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Communication Skill Reflection

Brendan Tang

1. Respond to the three prompts below. Use details and specific examples in your writing.
2. When complete, upload to your website under Blog Journal page.
a. Click “New Post”
b. Title of Post: Communication Skill Reflection
c. Use the scribed widget to upload this document
d. Click “Post” and “Publish”

What did you learn about yourself from the back- to- back drawings, nail on a string challenge, Escape
the Boom and the mock interviews? Share specific examples.

I learned that I excel in giving instructions for the drawings. My partner said I was able to compare the
shapes to relatable objects and sizes so that he was able to fully understand what do draw. When I was
the one receiving the instructions and drawing the picture, I was able to ask specific questions that
would help me understand his instructions more so that I could completely be confident in what I would
draw. In the bomb defusing activity, I found it a little difficult to understand the manual, however when I
was able to understand the subjects, I could successfully guide the person with the bomb. Ultimately, I
learned that I am able to give out intelligible instructions and ask meaningful questions when receiving

How can you improve your communication skills? Be specific.

I often get quite anxious when being interviewed and getting asked hard questions. Usually, I can handle
my anxiety well so that it can go unnoticed, however I’m not very confident with eye contact, and it's
something I tend to struggle with a little. I also struggle a little bit with rambling when trying to be
professional since I lack experience in that area. I plan to improve how I talk professionally with others
by practicing with my peers, family, or even by myself from time to time. I also tend to say “uh” and
“um” when explaining things to others. This is an issue that is very hard to outgrow, so until I gain the
necessary skills to dispose of the habit, I’ll make sure to go over and practice professional speeches
beforehand. Overall, I have some aspects in my communication skills that I would like to work on, but
with enough work and practice, I’ll be able to improve greatly in the development and carrying out of
these skills.
Why is effective communication considered a fundamental skill to have in the workplace and in life?
Provide a minimum of SIX reasons with EXAMPLES.

When someone is able to demonstrate effective communication skills, they’ll be able to be seen as
someone that is professional and takes things seriously. Being proficient in communication is absolutely
necessary when going through subjects like interviews, meetings, and in general just talking in a
professional environment. It is important to ensure understanding when doing group work, and
communication skills play a large role in this. For example, in the workplace, a good manager should
clearly explain the goals and expectations of a project to avoid misunderstandings within their team.
Even in non-professional situations, effective communication is a necessary fundamental skill to have. In
personal relationships with friends or significant others, being open and honest can resolve a lot of
present as well as future disagreements and maintain harmony. In jobs such as customer service, being
able to understand what a customer is asking for is very crucial. When a server isn’t able to understand
the needs or concerns of a customer, this can lead to an aggravated situation and will hurt your
reputation in that job. Another example where communication skills are important is when asking
someone for help. When you want assistance from another person, it is very crucial that the other
person understands what you need help with and how they can help. If someone cannot understand
how they can be able to help, it will most likely be an annoyance to them, and lessen their willingness to
still assist you. It is also very important to have good communication skills when teaching or instructing
others. Even if you understand what you need to teach, if you cannot communicate and get the
information across to your students, they will find it very hard to follow along with lessons and wont be
able to learn. When innovating and problem solving in groups, proficient communication skills can result
in creative solutions to problems, and new innovative ideas. A prime example where this can take place
is in brainstorming, where ideas are freely discussed and exchanged. Also, when working in sales,
persuasion and negotiations greatly help how successful you can be. An example for this can be when
closing a deal, a salesperson must effectively convey the value of a product to persuade a customer into
purchasing. Ultimately, communication skills play a crucial role when doing any activity that requires
talking to others, because relaying information in an understanding way can lead to success in business
and relationships.

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