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Program Evaluation Report

Comprehensive Punjab TB Control Program

June 2020


P&D Board, Government of Punjab.
65-Trade Center Block, Johar Town, Lahore
Tel: (042) 99233176-92
The DGM&E Team would like to thank all those who supported us to conduct the evaluation
of the project “Comprehensive Punjab TB Control Program (2015 to 2020).
Thanks to the Senior Specialist (R&D) DGM&E for his guidance, advice and time to finalize
the study design, research instruments and reviewing the draft report. We are grateful to the
Director Coordination & Director General (M&E) for their support and time to review the draft
report and providing useful feedback at the pre-ECM.
Thanks to all program officials for their support through the evaluation process.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
The report is based on the data/information provided by the relevant department. DG M&E
does not hold any claims to its completeness and makes no pledge that the information in this
document will fulfil any specific purposes or needs. DG M&E’s take in the report may not be
considered as an assurance of the performance of any individual Project or services.
In dissemination and making this document available, DG M&E has not undertaken
professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor DG M&E has
rendered to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this
document should rely on his or her own independent judgment, and seek the advice of a
competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given
DG M&E does not undertake to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this
document. DG M&E does not certify, test, or inspect products, designs, or installations for
safety or health purposes. Any other statement of compliance with any health or safety-related
information in this document shall not be attributable to DG M&E and is solely the
responsibility of the relevant stakeholders.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
List of Abbreviations

AFB Acid Fast Bacilli

ATT Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment
BMU Basic Management Unit
CCM Country Coordination Meeting
CEO Chief Executive Officer
DHO District Health Officer
DLS District Lab Supervisor
DOTS Direct Observed Treatment Short Course
DR Drug Resistant
DS Drug Sensitive
DST Drug Susceptibility Testing
EQA External Quality Assurance
HBC High Burden TB Country
HH Households
ICF Intensified case finding
LHW Lady Health Workers
MC Mercy Corps
MDR Multi Drug Resistant TB
MGD Millennium Development Goal
MTB Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
OR Operational Research
PMDT Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB
PPM Public Private Mix
PR Principal Recipient
PRL Provincial Reference Lab
PSP Provincial Strategic Plan
RIF Rifampicin
RR Reporting and Recording
SGD Sustainable Development Goal
SR Sub- Recipient
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
TST Tuberculin Skin Test
WRD WHO Recommended Diagnostic

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Executive Summary
Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease that is a major cause of ill health, and one of the top
10 causes of deaths worldwide [1]. It is the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent
ranking above HIV/AIDS. Globally, around 10 million people fell ill with TB and around 1.2
million died due to TB infection in 2018 [1].
Pakistan ranks 5th among 22 countries with the highest burden of TB, and 27th among high
Multidrug Resistant (MDR) TB countries of the world. It contributes about 60% of the total TB
burden in the Eastern Mediterranean Region [2], and overall eight countries accounted for two thirds
of the global total TB burden including: India (27%), China (9%), Indonesia (8%), the Philippines
(6%), Pakistan (6%), Nigeria (4%), Bangladesh (4%) and South Africa (3%). These and 22 other
countries in the WHO’s list of 30 high TB burden countries accounted for 87% of the world’s total
TB cases [1]. In Pakistan, more than 500,000 new cases of TB occur every year [2-3].
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Target 3.3 includes ending the TB epidemic by 2030. The
End TB Strategy defines milestones and targets for reductions in TB cases and deaths for 2020 to
2030. The targets for 2030 are a 90% reduction in the number of TB deaths and an 80% reduction
in the TB incidence rate (new cases per 100,000 population per year) compared with levels in 2015.
The milestones for 2020 are a 35% reduction in the number of TB deaths and a 20% reduction in
the TB incidence rate. The strategy also includes a 2020 milestone that no TB patients and their
households face catastrophic costs as a result of TB disease [1].
To improve TB treatment and diagnostic facilities in Punjab, with a total cost of Rs. 3154.502
million, the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department (P&SHD) has introduced a program
‘Comprehensive Punjab TB Control Program’ in 2015 (gestation period 2015- June 2020). For the
end-term evaluation of the program, DGM&E Evaluation Team visited the program office on 14-
05-2020. The data were collected and observations were recorded.
Data analysis show that the government has released only Rs. 1062.342 million (33.67% of the total
budget allocations) to the program during 2015- May 2020 against the program total cost of Rs.
3154.502 million. Therefore, Program could not achieve its one of the main objective ‘ensure End
TB remains on high political agenda by increasing the financial support from public sector to 100%
by 2020’. To control TB in Punjab/Pakistan and achieve the SDG TB reduction targets, the
government should ensure high-level political commitment to the TB Control Program.
The Program also could not achieve the TB Case notification target for 2020 (from 76% in 2015 to
90% by 2020) as component “LHW / Community Volunteers incentive, District Management
Incentive, Sputum transportation through courier / LHS” were not materialized due to the funding
constrains and funding disbursement issues. Similarly, target for increase in MDR-TB Treatment
success rate from 72% in 2015 to 75% by 2020 was not achieved.
To meet TB Case notification and MDR-TB Treatment success rate targets, the following actions
would be helpful: Increasing TB case detection and notification through the implementation of
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
LHW/ Community Volunteers incentive, District Management Incentive and Sputum transportation
through courier/LHS; Finding all DS-TB and DR-TB cases with the emphasis on the TB and DR-
TB patients seeking care from the public and private service providers and undiagnosed TB cases
in the high-risk populations; Scaling-up free sensitivity diagnostic tests and algorithms;
Strengthening the TB case detection through active and passive case-finding; Conducting universal
screening and testing for TB and MDR-TB among rifampicin-resistant and high-risk populations;
Treating bacteriologically confirmed TB cases; Providing free TB drugs for all cases; Ensuring a
universal daily regimen for patients and rapid scaling up of short-course regimens, and capacity
building of the program staff for effective treatment, management and care of the TB patients.
Strengthening the institutional collaboration on the TB research priorities in the Punjab was one of
the main objective of the Punjab TB Control Program. However, Program did not involve in any
research activity (i.e. Research Publications, Grants for research to scholars & students,
representing the country in international conferences and conducting Operational Research)
during the past five years (2015-2020).
For strengthening the institutional research capacity, the TB Control Program should establish
supportive structures for surveillance, research, and innovations at the district and provincial levels;
Identify and prioritise research gaps; Strengthen research capacity at the local level; Share research
evidence and emerging best practices to strengthen policy and practices; Develop, implement and
institutionalise TB prevention and control research and communication strategies at all levels, and
Establish TB health information exchanges to make up-to-date data widely available.
The Punjab TB Control Program did not have dedicated post of the ‘District TB Coordinator’ that
has affected the implementation, management and monitoring of the program at the district level
across the province. Therefore, for smooth functioning of the Program, the post of ‘District TB
Coordinator’ may be created across all 36 districts of Punjab.
This evaluation concludes that the sustainability of this intervention is vitally important to control
TB epidemic in Punjab/Pakistan. The End TB Strategy milestones for 2030 can only be achieved,
if TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention services are provided under the realm of the universal
health coverage. Moreover, multisectoral collaborations and actions are needed to address the
broader determinants that influence the TB epidemic and its socioeconomic impacts.
Evaluation Team DGM&E

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................................2
Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................................3
List of Abbreviations ...............................................................................................................................................4
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................6
List of Tables & Figures ..........................................................................................................................................9
Section-1: INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND .......................................................................................... 10
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.1 Program Objectives................................................................................................................................... 14
Section-2: EVALUATION METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 16
2.1 Aim of Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2.1 Evaluation Team ....................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.2 Data Collection Tools ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Field Visit and Data Collection................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.4 Data Analysis & Reporting ....................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Ethical Consideration ................................................................................................................................ 17
2.4 Copyright: ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Section-3: DATA ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION FINDINGS .................................................................. 18
3.1 Technical Assessment and Analysis ......................................................................................................... 18
3.1.1 Program Design and Objectives................................................................................................................ 18
3.1.2 Program Major Activities & Achievements .............................................................................................. 20
3.1.3 Program Procurements .................................................................................................................................. 24
3.1.4 Analysis of Program Expenditures ........................................................................................................... 30
3.1.3 Program Human Resource ........................................................................................................................ 31
Section – 4 OBSERVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS ............................................ 33
4.1 Observations & Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Conclusions............................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4 References .................................................................................................................................................. 35
Annex-A: TB profile of Pakistan ........................................................................................................................... 36
Annex-B: Evaluation Proforma (information provided by program team) ............................................................ 37
Annex-C: Activities to enhance TB case finding ................................................................................................... 42
Annex-D: Details of procurement of TB drugs ...................................................................................................... 43
Annex-E: Details of research activities performed ................................................................................................ 44
Annex-F: Details of TB treatment facilities established under the program in Punjab .......................................... 45
Annex-G: Job Description of Program Human Resource ...................................................................................... 61

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
List of Tables & Figures

Table 1. Comparison between targets of MDG and SDG ..................................................................... 12
Table 2: Program Summary ................................................................................................................... 13
Table 3: Provincial Strategic Plans for TB in Punjab – timescale ......................................................... 15
Table 4: Assessment of Project Objectives............................................................................................ 18
Table 5: procurements performed under the project during 2016-2020 ................................................ 24
Table 6: Project Financial Phasing (in Rs. millions) ............................................................................. 30
Table 7: Project Human Resource ......................................................................................................... 31
Table 8: Program Annual Recurring Cost ............................................................................................. 32

Figure 1: Leading causes of deaths worldwide (WHO, 2018)............................................................... 10
Figure 2: Major components of Punjab TB Control Program ............................................................... 13
Figure 3: Schematic diagram of the evaluation process ........................................................................ 16
Figure 4: Gene Xpert Machines installed at THQ hospital in Punjab ................................................... 20
Figure 5: Notification of TB cases under the program (DS-TB all forms), 2015-2019 ........................ 21
Figure 6: Treatment Success rate (Drug Sensitive TB), 2015-2019 ...................................................... 22
Figure 7: Drug Resistant TB (DR-TB) cases notified and enrolled, 2015-2019 ................................... 22
Figure 8: Number of new and relapse TB cases tested using WHO Recommended Rapid Diagnostic
test, 2015-2019 ............................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 9: Number of TB cases screened for HIV, 2015-2019 ............................................................... 23
Figure 10: Program financial phasing & expenditures (in Rs. Millions) ............................................... 30
Figure 11: Components of program annual recurring cost .................................................................... 32

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020

Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease that is a major cause of ill health- one of the top
10 causes of death worldwide and the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent
(ranking above HIV/AIDS) (Figure 1) [1] .
Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually
attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the body. Symptoms include cough for
more than 3 weeks, fever with chills, night sweating, loss of appetite, fatigue, and in worst cases
blood in sputum with chest pain. The TB spreads through the air when a person with the TB of
the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes or speaks [2-3].

Figure 1: Leading causes of deaths worldwide (WHO, 2018)

With a timely diagnosis and treatment with first-line antibiotics for 6 months, most people who
develop TB can be cured and thus onward transmission of infection can be prevented. The number
of TB cases occurring each year (and thus the number of TB-related deaths) can also be lower down
by reducing the prevalence of health-related risk factors for TB (e.g. smoking, diabetes and HIV
infection), providing preventive treatment to people with a latent TB infection, and taking
multisectoral action on broader determinants of TB infection and disease (e.g. poverty, housing
quality and undernutrition) [1].

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Status of the Global TB Epidemic
Estimated around 10 million people fell ill with TB in 2018, a number that has been relatively
stable in recent years [1]. The burden of disease varies enormously among countries, from fewer
than five to more than 500 new cases per 100,000 population per year, with the global average
being around 130 [1]. There were an estimated 1.2 million (range, 1.1–1.3 million) TB deaths
among HIV-negative people in 2018 (a 27% reduction from 1.7 million in 2000), and an
additional 251 000 deaths (range, 223 000–281 000)3 among HIV- positive people (a 60%
reduction from 620 000 in 2000) [1].
TB affects people of both sexes in all age groups, but the highest burden is among men aged
≥15 years, who accounted for 57% of all TB cases in 2018. By comparison, women accounted
for 32% and children (aged <15 years) for 11%. Among all TB cases, 8.6% were people living
with HIV (PLHIV). Geographically, in 2018, most TB cases were in the WHO regions of South-
East Asia (44%), Africa (24%) and the Western Pacific (18%), with smaller percentages in the
Eastern Mediterranean (8%), the Americas (3%) and Europe (3%).
TB Epidemiology in Pakistan
Pakistan is ranked 5th among 22 countries with the highest burden of Tuberculosis (TB), and
27th high Multidrug Resistant (MDR) TB countries of the world. It contributes about 60% of
the total TB burden in the Eastern Mediterranean Region [2], and overall eight countries
accounted for two thirds of the global total including: India (27%), China (9%), Indonesia (8%),
the Philippines (6%), Pakistan (6%), Nigeria (4%), Bangladesh (4%) and South Africa (3%).
These and 22 other countries in the WHO’s list of 30 high TB burden countries accounted for
87% of the world’s cases [1]. Approximately, 510,000 new cases of TB occur in the country
every year [2-3] (complete, TB profile of Pakistan is given at Annex-A).
TB and SDGs Targets
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Target 3.3 includes ending the TB epidemic by
2030. The End TB Strategy defines milestones (for 2020 and 2025) and targets (for 2030 and
2035) for reductions in TB cases and deaths. The targets for 2030 are a 90% reduction in the
number of TB deaths and an 80% reduction in the TB incidence rate (new cases per 100 000
population per year) compared with levels in 2015. The milestones for 2020 are a 35% reduction
in the number of TB deaths and a 20% reduction in the TB incidence rate. The strategy also
includes a 2020 milestone that no TB patients and their households face catastrophic costs as a
result of TB disease. Table 1 presents the comparison between Millennium Development Goals
(2000-2015) and SDGs (2015-2030) on targets related to control and prevention of TB in

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Table 1. Comparison between targets of MDG and SDG
MDG Goal No. 6 Targets SDG Goal No. 3 – Targets

 Increase in case notification of

 By 2005 detection at least estimated incident TB cases (all
70% and cured at least 85% forms) from 76% in 2015 to at least
 By 2015 the global burden of 90% by 2020.
TB disease will be reduced by  Increase in notification of MDR-TB
50% relative to 1990 levels. from 16% to 80% of the estimated
 By 2050 TB will be eliminated incident pulmonary TB cases by
as a global public health 2020.
problem.  Maintain treatment success rate at
91% and increase in MDR TB
success rate from 72% in 2015 to
75% by 2020.
 Ensure, “End TB” remains on high
political agenda by increasing the
financial support from public sector
to 100% by 2020.
 Strengthen the institutional
collaboration on TB research
priorities in the Punjab.

TB Control Program Pakistan/Punjab

The TB Control Program was established in Pakistan in 2004 with the aim to provide free of
cost diagnostic & treatment facility to TB patients through End TB Strategy. The Government
of Pakistan was signatory to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s). The Punjab
Provincial TB Control Program achieved the MDG’s targets till 2015. The Program mainly
contributed to reduce mortality, morbidity, transmission of TB and prevention of drug resistant
TB. The pre-2015 strategy was “stopping TB”. The post-2015 agenda is “ending the TB
epidemic” as a target within the health – related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The
Government of Pakistan and Punjab are committed to contribute in ending the TB as a leading
infectious disease killer.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Figure 2: Major components of Punjab TB Control Program (2015-2020)

After 18th constitutional amendment, the federal government committed to continue funding for
the vertical national health program through PSDP. As per NFC awards the funding from
Federal Government will be available. The Government of Punjab (GoPb) has committed to
allocate funds through TB Control Program. International assistance is also available for this
Program through Global Fund (Geneva Based International Funding Organization). Initially the
complete Program was funded by the donors. Subsequently GoPb starts sharing funding. After
devolution (2010) of health, the GoPb is playing lead role in implementing international agenda
for TB Control Program. Table 1 below presents the summary of the current TB program in
Table 2: Program Summary
Project Title Comprehensive Punjab TB Control Program (2015 to 2020)
Project Location Across 36 districts of Punjab
Sponsoring Agency Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department (P&SHD), Govt. of Punjab
Execution Punjab TB Control Program, P&SHD, Govt. of the Punjab
Operation and Program Director, Punjab TB Control Program,
Maintenance Directorate General Health Services Punjab

Original PC-I Cost Rs. 498.824 Million, approved in March 2004

Revised PC-I Cost Rs. 3497.214 Million, approved @ PDWP on 09-02-2018

Total amount released Rs. 1062.342 Million (until May 2020)

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Actual Expenditure Rs. 776.411 Million (until May 2020) (73% budget utilization against
total amount released)
Project Original 01-07-2015 to 30-06-2020
Gestation Period
Project Actual Contuied as per the program original gestation period (01-07-2015 to 30-
Gestation Period 06-2020)
Beneficiaries General public
Source: Project PC-I & PC-IV

Reasons for Project PC-I Revisions

i. The TB Control Program was initiated with International assistance under the global policy to
control TB epidemic. The Government of Pakistan is committed and implement the international
agenda with their technical and financial assistance. Initially the complete Program was funded by
donors. Subsequently GoPb starts sharing funding. After devolution (2010) of health, the GoPb is
playing lead role in implementing international agenda for TB Control Program.
ii. The previous PC-1 were developed based upon Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These
targets have been achieved till 2015. The targets for post 2015 period are in the framework of
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The revised PC-1 is therefore based on SDGs.
iii. Revised PC-1 needs to be approved on account of revised and enhanced scope of work in
accordance to the policy and directions of Federal & Provincial Governments, which are aligned to
iv. In view of GoPb strategic plan there was dire need to revise and add new strategic interventions
including enhance case finding.
v. Previously besides GoPb share (PC-1), the major share was contributed by PSDP, Global Fund,
NTP (PC-1), and WHO etc. The PSDP share is almost fix. Now, as per commitment, Punjab
Government has to increase its share, as compared to donors. The previous share was 20/80
(GoPb/PSDP: Donors). Keeping in view majority ordinary TB patient, the first line drugs are
mainly used in the Program. Accordingly GoPb share, inter alia, for first line drugs will be about
50%, 70% and 90% for the years from 2017-18 onward respectively.

1.1 Program Objectives

To end the TB epidemic in Pakistan.

The following are some specific objectives of the program.
 Increase in case notification of estimated incident TB cases (all forms) from 76% in
2015 to at least 90% by 2020.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Increase in notification of MDR-TB from 16% to 80% of the estimated incident
pulmonary TB cases by 2020.
 Maintain treatment success rate at 91% and increase in MDR TB success rate from
72% in 2015 to 75% by 2020.
 Ensure, “End TB” remains on high political agenda by increasing the financial support
from public sector to 100% by 2020.
 Strengthen the institutional collaboration on TB research priorities in the Punjab.
Table 3: Provincial Strategic Plans for TB in Punjab – timescale
Timescale Reason for revision
2001 to 2005 “DOTS” expansion (100% coverage in public sector across the
2006 to 2010 Stop TB Strategy- MDGs
Global TB Plan
2011 to 2015 Revised in 2013: Devolution under 18th Amendment
TB Prevalence Survey
2017 to 2020 Revised in 2016: SDGs - End TB Strategy

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020

2.1 Aim of Evaluation

The aim of the evaluation was to examine the program’s progress against the program
objectives to inform the current and similar future projects policy, planning and management
2.2 Methodology
Figure 2 below is the schematic diagram / flow chart of the project evaluation process.









Figure 3: Schematic diagram of the evaluation process

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
2.2.1 Evaluation Team
For the evaluation of the program “Comprehensive Punjab TB Control Program (2015-2020)”
the Director General M&E constituted the following team:
1- Dr. Muhammed Navid Tahir (Health Consultant)
2- Dr. Nauman Ali Ch (Public Health Consultant)
2.2.2 Data Collection Tools
The data collection instruments were developed (Annex-B) and approved by the Senior
Officials of DGM&E before their execution for the data collection.
2.2.3 Field Visit and Data Collection
For evaluation, the DGM&E Team (Dr Muhammad Navid Tahir & Dr Nauman Ali Ch) visited
the Project office on 14-05-2020. The data were collected and observations were recorded.
Mainly, the following quantitative and qualitative sources were used for data collection:
 Review of the project PC-I, PC-IV and other supporting documents
 Literature review (national and international)
 Evaluation proforma (information provided by TB program) (Annex-B)
 Interviews/meetings with the project staff & other relevant stakeholders

2.2.4 Data Analysis & Reporting

After data collection, the data analysis was performed. All relevant primary and secondary data
sources were used for the evaluation. A draft report was prepared first, which was reviewed by
the Senior Specialist (R&D), Director (Coordination) and Director General DGM&E. After
incorporation of their comments / feedback, the Report was finalized.
2.3 Ethical Consideration
The evaluation was conducted in-line with the United Nations (UN) Ethical Guidelines for
Evaluation. During the evaluation process, the following ethical principles were observed:
 The purpose of the evaluation was explained to the participants.
 The participation was voluntary and participants had the right to withdraw from it at any
part of the evaluation process.
 Informed consent of participants was obtained and privacy and confidentiality were
2.4 Copyright:
The DGM&E office has the copyright on all the documents / material collected and produced
as part of this evaluation.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
This section presents the evaluation findings, based on the data collected through various
quantitative and qualitative sources outlined above.
3.1 Technical Assessment and Analysis
The following major assessment parameters/indicators were used:
 Program design and objectives
 Program major activities/interventions
 Program procurements
 Program expenditures/financial phasing
 Program human resource
3.1.1 Program Design and Objectives
Program design is an initial phase of the project, where a project’s main features, structure,
criteria for success and major deliverables are determined. The Comprehensive TB Control
Program (2015-2020) has been designed on the evidence-based interventions that is
successfully implemented worldwide for the prevention and control of the TB epidemic.
Program goals and objectives are aligned with SDGs targets to control TB in Pakistan. Table 4
below shows the assessment of the program objectives/targets:
Table 4: Assessment of Project Objectives
Objectives/ Targets Activity/Component Progress against DGM&E Assessment
against Objective Component
(claimed by
program team)
1. Increase in Case  Enhanced Case Finding Case notification Partially Achieved
Notification of increased to 84 % Case notification target
estimated as per old for 2020 was not
incident TB population census achieved as component
cases (all form) and at 75% “LHW / Community
from 76% in according to Volunteers incentive
2015 to 90% by census population (Rs. 500/Positive case
2020. of 2017 & Rs. 500/ treatment
completion), District
Management Incentive
(CEO Rs. 20000/month
& DTC Rs.
10000/month), Sputum
transportation through
courier / LHS (600
LHS*12Months) were
not materialized due to
funding constrains and

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
funding disbursement
issues (Annex-C).

2. Maintain  Purchase of Drugs Target of 91% Achieved

Treatment  Laboratories (Diagnostic) maintained and Details of procurement
Success rate at program is now at of drugs is given at
91% (Drug 93% Annex-D
Sensitive TB).
3. Increase in Multi Drug Resistance TB Two cohort of Not Achieved
MDR-TB Diagnosis through Gene- MDR TB cases Target for increase in
Treatment Xpert at all THQ DHQ and has been MDR-TB Treatment
Success Rate Teaching Hospital level. completed and success rate from 72%
from 72% in MDR Success in 2015 to 75% by 2020
2015 to 75% by Rate was increased was not achieved.
2020. from 60% to 65%
4. Ensure End TB  Project Management Still the share for Partially Achieved
remains on high  Purchase of Drugs funding from For the TB Program,
political agenda  Enhanced Case Finding partners is at 70% government funding was
by increasing the  Multi Drug Resistance and from public only 30% that needs to be
financial support TB sector is 30%, enhanced to 100% for the
from public  Laboratories which is required to better outcomes and
sector to 100%  Advocacy, be enhanced for the sustainability of Program
by 2020. Communication & Social sustainability of
Mobilization program.
 Research & Training
 Recoding & Reporting
Material Tools
 Monitoring & Evaluation
5. Strengthen the  Grants for research to Not Achieved
institutional scholars & students No research activity was
collaboration  Research Publications performed under the
on TB research  International program (Annex-E).
priorities in the conferences
Punjab  Operational Research

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
3.1.2 Program Major Activities & Achievements
To achieve program objectives, the following were the major activities performed under the
Punjab TB Control Program.

Establishment of TB Treatment Facilities – TB DOTs

 A total of 649 Basic Management Units for DS-TB Childhood TB treatment centres
were established. Out of which 126 have been refurbished as One Window TB Rooms
with Electronic Medical Record (EMR) facility (details of TB treatment facilities in
Punjab is given at Annex-E).
 A total of 2880 General Practitioner (GPs) and 160 Private & Parastatal hospitals
under Public Private Management (PPM) model were established.
 12 MDR-TB management centres (PMDT Sites) were established
Diagnostic Facilities
The following TB diagnostic facilities were developed under the program across Punjab.
 649 microscopy labs
 168 Gene Xpert Labs
 36 Intermediate Labs
 6 Culture Labs
 Provincial Reference Labs
 HIV Screening of all registered TB patients at all BMUs

Figure 4: Gene Xpert Machines installed at THQ hospital in Punjab

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
MDR-TB Management Sites in Punjab
1. Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore
2. Mayo Hospital Lahore
3. Jinnah Hospital Lahore
4. Rawalpindi Leprosy Hospital
5. Samli Sanatorium Murree
6. DHQ Hospital Sialkot
7. DHQ Hospital Sargodha
8. DHQ Hospital Faisalabad
9. Nishtar Hospital Multan
10. BVH Bahawalpur
11. Sheikh Zaid Hospital Rahim Yar Khan
12. Military Hospital Rawalpindi (NTP)

Figure 5: Notification of TB cases under the program (DS-TB all forms), 2015-2019

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Target Achievement





2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 6: Treatment Success rate (Drug Sensitive TB), 2015-2019

Target Achievement



2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 7: Drug Resistant TB (DR-TB) cases notified and enrolled, 2015-2019

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Target Achievement


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 8: Number of new and relapse TB cases tested using WHO Recommended Rapid
Diagnostic test, 2015-2019

Target Achievement




2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 9: Number of TB cases screened for HIV, 2015-2019

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
3.1.3 Program Procurements
Table 5 below shows the list of procurements performed under the project during 2016-2020.
Table 5: procurements performed under the project during 2016-2020

Sr. Total Quantity Total Quantity
Item Name planned
No purchased Utilized
in PC-I
1. Tab RHZE 136,694,880 36,232,237 ** 32,654,283
(150+75+400+275) mg
2. Tab RH (150+75)mg 251,933,400 65,484,600 ** 58,757,804
** Remaining portion of the drugs has been provided by Global Fund. 23% supported by Government
of Punjab and 77% supported by Global Fund in kinds.

Furniture & fixtures

Quantity planned in Total Quantity
Sr. No Item Name
PC-I purchased
1. Table with side Rack 125 125
2. Staff Chair 125 125
3. Visitor Chair 375 375
4. Patient Stool 125 125
5. Air Conditioner Split 125 125

IT Equipment
Sr. No Item Name Quantity planned in PC-I Total Quantity purchased
6. Photocopier 1 1
7. Laptop Computer 15 16
8. Desktop Computer 143 143
9. Laser Printer 143 143
10. Android Tablet 75 75
11. LED TV 50” 30 30

Lab Items

Sr. Total Quantity Total Quantity
Item Name planned
No purchased Utilized
in PC-I
1. Basic Fuchsin 1600 Bottle 450 Bottle 411 Bottle
2. Methylene Blue 600 Bottle 200 Bottle 177 Bottle
3. Oramine 500 Bottle 400 Bottle 381 Bottle
4. Methanol 1000 Bottle 600 Bottle 544 Bottle
5. Hydrochloric 100 Bottle 98 Bottle 65 Bottle
6. Sulphuric Acid 2000 Bottle 560 Bottle 506 Bottle
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
7. Sputum 4,800,000 No 1,750,000 No 1,740,000 No
8. Glass Slides 60,000 Pkt 30,000 Pkt 29,900 Pkt

Quantity Total If not procured,
Item Name planned in Quantity what is anticipated date/month of
PC-I purchased procurement
1. Toyota Single Cabin 6 6
2. Hino Trucks for Mobile 4 2 Funds for remaining were not
Vans provided by government

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Pictures of some major equipment/items procured under the program

Android Tablet


Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020


Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Desktop Computer

Photocopy Machine

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020


Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
3.1.4 Analysis of Program Expenditures
Table 6 below shows the program financial phasing, releases and expenditures. This shows that
of the total program cost of Rs. 3154.502 million, only Rs. 1062.342 million were released
during 2016- May 2020, against which Rs. 776.411 million were utilized under the program.
This indicates that government has released only 33.67% (Rs. 1062.342 million) budget to the
program against the program total cost i.e. 3154.502 million.
Table 6: Project Financial Phasing (in Rs. millions)
Financial Phasing Total amount %
ADP Year Expenditures
as per PC-I Released Utilization
2015-2016 72.403 100 72.403 100%

2016-2017 98.008 100 98.008 100%

2017-2018 791.577 381 335.669 92%
2018-2019 1004.843 181.342 180.342 100%
2019-2020 1187.671 300 89.989 30%
Grand Total
3154.502 1062.342 776.411 73%

Total amount Released Expenditures





2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

Figure 10: Program financial phasing & expenditures (in Rs. Millions)

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
3.1.3 Program Human Resource
Table 7 below presents the number of the various posts approved in the PC-I of the program,
and the current status (filled/vacant) of these posts (Job descriptions of posts are given at
Given the significance of program, it is recommended that the ‘Comprehensive Punjab TB
Control Program 2015-2020’ may be transferred from the Development to Non-development.
However, number of the program posts for the SNE (Schedule for New Expenditures) will be
decided in the Evaluation Committee Meeting (ECM) in-consultation with all relevant
stakeholders (i.e. DGM&E, P&DB, Finance Department, Program director, P&SHD) (Table
Table 7: Project Human Resource
No of
S.# Name of Post BPS Filled Vacant Evaluation Team
1 Director / Program Manager 20 1 1 0 ECM members
2 Additional Director 19 1 1 0 will decide the
3 Chief Microbiologist Labs 19 1 0 1 number of posts
4 Deputy Director Technical 18 1 1 0 for SNE
Manager Development and
5 18 1 0 1
Communication Specialist
6 Manager M&E & Operations 18 1 1 0
7 Manager Labs 18 2 0 2
8 Research Associate 17 1 0 1
9 Molecular / Microbiologist 17 4 0 4
10 Account Officer 17 1 0 1
11 IT Specialist 17 1 0 1
Program Officer Procurement &
12 17 1 0 1
Supply Chain
13 Program Officer MDR 17 1 0 1
14 Program Officer HDL/CHTB 17 1 0 1
15 Program Officer PPM 17 1 0 1
16 Program Officer M&E 17 3 0 3
17 Statistical Officer 17 1 0 1
Program Officer Partnership
18 17 1 0 1
Development & Communication
19 Lab Technologist 17 4 0 4
20 Pharmacist / DDC 17 1 1 0
21 Office Superintendent 17 1 1 0
22 Data Entry Operator 15 2 0 2
23 Stenographer 15 1 1 0
24 Assistant 15 2 1 1
25 Junior Clerk 11 1 1 0
26 Lab Assistant 11 4 0 4
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
27 Store Keeper 6 1 1 0
28 Driver 5 14 14 0
29 Niab Qasid 2 4 3 1
TOTAL 59 27 32

Program Annual Recurring Cost

Table 8 shows the details of the program annual recurring cost after completion of the program
current gestation period (2015- June 2020). This includes operational cost 97% or Rs. 965.603
million and human resource cost 3% or Rs. 26.192 million (Figure 11).
Table 8: Program Annual Recurring Cost
Sr. No Components PC-I Estimates (Rs. Million)
1 Human resource cost 26.192
2 Operational Cost 939.411

Total: 965.603

Cost (in Rs. Million)



Human resource cost Operational Cost

Figure 11: Components of program annual recurring cost

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020

4.1 Observations & Recommendations

This section outlines some major observations and recommendations related to the program.
1. The Program PC-IV document was not properly prepared as most details were missing
in this document. Most of the data were presented in the Excel spreadsheets that were
not easy to follow and understandable.
The TB Control Program should enhance its technical capacity in the project planning
and development (P&D) areas. In this respect, program may establish a dedicated P&D
wing, where human resource should be trained on all related areas especially preparation
of PC-I and PC-IV documents.
2. The government has released only 33.67% (Rs. 1062.342 million) budget to the program
during 2015-2020 against the program total cost i.e. 3154.502 million. Therefore,
program could not achieve its main objective ‘ensure End TB remains on high political
agenda by increasing the financial support from public sector to 100% by 2020’.
To achieve the SDG TB targets and control and prevent TB in Punjab/Pakistan, the
government should ensure high-level political commitment to the TB Control Program.
3. The TB Case notification target for 2020 (from 76% in 2015 to 90% by 2020) was not
achieved as component “LHW / Community Volunteers incentive (Rs. 500/Positive
case & Rs. 500/ treatment completion), District Management Incentive (CEO Rs.
20000/month & DTC Rs. 10000/month), Sputum transportation through courier / LHS
(600 LHS*12Months) were not materialized due to funding constrains and funding
disbursement issues. Similarly, target for increase in MDR-TB Treatment success rate
from 72% in 2015 to 75% by 2020 was not achieved.
To address this challenge, the following actions would be helpful: Case detection
through implementation of LHW / Community Volunteers incentive, District
Management Incentive and Sputum transportation through courier / LHS; Find all DS-
TB and DR-TB cases with the emphasis on TB and DR-TB patients seeking care from
public and private service providers and undiagnosed TB in high-risk populations;
Scale-up free sensitivity diagnostic tests and algorithms; Strengthen TB case detection
through active and passive case-finding; Conduct universal screening and testing for TB
and MDR-TB among rifampicin-resistant and high risk populations; Treat
bacteriologically confirmed cases; Provide free TB drugs for all cases; Ensure a
universal daily regimen for patients and rapid scale up of short-course regimens and
Build capacity for effective treatment and management of the TB patients.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
4. Strengthening the institutional collaboration on TB research priorities in the Punjab was
one of the main objective of the program. However, program did not involve in any
research activity such as: Research Publications, Grants for research to scholars &
students, representing the country in International conferences and conducting
Operational Research.
For Strengthening of the institutional research capacity, the program should establish
supportive structures for surveillance, research, and innovations at district and
provincial levels; Identify and prioritise research gaps; Strengthen research capacity at
the local level; Share research evidence and emerging best practices to strengthen policy
and practices; Strengthen the stewardship role of government at all levels for research
and knowledge management systems; Build institutional capacities to promote,
undertake and utilise research for evidence-based policy-making in health at all levels;
Develop, implement and institutionalise health research and communication strategies
at all levels) and Establish health information exchanges to make up-to-date data widely
5. Program did not have dedicated post of ‘District TB Coordinator’ that has affected the
implementation, management and monitoring of the program at the district level across
the province. For smooth functioning of the program, post of ‘District TB Coordinator’
may be created across all 36 districts of Punjab.
4.2 Conclusions
Comprehensive review of the project documents, analysis of the data and interviews/meetings
with stakeholders suggest that the project “Comprehensive Punjab TB Control Program (2015 to
2020)” may be ranked as a “Partially Successful” intervention.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
4.4 References

1 Global tuberculosis report 2019. Retrieved from

2 Khan A, Shaikh BT, Baig MA. Knowledge, Awareness, and Health-Seeking Behaviour
regarding Tuberculosis in a Rural District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. BioMed
Research International. 2020;2020.

3 Center of Disease Control & Prevention, Tuberculosis disease: symptoms and risk
factorsMarch 2020, features/tbsymptoms/index.html.

4 National TB Control Program, Annual Report 2016, Ministry of National Health Services,
Regulations and Coordination, Islamabad, 2016, August 2018,


Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Annex-A: TB profile of Pakistan

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Annex-B: Evaluation Proforma (information provided by program team)

Evalaution Proforma
A. Project Summary
GS #(Current ADP 2018-19) 608
Revised Comprehensive Punjab TB Control Program
Project Title
(2015 to 2020)
Primary & Secondary Health Care Department , Govt. of the
Sponsoring Agency Punjab
Execution Punjab TB Control Program
Program Director, Punjab TB Control Program,
Operation & Maintenance
Directorate General Health Services Punjab
PC-I Original Cost & Date Rs. 498.824 Million
of Approval (DDSC/PDWP) Date of DDSC/PDWP : 01 March 2004
PC-I Revised Cost & Date of 1 Revision

Rs. 3497.214 Million

Approval (DDSC/PDWP) Date of DDSC/PDWP: 09 February 2018
Total Revised Cost of
Project Revenue Rs.3497.214 Million
Total Released Amount Rs.1062.342 Million
(latest figures mention date) 16.05.2020
Total Expenditures Rs.776.411 Million
(latest figures mention date) 16.05.2020
Release To Date of Fiscal Rs.300.00 Million
Year ( July 2019 to June 2020 )
ADP Fiscal Year 2019 to 2020
Project Approval Date 09 Feb 2018 (Revised PC-1)

Admin Approval Date 09 Feb 2018 (Revised PC-1)

Planned Start Date 01 July 2015

Actual Start Date 01 July 2015

Planned End Date 30 June 2020

Planned Gestation Period (01 July 2015 to 30 June 2020)

Beneficiaries TB Patients and community.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Location Entire Punjab Province

B. Progress against Project Objectives as per PC-I

against Objective Progress against
Objectives/ Targets

84 % as per old
6. Increase in Case Notification of
population and at
estimated incident TB cases (all
form) form 76% in 2015 to 90% by
 Enhanced Case Finding 75% according to
2020. census population of
Target of 91%
7. Maintain Treatment Success rate at  Purchase of Drugs maintained and
91% (Drug Sensitive TB).  Laboratories (Diagnostic) program is now at 93%
Two cohort of MDR TB
 Multi Drug Resistance TB cases has been
8. Increase in MDR-TB Treatment
(Diagnosis through Gene-Xpert completed and MDR
Success Rate from 72% in 2015 to
at all THQ DHQ and Teaching Success Rate was
75% by 2020.
Hospital level. increased from 60% to
 Project Management
 Purchase of Drugs
Still the share for
 Enhanced Case Finding
funding from partners
9. Ensure End TB remains on high  Multi Drug Resistance TB
is at 70% and from
political agenda by increasing the  Laboratories
public sector is 30%,
financial support from public sector  Advocacy, Communication &
to 100% by 2020.
which is required to be
Social Mobilization
enhanced for the
 Research & Training
sustainability of
 Recoding & Reporting Material
 Monitoring & Evaluation

C. Financial Phasing as per PC-I and Expenditures (Rs. in Millions)

Financial Phasing Total Total amount %

ADP Fiscal Year Expenditures
as per PC-I Allocation Released Utilization
2015-2016 72.403 100 100 72.403 100%
98.008 100 100 98.008 100%
791.577 381 381 335.669 92%

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
1004.843 300 181.342 180.342 100%
1187.671 300 300 89.989 30% *
Grand Total 3154.502 1181 1062.342 776.411

C-1: Financial Allocation & Release from PSDP and Govt. of the Punjab (GoP) (Rs. in Millions)

Total Allocation Total amount Total Allocation Total amount

ADP Fiscal Year
Share of PSDP Released Share of GoP Released
2015-2016 9.090 9.692 72.403 100
2016-2017 55.953 68.115 98.008 100
2017-2018 149.950 12.165 791.577 381
2018-2019 63.860 - 1004.843 181.342
2019-2020 63.860 - 1187.671 300
Grand Total (2015-20) 342.713 89.972 3154.501 1062.342
D. Project Financial Expenditures related to Procurements
Please provide details of all procurements involved in the project
1. Medicine (If Any)
If not procured,
Quantity Total Total
what is anticipated
Sr. No Item Name planned Quantity Quantity
date/month of
in PC-I purchased Utilized
3. Tab RHZE 136,694,880 36,232,237 ** 32,654,283
4. Tab RH (150+75)mg 251,933,400 65,484,600 ** 58,757,804
2. Medical Equipment/Items (If Any)
Functional If not procured,
Quantity Total
Equipment/Item status what is anticipated
Sr. No planned Quantity
Name (Functional/ date/month of
in PC-I purchased
Not functional) procurement
1. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
3. Furniture & fixtures (If Any)
Quantity Total If not procured,
Item Name planned in Quantity what is anticipated date/month of
PC-I purchased procurement
12. Table with side Rack 125 125
13. Staff Chair 125 125
14. Visitor Chair 375 375
15. Patient Stool 125 125
16. Air Conditioner Split 125 125
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
4. IT Equipment (If Any)
Quantity Total If not procured,
Item Name planned in Quantity what is anticipated date/month of
PC-I purchased procurement
17. Photocopier 1 1
18. Laptop Computer 15 16
19. Desktop Computer 143 143
20. Laser Printer 143 143
21. Android Tablet 75 75
22. LED TV 50” 30 30

5. Lab Items ***

If not procured,
Quantity Total Total
what is anticipated
Sr. No Item Name planned Quantity Quantity
date/month of
in PC-I purchased Utilized
9. Basic Fuchsin 1600 Bottle 450 Bottle 411 Bottle
10. Methylene Blue 600 Bottle 200 Bottle 177 Bottle
11. Oramine 500 Bottle 400 Bottle 381 Bottle
12. Methanol 1000 Bottle 600 Bottle 544 Bottle
13. Hydrochloric Acid 100 Bottle 98 Bottle 65 Bottle
14. Sulphuric Acid 2000 Bottle 560 Bottle 506 Bottle
15. Sputum Container 4,800,000 No 1,750,000 No 1,740,000 No
16. Glass Slides 60,000 Pkt 30,000 Pkt 29,900 Pkt

6. Vehicles
Quantity Total If not procured,
Item Name planned in Quantity what is anticipated date/month of
PC-I purchased procurement
1. Toyota Single Cabin 6 6
2. Hino Trucks for Mobile 4 2 Funds for remaining was not
Vans provided.

6. Hiring of New Human Resource (If Any) ****

Total no
Total If not hired, what
of posts
Sr. No Designation BPS posts is planned hiring
Hired date/month
in PC-I
1. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

7. Trainings (If Any)*****

Quantity Total If not done,
Training Title
Sr. No planned in Trainings what is anticipated
PC-I conducted date/month of activities
1. N/A N/A N/A N/A
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Note: Please add list of any other component, which was part of the subject project (If Any)

E. Problems/Challenges faced during implementation of the project

Please enlist the major Problems/Challenges faced during implementation of the project (If Any)
 Funds not released as per PC-1 allocation.
 Community tracing of TB patients through LHW’s was compromised due to
various reasons and payment modalities.
 Digital X-Ray for mobile truck was compromised due to various reasons and
payment modalities, now at this stage case for LC opening is in process.

F. Recommendation to improve project performance/progress

Any recommendations to improve project performance/progress (If Any)
1. Creation of posts of District TB Coordinator in all 36 Districts of the Punjab for
proper implementation and monitoring.
2. Provision of funds as per requirement on regular basis.
3. Conversion of program from development side to none development for
4. Involvement of other programs and stake holders for integrated identification
and treatment of TB patients.
5. Implementation of mandatory TB notification act.
6. Engagement of private sector especially GPs.
7. Provision of skilled staff for high tech technology like Gene-Xpert and BSL-III
8. Strengthening of linkages with Public, Private and Development partners.

G. Notes

* The CFY 2019-20 booked expenditure 177.867 M.

** Remaining portion of the drugs has been provided by Global Fund. 23%
support by PC-1 and 77% support by Global Fund in kinds.
*** Lab items purchase by PC-1 and remaining was provided by Global Fund in
**** Ban on recruitment by Govt.
***** Totally funded by Global Fund.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Annex-C: Activities to enhance TB case finding

Summary of Enhanced Case Finding

Target & Achievement
S.No. Activity Breakdown/sub-activity Unit 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Finding missing cases by Home Based Sputm Collection and Transportation
LHW / Community Volunteers
Insentive No. of
1 0 0 0 0 20000 0 20000 0
(Rs. 500/Positive case & Rs. 500/ cases
treatment completion)
District Management Incentive
No. of
2 (CEO Rs. 20000/month & DTC 0 0 0 0 36 0 36 0
Rs. 10000/month)
Sputum transportation through
No. of
3 courier / LHS (600 0 0 0 0 7200 0 7200 0
4 Help Line No. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Door Step Medicine Delivery
Courier medicine New Patient Cat-
1 Courier 0 0 0 0 18000 23607 18000 0
Courier medicine Retreated Patient
2 Courier 0 0 0 0 2000 0 2000 0
Auto Alert Dashboard
1 Anriod Phones / Tab No. 0 0 0 0 75 75 0 0
One Window TB Rooms
1 One Window TB Rooms No. 0 0 0 0 125 125 0 0
Active Case Finding Through Screening camps
1 ACF Through Chest Camps * No. 0 0 0 0 100 58 100 19
* Note: Conducted through Global Fund support

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Annex-D: Details of procurement of TB drugs

Summary of ATT Drugs

Target & Achivement
S.N Activity Breakdown/sub-
Unit 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
o. activity
Patie 2626 2050 2678 2217 2600 2232 2500 2207
1 Total Cases per Year
nt 07 36 59 60 00 15 00 73
Medicine required for
(19% of year 2015-16, 16% 19% 19% 16% 18%
Patie 50% 48% 70% 27%
2 of year 2016-17, 50% of Year & & & &
nts 50% 52% 30% 73%
2017-18, 70% of Year 2018- 81% 81% 84% 82%
19 & 90% of Year 2019-20)
19% 19% 16% 18%
CAT-I (Rs. 3500/ case) Patie 50% 48% 70% 27%
3 & & & &
90% of DS TB nt 50% 52% 30% 73%
81% 81% 84% 82%
CAT-II ( Rs. 6000/ Case) Patie 1300 1210 1575 1290
4 0 0 0 0
10% of DS TB * nt 0 2 0 8
Childhood Drugs ( Rs.
Patie 1300 1558 1575 1606
5 4000/Case) 0 0 0 0
nt 0 1 0 2
10% of DS TB *
6 MDR-TB * 0 0 0 0 80 80 120 120
* Note: Supplied through Global
Fund Support

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Annex-E: Details of research activities performed

Summary of Research & Training

Target & Achivement
S.No. Activity Breakdown/sub-activity Unit 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Grants for Research to Scholars &
1 Person 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0
2 Research Publications No 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 0
3 International conferences No 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0
4 Operational Research Project 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Annex-F: Details of TB treatment facilities established under the program in Punjab

No Province Name of District Name of Center

1 Punjab Attock DHQ Ak

2 Punjab Attock THQ Hazro
3 Punjab Attock RHC Rangoo
4 Punjab Attock THQ Hassanabdal
5 Punjab Attock THQ Pindigheb
6 Punjab Attock RHC Maghain
7 Punjab Attock THQ Fatehjang
8 Punjab Attock RHC Bahter
9 Punjab Attock THQ Jand
10 Punjab Attock RHC Domail
11 Punjab Attock RHC Chabb
12 Punjab Attock PATA AK
13 Punjab Attock PPM AK
14 Punjab Attock Dist Jail AK
15 Punjab Bahawalnagar DHQ B. Nagar
16 Punjab Bahawalnagar THQ Chishtian
17 Punjab Bahawalnagar THQ Minchinabad
18 Punjab Bahawalnagar THQ fort abbas
19 Punjab Bahawalnagar THQ haroon abad
20 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC dahranwala
21 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC sher fareed
22 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC Madrissa
23 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC faqir wala
24 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC khichiwala
25 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC maroot
26 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC mandi sadiq ganj
27 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC mecglod ganj
28 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC 6/G
29 Punjab Bahawalnagar RHC Donga bonga
30 Punjab Bahawalnagar District jail
31 Punjab Bahawalnagar Green star
32 Punjab Bahawalpur Bahawal Victoria Hospital
33 Punjab Bahawalpur THQ Hosp:Ahmed Pur East
34 Punjab Bahawalpur THQ Hosp:Khair Pur Tamewali
35 Punjab Bahawalpur THQ Hosp:Yazman
36 Punjab Bahawalpur TBC Bahawalpur

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
37 Punjab Bahawalpur TBC Hasil Pur
38 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Channi Goth
39 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Choonan Wala
40 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Dera Bakhha
41 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Head Rajkan
42 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Khanqah Sharif
43 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Khutri Banglaw
44 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Lala Sohanra
45 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Mubarik Pur
46 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Qaim Pur
47 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Uch Sharif
48 Punjab Bahawalpur RHC Kud Wala
49 Punjab Bahawalpur Hasilpur (PATA)
50 Punjab Bahawalpur Agha Khan Family Health Center
51 Punjab Bahawalpur Bostral Jail Bwp.
52 Punjab Bahawalpur Central Jail Bwp.
53 Punjab Bahawalpur THQ Hasilpur
54 Punjab Bahawalpur PESSI Bahawalpur
55 Punjab Bahawalpur BMU Mangwani
56 Punjab Bahawalpur BHU Hatheji
57 Punjab Bahawalpur Civil Hospital Jhangi Wala
59 Punjab Bhakkar THQ KALUR KOT
60 Punjab Bhakkar THQ MANKERA
61 Punjab Bhakkar THQ DARYA KHAN
62 Punjab Bhakkar RHC BEHAL
63 Punjab Bhakkar RHC JANDAN WALA
64 Punjab Bhakkar RHC DULEY WALA
65 Punjab Bhakkar RHC HAIDAR ABAD
66 Punjab Bhakkar BHU SARAY MUHAJIR
67 Punjab Bhakkar PATA PPM 2
68 Punjab Bhakkar ASD PPM 1
69 Punjab Chakwal DHQ Chakwal
70 Punjab Chakwal THQ Talagang
71 Punjab Chakwal THQ C.S.Shah
72 Punjab Chakwal City hospital talagnag
73 Punjab Chakwal RHC B. Kalan
74 Punjab Chakwal RHC Balkasar
75 Punjab Chakwal RHC MUNDAY
76 Punjab Chakwal RHC pir PHULLAI
77 Punjab Chakwal RHC dhudial
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
78 Punjab Chakwal RHC dhuman
79 Punjab Chakwal RHC Tamman
80 Punjab Chakwal RHC Jhatla
81 Punjab Chakwal RHC KOT Qazi
82 Punjab Chakwal PPM
83 Punjab Chakwal TRAUMA CENTER KK
84 Punjab Chakwal RHC Lawa
86 Punjab Chiniot TB CLINIC CHINIOT
88 Punjab Chiniot RHC AHMAD NAGAR
90 Punjab Chiniot RHC BARANA
91 Punjab Chiniot PPM
92 Punjab Chiniot RHC CHAK NO 14/JB
93 Punjab Dera ghazi khan DHQ DG KHAN
94 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC CHOTI ZARIEN
95 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC KOT CHUTTA
96 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC QADIR ABAD
97 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC SAWAR WALI
98 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC SHADAN LUND
99 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC SHAH SADAR DIN
100 Punjab Dera ghazi khan PATA
101 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC TIBBI QAISRANI
102 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC VEHOA
103 Punjab Dera ghazi khan THQ TOUNSA
104 Punjab Dera ghazi khan CIVIL HOSPITAL FORT MUNRU
105 Punjab Dera ghazi khan CIVIL HOSPITAL SAKHI SARWAR
106 Punjab Dera ghazi khan RHC BARTHI
107 Punjab Dera ghazi khan CENTER JAIL
108 Punjab Dera ghazi khan PPM
109 Punjab Faisalabad DHQ Hos.FSD
110 Punjab Faisalabad Allied Hospital
111 Punjab Faisalabad THQ Hospital Ch.Jhumra
112 Punjab Faisalabad RHC 30/JB
113 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Dijkot
114 Punjab Faisalabad ID Hospital sher singh wala
115 Punjab Faisalabad RHC 229/RB
116 Punjab Faisalabad G.G.Hos.GM Abad
117 Punjab Faisalabad BHU74/JB
118 Punjab Faisalabad RHC 65/GB
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
119 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Khurriawala
120 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Lundianwala
121 Punjab Faisalabad THQ HOSP. Jaranwala
122 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Kanjwani
123 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Mamunkanjan
124 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Mureedwala
125 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Pindi sheikh musa
126 Punjab Faisalabad THQ Hos.Samundri
127 Punjab Faisalabad TB Hos.(PATA)
128 Punjab Faisalabad RHC 153/RB
129 Punjab Faisalabad THQ Hos.Tandlianwala
130 Punjab Faisalabad RHC Satyana
131 Punjab Faisalabad AIMS TB Center
132 Punjab Faisalabad Central Jail
133 Punjab Faisalabad Borstal Jail
134 Punjab Faisalabad Govt. Hospital Samanabad
135 Punjab Faisalabad District Jail
136 Punjab Faisalabad ZCD 56 JB
137 Punjab Faisalabad Social Security Hosp, Fsd (PPM)
138 Punjab Faisalabad S.M.T HOSPITAL
139 Punjab Gujranwala THQ Nosharah
140 Punjab Gujranwala BHU Tatly ali
141 Punjab Gujranwala RHC qila dedar singh
142 Punjab Gujranwala RHC Dhounkal
143 Punjab Gujranwala GTBC Wazirabad
144 Punjab Gujranwala RHC Wahdoo
145 Punjab Gujranwala PATA Tbc Gujranwala
146 Punjab Gujranwala RHC Ahmed Nagar
147 Punjab Gujranwala RHC amanabad
148 Punjab Gujranwala THQ kamoki
149 Punjab Gujranwala DHQ gujranwala
150 Punjab Gujranwala Al Raee Hospital
151 Punjab Gujranwala PPM
152 Punjab Gujranwala AIMH GUJRANWALA
154 Punjab Gujranwala RHC GHAKHAR
155 Punjab Gujranwala RHC ALIPURCHATHA
156 Punjab Gujranwala PESSI GUJRANWALA
157 Punjab Gujrat RHC Tanda
158 Punjab Gujrat Civil Hosp. J.Jattan
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
160 Punjab Gujrat ABSH Hosp.
161 Punjab Gujrat RHC Shadiwal
162 Punjab Gujrat THQ KUNJA
163 Punjab Gujrat District Jail gujrat
164 Punjab Gujrat RHC Lala Musa
165 Punjab Gujrat THQ SARAI ALAMGIR
166 Punjab Gujrat RHC SARAI ALAMGIR
167 Punjab Gujrat THQ Hosp. Kharian
168 Punjab Gujrat Social Security Hospital, Gujrat
169 Punjab Gujrat RHC PindiSultan pur
170 Punjab Gujrat RHC Malka
171 Punjab Gujrat RHC DINGA
172 Punjab Gujrat Civil Hospital Kotla Arab Ali khan
173 Punjab Gujrat RHC Daulat Nagar
174 Punjab Gujrat RHC Dullanwala
175 Punjab Gujrat TLH LALAMUSA
176 Punjab Gujrat RHC KARIANWALA
177 Punjab Hafizabad DHQ Hospital Hafizabad
178 Punjab Hafizabad THQ Hospital Pindi Bhattian
179 Punjab Hafizabad Govt. TB Clinic Hafizabad
180 Punjab Hafizabad RHC Jalal Pur Bhattian
181 Punjab Hafizabad RHC Kaleke Mandi
182 Punjab Hafizabad RHC Sukheke Mandi
183 Punjab Hafizabad PPM
184 Punjab Hafizabad RHC Vanike Tarar
185 Punjab Jhang DHQ/TBC Jhang
186 Punjab Jhang City Hospital Jhang city
187 Punjab Jhang THQ Ahmad Pur Sial
188 Punjab Jhang THQ 18 hazari
189 Punjab Jhang THQ Shorkot
190 Punjab Jhang RHC mochiwala
191 Punjab Jhang RHC Bagh
192 Punjab Jhang RHC makhiana
193 Punjab Jhang RHC Shah jewana
194 Punjab Jhang RHC HS Rajoo
195 Punjab Jhang RHC kot Shakir
196 Punjab Jhang RHC Rodu Sultan
197 Punjab Jhang RHC Haveli Bahadur Shah
198 Punjab Jhang RHC Garh Mahraja
199 Punjab Jhang RHC Waryam wala
200 Punjab Jhang PATA Tehsil Jhang
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
201 Punjab Jhang District Jail
202 Punjab Jhang PPM(MC)
203 Punjab Jhelum DHQ Hospital Jhelum
204 Punjab Jhelum THQ Hospital Sohawa
205 Punjab Jhelum THQ Hospital PD Khan
206 Punjab Jhelum RHC Domeli
207 Punjab Jhelum RHC Dina
208 Punjab Jhelum RHC Khalaspur
209 Punjab Jhelum RHC Jalalpur Sharif
210 Punjab Jhelum RHC Lilla
211 Punjab Jhelum MCH Center Shandar Chowk
212 Punjab Jhelum Civil Hospital Khewra
214 Punjab Kasur RHC Kot Radha Kishen
215 Punjab Kasur RHC Mustafa Abad
216 Punjab Kasur TBC PATTOKI
217 Punjab Kasur RHC Raja Jang
218 Punjab Kasur RHC Ganda Singh Wala
219 Punjab Kasur RHC Khudian
220 Punjab Kasur DHQ Hospital, Kasur
221 Punjab Kasur Gulab Devi Chest Hosp. Kasur
222 Punjab Kasur RHC Ellah Abad
223 Punjab Kasur RHC Kanganpur
224 Punjab Kasur RHC Changa Manga
225 Punjab Kasur THQ Hospital, Chunian
226 Punjab Kasur THQ Hospital, Pattoki
227 Punjab Kasur RHC Habibabad
228 Punjab Kasur RHC Hallah
229 Punjab Kasur RHC Phool Nagar
231 Punjab Kasur PATA KASUR
232 Punjab Kasur PATA CHUNIAN
233 Punjab Kasur PATA PATTOKI
234 Punjab Kasur DISTRICT JAIL
235 Punjab Kasur RHC JOURA
236 Punjab Kasur BHU KOT MEHTAB KHAN
237 Punjab Kasur SZC(CHS)
238 Punjab Khanewal DHQ KHANEWAL
239 Punjab Khanewal THQ MIANCHINOO
240 Punjab Khanewal THQ JEHANIAN
241 Punjab Khanewal THQ KABIRWALA
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
242 Punjab Khanewal RHC KHACHA KHOO
243 Punjab Khanewal RHC TULUMBA
244 Punjab Khanewal RHC ABDUL HAKIM
245 Punjab Khanewal RHC SARAI SIDHU
246 Punjab Khanewal RHC THATHA SADIQABAD
247 Punjab Khanewal Mercy corps
248 Punjab Khanewal PATA
249 Punjab Khushab DHQ HOSPITAL
250 Punjab Khushab TB chest clinic
251 Punjab Khushab THQ Hospital Khusab
252 Punjab Khushab THQ Hospital qaidabad
253 Punjab Khushab THQ Hospital naushera
254 Punjab Khushab THQ Hospital Nur pur thal
255 Punjab Khushab RHC Hadali
256 Punjab Khushab RHC Khabaki
257 Punjab Khushab RHC Mitha tiwana
258 Punjab Khushab RHC Padhrar
259 Punjab Khushab RHC Roda
260 Punjab Khushab PPM KHUSHAB
261 Punjab Lahore Model chest clinic
265 Punjab Lahore Social security hospital
271 Punjab Lahore JINNAH HOSPITAL
274 Punjab Lahore PESSI SHAHDRA
275 Punjab Lahore PESSI RAIWIND
277 Punjab Lahore Children Hospital
279 Punjab Lahore govt.Dispensory Dharampura
282 Punjab Lahore PATA GULBERG
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
283 Punjab Lahore PATA Rasheed memorail
284 Punjab Lahore CHS MUGHAL PURA
285 Punjab Lahore CHS GULSHANE RAVI
287 Punjab Lahore RHC AWAN DHAI WALA
288 Punjab Lahore RHC BARKI
289 Punjab Lahore RHC CHUNG
290 Punjab Lahore RHC KHANA
291 Punjab Lahore RHC RAIWIND
292 Punjab Lahore PATA NISBAT ROAD
298 Punjab Lahore AFJOG
299 Punjab Layyah DHQ Hospital Layyah
300 Punjab Layyah THQ Hospital Karor
301 Punjab Layyah THQ Hospital Choubara
302 Punjab Layyah THQ Hospital Kot Sultan
303 Punjab Layyah THQ Hospital Fateh Pur
304 Punjab Layyah THQ Hospital Chowk Azam
305 Punjab Layyah RHC Jaman Shah
306 Punjab Layyah RHC Mirhan
307 Punjab Layyah RHC Pahar Pur
308 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#124/TDA
309 Punjab Layyah BHU Basti Shadoo Khan
310 Punjab Layyah BHU Sumra Nashaib
311 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#242-B/TDA
312 Punjab Layyah BHU Lohanch Nashaib
313 Punjab Layyah BHU Jakhar Pacca
314 Punjab Layyah BHU Bakhri Ahmed Khan
315 Punjab Layyah BHU Bait Wasawa Shumali
316 Punjab Layyah BHU Ladhana
317 Punjab Layyah BHU Sami Pur Bhagal
318 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#172/TDA
319 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#157/TDA
320 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#339/TDA
321 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#151/TDA
322 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#136/TDA
323 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#161/TDA
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
324 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#218/TDA
325 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#75-A/TDA
326 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#90/ML
327 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#90-A/TDA
328 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#110/TDA
329 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#306/TDA
330 Punjab Layyah BHU Garay Wala
331 Punjab Layyah BHU Sahoo Wala
332 Punjab Layyah BHU Shah Pur
333 Punjab Layyah BHU Kutani Wala
334 Punjab Layyah BHU Laskani Wala
335 Punjab Layyah BHU Jhok Jaskani
336 Punjab Layyah BHU Waran Sehran
337 Punjab Layyah BHU Marhan Wali
338 Punjab Layyah BHU Jharkil
339 Punjab Layyah BHU Deen Pur
340 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#120/TDA
341 Punjab Layyah BHU Sher Garh
342 Punjab Layyah BHU Nawan Kot
343 Punjab Layyah BHU Khairay Wala
344 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#325/TDA
345 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#366/TDA
346 Punjab Layyah BHU Chak#300/TDA
347 Punjab Lodhran DHQ Lodhran
348 Punjab Lodhran THQ DUNIAPUR
349 Punjab Lodhran THQ kharapaka
350 Punjab Lodhran RHC GOGRAN
351 Punjab Lodhran RHC 53/M
352 Punjab Lodhran RHC 231/WB
353 Punjab Lodhran RHC makhdomm Ali
354 Punjab Lodhran BHU massa katha
360 Punjab MB DIN RCH MONG
363 Punjab MB DIN PPM
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
367 Punjab Mianwali THQ PIPLAN
368 Punjab Mianwali THQ KALA BAGH
369 Punjab Mianwali THQ ISA KHEL
370 Punjab Mianwali RHC TENAG
371 Punjab Mianwali RHC KAMAR MUSHANI
372 Punjab Mianwali RHC TABI SARI
373 Punjab Mianwali RHC DOUD KHAIL
374 Punjab Mianwali RHC MOCHI
375 Punjab Mianwali RHC CHOKRALA
376 Punjab Mianwali RHC KUNDIAN
377 Punjab Mianwali RHC MUSA KHAIL
378 Punjab Mianwali RHC WAN BHADRIAL
379 Punjab Mianwali RHC HAFIZ WALA
380 Punjab Mianwali PPM
381 Punjab Mianwali PATA MIANWALI
382 Punjab Multan RHC Makhdum Rashid
383 Punjab Multan RHC Ayyazabad Maral
384 Punjab Multan RHC Qadirpur Rawan
385 Punjab Multan RHC Mardan Pur
386 Punjab Multan RHC Sher Shah
387 Punjab Multan Civil Hospital Multan
388 Punjab Multan Nishtar Hospital Multan
389 Punjab Multan THQ Hospital Shujabad
390 Punjab Multan RHC Matotli
391 Punjab Multan RHC Kotli Nijabat
392 Punjab Multan THQ Jalalpurpirwala
393 Punjab Multan PATA TB Clinic Shujabad
394 Punjab Multan New Central Jail Multan
395 Punjab Multan Town Hospital Rahimabad
396 Punjab Multan Town Hospital Mumtazabad
397 Punjab Multan District Jail Multan
398 Punjab Multan Women Jail Multan
399 Punjab Multan RHC Miran Malla
400 Punjab Multan PESSI Hospita (Kh.Fareed Hosp.)
401 Punjab Multan Pakistan Railway Hospital, Multan
402 Punjab Multan PPM (MC)
403 Punjab Multan BHU Bahadar Pur
404 Punjab Multan Multan Medical & Dental College
405 Punjab Multan M.M.S.Sharif General Hospital
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
406 Punjab Multan Govt. Fatima Jinnah Women Hospital
407 Punjab Multan Cantonment General Hospital
408 Punjab Multan Town Hospital s Block new multan
409 Punjab Multan Children Hospital
410 Punjab Muzaffar garh THQ Hospital Ali Pur
411 Punjab Muzaffar garh THQ Hospital Jatoi
412 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Seet Pur
413 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Khair Pur Saddat
414 Punjab Muzaffar garh BHU Bait Mir Hazar
415 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Shah Jamal
416 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Shaher Sultan
417 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Rohillan Wali
418 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Khan Garh
419 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Basira
420 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Gujrat
421 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Sinawan
422 Punjab Muzaffar garh THQ Hospital Kot Addu
423 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Daira Deen Pannah
424 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Chowk Sarwar Shaheed
425 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Rang Pur
426 Punjab Muzaffar garh RHC Murad Abad
427 Punjab Muzaffar garh Social Security Hospital Muzaffargarh
428 Punjab Muzaffar garh DHQ Hospital Muzaffargarh
429 Punjab Muzaffar garh District Jail Muzaffargarh
430 Punjab Muzaffar garh PPM (Consolidated)
431 Punjab Nankana saib DHQ HOSPITAL NANKANA
432 Punjab Nankana saib RHC WARBURTON
433 Punjab Nankana saib RHC REHAN WALA
434 Punjab Nankana saib RHC MORKHUNDAN
435 Punjab Nankana saib RHC BUCHEIKE
436 Punjab Nankana saib RHC SYEDWALA
437 Punjab Nankana saib THQ SHAHKOT
438 Punjab Nankana saib THQ SANGLA HILL
439 Punjab Nankana saib PPM-1
440 Punjab Nankana saib RHC BARAGHAR
441 Punjab Narowal DHQ Hospital Narowal
442 Punjab Narowal TBC Clinic Shakargarh
443 Punjab Narowal RHC Ahmed Abad
444 Punjab Narowal RHC Baddomalhi
445 Punjab Narowal RHC Sankhatra
446 Punjab Narowal RHC Zafarwal
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
447 Punjab Narowal RHC Laser Kalan
448 Punjab Narowal RHC Shah Gharib
449 Punjab Narowal PPM
450 Punjab Narowal RHC Kot Naina
451 Punjab Okara DHQ Hospital
452 Punjab Okara DHQ Hospital (South)
453 Punjab Okara THQ Hosp. Depalpur
454 Punjab Okara RHC Gogera
455 Punjab Okara RHC Shahbor
456 Punjab Okara RHC Bama Bala
457 Punjab Okara RHC Renala Khurd
458 Punjab Okara RHC Akhtarabad
459 Punjab Okara THQ Hosp. Haveli
460 Punjab Okara RHC Wasaweywala
461 Punjab Okara RHC Basirpur
462 Punjab Okara RHC Batak
463 Punjab Okara RHC Hujra
464 Punjab Okara PATA Okara
465 Punjab Okara PATA Haveli
466 Punjab Okara RHC MANDI Ahmadabad
467 Punjab Okara Rosary Christian Hosp
468 Punjab Pak pattan DHQ PAKPATTAN
469 Punjab Pak pattan THQ PAKPATTAN
470 Punjab Pak pattan RHC BUNGA HAYAT
471 Punjab Pak pattan RHC MALKA HANS
472 Punjab Pak pattan RHC QABULA
473 Punjab Pak pattan RHC 163/EB
474 Punjab Pak pattan RHC 93/D
475 Punjab Rahim yar khan SZH&MC RYK
476 Punjab Rahim yar khan TBC SADIQABAD
477 Punjab Rahim yar khan TBC KHAN PUR
478 Punjab Rahim yar khan THQ Hospital LiaqatPur
479 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC MANTHAR
480 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC TRINDA SWAY KHAN
481 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC KOT SOMABA
482 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC MIANWALI QURESHIAN
483 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC ROJAN PUR
484 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC PACCA LARAN
485 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC CHAK NO 173-P
486 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC SANJAR PUR
487 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC JAMAL DIN WALI
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
488 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC AHMAD PUR LAMMA
489 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC NAWAZ ABAD
490 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC SAHJA
491 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC ZAHIR PIR
492 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC BAGHO BAHAR
493 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC NAWAN KOT
494 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC KHAN BELLA
495 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC T.M. PANAH
496 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC FEROZA
497 Punjab Rahim yar khan RHC ALLAH ABAD
498 Punjab Rahim yar khan PATA CENTER RYK CITY
499 Punjab Rahim yar khan INDUS HOSPITAL BHONG
500 Punjab Rahim yar khan PPM(ASD)
501 Punjab Rajan pur DHQ HOSPITALL RAJAN PUR
502 Punjab Rajan pur THQ HOSPITAL JAMPUR
503 Punjab Rajan pur THQ HOSPITAL ROJHAN
504 Punjab Rajan pur RHC HARRAND
505 Punjab Rajan pur RHC DAJAL
506 Punjab Rajan pur RHC FAZAL PUR
507 Punjab Rajan pur RHC KOT MITHAN
508 Punjab Rajan pur RHC BANGLA ICHA
509 Punjab Rajan pur RHC MUHAMMAD PUR
511 Punjab Rajan pur BHU KOTLA NASEER
512 Punjab Rajan pur PLYC RAJAN PUR DISTRICT
513 Punjab Rajan pur PATA ROJHAN
514 Punjab Rawalpindi THQ MURREE
515 Punjab Rawalpindi THQ KOTLI SATTIAN
516 Punjab Rawalpindi THQ KAHUTA
517 Punjab Rawalpindi THQ KALLAR SYEDAN
518 Punjab Rawalpindi THQ GUJAR KHAN
519 Punjab Rawalpindi THQ TAXILA
520 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC LEHTRAR
521 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC BAGGA SHEIKHAN
522 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC CHOUNTRA
523 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC QAZIAN
524 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC DOULTALA
525 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC MANDRA
526 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC PHAGWARI
527 Punjab Rawalpindi RHC KHABAN.SIR SYED
528 Punjab Rawalpindi H FH RWP
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
529 Punjab Rawalpindi BBH RWP
530 Punjab Rawalpindi DHQ RWP
531 Punjab Rawalpindi RAILWAY HOSPITAL RWP
532 Punjab Rawalpindi LEPROSY HOSPITAL RWP
533 Punjab Rawalpindi AL MUSTAFA RWP
534 Punjab Rawalpindi CENTRAL JAIL RWP
535 Punjab Rawalpindi SOCIAL SECURITY ISB
536 Punjab Rawalpindi CREEEN STAR RWP
537 Punjab Rawalpindi MH RWP
538 Punjab Rawalpindi POF RWP
539 Punjab Rawalpindi CHS
540 Punjab Sahiwal DHQ HOSPITAL
541 Punjab Sahiwal QAYYUM HOSPITAL
542 Punjab Sahiwal RHC 55/5L
543 Punjab Sahiwal RHC 120/9L
544 Punjab Sahiwal RHC 112/9L
545 Punjab Sahiwal RHC HARAPPA
546 Punjab Sahiwal RHC NOOR SHAH
547 Punjab Sahiwal RHC 185/9L
548 Punjab Sahiwal THQ CHICHAWATNI
549 Punjab Sahiwal RHC 8/11 L
550 Punjab Sahiwal RHC 45/12L
551 Punjab Sahiwal RHC 96/12L
552 Punjab Sahiwal RHC GHAZIABAD
553 Punjab Sahiwal RHC KASSOWAL
554 Punjab Sahiwal CENTRAL JAIL
555 Punjab Sahiwal SZC(CHS)
556 Punjab Sahiwal PATA
557 Punjab Sargodha DHQ Hospital
558 Punjab Sargodha Govt. TB Hospital
559 Punjab Sargodha THQ Bhalwal
560 Punjab Sargodha THQ 90-SB
561 Punjab Sargodha THQ Shah Pur
562 Punjab Sargodha THQ Sahiwal
563 Punjab Sargodha THQ Bhagtanwala
564 Punjab Sargodha THQ Kot Momin
565 Punjab Sargodha THQ Bhera
566 Punjab Sargodha THQ Sillanwali
567 Punjab Sargodha RHC Moazzamabad
568 Punjab Sargodha RHC Lalliani
569 Punjab Sargodha RHC Midh Ranjha
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
570 Punjab Sargodha RHC 46-SB
571 Punjab Sargodha RHC Bhabra
572 Punjab Sargodha RHC Phularwan
573 Punjab Sargodha RHC Miani
574 Punjab Sargodha RHC FAROOKA
575 Punjab Sargodha RHC JHAWARIAN
576 Punjab Sargodha AGHA KHAN TB CENTER
579 Punjab Sargodha PPM(ASD)
580 Punjab Sargodha RHC 71-SB
581 Punjab Sargodha RHC 104-NB
582 Punjab Sheikhupura DHQ H. SKP
583 Punjab Sheikhupura THQ MURIDKE
584 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC JANDIALA SHER KHAN
585 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC FAROOQABAD
586 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC MANANWALA
587 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC KHARIANWALA
588 Punjab Sheikhupura THQ SHARAQPUR SHARIF
589 Punjab Sheikhupura THQ FEROZEWALA
590 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC NARNG MANDI
591 Punjab Sheikhupura TB CLINIC PATA SKP
592 Punjab Sheikhupura District Jail
593 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC Khanqa Dogran
594 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC Safdarabad
595 Punjab Sheikhupura PPM
596 Punjab Sheikhupura RHC Kala Shah Kaku
597 Punjab Sheikhupura SSH Sheikhupura
598 Punjab Sheikhupura Children Complex Hospital SKP
599 Punjab Sialkot AIMH(DHQH)
600 Punjab Sialkot THQ PASRUR
602 Punjab Sialkot TBC Daska
603 Punjab Sialkot TBH DASKA
604 Punjab Sialkot RHC BEGUWALA
605 Punjab Sialkot RHC CHAWINDA
606 Punjab Sialkot RHC JAMKE CHEEMA
607 Punjab Sialkot RHC KAHLIAN
608 Punjab Sialkot RHC KLASWALA
609 Punjab Sialkot THQ KOTLI LOHRAN
610 Punjab Sialkot THQ SAMBRIAL
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
611 Punjab Sialkot RHC SATRAH
612 Punjab Sialkot PPM
613 Punjab Sialkot PESSI
614 Punjab Sialkot CHEST HOSPITAL
615 Punjab Sialkot BETHANIA HOSPITAL
616 Punjab Sialkot Al sheikh hospital sialkot
617 Punjab Sialkot CMH Hospital sialkot
626 Punjab TT SINGH RHC 316 GB
627 Punjab TT SINGH RHC 394 GB
631 Punjab TT SINGH RHC 740 GB
632 Punjab Vehari RHC GAGGOO
633 Punjab Vehari RHC SAHUKA
634 Punjab Vehari THQ H BUREWALA
635 Punjab Vehari RHC JALLA JEEM
636 Punjab Vehari RHC TIBBA SULTAN PUR
637 Punjab Vehari THQ H MAILSI
638 Punjab Vehari DHQ H VEHARI
639 Punjab Vehari RHC 56/WB
640 Punjab Vehari RHC LUDDON
641 Punjab Vehari RHC MACHIWAL
642 Punjab Vehari RHC 87/WB
643 Punjab Vehari RHC 222/WB
644 Punjab Vehari RHC SHARAF
645 Punjab Vehari RHC KARAM PUR
646 Punjab Vehari RHC GARHAMOR
647 Punjab Vehari RHC 148/EB
648 Punjab Vehari RHC 188/EB
650 Punjab Vehari PPM(PLYC)
651 Punjab Vehari PPM(M.C)
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Annex-G: Job Description of Program Human Resource

Program Manager
Qualification: MBBS with post-graduation in Public Health
Experience: 10 Years
Salary Package: 500,000/- PKR / BS-20
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
Main Responsibilities:
The Program Manager/ Director Program oversees the coordination and administration of all
aspects of an ongoing program including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling
program activities.
Key Tasks:
Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
 Plan the delivery of the overall program and its activities in accordance with the mission and
the goals of TB Control Program.
 Coordination with the international donors, partners, corporate sector, health organization for
the technical and financial resource generation.
 Shall be responsible for the program implementation at provincial level according to WHO
and NTP guidelines.
 To engage research and development organizations in developing and evaluating innovations,
evidence based interventions and disseminating program experiences.
 Introduce new initiatives to support the strategic direction of the Program.
 Implement long-term goals and objectives to achieve the successful outcome of the program.
 Ensure periodical evaluation of the program to assess the strength of the program and to
identify areas for improvement.
 Efforts shall be made to achieve the SDGs.
 Develop funding proposals for the program to ensure the continuous delivery of services.

Policy Development:
 Ensure that program activities operate within the policies and procedures of the organization.
 Ensure that program activities comply with all relevant legislation and professional standards.
 Oversee development of forms and records to document program activities as per NTP
 Oversee the collection and maintenance of programmatic records for statistical purposes
according to the confidentiality/privacy policy of the program.

Staff the program

 Ensure recruitment of well qualified staff with the appropriate skills in consultation with the
competent authority.
 Establish and implement a performance management process for all program staff.
Control the program
 Ensure that the program operate within the approved budget.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Monitor all expenditures in accordance to its budget.
 Manage all program funds be utilized in accordance to established accounting policies and

Qualification: MBBS with post-graduation in Public Health
Experience: 07 Years
Salary Package: 350,000/- PKR / BS-19
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
Key Responsibilities:

The Additional Director oversees the planning, implementation, and execution of the program
according to the goals and targets.
 Lead and direct technical and administrative project team.
 To coordinate with the District Health Authorities, Vertical Programs of P&SHC
Department and NGO’s for the smooth implementation of the program.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

 Ensure the Execution of the program in consultation with the management.
 Develop a detailed work plan which identifies and sequences the activities needed to
successfully complete within time frame.
 Review the project schedule with senior management and all other staff.

Staff and implementation of the project/s:

 Oversee the recruitment process of the qualified and experienced staff for the program
according to the policy.
 Ensure that all program staff receive an appropriate orientation to the organization and

Project Implementation:
 Execute the project according to the project plan.
 Ensure the monitoring and evaluation of the program on regular basis.

To work as a focal person for the Global Fund and other grants.
 To Coordinate with Global Fund office regarding timely and regular submissions of work
plans, performance and expenditure reports as per GFATM requirements.
 Compile programmatic and financial quarterly updates, provide detail comments on the
program reports, prepare financial variance analysis as per LFA requirement in coordination
with Finance and PIU.
 Keep liaison with LFA and PR for regular, in time, grant audits as per requirements.
 Operational activities as per action plans.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Provide support to M&E unit for multipurpose program monitoring and reporting as per
work plan.
 Facilitate LFA and GF reviews.
 Ensure timely execution of the projects according to the targets.
 Any other duty assigned by the Manager PTP Punjab.

Chief Microbiologist
Qualification: Post Graduate in Microbiology
Experience: 10 Years
Salary Package: 325,000/- PKR / BS-19
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

The main duty is managing two PRLs and Provincial TB Laboratory network.
Key Task:
 Implement WHO and NTP diagnostic guidelines in TB Labs.
 Identifies resource requirements and informs the Director PTP.
 Ensures the provision of appropriate staff training and development.
 Coordinates research and development undertaken in discussion with academicians and
 Uses department IT systems as appropriate to gather, analyze and present statistics and
data for management or financial purposes.
 Facilitate accreditation process.
 Oversees and participates in the validation of results as appropriate.
 Develops common working practices within the disciplines and standardization of
methods and SOPs where appropriate.
 Plans and organizes a range of activities and projects in the department.
 Contribute to the development of Quality Management systems and procedures.

Manager Development and Communication Specialist

Qualification: Masters in Communication / Social Sciences.
Experience: 05 Years in relevant field
Salary Package: 200,000/- PKR / BS-18
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

Key Tasks (Partnership Building):

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Engage professional organization in development and dissemination of Program
guidelines and interventions.
 Engage research and development organizations in developing and evaluating
innovations, scaling evidence-based interventions, and disseminating program
 Engage corporate sector in achieving universal coverage of TB care services through
accessing the resources/inputs to scale up the interventions.

Key Tasks (Community Development):

 Develop, strengthen and scale up “patient networks”, for enhanced utilization and quality
of TB care, at respective Basic Management Units (BMU).
 Develop, evaluate and scale up “women leadership” for better utilization of TB care
services by women in the respective populations;
 Encourage partners to develop, introduce and scale up other innovations for community
development (in relevance to TB control)

Key Tasks (Communication):

 Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate TB messages (advertisements) through electronics
and print media
 Plan, arrange the implement the developing and airing of TB related documentaries,
dramas, talk shows, interview etc. at national and local media.
 Plan, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate TB related social media campaign
through Facebook, Whatsapp, twitter etc.
 Plan, arrange, implement, monitor and evaluate community-based advocacy/awareness

Deputy Director Technical

Qualification: MBBS with post-graduation in Public Health

Experience: 05 Years
Salary Package: 250,000/- PKR / BS-18
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
To oversee technical matters related to the pragmatic activities of the program according to the
 Shall facilitate and look after the monitoring and evaluation activities, research,
communication and data management of the program.
 Responsible for the coordination with the District Health Authorities, DTC, NGOs and
Public Health Specialist for guidelines and technical assistance.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Shall coordinate with other public health institutions and corporate sector to strengthen
the program.

Monitoring & Evaluation:

 Shall ensure the monitoring and evaluation activities in all over the Punjab in collaboration
with the District Health Authorities and monitoring staff.
 Develop modules for M&E in consultation with the WHO/NTP and other international and
local organizations.

Partnership Development, Communication and Community Empowerment:

 Partnership Development with the different organization, corporate sector education,
health, local Government and others for strengthening of multi sectorial coordination.
 Facilitate communication and awareness campaign to ensure the prevention of the
 Facilitate different activities related to community empowerment involvement.

 Facilitate latest literature review and ensure its availability.
 Manage collection and analyzing data.
 Manage update website materials.
 Facilitate in Preparation of articles, reports, and presentations.
 Supervise operational research.

Information Technology Unit

 Ensure the prevention collection and dissemination of data according to the need and
requirement of the program.
 Facilitate designing of the data, acquisition trials, assessing results and analysing trends.

Account Officer:
Qualification: M.Com/MBA (Finance)/CA/ACCA/M.Sc./MA
Economics or BS (Hons.) in Finance
Experience: 04 Years
Salary Package: 150,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To prepare statement of expenditure and consolidate report of expenditure of program.

 To prepare the trail balance of general ledger to ensure that debits and credits balances
verify with the entries in ledgers.
 To submit the account books for periodical inspection to the concerned.
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 To prepare financial statements and get them ready for internal and external audit.
 To ensure transparency of financial transactions according to policies.
 To be responsible for deduction of tax at source, deposit in the bank account and statutory
reporting to the income tax department.
 To manage and maintain petty cash transactions and records.
 To carry out any other duty assigned by the authorities.

Program Officer Procurement & Supply Chain

Qualification: Master in Human Resource, Supply Chain Management
or relevant field.
Experience: 03 Years
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 Serve as the Focal point for all procurement orders and contracts of health products (except
pharmaceuticals) procured both locally and internationally.
 Participate in some procurement activities such as in developing technical specifications,
developing bidding document and contracts, and serve as a member of Evaluation Team.
 Receive and review all orders for health products from the health centers, districts, and
province; submit them for relevant approval, forward them to the Warehouse Management
Unit for packing and distribution.
 Process all the necessary documents required for effective and efficient placement and
execution of health product orders placed with the International Procurement Agents, and
ensure implementation of any order adjustments.
 Conduct periodic verification of distributed health products to ensure that all customers are
served on time, and that distributed products satisfy the customers’ requirements; and serve
as the contact person for all customer complaints.
 Identification of procurement needs and preparation of realistic procurement plans and
development of appropriate procurement strategies; Assistance in cost estimations for the
required Health Products.
 Development and implementation of procurement and contract strategy including tendering
processes and evaluation, contractor appraisal, evaluation and negotiation of offers,
administration of the contract and the performance management of the contractors, legal
considerations and payment conditions as well as risk assessment.
 Ensure regular reporting on acquisition processes for health products using procurement
process monitoring systems and mechanisms.
 Finalizing specifications and preparing shortlists based on needs and investigation of related
market, identify suitable vendors with due consideration to price, quality, delivery time,
warranty and after sale servicing where applicable.
 Ensuring timely development and issuance of Invitations to bid, Requests For Quotation,
and Requests For Proposals.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Publishing procurement advertisements and awards and maintaining a database on health
products’ procurement activities.
 Evaluating submissions to ensure technical compliance with the project’s needs and cost-
effective purchase of health products.
 Ensuring all procurement actions are conducted as required according to PR Procurement
Manual, other PR manuals, and guidance from PPRA Rules (if needed), with the highest
degree of personal and professional ethics.
 Any other related role as may be delegated by the competent authority, from time to time.

Manager Monitoring & Evaluation & Operations

Qualification: Master’s degree in a Development Field, Social Science,
Economics, Human Resource or relevant field.
Experience: 05 Years
Salary Package: 200,000/- PKR / BS-18
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 Capacity building of district management team.

 Ensure Implementation of PTP/NTP guidelines and policies.
 Submit monthly activity plan and report to Deputy Program Manager Technical.
 Supervise intra-district diagnostic meetings.
 To coordinate with District Health Authorities in project implementation.
 To assist in development/revision of key documents of related laboratory including
guidelines, manuals and training material.
 To assist in timely/regular submission of work plans.
 To assist in planning, coordination and implementation of QA program related to sputum
smear microscopy, culture and DST.
 Timely submission of NTAs and SOEs of the intra-district meetings.
 Monitor and facilitate trainings of diagnostic health staff.
 Coordinate Public-Public, and Public-Private Mix (PPM) diagnostic activities at the
provincial and the district levels.
 Collaborate TB diagnostic activities in prisoners, refugees and other high-risk groups and
special situation.
 Other duties assigned by the PTP Manager.

IT Specialist
Qualification: MPhil/MS (CS/IT) with 4 years post qualification.
Experience: 04 Years
Salary Package: 150,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020

 To determine the best possible way to organize and to store data. In order to properly
perform this duty, he must identify the requirements of the user, make and test modifications
in the database systems.
 To analyze data, provide timely reports and present findings to the concerns.
 Responsible for designing and implementing system security and other security measures.
 Ensure that the entire database is regularly backed-up, monitoring database performance,
improving the technology used, building new databases, monitoring data entry procedures
and troubleshooting.
 To advise staff on method accessing information and to provide training in the use of MIS
 Perform other related work, tasks and projects as assigned by the PTP management.

Manager Labs
Qualification: MPhil in Microbiology
Experience: 05 Years
Salary Package: 200,000/- PKR / BS-18
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
Assisting the chief microbiologist with personnel management, budgets and laboratory

Key Task:

 Developing, reviewing and maintaining of standard operating procedures.

 Training, guidance and regular proficiency testing of designated laboratory personnel.
 Continuous quality control and assurance of all laboratory procedures.
 Development and implementation of a safety.
 Interacting with study laboratory consultants and monitors.
 Overseeing procurement and maintenance of equipment and consumables.
 Active participation in the TB research work.
 To assist PTP in strengthening/coordinating network of Provincial TB Reference laboratory
at National Level and provincial level.
 To monitor/supervise quarterly surveillance meeting at district level. To co-facilitate
quarterly surveillance meeting at District and provincial level.
 Preparation of Provincial and District EQA implementation/operation plans.
 To assist PRL/PTP in Reporting and consolidation of pre-implementation baseline survey,
and laboratory data.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 To assist Provincial TB Control Program in Quality assessment and improvement of the

Molecular / Microbiologist
Qualification: MSC Molecular / Microbiology
Experience: 04 Years
Salary Package: 150,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To perform and ensure standardization and quality control of all phenotypic and genotypic
procedures for diagnosis, identification and drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium.
 Train, supervise and evaluate the performance of TB culture and DST laboratory staff;
develop work performance standards; schedule and assign work and develop priorities.
 Establish and revise laboratory policies and procedures; develop and maintain appropriate
control and quality assurance procedures; develop safety standards and ensure
compliance with safety requirements.
 Periodical review and revise SOP for quality assurance.
 Participate in long-range planning and budgeting processes; project personnel and
equipment needs.

Research Associate
Qualification: Master’s degree in Basic and Health Science
Experience: 05 Years
Salary Package: 200,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 Monitors progress of ongoing research projects and coordinates information between

departmental sections.
 To assist the research agenda in line with the WHO/National TB Control Policy and Stop
TB Strategy.
 To assist in capacity building activities of staff of PTP on research and surveillance (DHIS-
2) including data management and analysis.
 To facilitate SORT-IT courses in Pakistan with other Research team members planned in
the GF grant and other Grant related to NTP.
 In collaboration with the disease experts, contribute to data analysis and to the development
of automated analysis and reporting of surveillance data.
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Contribute to disseminating surveillance data and other relevant information from the center
(electronic and DHIS 2).
 Contribute to activities aiming at conformity of databases and data exchange protocols in
surveillance systems, promotion of the use of standardized reporting formats, and
development of quality control procedures.
 To manage data entry and validation and to write Report Final Report by the end of research
studies and to contribute in data analysis, report writing and dissemination of results.
 To prepare manuscripts and to contribute in publishing results of research studies with other
research team NTP.
 To assist Technical support to Provincial Programs, Academic institutes and other partners
for development and implementation of projects addressing TB and related research issues.
 To assist research proposals on prioritized research agenda.
 To facilitate the Operational Research courses in Pakistan.
 To assist capacity building activities of staff of PTP on research and surveillance (DHIS-2)
including data management and analysis.
 To assist the dissemination of information generated from research or routine surveillance
reports through web sites, reports, newsletters, brochures etc.
 To assist in development of manuscripts and Publish the results of Research studies in well-
known Journals.

Program Officer MDR

Qualification: MBBS
Experience: 03 Years in Public Health Programs
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 Monitor the situation regarding the supply of quality-assured second line anti-TB drugs,
communicate this information to the GF/GDF team, and present options/ideas for PTP
activities to address these problems
 Provide technical assistance for the expansion of laboratory networks for the culture and
DST services in line with hospital induction plan.
 Provide technical assistance to PTP related to diagnosis, treatment regimens, patient
monitoring, and social support in managing MDR-TB and XDR-TB.
 Provide trainings on the infection control policy and measures to the staff responsible at the
designated hospitals for MDR management.
 Implement the Infection Control Guidelines in the designated hospitals
 Provide technical assistance and guidance in DRS survey.

Program Officer HDL/CHTB

Qualification: MBBS
Experience: 03 Years in Public Health Programs
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To provide technical support and co-facilitation in the trainings.

 To work in coordination with PTO and discuss issues of the facilities provide technical
guidance / inputs in development / revision of key related documents.
 Will carry out supervision / monitoring, evaluation, data collection from the sites/
compilation / analysis and feedback / objective quarterly reports to PR and PF and PR
 Required to validate / verify objective related data, reports through field work frequently as
 Should attend the quarterly meeting of the hospitals as and when feasible especially where
the problems are identified.
 Perform any other duty assigned by PTP manager.

Program Officer PPM

Qualification: MBBS
Experience: 03 Years in Public Health Programs
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To provide strategic guidance to partners in PPM implementation in TB DOTS

 Liaison and Coordination with private providers and public sector stakeholders to allocate
responsibilities produce contract documentation and formulate PPM strategies
 To expand partnerships through identification of potential partners of TB DOTS
 To develop/prepare Public-Private Mix implementation plan for Provincial TB Control
 Contribute towards develop of project proposals and design partnership interventions
 To coordinate with national and district PPM initiatives in TB DOTS
 To monitor and supervise training activities for NGOs and private practitioners.
 To prepare required periodic reports and other program related documents and ensure the
feedback of data to National TB Control Program.

Program Officer Partnership Development & Communication

Qualification: Masters in Communication/Project Management
Experience: 03 Years in Relevant field
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020

 To help the manager in developing working relationships with existing partner

organizations; explore opportunities to bring new potential partners into the livelihoods

 To assist the manager in developing links with other provincial development organizations
working in the same areas as Tools for Self Reliance.
 To identify projects for scope and work with the collaboration of existing and new partners.
 To help the manager in efficient allocation and effective use of funds by partners and ensure
all activities are carried out within agreed budget.
 Regular and healthy monitoring of projects to ensure quality delivery of outputs.
 Effective evaluation of the finding of monitoring visits and report from partners.
 To strengthen and scale up patients network for enhance utilization and quality of TB Care
to encourage partners to develop introduce and scale up other innovations in relevance to
 Plan arrange and implement the developing and airing of TB related documentaries, Talk
Shows, Interviews & ads in local & provincial media.

Program Officer Monitoring & Evaluation

Qualification: MBBS
Experience: 03 Years in Public Health Program
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 Capacity building of district management team.

 Submit monthly activity plan and report to PTO.
 Monitoring and supervision of the TB control activities (Core DOTS including Labs, MDR,
TB HIV, Childhood TB and ADD interventions).
 Coordinate intra-district meetings and ensure quarterly TB reports by the districts.
 Timely submission of NTAs and SOEs of the intra-district meetings.
 Monitor and facilitate trainings of health staff.
 Facilitate in collaborative TB/HIV and MDR-TB activities in the assigned districts.
 Coordinate Public-Public, and Public-Private Mix (PPM) activities at the provincial and the
district levels.
 Collaborate TB activities in prisoners, refugees and other high-risk groups and special
 Other duties assigned by the PTO or PTP Manager.

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
Qualification: D. Pharm
Experience: 3 Years in reputable firm
Salary Package: 100,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
 To assist/ execute procurements of all Health products;
 To draft tenders, RFQs and RFPs relating to Health products’ procurements;
 To process the issuance and receipt of tenders, RFQs and RFPs;
 To arrange departmental procurement committee meetings for bids opening, technical
evaluation etc;
 To compile the results of technical evaluation (where required), to manage
communication with successful / un-successful bidders and developing financial
comparative statements;
 To assist Deputy Procurement Manager (Health Products) for drafting and finalizing
multiple contracts and Purchase Orders;
 To keep track and follow-ups on the awarded lead times to successful bidders;
 To liaise with requisitioning units for timely inspections and development of required
reports for processing of invoice(s);
 To keep liaison with warehouse staff for safe receipt of ordered commodities, per the PO
and in line with guideline per Inventory Management Manual;
 To assist in management of supplier and service provider contracts;
 To assist Deputy Procurement Manager (Health Products) is developing periodic reports
on procurements planned and conducted as per approved budgeted framework;
 To coordinate with DRAP and designated banks for arranging NOCs and EIFs;
 To assist in carrying-out logistics arrangement for all trainings/ workshops/ seminars/
 Any other task assigned by Manager Procurement & Supply Chain.

Statistical Officer
Qualification: MSc/Mcs/MIT(Statistics/),BS/BSc (Statistic)
Experience: 02 to 03 Years
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 Designing data acquisition trials, assessing results, analyzing trends.
 Applying statistical methodology to complex data.
 Acting in a consultancy capacity.
 Designing and implementing data gathering/management computer systems and
 Using statistics to make forecasts and to provide projected figures.
 Presenting information in a variety of formats.
 Conveying complex information to people who may not be specialists.

Lab Technologist
Qualification: BSC MLT
Experience: 02 to 03 Years
Salary Package: 125,000/- PKR / BS-17
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
 To perform and ensure standardization and quality control of all procedure performed in
laboratory for diagnosis, identification and drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium.

 To implement quality assured AFB culture and DST services in TB laboratory.

 To carry out the tasks related to training of personnel, supervision and quality assurance.

 To implement and suggest changes to work practices and procedures. Analysis of cultures,
antibiotic susceptibility and biomedical identification of micro-organisms.

 Contribute revision of documents and SOPs

Data Entry Operator

Qualification: Bachelor degree
Experience: 02 Years
Salary Package: 50,000/- PKR / BS-15
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
 To assist in noting, drafting and typing.
 To collect/maintain quarterly lab data on software and assist in cohort analysis.
 To maintain office records/books and files.
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 To assist program in carry out other program related activities as and when
identified/assigned Manager.

Office Superintendent
Salary Package: BPS-17 / 80,000/- PKR
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 Work under the supervision of Program Manager / Additional Director.

 Supervise the activities of Officials, Stenographer, Junior Clerk and Niab Qasid.
 Takecare of PC-I staff working in PRLs (IPH & Nishtar Medical College, Multan).
 Takecare of PC-I drivers working in different districts of Punjab.
 Office general work.
 All communication work of Quarterly Inter District Meeting(s).
 Office General Work.
 Preparation of Report for Weekly Review Meeting.
 Mark the program routine dak from Program Manager.
 Any Other duty assigned by the Program Manager / Seniors

Salary Package: BPS-15 / 50,000/-PKR
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To work under supervision of Office Superintendent.

 Responsible for data entry and other computer work / office work.
 Any other duty assigned by Program Manager/Office Superintendent / Database

Lab Assistant
Qualification: FSC MLT
Experience: 02 Years
Salary Package: 40,000/- PKR BS-11
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
To assist in tasks assigned related to sterilization, media/reagent preparation, equipment care
and maintenance.
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 To assist in tasks related to training of Personnel, Supervision and Quality Assurance.

Salary Package: BPS-15 / 60,000/- PKR
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To work under supervision of Focal Person.

 Responsible for data entry and other computer work / office work.
 Any other duty assigned by Focal Person.

Junior Clerk
Salary Package: BPS-11 / 40,000/-PKR
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To work under supervision of Office Superintendent.

 Responsible for Office work.
 Any other duty assigned by Office Superintendent.

Store Keeper
Salary Package: BPS-06 / 40,000/-PKR
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.

 To work under supervision of Administrative Officer/Store in charge.

 Responsible for maintenance of store stock and record.
 Responsible for distribution of stores to districts.
 Any other duty assigned by store in charge.

Salary Package: BPS-05 / 30,000/-PKR
Mode of Recruitment: Existing or Transfer of Govt servant / from market
through competitive process.
Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
 To work under supervision of Office Superintendent/Officer In charge.
 To maintain vehicle log according to organization regulations
 To clean, inspect and service vehicle
 To obtain receipt of goods delivered
 To assist in loading and unloading car manually
 Any duty assigned by authority

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020
© Directorate General of Monitoring and Evaluation, Planning and Development
Department, Govt. of Punjab

4th Floor, 65- Trade Centre Block, Ayub Chowk, Johar Town, Lahore

Soft copy of the report and corresponding MOM may be downloaded from (June 2020)

Evaluation Report – Punjab TB Control Program 2015-2020

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