get enough exercise?
What can be done about this problem?

A lot of employees seldom do exercises either during their working day or in their free time, which
results in them suffering from various health problems.

There are many causes why working people doesn`t do little exercise. To begin with, they do not have
enough breaks during their workday to provide some of them for exercising, which forces them to save
these breaks for essential purposes, such as having lunch or drinking water. Moreover, some employees
are forced to take extra shifts to cover their expenses due to their low income, which shrinks their free
time and lessen their energy as they return from work exhausted and unable to practice any exercises.
In addition, they prefer to use this time to rest their bodies, preparing to start a new working day.

There are various solutions that can be proposed to solve this problem. Firstly, Governments should
force employers to give their employees frequent breaks, which will encourage them to provide some of
them to do exercises, such as stretching in place or walking around the office, which will reflect
positively on their performance at work. Secondly, Governments should raise the income for low-
income employees. This will release them from the burden of working extra hours as well as giving them
the opportunity to use their time to exercise or subscribe in a gym.

In conclusion, Inability of working people to do exercises during their workday or their free time is a
result of various causes, such as insufficient breaks or their need to work extra shifts because of low
income. Governments have a significant role in solving these problems by providing some solutions, for
example, forcing employers to give their employees frequent breaks and increasing their income, which
will give them the time and the money needed for exercising.
You work for an international company and would like to spend six months working in its head
office in another country.
Write a letter to your manager. In your letter
• explain why you want to work in the company's head office for six months
• say how your work could be done while you are away
• ask for his/her help in arranging it

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter regarding my request to spend six months working in our branch in Spain as I
suffer from a family emergency that may require multiple visits to Spain over the next few months,
which prevents me from completely fulfilling my job duties. I have arranged in advance with two of my
coworkers, Janet and Mark, to take over my duties, while I am abroad. I have provided them with all the
information needed to smoothly pursue these new duties. As a final request, I need your help in
arranging my transfer with the head office since I frightened of their refusal of my request, which will
reflect badly not only on my work life, but also on my personal life.

I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as you can, and I am really grateful in advance for you
tremendous help.


Amr Elfeky.

In some areas of the US, a 'curfew' is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of
doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult.
What is your opinion about this?

Curfew, in which unaccompanied teenagers are forbidden outdoors after a certain time, is now imposed
in some areas of the states. While many people may not agree with this regulation, I believe this law will
have significant positive outcomes that outweigh its negatives.

There are some concerns that may make some parents oppose this regulation. Firstly, they may think
that it restricts the freedom of their children to freely enjoy their life, which may have a negative
psychological impact on them in the future, resulting in more repelling attitude and revolutionary
behaviours. Secondly, some families may be afraid from the impact of these new laws on the future of
their youngsters as the increasing restrictions applied from the government is just an obvious sign for
upcoming harsher restrictions not only for their children, but also for them, which may make them
consider moving to another state where there is more freedom in living.

Despite the previously mentioned demerits, I hold the notion that the advantages of this curfew
outweigh its disadvantages. To begin with, this law will share in providing more safety to teenagers as
they will be always accompanied with responsible personnel, which will prevent any pervert or criminal
from approaching them, resulting in better sense of wellbeing. Moreover, it will encourage teenagers to
spend more time with their families at their homes rather than partying, which will tighten the bond
between teenagers and their parents, resulting in happiness and prosperity as a long-term outcome.

In conclusion, recent regulations regarding the applied curfew over teenagers, which forces teenagers to
accompany an adult, if they are going to stay after a particular time at night has various merits, such as
providing adolescents with higher sense of safety, and improving their bond with their families, which
significantly outweigh its demerits.

The system used for rubbish/garbage collection in your local area is not working properly. This is
causing problems for you and your neighbours.
Write a letter to the local council. In your letter
• describe how the rubbish collection system is not working properly
• explain how this is affecting you and your neighbours
• suggest what should be done about the problem

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter regarding the problem caused by the dysfunctionality of the neighbourhood`s
garbage collection system since it is currently causing significant problem not only for me, but also to my
neighbours. The system used for rubbish collection does not provide correct labels for each recycle bin,
which prevents us from distributing the correct category in its corresponding bin. This dysfunctional
labelling system resulted in a failure in the recycling system, leading to clashes between residents on the
way to sort garbage for recycling.

I have few suggestions regarding this system, aiming to solve the current problem and to decrease the
clashes in the neighbourhood. Firstly, you can use a big yellow sticker with a clear font to label each pin,
which will prevent confusion during rubbish distribution. Secondly, you can paint each bin with a
different colour according to our local system, which will make it significantly easier to recycle correctly.

I am extremely grateful for your time to read this letter and I am looking forward to hearing your

Kind regards,

Amr Elfeky

Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets there is no need to go to the
cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some people say that nowadays mobile phones or tables is a substitution to going to cinema. Others
disagree as they extremely enjoy watching films in cinemas. While the former opinion may sound
reasonable, I strongly agree with the latter.

People may think watching movies on smart devices is superior to going to cinemas due to the fact that
it significantly saves both time and money as they are able to subscribe to online platforms with a
significantly cheap price and watch the same movie from their couch without exerting any effort in going
to cinemas. Another reason may be their ability to control the whole watching experience, including
their ability to pause the film or rewind it to watch a certain part, which is impossible to do in cinemas as
you have no control over the display.

Despite these demerits, I believe going to cinemas has significant merits that can not be fulfilled by
watching from home. To begin with, visiting cinemas is an excellent was to expand relationships since
people can invite their potential friends or partner to enjoy a newly displayed movie, which would
significantly raise their desire to accept this invitation in comparison to inviting them to your home,
which may seem strange for new connections. Moreover, the atmosphere created by the attendees in
the movie theatre is impossible to replicate in home settings as the watchers often react in an
enthusiastic manner to certain movie shots, which excites everyone around and encourage them to
share in it or focus more on how the plot is going.

In conclusion, going to cinemas has a lot of positive sides, including building up new relationships and
enjoying the irreplaceable atmosphere created by movie watchers. These benefits significantly outweigh
watching the same movie using smart devices at home.

A friend you made while you were studying abroad has written to ask you for help in finding a job in
your country. You have heard about a job in a local company that might be suitable for him/her.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter

tell your friend about the job and what sort of work it involves say why you think the job would be
suitable for him/her explain how to apply for the job.

Dear Sam,

How have you been? I am writing to you to inform you about an opening in our company that might be
suitable for you. I remember that you have shown interest in working in my country when we were
studying abroad together, that`s why I think it is a great opportunity. There is an opening for a graphic
designer, which would fit you since they require having previous experience, which you already have
due to your work as a freelance in college, in addition, they require learning at least two programming
language, which you already know.

For applying, you just have to prepare your curriculum vitae and submit it to me before the end of this
week, and I will submit it to our human resource department and recommend you for this job as I think
you are a perfect match. Until then, you should prepare yourself for an interview in the next two weeks,
and I will send you another letter about the things you should take care of before your interview.


Amr Elfeky

Write about the following topic.

Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organised
and in the correct place.

What is your opinion about this?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Many people say it is Important to keep your house and workplace tidy, organized and with everything
where it should be. While it may look exhausting, I strongly agree with it.

There are various reasons to keep you home organized. Firstly, knowing where everything is located is
significantly relieving and helpful, especially in the morning, when you are late, and you want to quickly
prepare everything to rush to where you are going. Secondly, it is an excellent way to build relationships
since you can invite your friends, showing them around, admiring you as an organized human being,
which is an extremely rare trait in this world where people have no time to tidy anything.

On the other hand, being organized in your workplace has a lot of merits. To begin with, it is a great skill
that is required by many employers as it saves tremendous time in finishing tasks, as well as decreasing
the risk of errors in high profile projects since any person with this trait is always prepared with a
planned schedule, including alternative plans in case anything got rouge. Moreover, Tidy workplaces
raise the self-esteem of their employees since they create a peaceful environment for everyone to work
without carrying the burden of being irritated by a bad smell or a disease that he may catch in case of
having an untidy and an unhealthy work environment.

In conclusion, having a tidy home and work environment is extremely crucial for everyone as having a
clean home helps you to avoid being late for work, as well as increasing you chances in building new
relationships, while having a tidy workplace is a great reflection on your personality at work, which is a
needed skill nowadays, in addition, it makes the workplace more appealing for its employees.

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing.

What do you think are the main causes of crime?

How can we deal with those causes?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

In various countries, the rate of crime is rising due to different causes, and to decrease it, both citizens
and environment should work together.

The reasons for high crime rates vary from a country to another, one of these reasons can be the
easement in buying guns provided by some governments. This increase in the amount of gunpower
made using guns to be considered in solving different conflicts, such as race wars, which resulted in an
increase of crime rates locally. Another reason is that the laws applied by government to prevent crimes
are not too harsh to prevent criminals from committing crimes, for example, in some states, committing
first degree crimes is not punished by death, and if there is no concrete evidence, criminals will be set

To solve this, both individuals and governments should cooperate. Citizens should report any suspicious
activities that happen in their neighbourhood, as well as they should avert from buying guns. This will
result in a noticeable decrease in local crime rates. On the other hand, governments should pass more
strict laws to penalize those who commit any crime, especially first-degree crime, such as killing. In
addition, another laws in relation to controlling the selling of gunpower to citizens should be applied to
prevent minors and unauthorized personnel from purchasing guns. These laws should help in
significantly decrease crime rates and facilitate gun free environment.

To conclude, there are many reasons that may lead to an increase in crime rate. These reasons, such as
the availability of gunpower and the unstrict laws applied by some states, causes crime rates to
exponentially raise. Both government and individuals should cooperate and provide solutions to
successfully decrease crime rates by reporting suspicious activities and applying more strict laws on
You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are
studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help.
Write a letter to this friend. In your letter
• give details of your study plans
• explain why you want to get a part-time job
• suggest how your friend could help you find a job

Dear Sam,

How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to pass a piece of excellent news to you as I
have been accepted in Manchester university to study a master in psychology. I am very excited to come
and expand my knowledge about this topic and I am also planning to publish at least 3 papers about the
psychological effect of having a physically challenged child on the parents. I will be granted a partial
scholarship, which means that I will need a part-time job to be able to afford to live in your city as I hear
that the costs of living in England, especially Manchester are so high. It would be great if you can send
me suggestions for websites where I can look for and apply for jobs. Also, if you have recently heard
about any part-time job opportunity, please include the details in your reply.

I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as you can. See you soon!



Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with.
What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number of toys?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Some parents buy their youngsters numerous toys to play with. This phenomenon has some advantages,
as well as various drawbacks.

One of these advantages would be that some of these games, for example, rubric cubes and Legos are
helpful in building various life skills, such as problem-solving skills and creative thinking. These skills are
crucial to learn early in life as they help the young generation to effectively deal with numerous difficult
situations that they may face in the future. Another advantage could be teaching these kids to be
generous as with providing them with new toys may encourage them to donate their old ones, with the
help and guidance of their parents, for other children, such as children living in orphanages so that they
enjoy playing with these toys and equally enjoy their childhood.

Despite these merits, various demerits can emerge from purchasing plenty of games for children. To
begin with, it may lead to some of these children becoming spoiled as they will be immediately provided
with everything they want, which will prevent them from learning about the value of money and
cherishing the blessings you already have. Moreover, having a lot of toys will discourage these
youngsters from going outside and enjoy playing outdoors, which may cause environmental deprivation
due to the lack of contact with the environment, possibly resulting in learning difficulties or sensory
difficulties that may not appear until reaching school age.

To conclude, despite the fact that providing the young generation with plethora of toys may be
beneficial in teaching them essential life skills, such as problem-solving skills as well as social skills, such
as generosity, it has significant disadvantages, such as growing up as a spoiled child and environmental
Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. This trend has both positive and negative aspects.

On the positive side, certain types of toys, such as puzzles and building blocks, can help children develop important skills like
problem-solving and creativity. These skills are crucial for children to learn at a young age as they prepare them for future
challenges. Additionally, having a lot of toys can teach children to be generous by encouraging them to donate their old toys to
others who may not have as many.

On the negative side, spoiling children with excessive amounts of toys can lead to a sense of entitlement and prevent them
from learning the value of money and appreciation for what they already have. Furthermore, having too many toys can
discourage children from playing outside and exploring their environment, which can negatively impact their physical and
mental development.

In conclusion, while providing children with a variety of toys can be beneficial for their development, it is important for parents
to strike a balance and not overwhelm them with too many toys. Encouraging children to play outside and engage with their
surroundings can also foster important skills and a sense of appreciation for the world around them.

You and some friends ate a meal at a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion, and you were very
pleased with the food and service.
Write a letter to the restaurant manager. In your letter

• give details of your visit to the restaurant

• explain the reason for the celebration
• say what was good about the food and the service

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter as an appreciation for your kind service during our lunch last week.

This lunch was extremely precious to me as it was a celebration for my scholarship award that I have
recently got. It may be the last time that we all gather before I leave to start a new chapter in my life,
and you have made it memorable.

We visited your restaurant last Saturday around 4:30 and we ordered lunch, and the waiter overheard
us talking about the scholarship and congratulated me, then after lunch all the crew offered us a free
cake and celebrated with us in an unforgettable gesture.

In addition to this gesture, the service was excellent, and the food was served very quickly and in a tidy
manner, which was admired by my friends, and it was extremely delicious that we didn`t have any

Once again, I thank you for your kind service and I look forward to eating in your restaurant again, once I
return from my journey.


Amr Elfeky

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