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Capstone Project Proposal Draft

Name of student: Kiyomi Marshall

Date: October 6 2023
Teacher: Ms. Lacroix
Capstone strand I have chosen is Service
Proposed title for my project: Engaging Science Videos

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that
connects with a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that
you cannot just google an answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.
My inquiry question is:

How can I create an accessable and affordable way to teach younger grades science
concepts through engaging videos?

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are
choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry connect
to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I have always been a very busy kid. Whether it be after school practices, working or
volunteering, it was always difficult to fit tutoring into my busy scheduale. While I wanted to
excel in science, outside activities left me with minimal time for tutoring. Tutoring cost was
never an issue in my household because both my parents worked full time jobs but
commuting or supervized home tutoring was an issue because both my parents worked until
at least 6 and I had no way of getting to a tutoring facility. I want to create an affordable way
for kids in my community to access help as well as an accessable way. Not every child can
easily access a tutor after school due to sports, music etc commitment. I want to also relieve
stress from adults so they no longer have to worry about racing home or moving around work
shifts to accomidate a tutoring scheduale. I want to create short engaging videos that teach
students new concepts all uploaded to youtube. Kids should be able to play sports, attend
after school drama class and be able to work if they need to. In person tutoring is offered from
minimal and high activity times. Scientific concept videos can be accessed at anytime and

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this

area of inquiry?

I have taken multiple years of science, exceling in all areas. I enjoy all backgrounds of science
and find myself helping friends whenever I can. I have currently taken, Science 9, Science 10,
Physics 11, Chemistry 11, and I am currently working towards completing Chemistry and
Biology 12. Taking these classes during highschool while I played volleyball (both school and
club, attending 3 practices a week), coaching a team, volunteering over 90 hours to reffing

after school games, running a club and working 25 hours a week, it left me with no time to
access tutoring. Along with this my parents worked long days to support me and it was a
constant stress to rearrage things to fit an hour of tutoring in. I wish I had a way to learn a
concept and still be able to attend all of the important school activities I was involved with.

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What
connections does this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

In the future, I want to attend post secondary and recieve a degree in general science. I have
not decieded exactly what I want to be but I am leaning toward pediatric doctor or dental

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core
competencies will be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awareness and Responsibility


1. I understand learning takes patience and time.

Throughout high school, I have learned many different concepts and skills. However, this journey took
frustration and dedication. Math has been a subject I either completely understand or I am lost. In the
past, this has caused me to get upset because some units seem so easy, and others do not. Learning is
not a straight line, it has slopes and curves. I understand, I will not always find every learning
opportunity equal in difficulty. Learning takes perseverance. If I keep applying myself to a task, I will
develop an understanding.

2. I am learning to take care of myself.

Highschool can be remarkably busy and daunting. It is an easy path to forget about personal health
and well-being. This is something I am working towards. I have started creating my own healthy meals,
using a daily planner to organize all my events and I have begun implementing healthy active goals
into my routine. I want to treat myself well and practicing responsible tasks and decisions have helped
me become a person that I am proud of. Mature decisions have aided me to create smart choices such
as cleaning my personal spaces, exercising personal hygiene routines, and planning healthy meals. I
have begun cooking more and trying recipes that I enjoy.


1. I can express my needs and seek help when needed.

I have always been a very independent person so asking for help has been a hard struggle. I always
want to prove I can achieve tasks on my own, and it is my brain’s own stigma that views asking for
help as negative. I want to believe I can complete obstacles on my own but not everything can be
finished as an individual. I am slowly working towards seeking help and having open conversations
around positive feedback. This is something I want to improve greatly as it is other perspectives and
knowledge that will drive me to where I want to be.

Social Responsibility

I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my interactions,
including online.

I believe in treating everyone fairly. I come from a mixed background, so I have seen firsthand the
value of diversity and culture. Seeing my parents treated differently or placed into stereotypical roles
opened my eyes to treating everyone equally. At the end of the day, everyone is a human being and
deserves to be heard. If someone is not being treated well, I will stand up for them. As a 12th grade in
school, I set an example to other students. I would like to set a standard that everyone has a right to
have a voice.

2. I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships.

I enjoy connecting with everyone I come across. It is important to have face to face conversations and
explore topics with my peers. I am involved in a variety of school activities that allow me to create
positive relationships with peers in my own grade, below or above. Last year, I was in various classes
that were split between senior and juniors. This learning space provided me the opportunity to
converse with the grade above me and create mentor like relationships. I currently help coach the
grade 9 girls; this role has implemented a sense of leadership into the connections I develop with
younger grades. I work at a restaurant, and I am one of the very few that are still in high school. This
job has broadened my speaking skills as I must discuss topics with adults ten years or older than me. I
have created positive relationships with fellow employees even though they are years older than me. I
feel safe discussing serious topics. My job has also taught me to talk to various costumers, ranging
from 5 years old to 80 years old through engaging conservation. ‘


I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate strategies to
resolve problems.

When faced with a problem where there are two sides, I find it difficult to put myself in someone
else's perspective. I am a very head strong person and find it challenging to take a moment to

understand others' opinions. When taking Law 12, I struggled defending a side that was not my
original choice. I felt polarized by topics, and I was stuck when viewing other’s stances. This is
something I am trying to work on as my way is not always correct. Everyone can have a belief, and it is
my duty as a peer to appreciate that and work two strategies together. This is a skill that I would like
to improve.

Critical Thinking


I can analyze and critique my work and learning.

School is my number one priority, and I am always trying to better my work. I enjoy hearing feedback
and integrating this into my improved work. I am constantly trying to find ways to make learning
easier. I play volleyball and it has become a routine to reset after every play and ask myself what was
good or bad about the last. Even if a play was good, there are always ways to make it better
appreciate why it was good. A process can be amazing but have a negative outcome and vise vera. Just
because the outcome is not perfect does not mean the plan was bad. I am strong at reflecting on my
work and constant learning to better myself as a student, athlete, and person.

I can assess my progress

Through volleyball, I learned the skill of tracking and assessing my progress. I started making goals and
journaling my journey and obstacles. I would set a goal every week and assess myself at the end. If I
completed the goal, I challenged myself to make it more difficult. If I did not receive any positive
results, I took a step back and allowed myself a buffer. An example of a goal I made was serving flat
and short to the 1 and 6 seam. At first, I struggled finding consistency with this goal as there were
multiple tweaks I was working on. However, I assessed my progress and decided I needed to work on
one thing. I began just serving the seam and slowly integrated the other things. I checked in with
myself every week and if I had found consistency, I challenged myself with an extra skill.


I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning around a variety of problems, events,
issues and needs.

I find displaying my learning in diverse ways difficult. I have preferred representations I like to lean on,
but to improve my learning, I need to expand my range of showing my knowledge. I often find crafty
and visual projects hard because I learn easier through discussion. However, I would like to strengthen
my ways of representing my learning by choosing several ways, even if they do not come easy to me.

Creative Thinking


I can create new and unique ideas that provide new perspectives that influence how people think
about topics.

I am a naturally very curious person and I love generating questions to better my knowledge and the
people around me. I have a strong personality and I love teaching people about my views and
explaining the “Why” to my beliefs. I love producing new evidence to spark curiosity in others. In Law
12, I worked on finding different lenses and views to win my cases. It took finding unique angles to
help others see my point of view. People will not always agree with me, but I think one of my skill sets
is discovering innovative ideas to help others see topics in various ways.

I can persevere and understand failure can be productive.

I am a determined individual. I always want to complete tasks to the best of my ability, win things or
finish things at the highest standard. I understand though that to grow, I need to fail sometimes.
Failure is not a terrible thing; it means I am stepping outside my comfort zone and discovering new
ways that do not work. If I do a task and fail, I figure out a way not to approach that task. In grade 11, I
received a mark I was disappointed with. I knew I could achieve higher and as an individual, this mark
helped me grow as a student by improving my study habits. I understand sometimes I may need to try
things multiple times to succeed. This is not a waste of time because of the progress and depth in my

I can use the environment around me, including others and my unconscious mind to generate
innovative ideas.

I struggle with using a set environment and others to generate ideas. I prefer being in specific
locations when learning. I believe in school; I am an independent learner. I would like to work on using
peers as resources and bouncing ideas off multiple minds. In doing so, I believe I can strengthen



I can listen, learn, and contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider different
perspectives, and build consensus.

One of my favorite things in school is group discussions like seminars where everyone voices their
opinions and then people relate or disagree with stances. I enjoy talking to my peers through
discussion because I get to learn through an engaging way. I am strong in both listening and leading
these seminars. Peer's perspectives jog questions that I can then ponder and bring to the surface.

I can reflect on the process of learning and share what I have learned.

When learning new things, I love sharing. I help coach the grade 9 girls' team and I love implementing
knowledge and tips into the practices I run. As a player, I can relate to the girls I coach, I enjoy
reviewing lessons I have encountered and applying them in their games. The lessons I learn can be
useful to more people than just myself. In sharing my learning, I create an easier path for others.


I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.

Outside of school, I find it simple to work with others. However. Past experiences have been difficult
colaborating with fellow students because of differences in work styles. This has caused me to veer
away from group work and favor independent learning. I would like to improve my collaboration skills
when working on group tasks. I tend to get frustrated, but I would like to improve my openness when
solving problems in a group. This may take either stepping back and listening to the group or rallying
my peers together to ensure everyone is working to benefit the group.

Personal and Culture Identity


I understand what is important to me.

I have long and short-term goals. Both of which are extremely important to me. I understand the path
I want to be on and how to get there. My goals take effort, hard work, and dedication to achieve
them. I do not make decisions that will hinder what is important to me and create a barrier between
me and my dreams. I want to go to university. I work as hard as I can in school so I can accomplish this.
Health is important to me, so I create healthy meals and stay active. Self-care is important to me, so I
set aside time to treat myself to small things such as face masks, time to relax and read or even go for
a walk.

I know my strengths are what make me unique.

I understand my strengths make me who I am. I am a strong individual who stands up for what she
believes in. I understand the path I want to be on and how to stay on track. My values are my
strengths, and my strengths make me unique. I understand I will never be perfect at anything, but I
am slowly working towards being a better individual every day. I set goals for myself that are
achievable and realistic.


I understand that culture is a broad topic that includes things like my geographic region, nationality,
sex, gender, age and ethnicity.

Culture is a complex thing, and I cannot say I am fully educated and knowledgeable. I would like to
improve my understanding of this focus. There are so many definitions, and I have not been properly

educated about every single one. I would like to change this because it revolves around every single
person. I want to incorporate the knowledge, acceptance and appreciation of diversity and culture
into my everyday life.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to
present your project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once
completed. You may use a combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o imovie presentation
o YouTube channel

For my presentation, I’d like to use PPT. I will go through my process and obstacles I faced
through this powerpoint. I’d also like to incorporate showing one of the youtube videos I

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what
will you research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced
at the end of this project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your

For my capstone, I want to create educational science videos for highschool students.
These videos will be free and easily accessable through youtube. Begining with my
capstone, I’d like to interview highschool science teachers and ask them questions
relating to my capstone. From this, I will gain expeirienced knowledge and adapt my
videos to fit the needs of their students. I will ask questions revolving around most
struggled with topics or units and what promts they felt worked best when teaching
students. I can learn useful techniques from talking to experienced teachers. After
this, I will create a survey and ask my peers questions. Listing questions like what
science they find most challenging, what concepts they struggle with the most and
what they wish teachers would do when explaining certain units. I will survey a variety
of various students ranging from grade 9-12 who have all taken multiple science
classes. I am aiming to survey 100 students at RE Mountain Secondary. After I have
gathered all my research from teachers, peer students and online articles, I will create
a lesson plan and adapt my videos to fit the needs of my peers. I will focus on certain
trends of difficult units, vocabulary, test preperation and refresh videos. The goal of
these videos being accessable is for a student to spend minimal time watching these
videos and still understand/learn a concept. I will aim for my videos to reach the
maximum leagth that most students can remain focused watching. I will add this

question into my survey. After I create a lesson plan, I will buy things to support myself
and my videos. (Camera stand, editing apps, lighting, white board) I will begin with
filming simple videos and practice my editing skills. Spending time adding ques and
questions into videos to keep students engaged. These videos will take a lot of trial
and error. I am going to send them to peers that have not yet learned this specific
topic and see if they are able to follow along. These videos will explain basic and in
depth lessons. I will ask them for feedback to better my explanations. At the end of
my capstone, I hope to produce 10 5-10 min videos. All ranging from difficult science
10 concepts that lead into the fondation of Chemistry 11. I hope my videos help
students in the same situation I was in going through highschool. No student should
have to give up important extra curriculars. I hope to create an accessable, affordable
and engaging way for students to learn scientific concepts. I hope to help all 4
highschool grades. I love science and I hope creating an easier way for people to
understand it will help them enjoy it more.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and

skills you will need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to
access/learn all of the resources necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail
your plans.

I will need to invest in film equipment such as a tripod, lights andediting apps. I am still
deciding on the layout but possibliy a white board.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will

you need to help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you?
What is your plan to access the mentorship/community connections necessary for this

I will need support from teachers around my school along with my peer students. I will gather
knowledge and feedback from both.

Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee
that might affect progress with your Capstone Project?

I may have trouble with editing since I am not very experienced with technology. I may have
trouble with teaching more difficult concepts.

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about
your project that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

I will need to advertise my youtube chanel in order to actually reach students. My videos wont
be seen if students do not know about them. I will need to show them to possible science
teachers and re work certain stratagies for teaching a unit. I need to form questions or some
way of testing a students knowledge after a video.


Attach a REFERENCE LIST. Your list should be written using correct APA formatting.
An example is provided on page 21 of your Capstone booklet.


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