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Jimmy Fallon interviewing RM

[Jimmy Fallon, the charismatic host of “The Tonight Starring Show,” greets the
audience with his signature enthusiasm.]

Jimmy Fallon: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a global icon in the building. Please
welcome RM from BTS!”

[A thunderous applause reverberates through the studio as RM takes his seat next to

Jimmy Fallon: “RM, it’s an absolute honor to have you here. The world knows you as
an international superstar, but tonight, we want to unravel the layers and get to know Kim
Namjoon, the individual. Can you share with us a glimpse of your daily life when the
spotlight dims? What does a typical day look like for the real Kim Namjoon, devoid of fame
and adulation?”

RM: “Thank you, Jimmy. Beyond the glitz and glamour, I treasure the uncomplicated
moments that define Kim Namjoon. My daily routine is an ode to authenticity and
introspection. Mornings often find me engrossed in the pages of a thought-provoking book,
followed by a serene session of meditation to cultivate mindfulness. I hold a profound
appreciation for nature, and daily outdoor walks serve as a grounding ritual, reconnecting me
to the core of my human existence.”

Jimmy Fallon: “RM, your daily routine as Kim Namjoon is a testament to your
commitment to self-discovery. Now, let’s pivot to your diary routine as a songwriter. How do
you encapsulate the emotions, experiences, and revelations from your daily life into your
creative process as a lyricist?”

RM: “Great question, Jimmy. My diary routine is an intimate sanctuary where I distill
the essence of my daily life. These journal entries are the crucible from which I draw the
rawest hues of the human experience. When I sit down to craft lyrics, I delve into these
diaries, channeling the authenticity and multifaceted emotional spectrum of my everyday
existence. It’s the bridge that intimately connects my individual self with my artistry.”

Jimmy Fallon: “RM, your portrayal of your diary routine as an ‘intimate sanctuary’ is
profoundly evocative. Can you share a specific instance when your diary entries have
catalyzed the creation of a song that holds a special place in your heart, where your personal
odyssey harmoniously resonated with your art?”

RM: “Certainly, Jimmy. There was an occasion when I ventured alone to a remote,
paradisiacal village. The interactions, tales, and sentiments that unfolded during that journey
became the lifeline of a song that I hold in the highest regard. It’s such moments that
illuminate the potency of blending the personal with the artistic, weaving a musical tapestry
that resonates deeply, not only with me but with our global audience.”

Jimmy Fallon: “RM, your ability to interlace the tapestry of your daily life with your
art is truly inspiring. Thank you for offering us a glimpse into the real Kim Namjoon, as well
as the intricate facets of your songwriting process. We eagerly anticipate what you and BTS
have in store for us next!”

RM: Thank you, Jimmy. I truly appreciate your kind words and the way you’ve
captured the essence of what we do as artists and as a team. It’s a journey that wouldn’t be the
same without the support and love of my family Army and my incredible BTS members.

[A standing ovation fills the studio as Jimmy Fallon and RM share a moment of
genuine connection, capping off an unforgettable interview.]

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