Scripts As Behaviour Components

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Scripts as Behaviour Components void Start ()

//this line is there to tell me the x position of my object

using UnityEngine; /*Hi there!

using System.Collections; * this is two lines!
* */
public class ExampleBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour Debug.Log(transform.position.x);
void Update() if(transform.position.y <= 5f)
{ {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) Debug.Log ("I'm about to hit the ground!");
{ }
GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color =; }
} }
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G))
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color =; 4. IF Statements
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B))
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color =; using UnityEngine;
} using System.Collections;
} public class IfStatements : MonoBehaviour
float coffeeTemperature = 85.0f;
2. Variables and Functions float hotLimitTemperature = 70.0f;
float coldLimitTemperature = 40.0f;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
void Update ()
public class VariablesAndFunctions : MonoBehaviour
int myInt = 5;

coffeeTemperature -= Time.deltaTime * 5f;

void Start ()
myInt = MultiplyByTwo(myInt);
Debug.Log (myInt);
void TemperatureTest ()
// If the coffee's temperature is greater than the hottest drinking temperature...
if(coffeeTemperature > hotLimitTemperature)
int MultiplyByTwo (int number)
// ... do this.
int result;
print("Coffee is too hot.");
result = number * 2;
return result;
// If it isn't, but the coffee temperature is less than the coldest drinking temperature...
else if(coffeeTemperature < coldLimitTemperature)
3. Conventions and Syntax // ... do this.
print("Coffee is too cold.");
using UnityEngine; }
using System.Collections; // If it is neither of those then...
public class BasicSyntax : MonoBehaviour {
{ // ... do this.

print("Coffee is just right."); {

} print ("Hello World");
} }while(shouldContinue == true);
5. ForLoop
using UnityEngine;
8. ForeachLoop
using System.Collections; using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ForLoop : MonoBehaviour
{ public class ForeachLoop : MonoBehaviour
int numEnemies = 3; {
void Start ()
void Start () string[] strings = new string[3];
for(int i = 0; i < numEnemies; i++) strings[0] = "First string";
{ strings[1] = "Second string";
Debug.Log("Creating enemy number: " + i); strings[2] = "Third string";
} foreach(string item in strings)
} {
print (item);
6. WhileLoop }
using UnityEngine; }
using System.Collections;

public class WhileLoop : MonoBehaviour 9. ScopeAndAccessModifiers

int cupsInTheSink = 4; using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

void Start () public class ScopeAndAccessModifiers : MonoBehaviour

{ {
while(cupsInTheSink > 0) public int alpha = 5;
Debug.Log ("I've washed a cup!");
cupsInTheSink--; private int beta = 0;
} private int gamma = 5;
private AnotherClass myOtherClass;
7. DoWhileLoop
using UnityEngine; void Start ()
using System.Collections; {
alpha = 29;
public class DoWhileLoop : MonoBehaviour
{ myOtherClass = new AnotherClass();
void Start() myOtherClass.FruitMachine(alpha, myOtherClass.apples);
{ }
bool shouldContinue = false;

do void Example (int pens, int crayons)

int answer; void Start ()
answer = pens * crayons * alpha; {
Debug.Log(answer); Debug.Log("Start called.");
} }

void Update ()
{ 12. 12. Update and FixedUpdate
Debug.Log("Alpha is set to: " + alpha);

10. AnotherClass using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class UpdateAndFixedUpdate : MonoBehaviour
public class AnotherClass void FixedUpdate ()
{ {
public int apples; Debug.Log("FixedUpdate time :" + Time.deltaTime);
public int bananas; }

private int stapler; void Update ()

private int sellotape; {
Debug.Log("Update time :" + Time.deltaTime);
public void FruitMachine (int a, int b) }
int answer;
answer = a + b;
Debug.Log("Fruit total: " + answer); 13. Enabling and Disabling Components

using UnityEngine;
private void OfficeSort (int a, int b) using System.Collections;
int answer; public class EnableComponents : MonoBehaviour
answer = a + b; {
Debug.Log("Office Supplies total: " + answer); private Light myLight;
void Start ()
11. 11. Awake and Start myLight = GetComponent<Light>();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; void Update ()
public class AwakeAndStart : MonoBehaviour if(Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space))
{ {
void Awake () myLight.enabled = !myLight.enabled;
{ }
Debug.Log("Awake called."); }
} }

14. ActiveObjects 17. CameraLookAt

using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; using System.Collections;

public class ActiveObjects : MonoBehaviour public class CameraLookAt : MonoBehaviour

{ {
void Start () public Transform target;
gameObject.SetActive(false); void Update ()
} {
} transform.LookAt(target);
15. CheckState }

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CheckState : MonoBehaviour 18. KeyInput

public GameObject myObject; using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
void Start ()
{ public class KeyInput : MonoBehaviour
Debug.Log("Active Self: " + myObject.activeSelf); {
Debug.Log("Active in Hierarchy" + myObject.activeInHierarchy); public Image graphic;
} public Sprite standard;
} public Sprite downgfx;
public Sprite upgfx;
public Sprite heldgfx;
16. TransformFunctions public Text boolDisplay1;
public Text boolDisplay2;
using UnityEngine;
public Text boolDisplay3;
using System.Collections;
void Start()
public class TransformFunctions : MonoBehaviour
graphic.sprite = standard;
public float moveSpeed = 10f;
public float turnSpeed = 50f;
void Update()
void Update ()
bool down = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space);
bool held = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space);
bool up = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space);
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.Translate(-Vector3.forward * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
graphic.sprite = downgfx;
else if (held)
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, -turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
graphic.sprite = heldgfx;
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
else if (up)
graphic.sprite = upgfx;
{ boolDisplay3.text = " " + held;
graphic.sprite = standard; }
} }

boolDisplay1.text = " " + down;

boolDisplay2.text = " " + held;
20. MouseClick
boolDisplay3.text = " " + held; using UnityEngine;
} using System.Collections;
public class MouseClick : MonoBehaviour
19. ButtonInput {

using UnityEngine; private Rigidbody rb;

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI; private void Awake()
public class ButtonInput : MonoBehaviour rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
{ }
public Image graphic;
public Sprite standard; void OnMouseDown ()
public Sprite downgfx; {
public Sprite upgfx; rb.AddForce(-transform.forward * 500f);
public Sprite heldgfx; rb.useGravity = true;
public Text boolDisplay1; }
public Text boolDisplay2; }
public Text boolDisplay3;

void Start()
21. Singleton – scene manager
{ using UnityEngine;
graphic.sprite = standard; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
} using UnityEngine.UI;

void Update()
{ public class SceneManagerScript : MonoBehaviour
bool down = Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"); {
bool held = Input.GetButton("Jump"); public Text ValueTxt;
bool up = Input.GetButtonUp("Jump"); private void Start()
if(down) ValueTxt.text = PersistentManagerScript.Instance.Value.ToString();
{ }
graphic.sprite = downgfx; public void GoToFirstScene()
} {
else if (held) SceneManager.LoadScene("first");
{ PersistentManagerScript.Instance.Value++;
graphic.sprite = heldgfx; }
} public void GoToSecondScene()
else if (up) {
{ SceneManager.LoadScene("second");
graphic.sprite = upgfx; PersistentManagerScript.Instance.Value++;
else }
graphic.sprite = standard; }

boolDisplay1.text = " " + down;

boolDisplay2.text = " " + held;

22. Singleton – Persistent manager }

void B3Click(){
using System.Collections; Debug.Log ("Green Color");
using System.Collections.Generic; sprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
using UnityEngine; sprite.color =;
public class PersistentManagerScript : MonoBehaviour // Update is called once per frame
{ void Update()
public static PersistentManagerScript Instance { get; private set; } {
public int Value; }

private void Awake()

{ 24. SceneTransition
if (Instance == null)
{ using UnityEngine;
Instance = this; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); using UnityEngine.UI;
} public class SceneTransition : MonoBehaviour
else {
{ public InputField nameInputField;
Destroy(gameObject); public void StartGame()
} {
} string playerName = nameInputField.text;
} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerName))
// Store the player name for use in the next scene (you can use
23. Button UI PlayerPrefs or other methods).
PlayerPrefs.SetString("PlayerName", playerName);
// Load the next scene.
using System.Collections; SceneManager.LoadScene("WelcomeScene");
using System.Collections.Generic; }
using UnityEngine; }
using UnityEngine.UI; }
public class SetColor : MonoBehaviour
{ 25. Script "WelcomeMessage"
SpriteRenderer sprite;
public Color newColor; using UnityEngine;
public Button B1,B2,B3; using UnityEngine.UI;
// Start is called before the first frame update public class WelcomeMessage : MonoBehaviour
void Start() {
{ public Text welcomeText;
Button btn1 = B1.GetComponent<Button>(); void Start()
btn1.onClick.AddListener(B1Click); {
Button btn2 = B2.GetComponent<Button>(); string playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerName", "Player");
btn2.onClick.AddListener(B2Click); welcomeText.text = "Welcome, " + playerName + "!";
Button btn3 = B3.GetComponent<Button>(); }
btn3.onClick.AddListener(B3Click); }
void B1Click(){
Debug.Log ("Blue Color"); 26. BallMovement Script
sprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
sprite.color =; using UnityEngine;
} public class BallMovement : MonoBehaviour
void B2Click(){ {
Debug.Log ("Red Color"); public float speed = 5.0f;
sprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); void Update()
sprite.color =; {
float horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 movement = new Vector3(horizontalInput, verticalInput, 0) * speed
* Time.deltaTime;

27. BallSizeControl

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class BallSizeControl : MonoBehaviour
public Slider sizeSlider;
public float minSize = 1.0f;
public float maxSize = 5.0f;
private void Start()
private void ChangeBallSize(float value)
float newSize = Mathf.Lerp(minSize, maxSize, value);
transform.localScale = new Vector3(newSize, newSize, newSize);
27. Scroll Texture Script
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SrollTex: monoBehaviour
public float ScrollX = 0.5f;
public float ScrollY = 0.5f;
void update()
float offsetX = Time.time * __________;
float offsetY = Time.time * __________;
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(___________,

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