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Unit 4

In this unit, you explored how human interaction impact the environment and natural resources. We also
discussed about consumption, conservation, and scarcity of natural resources. In this summative assessment,
you will discuss, research and think in the view point of the given stakeholder (role), about the construction
plan of the Dam in Brookham town (case) and present your viewpoints/arguments/rebuttal points and
solutions to the class.

MYP Unit # Elements

 Key Concept: Change
 Related Concepts: Interaction, Environment, Models
 Global Context: Globalization and sustainability
 Statement of Inquiry: Human interactions with the environment at different scales can be modeled
to understand changes to the sustainability of natural resources.
 ATL Skills:
 Collaboration skills
 Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas
 Critical-thinking skills
 Practice observing carefully in order to recognize problems
 Evaluate evidence and arguments
 Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
 Communication Skills
Exchanging information, listening, interpreting, and listening.

The goal of the task is to allow students to show their ability to think
Goal critically and address the consequences of unsustainable practices, as well
as ways to conserve the local environment for future generations.
Role Stakeholder
Other stakeholders, the mayor of Brookham town and residents of
Brookham town.
Case-Brookham is a small town next to the Pebble Bank River. It is famous
for its delicious crayfish and many tourist visits each year to sample the
freshwater fish. There is also a large wetland that is also home to species
like otters, kingfishers, and water voles. A large dam was build 10 years ago
and planning permission has been approved for another dam to be added
just outside of Brookham near the area's wetland reserve.
Product Debate/Discussion

Standard for Rubric Criteria A and B


Command Terms

Command Term Definition

meeting the needs of a community, or a population,
Sustainability without compromising the ability of other communities, or future
generations, to meet their needs
an entity that behaves as a whole but is made up of individual
System components, which interact with each other
elements required to maintain life and healthy
populations (e.g. food systems, water sources and cycles, energy and
Life Support System oxygen producing systems, and waste production and management
systems required to support societal growth and
community welfare (e.g. education systems, healthcare systems, safety and
Social system security considerations, governance strategies, and recreational
three components that make up a
Three Pillars of sustainability problem or sustainable system; emphasis on the connections
Sustainability and relationships between Environmental, Social, and Economic elements
of a system.
The process by which goods and services are produced, distributed
Economy and consumed; the system within which jobs, markets, currency, etc.
function in society.
surroundings and forces that act upon living organisms;
Environment ecosystems, landscapes, and surroundings that impact people and other
a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common
Society: traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interests. human society includes all the
people in the world.

Science Summative Assessment Rubric, Year 3

Student’s Name: ______________________________

Criterion _: B Achievement Level: /8

Students should be able to:

• Use scientific language correctly
• Use appropriate communication modes and formats
• Acknowledge the work of others and the sources of information used by appropriately
documenting them using a recognized referencing system.

Level Descriptor Task Specific Clarification
The student does not reach a standard described
0 by any of the descriptors below.
The student is able to:
i. The student uses a limited range
The student is able to:
of scientific language correctly.
I. Statements, responses, and/or body language were
ii. The student communicates
consistently not respectful
scientific information with limited
II. Information had some major inaccuracies OR was
1–2 effectiveness.
usually not clear
III. All points were not supported
iii. When appropriate to the task, the
by scientific facts
student makes little attempt to
IV. Most arguments were clearly tied to an idea
document sources of information.
(premise) and organized in a tight, logical fashion

The student is able to:

The student is able to:
i. The student uses some scientific
I. Most statements and responses was
language correctly.
respectful and inappropriate language.
II. Most information presented in the debate
ii. The student communicates
was clear and accurate but was not usually
3–4 scientific information with some
III. Most counter-arguments were accurate,
relevant, and strong
iii. When appropriate to the task, the
IV. Every major point was adequately supported
student partially documents
with relevant facts, and examples
sources of information
The student is able to:
The student is able to:
i. Statements and responses were respectful and
used appropriate language, but once or twice, the
i. The student uses sufficient
language was not.
scientific language correctly.
ii. Most information presented in this debate was
ii. The student communicates
5–6 scientific information effectively.
clear, accurate, and thorough.
iii. Most counterarguments were accurate, relevant,
and strong.
iii. When appropriate to the task, the
iv. Every major point was adequately supported with
student fully documents sources
relevant facts, statistics and/or examples
of information correctly.
The student is able to:
i. Explain a problem or question to be
The student is able to:
tested by a scientific investigation
i. All statements, body language, and responses were
ii. Formulate and explain a testable
hypothesis using correct scientific
ii. All information presented in this debate was clear,
7-8 iii. Explain how to manipulate the
accurate, and thorough
iii. Every major point was well supported with
variables, and explain how sufficient,
iv. several relevant facts, statistics and/or examples
relevant data will be collected
v. All arguments were clearly tied to an idea(premise)
iv. Design a logical, complete and safe
and organized in a tight, logical fashion
method in which he or she selects
appropriate materials and equipment.

Criterion _: Title of Criterion A Achievement Level: /8
i. Explain scientific knowledge
ii. Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar
and unfamiliar situations
iii. Analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments.

Level Descriptor Task Specific Clarification
The student does not reach a standard described
0 by any of the descriptors below.
The student is able to:
The student is able to: I. Can articulate the reasons that a particular scientific
explanation or theory is refined or replaced with
I. State scientific knowledge significant instructor prompting
II. Apply scientific knowledge and II. Can recognize valid sources of scientific information
1–2 understanding to suggest solutions to from limited choices of sources provided by an
problems set in familiar situations instructor.
III. Interpret information to make III. Can use representations and models to communicate
judgments. scientific knowledge but cannot use them to solve
scientific problems

The student is able to: The student is able to:

i. Can articulate the reasons that a particular scientific
I. Outline scientific knowledge explanation or theory is refined or replaced
II. Apply scientific knowledge and ii. Can recognize valid sources and methods used to generate
3–4 understanding to solve problems set in scientific information.
familiar situations iii. Can use representations and models to communicate
III. Interpret information to make scientific knowledge and solve scientific problems in a given
scientifically supported judgments. context

The student is able to:

The student is able to:
i. Can articulate the reasons that scientific explanations
I. Explain scientific knowledge
and theories are refined or replaced
II. Apply scientific knowledge and
ii. Can evaluate the quality of scientific information on
5–6 understanding to solve problems set in
the basis of its source and the methods used to
familiar and unfamiliar situations
generate it
III. Analyze and evaluate information to
iii. Use representations and models to communicate
make scientifically supported judgments.
scientific knowledge and solve scientific problems.

I. Can evaluate the quality of scientific information on

the basis of its source and the methods used to
The student is able to:
generate it.
I. describe scientific knowledge
II. Can articulate the reasons that scientific explanations
II. apply scientific knowledge and
and theories are refined or replaced.
understanding to solve problems sets in
7-8 familiar situations and suggest solutions
III. Can plan and implement data collection strategies
appropriate to a new or unique scientific question.
to problems set in unfamiliar situations
IV. Use representations and models to communicate
III. analyze information to make
scientific knowledge and solve scientific problems.
scientifically supported judgments.
V. Can define and use scientific terminology in a new


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