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Tugas Bahasa Inggris II

Nama : Ulin Ni’mah

Kelas : 2BDRB

NIM : 220100242

1. in many countries, people wear specific clothes for work. For example, in Japan, many office
workers wear suits and ties to work. In the United States, some workplaces have a dress
code that requires employees to wear business attire, while others may allow more casual
clothing like jeans and t-shirts. In many European countries, it is common for workers to
wear uniforms, especially in industries like hospitality and healthcare. In some parts of the
world, traditional clothing is worn for work, such as the saris worn by women in some parts
of India or the keffiyehs worn by workers in the Middle East. Overall, work clothes can vary
widely depending on the culture and industry in different countries.
2. In Indonesia, people wear work clothes to their jobs. The type of work clothes depends on
the nature of the job. For example, office workers usually wear formal attire such as suits,
shirts, and ties. Meanwhile, workers also wear uniforms that represent their company or
organization. Overall, work clothes play an important role in maintaining a professional and
safe work environment in Indonesia.
3. Yesterday, I discovered a case of dress code violation at work. One of employees wore
inappropriate attire that did not comply with company regulations. The supervisor
reprimanded the employee and reminded them of the dress code policy. Thr employee
apologized and promised to adhere to the policy in the future.
4. In Indonesia, work clothes are generally influenced by the country's tropical climate and
cultural norms. The traditional work attire for men is usually a long-sleeved shirt worn with
long pants or batik sarong, while women often wear a kebaya (a traditional blouse) paired
with a long skirt or batik sarong. However, in modern workplaces, business attire is
becoming more common, especially in urban areas.
The choice of work clothes also depends on the industry and the specific job function. For
instance, people working in the hospitality industry, such as hotel and restaurant staff, often
wear uniforms provided by their employers. Similarly, workers in factories or construction
sites may need to wear specific safety gear, such as helmets and safety shoes.

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