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First Sessional Examination 2021

B.Tech(Computer Engineering)-Semester VII

CEN 704-Parallel and Distributed Computing Max Marks- 15(3+2+4+3+3)

Attempt all questions. Marks for questions are written in the right margin. Answers to all questions
should be hand written . Each page should contain your roll no and name. Do no try to cheat. Any one
found using unfair means will be awarded zero marks.You should not share your answers with anyone
by any means. If it is found that sharing and copying have been done, then all involved in this will be
awarded zero marks. Attempt these questions on your own papers and write your Roll No. and name
on all pages. Upload one PDF file of your scanned answers sheets in the assignment section in the
google classroom . Your file name should be your roll no-your name-1-PDC-BTech-VII and should be
uploaded on time. Logic of your answers should also be explained.

Q1. A sequential program consists of the following five statements. S1 through S5. Considering each
statement as a separate process. clearly identify input set l and output set O of each process. Restructure the
program using Bernstein's conditions in order to achieve maximum parallelism between processes. If any pair
of processes cannot be executed concurrently. specify which of the three conditions is not satisfied

3 Marks

Q2. Assume that we make an enhancement to a computer that improves some mode of execution by a
factor of 10. Enhanced mode is used 50% of the time, measured as a percentage of the execution time
when the enhanced mode is in use.
(a) What is the speedup we have obtained from fast mode?
(b) What percentage of the original execution time has been converted to fast mode? 2 Marks
4 Marks

Q4. Discuss the Tomasulo Algorithm with the help of suitable example and diagram. 3 Marks

Q5. Discuss the (m,n) Branch Predictor with the help of suitable example and diagram. 3 Marks

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