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Qualitative Aspects:
• Thermal energy
• Thermochemistry
Lecture outline • Heat flow
Quantitative Aspects:
• Calorimetry: coffee-cup calorimetry
bomb calorimetry
Basic principle of
(qualitative aspects)
Thermal energy
Heat flow
Thermal energy
• energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature.

• HEAT is the flow of thermal energy. Transformation of energy.

• it’s the energy that is associated with the random motion of atoms and

• temperature is not the measurement of the thermal energy

• it’s depends on quantity: Extensive property

HEAT & THERMAL ENERGY are different

Thermal Energy
• Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two
bodies that are at different temperatures.

• Heat flows from warmer/hotter objects to

cooler/colder objects or from higher
temperature to lower temperature

• Mix hot water with ice
Temperature of the ice rises after it melts

Thermochemistry is the study of heat changes in

chemical reactions.
Thermochemistry: General Principle
• useful in predicting reactant and product quantities in a chemical

• use to predict whether a reaction is spontaneous (natural) or non-

spontaneous; favorable or unfavorable.

• combines the concepts of THERMODYNAMICS with the concept of energy

in the form of chemical bonds.

• study of the heat energy relate to
chemical reactions and/or physical

like: phase change;

change in energy :
endothermic : absorbs heat
exothermic : releases heat
• emphases on energy changes,
particularly on the system’s energy
exchange with its surroundings.
Process of heat flow:
Change of energy:
• Endothermic process/energy/reaction:
* absorbs heat from the surrounding;
* temperature of the surrounding
** system becomes hotter

• Exothermic process/energy/reaction:
* release heat to the surrounding;
* temperature of the surrounding
** system becomes colder 10
Principles of Heat Flow: System and Surrounding
• The system: that part of the universe on which attention is focused

• The surroundings: the rest of the universe

• Practically speaking, it is possible to consider only the surroundings that

directly contact the system

Principles of Heat Flow: System and Surrounding
• Thermodynamic System/System
The substance under study in which a change occurs is called
the thermodynamic system
Example: chemical reaction
System: reactants and product

• Thermodynamic Surroundings/Surroundings
Everything else in the vicinity is called the thermodynamic
surroundings (or just the surroundings).
Surroundings: are the vessel (beaker, test tube, flask)
in which the reaction takes place plus the air or
other material in thermal contact with the
reaction system
6 | 12
Systems and Surroundings (from General Chemistry by Masterton and Hurley)

1. Open System: The system across the
boundary of which transfer of both mass as
well as energy can take place across the
boundary and can exchange mass and heat
with surroundings.

2. Closed System: The system of fixed mass

across the boundary of which no mass
transfer can take place. only transfer of
energy, not mass.

3. Isolated System: The system in which both

the mass as well as energy content remains
constant. No transfer of mass or energy.
image188235857 14
Making ice cubes (freezing or solidification) Melting ice cubes
Formation of snow in clouds Conversion of frost to water vapor
Condensation of rain from water vapor (condensation) Evaporation of water (evaporation)
A candle flame (combustion reaction) Forming a cation from an atom in the gas phase
Mixing sodium sulfite and bleach Baking bread
Rusting iron (corrosion) Cooking an egg (cooking foods)
Burning sugar Producing sugar by photosynthesis
Forming ion pairs Separating ion pairs
Combining atoms to make a molecule in the gas phase Splitting a gas molecule apart
Mixing water and acids or bases (strong or weak) Mixing water and ammonium nitrate/ammonium chloride
Mixing water from anhydrous salt Making an anhydrous salt from a hydrate
Crystallizing liquid salts (ex.: sodium acetate in chemical Melting solid salts
Nuclear fission Reaction of Ba(OH)2•8H2O crystal with dry NH4Cl
Mixing water with CaCl 2 Mixing water with KCl
Hot packs Sublimation process
Neutralization reaction Fusion of solid
Fireworks Ice packs
Dissolving sodium chloride in water Boiling
Classify the following as an endothermic or exothermic reaction:
1. freezing water
2. the reaction inside an ice pack
3. burning wood
4. combustion of Mg in dry ice
5. melting ice
6. making popcorn in a microwave
7. a burning match
8. boiling water
9. burning rocket fuel
10. the reaction inside a heat pack


1. Exothermic
2. Endothermic
3. Exothermic
4. Exothermic
5. Endothermic
6. Endothermic
7. Exothermic
8. Endothermic
9. Exothermic
10. Exothermic 17
Direction and Sign of Heat Flow
• Heat is given the symbol: q

• q is positive when heat flows into the system from the

surroundings (endothermic process)
Endothermic processes have positive q
H2O (s) + heat → H2O (ℓ) q>0

• q is negative when heat flows from the system into the

surroundings (exothermic process)
Exothermic processes have negative q
CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2H2O (ℓ) + heat q<0

Magnitude of Heat Flow
• In any process:
direction of heat flow and in its magnitude
• q, Q --- is expressed in joules, J (or kilojoules, kJ)
[James Joule (1818-1889); ] ….. calorimetry
• Alternate unit: calorie
• 1 calorie = 4.184 J
• 1 kilocalorie = 4.184 kJ
• Nutritional calories are kcal

Activity : virtual presentation by partner
• Give example of heat transfer;
Explain the process of heat flow
Identify: if it is exothermic or endothermic
the system and the surrounding
the type of thermodynamic system
• Present and discuss during our vc with camera on.
• Share your output during presentation and post it in our teams under files
• Make sure you have your name on it.
• There must be NO duplication of the example.
• Score depends on the way it presented and discuss.

Lecture outline

Quantitative Calories from Calorimetry:

Aspects: the food

coffee-cup bomb
calorimetry calorimetry
Fuel value in food is usually measured in Calories
1 nutritional Calorie, 1 Cal = 1000 cal = 1 kcal.

• Most energy in our bodies comes from the oxidation of carbohydrates and
• In the intestines carbohydrates are converted into glucose, C6H12O6, or
blood sugar.
• In the cells (intestine) glucose reacts with O2 in a series of steps which
ultimately produce CO2, H2O, and energy.
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) → 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) DH = –2803 kJ.
Fats, tristearin, react with O2 and breakdown as follows:
2C57H110O6(s) + 163O2(g) → 114CO2(g) + 110H2O(l)
DH = –75,250 kJ.
• Fats contain more energy than carbohydrates. Fats are not water

• Therefore, fats are good for energy storage.

How much energy does a food contain?
• Food that we eat gives us energy to go through our day.
• It gives us energy by providing energy to the cells inside our body.
Essential nutrients in food that provides energy to our body:
• Carbohydrates in food are used first.
• Fats, and then proteins as energy sources.
• Proteins
Measurement of nutrients in food
• Kilocalories (kcal) or Calories (C).
• kilojoule (kJ) is in widespread use internationally.
The conversion factors for calories, kilocalories, joules, kilojoules, and Calories
are as follows:
Energy Values used in Nutrition
1000cal = 1 kcal = 1 Cal
4184 J = 4.184 kJ = 1 Cal
How much energy does a food contain?
• Nutrition labels are currently a requirement on most packaged foods sold
in the United States and internationally.
• The nutrition facts (as they are also called) usually include how many
calories are in the food, how much carbohydrates, fat and proteins are
present as well as the Calories per gram of each type of energy source.
• In order to determine the energy in the food, the food is burned in a
calorimeter (described in more detail in the next lesson) in the laboratory
to obtain the energy value in units of kJ/g or kcal/g, typically.
• A food sample is put into a steel container containing oxygen and in the
surrounding chamber, a measured amount of water.
• The energy value is determined based on the mass of the food and water
and the increase in temperature.
How much energy does a food contain?

Sample Problem: Calculating energy of the nutrients (carbohydrates,

protein and fats)
• Use the information in this nutrition facts label to determine the amount
of Calories (Cal = kcal) and kilojoules (kJ) from fat, carbohydrates and
protein in the snack mix.
Energy conversion:
Fat = 9.3 kcal/g (Cal/g);
Carbohydrate = 4.1 kcal/g (Cal/g);
Protein = 4.7 kcal/g (Cal/g)
How much
energy does
a food

Sample of food with

nutritional label/facts
How much energy does a food contain?
From the given nutrition facts of the food, arrange the energy in kJ of the nutrients and
descending order. Refer to the label.
Energy from Fat:
• 16 g x 9.3 kcal/g = 148.8 kcal = 148.8 Cal
• Convert to kJ
• 148.8 Cal x 4.184kJ/Cal = 622.5792 kJ
Energy from Carbohydrate:
• 1 g x 4. kcal/g = 4.1 kcal = 4.1 Cal
• Convert to kJ
• 4.1 Cal x 4.184kJ/Cal = 17.1544 kJ
Energy from Protein:
• 7 g x 4.7 kcal/g = 32.9 kcal = 32.9 Cal
• Convert to kJ
• 32.9 Cal x 4.184kJ/Cal = 137.6536 kJ
How much energy does a food contain?

Think about your result and explain the nutrition of the food, if it is
healthy or unhealthy.
• For the food in this example, most of the energy is coming from fat
first, then from protein and finally from carbohydrates when these
three sources of energy are considered.
Measurement of Heat Flow: Calorimetry
• Science of measuring heat based on the change in temperature of an
observed body when it releases and /or absorbs heat

• The temperature change is based on the heat capacity of the body.

(The higher the heat capacity the higher its boiling point)

Measurement of Heat Flow: Calorimetry
• A calorimeter is a device used to measure the heat flow of a reaction

• The walls of the calorimeter are insulated to block heat flow between the
reaction and the surroundings

• The heat flow for the system is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign from
the heat flow of the calorimeter

qreaction = - qcalorimeter

Types of calorimeter
• Coffee – cup calorimeter

• Bomb calorimeter

Coffee-cup Calorimeter 34
Coffee-cup Calorimeter: Characteristics:
• is a constant pressure calorimeter (isobaric)
and it is a closed system

• it involves with little or no volume change.

• uses simple styrofoam cup.

styrofoam cup makes for a good adiabatic wall and

helps keep all the heat released or absorbed by the reaction

inside the cup for measurement.

Coffee-cup Calorimeter principle:
• heat of calorimeter, q cal (or called heat of reaction, q reaction) can
be determined from the mass of the substance multiplied by the
specific heat capacity of the substance, Cp and change of
temperature, ΔT of the substance.

Heat of calorimeter q cal is equal to the heat of the system, – qp system at constant

The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation:
Mathematical equation:
q = m x Cp x Δt
where: (for any substance)
q = heat of reaction or heat flow or heat of calorimeter in J or kJ;
m = mass of the substance in g;
Cp = specific heat capacity of the substance in J/g•0C , J/g•K or kJ/g•0C, kJ/g•K
ΔT = temperature change in 0 C or K of the substance

• Many tables will list specific heat capacities using °C instead of K.
• These two units are equivalent because we are using ΔT and not plain T.
• A change in Kelvin of 10 is exactly a change of 10 in °C as well.
• Don't try to change Celsius to Kelvin and vice versa here. 37
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation:
Mathematical equation:

q = m x Cp x Δt

Ex.: if the substance is water

q cal = q reaction = m waterCp,waterΔT water = − qp, system
– qp,system = heat of the system at constant pressure (heat flows from the system to
the surroundings)

The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation: Heat, q
Heat , q = change in enthalpy, ΔH
(enthalpy = chemical energy involve in the heat flow of chemical
reaction between reactants and products)
• q is positive when heat flows from the surroundings into the system ,
ΔH is positive…
Endothermic processes: melting of ice
H2O (s) + heat → H2O (ℓ) ΔH > 0
• q is negative when heat flows from the system into the surroundings,
ΔH is negative
Exothermic processes: combustion of fuel
CH 4 (g) + 2O 2 (g) → CO 2 (g) + 2H2O (ℓ) + heat ΔH < 0 39
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation: mass, g
Mass of the substance: mass
is related to the volume and
• Vol. = --------------------
density of the substance.

Unit: grams, g
• mass = vol. x 
Using the density,  of the substance:
 = --------------------
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation:
Specific Heat Capacity or heat capacity, Cp or C
• the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of a
substance by 1 K or 1 0 C

• unit is J/g•0C ; J/g•K ; kJ/g•0C ; kJ/g•K

• depends on the identity and phase of the substance: solid, liquid or gas

• The specific heat of a substance, like the density, melting point, boiling point, is an
intensive property that can be used to identify a substance or determine its purity, it is
an intensive property.
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation:
express in Molar Heat Capacity, Cm
Cp of water = 4.184 J/g 0C or 4.184 J/g K
Conversion of Cp to Cm
To convert to molar heat capacity, Cm: using: molar mass (recall how to
determine molar mass)
convert to molar heat capacity, Cm
Cm = Cp x molar mass
molar mass of water: 18 g/mole
Cm = 4.184 J/g 0C x 18 g/mole = 75.31 J/mol 0C or 75.31 J/mol K

• Many tables will list specific heat capacities using °C instead of K.
• These two units are equivalent because we are using ΔT and not plain T.
• A change in Kelvin of 10 is exactly a change of 10 in °C as well. 43
• Don't try to change Celsius to Kelvin and vice versa here.
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation:
express in Molar Heat Capacity, Cm
Conversion of Cm to Cp
Cm of water = 75.31 J/mol 0C
To convert to specific heat capacity, Cp: using: molar mass
convert to specific heat capacity, Cp
Cp = Cm  molar mass
molar mass of water: 18 g/mole
Cm = 75.31 J/mol 0C  18 g/mole = 4.184 J/g 0C or 4.184 J/g K

• Many tables will list specific heat capacities using °C instead of K.
• These two units are equivalent because we are using ΔT and not plain T.
• A change in Kelvin of 10 is exactly a change of 10 in °C as well.
• Don't try to change Celsius to Kelvin and vice versa here. 44
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation: temperature
change, ΔT in 0 C or K of the substance
• ΔT is the change in temperature of the substance/s when heat
exchange will occur.

• Initial temperature, t1 and final temperature, t2

• ΔT = (t2 – t1)

Q, q = m Cp Δt = m Cp (t2 – t1)
Energy Transferred as Heat ( in 2 systems)
Determining the specific heat capacity of one of the substance or final
temperature of the reaction, etc….. between two substances example:
water and metal.
1. System: water and heated metal or hot water and cooled metal or
any two substances with different temperature
2. Surroundings: Apparatus used like coffee-cup and the environment
3. Energy is transferred only as heat within the system.
4. Water and metal have the same final temperature. (thermal
Energy Transferred as Heat (2 system)
5. q of heated metal, qm; has a negative value (temp. decreases).. Release heat to the water
6. q of water, qw, has a positive value (temp. increase) … absorb heat from the hot metal
7. qm and qw are numerically equal but are opposite in sign
8. Using : Law of Conservation of Energy:
In an isolated system the sum of energy changes within the system
is equal to zero. (If energy is transferred only as heat)
mathematical equation: Hot metal
q1 + q2 + q3 + …. = 0
for water and metal qm + qw = 0
qw = – qm
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation: summary
For 2 systems:
• q = m x Cp x Δt heat absorbed = – heat released
endothermic = – exothermic
• q = m x Cp (t2 – t1) q endo = – q exo
• m= q  Cp (t2 – t1) water, w and heated metal, hm or any two substances
• qw = – qm
• Cp = q  m (t2 – t1)
• [m x Cp x Δt]w = [– m x Cp x Δt]hm
• Δt = q  m x Cp
• [m x Cp x (t2 – t1) ]w = [– m x Cp x (t2 – t1) ]hm
• (t2 – t1) = q  m x Cp
t2w = t2hm (thermal equilibrium: final temperature for
both water and hot metal are the same)
Problem Solving
show complete solution

(meaning... Show the formula use, substitution of values into

the formula with complete units, complete conversion,
cancellation of units)
Sample problem:
1. A piece of zinc weighing 35.8 g was heated from 20.00°C to 28.00°C. How much heat
was required? The specific heat of zinc is 0.388 J/g°C.

Given: mass of Zn metal = 35.8 g t2 = 28.00°C

t1 = 20.00°C Cp of Zn metal = 0.388 J/g°C

Rqd: heat, q

Solution: q = m x Cp x Δt
q = m x Cp (t2 – t1)

substituting the values :

q = 35.8 g x 0.388 J/g°C (28.00°C - 20.00°C)

q = 111 J
Sample Problem:
2. How much heat in kJ is needed to warm 1 cup of water (about 1 cup = 250 mL ) from 22 0 C to 98 0 C. (molar heat capacity of water,
Cm of water is 75.312 J/mol 0C and density of water is 1.00 g/mL).

• Given: volume of water = 1 cup (1 cup = 250 mL); Cm = 75.312 J/mol 0C; t1 = 22 0 C ; t2 = 98 0 C;  = 1.00 g/mL
• Rqd.: heat in kJ , qw
• Solution: q = mxCpxΔt mass in g, Cp in J/g0C , temperature in 0C
note from the given values : volume and molar heat capacity is given; so it cannot be use in the formula to
determine the heat of water.
convert first the volume to mass and the molar heat capacity to specific heat capacity of water
to convert volume of water to mass of water use: conversion factor then use density of the water
mass of water = 1 cup x( 250 mL/1 cup) x 1.00 g/1 mL = 250 g
to convert molar heat capacity, Cm to specific heat capacity, Cp use the molar mass of water:
solving for the molar mass of H2O = (2 x 1 g/mol ) + (1 x 16 g/mol) = 18 g/mol
Cp = 75.312 J/mol 0C x 1 mol/18 g = 4.184 J/g 0C
substitute the converted values to the formula and simplify:
q = mxCpxΔt = m x Cp (t2 – t1) = 250 g x 4.184 J/g 0C (98 0 C - 22 0 C)
q = 79,496 J
convert J to kJ : 1 kJ = 1000 J
q = 79,496 J x 1kJ/1000 J
q = 79.496 kJ
Sample problem:
2. A 55.0 g piece of metal is heated in boiling water to 99.8 0 C and then dropped into cool water in an isolated
beaker. The beaker contains 225.0 g of water and its temperature (before the metal was dropped in) was 21.0
0 C . The final temperature of the metal and water is 23.1 0 C( thermal equilibrium). What is the specific heat
capacity of the metal? Cp of water is 4.184 J/g0C

• Given: mass of metal = 55.0 g ; t1m = 99.8 0 C; Cpw = 4.184 J/g0C

mass of water = 225.0 g; t1w = 21.0 0 C; t2m = t2w = 23.1 0 C
• Rgd.: specific heat capacity of metal, Cpm
• Solution: for two systems: the metal release heat to the water and the water absorbs heat from the metal
its mathematical equation is:
qw = – qm
(mxCpxΔt)w = (–mxCp xΔt)m
Cpm = (mxCpxΔt)w /(–mxΔt)m
Substituting the given values and cancellation of units and simplifying:
Cpm = [mxCp(t2-tt1)]w /[–m(t2-tt1)]m
Cpm = [225.0 g x 4.184J/g0C (23.1 0 C - 21.0 0 C )] /[– 55.0 g (23.1 0 C - 99.8 0 C )]
Cpm = 0.469 J/g0C
Bomb Calorimeter
• Heat of reactions for
both solutions and gases

• High pressure

• Isolated system

• Combustion reaction occur

Bomb Calorimetry (Constant Volume Calorimetry)

• Heat of reactions for both solutions and gases

• High pressure
• Isolated system
• Combustion reaction occur
Bomb Calorimeter: principle
• is a constant volume calorimeter (constant volume is isochoric) and it is an isolated system

• the heat of the bomb calorimeter, qcal is equivalent to the change in enthalpy (heat of reaction)
and change of internal energy: qcal = ΔH= ΔU

• qcal. is determined from the heat capacity of the calorimeter, Ccal. , and change in temperature, ΔT

• Heat capacity of the calorimeter C cal is used to find heat of the system at constant volume q v,

Bomb Calorimetry Equation:
Its mathematical expression:
q cal = C calΔT = − q v, system
qcal = heat of calorimeter in J or kJ;
C cal= heat capacity in J/ 0 C or kJ/ 0 C ; J/ K or kJ/K;
ΔT = change in temperature in 0 C or K
− q v, system = heat of the system at constant volume
it has an opposite sign (exothermic)

Bomb Calorimetry Equation:
Mathematical equation for the heat of
reaction, ΔH
q reaction.:
ΔH = q reaction = – q cal
= – Ccal ΔT

Bomb Calorimetry Equation:
Heat of reaction involved the presence of water:
• water is an important component in the bomb calorimeter
• heat produced by the reaction is absorbed by the water and
Mathematical Equation:

q reaction = – (q cal + q water)

where: qcal = – C calΔT
and: q water = mwaterCp,waterΔT
q reaction = – ( C calΔT + mwaterCp,waterΔT)

Bomb Calorimetry Equation:
calculating heat, q …. involves stoichiometry
Recall : unit of q is in J or kJ
Conversion of q in J to J/g or kJ/g:
• If heat, q is required in J/g or kJ/g:
divide q with the given mass
q = J/given mass or q = kJ/given mass
Conversion of q in J to J/mole or kJ/mole
• If heat, q is required in J/mole ; kJ/mole:
divide q with the no. of moles
no. of moles = mass / molar mass
q = J/no. of moles

Mathematical equation Bomb calorimetry:
q reaction = – Ccal ΔT
Heat of reaction involved the presence of water:
q reaction = – ( C calΔT + mwaterCp,waterΔT)

If heat, q is required in J/g or kJ/g:

q = J/given mass or q = kJ/given mass
If heat, q is required in kJ/mole:
no. of moles = mass / molar mass
q = J/no. of moles
Sample problem:
1. A chemical reaction in a bomb calorimeter evolves 3.15 kJ of heat. If
the temperature of the calorimeter is raised from 19.19°C to 22.03°C,
what is the heat capacity of the calorimeter?
• Given: qcal = - 3.15 kJ; t1 = 19.19 0 C; t 2 = 22.03 0 C
• Rqd: Cp of calorimeter
• Solution: qcal = - qevolve = - Ccal Δt
Ccal = -q/- (t2-t1)
= -3.15kJ/-(22.03 0 C – 19.19 0 C)
Ccal = 1.11 kJ/°C
Sample problem:
2. Hydrogen chloride, HCl (g) use in etching semiconductors. It can be prepared by reacting hydrogen and chlorine gas:
H 2 (g) + Cl 2 (g) ➔ 2 HCl (g) It is found that when 1.00 g of H 2 (g) is made to react completely with Cl 2(g) in a bomb calorimeter with a
heat capacity, C cal. of 5.15 kJ/0 C, the temperature in the bomb rises from 20.00 0 C to 29.82 0 C. The calorimeter can hold 1.00 kg of
water. How much heat is evolved by the reaction?
• Given: mass of H2 (g) = 1.00 g ; mass of water 1.00 kg= 1000 g (convert to g) ; Ccal. = 5.15 kJ/0C ; t 2 = 29.82 0C ; t 1 = 20.00 o C
• Rgd: q of reaction, q reaction
• Solution: heat evolved in the reaction that involved water is:
q reaction = – (q cal + q water)
where: qcal = C calΔT
q water = mwaterCp,waterΔT
solve q of water :
q water = m x Cp x Δt = 1000 g x 4.184 J/g0C (29.82 0C– 20.00 0C) = 41,086.88 J
convert to J to kJ q water = 41,086.88 J x 1 kJ/1000 J = 41.09 kJ (for consistency of unit with Cp of the bomb calorimeter)
solve for q of cal. :
q cal. = Ccal x ΔT = 5.15 kJ/0 C (29.82 0C– 20.00 0C) = 50.57 kJ
substitute to the equation of q of reaction:
q reaction = – (q cal + q water) = – (50.57 kJ + 41.09 kJ)
q reaction = – 91.66 kJ
Sample problem:
3. Hydrazine, N2H4 (l), and its derivatives are widely used as rocket fuels. The combustion of hydrazine with oxygen
produces N2(g) and H2O (gas) : N2H4 (l) + O 2 ➔ N2(g) + H2O (gas)
When 1.00 g of hydrazine is burned in a bomb calorimeter, the temperature of the calorimeter increases by 3.51 0 C.
If the calorimeter has a heat capacity of 5.510 kJ/ 0 C, what is the heat of reaction?, what is the heat evolved for the
combustion of one mole of N2H4 (l) in kJ/mol.
• Given: mass of N2H4 (l) = 1.00 g ; ΔT = 3.51 0 C ; Ccal. = 5.510 kJ/0C.
• Rqd: A) q rxn B) heat evolved of 1 mol of N2H4 (l) in kJ/mol containing 1 g of N2H4 (l)
• Solution: A) q rxn = – q cal = – Ccal x ΔT = – 5.510 kJ/ 0 C (3.51 0 C) = – 19.3 kJ
B) q evolved = - q rxn
for 1 mole of N2H4 (l) containing 1 g of N2H4 (l)
q evolved = - q rxn/no. of moles
* solve for the molar mass of N2H4 (l) = 2x14 g/mol + 4x1 g/mol = 32.0 g/mol
* solve for no. of moles = mass/molar mass= 1 g / 32.0 g/mole = 0.03125 moles
substituting the values:
q evolved = – 19.3 kJ /0.03125 mole
q evolved = – 617.60 kJ/mole

Sample problem:
4. The combustion of benzoic acid, C7H6O2, can be used to determine the heat capacity of a bomb
calorimeter. The heat evolved per mole of benzoic acid combusted is 3.09 x 103 kJ. If the combustion of 1.00 g
of benzoic acid increases the temperature of a calorimeter by 7.530C. What is the heat capacity of the
• Given: mass of C7H6O2 = 1.00 g ; qevolve = - 3.09 x 10 3 kJ/mol; Δt = 7.530C
• Rqd: Cc al.
• Solution: q cal = - q evolve = - Ccal x Δt
- Ccal = - q evolve / Δt
q must be in kJ ….. but the given q is 3.09 x 10 3 kJ/mol
* convert q in kJ/mol to q in kJ using the given mass and the molar mass of C7H6O2
q in kJ = q in kJ/mol x no. of moles
solve for the molar mass of C7H6O2 = 7x 12 g/mol + 6 x 1 g/mol + 2 x 16 g/mol = 122 g/mol
no. of moles = mass/molar mass = 1 g / 122 g/mole = 8.197 x 10 – 3 moles
q evolve = - 3.09 x 10 3 kJ/mol x 8.197 x 10 – 3 moles = – 25.33 kJ
substitute the value of q in kJ:
- Ccal = – q evolve / Δt = - 25.33 kJ / 7.530C
- Ccal = – 3.364 kJ/oC
Ccal = 3.364 kJ/oC 64
Activity: virtual by partners
• Solve 5 problems given from the notes or problems taken from any
• Discuss together with your partner in your channel using vc with
camera on.
• Upload in mp4 and upload your output in writing.
• Score depends on the difficulty of the problems, the way it presented
and discuss.
The Coffee-cup Calorimetry Equation: summary
For 2 systems:
• q = m x Cp x Δt heat absorbed = – heat released
endothermic = – exothermic
• q = m x Cp (t2 – t1) q endo = – q exo

• m= q  Cp (t2 – t1) water, w and heated metal, hm:

• qw = – qm
• Cp = q  m (t2 – t1)
• [m x Cp x Δt]w = [– m x Cp x Δt]hm
• Δt = q  m x Cp
• [m x Cp x (t2 – t1) ]w = [– m x Cp x (t2 – t1) ]hm
• (t2 – t1) = q  m x Cp
t2w = t2hm (thermal equilibrium: final temperature for
both water and hot metal are the same)
Mathematical equation Bomb calorimetry:
q reaction = – Ccal ΔT
Heat of reaction involved the presence of water:
q reaction = – ( C calΔT + mwaterCp,waterΔT)
If heat, q is required in J/g or kJ/g:
q = J/given mass or q = kJ/given mass
If heat, q is required in kJ/mole:
no. of moles = mass / molar mass
q = J/no. of moles
1. The temperature of a 15-g sample of lead metal increases from 22 °C to 37 °C
upon the addition of 29.0 J of heat. The specific heat capacity of the lead is
__________ J/g-K.
2. A sample of aluminum metal absorbs 9.86 J of heat, upon which the
temperature of the sample increases from 23.2 °C to 30.5 °C. Since the specific
heat capacity of aluminum is 0.90 J/g-K, the mass of the sample is __________ g.

3. If 50.0 g of benzene, C6H6, at 25.00C absorbs 2.71 kJ of energy in the form of

heat, what is the final temperature of the benzene? The specific heat of benzene is
1.72 J/g.0C.

4. A 88.5 –g piece of iron whose temperature is 78.8 0 C is place in a
beaker containing 244 g of water at 18.8 0 C. When thermal equilibrium
is reached, what is the final temperature? (Assume no energy is lost to
warm the beaker and its surroundings). Cp of water is 4.184 J/g0C and
the Cp of iron is 0.446 J/g 0C.

5. When 225 mL of water at 25 0 C are mixed with 85.0 mL of water

at 85 0 C, what is the final temperature ? (Assume that no heat is lost
to the surroundings. (density of water is 1.00 g/mL)

6. Compare the amount of heat given off by 1.40 mole of liquid water
when it cools from 100.0 0 C to 30.0 0 C to that given off when 1.40 mol
of steam cools from 200.0 0 C to 110. 0 C (Cp of H2O (l) = 4.184 J/g. 0 C;
Cp of H2O (g) = 1.87 J/g. 0 C). Explain your coparison.

7. 30.0 g H2O at an unknown temperature is mixed with 27.0 g of

water at 15.80C in a coffee-cup calorimeter. If the final temperature of
the mixture is 29.10C, what is the initial temperature of the water?

8. What is the enthalpy change/heat (in kJ) of a chemical reaction
that raises the temperature of 250.0 ml of solution having a density of
1.25 g/ml by 7.80°C? (The specific heat of the solution is 3.74

9. How much energy must be transferred to raise the temperature of a

cup of coffee (250 mL) from 20.4 0 C to 95.6 0 C. Assume that the water
and coffee have the same density (1.00 g/mL) and specific heat
capacity is 4.19 J/g. 0 C.
10. If the same amount of energy in the form of heat is added to 5.00 g samples of
each of the metals below, which metal will undergo the largest temperature
Metal Specific Heat (J/g0C)
Ag 0.235
Al 0.897
Cu 0.385
Fe 0.449
Hg 0.140

11. When a student mixes 50.0 mL of 0.1 M HCl and 50.0 mL of 0. M
NaOH in a coffee-cup calorimeter, the temperature of the resultant
solution increases from 21.0 0 C to 27.5 0 C. Calculate for the enthalpy
change for the reaction in kJ, assuming that the calorimeter loses only a
negligible quantity of heat, that the total volume of the solution is 100.0
mL, that its density is 1.0 g/mL and that its specific heat is 4.18 J/g 0 C

12. Sodium chloride is added in cooking to enhance the flavor of food.
When 10.0 g of NaCl is dissolved in 200.0 mL of water at 25.0 0 C I a
coffee-cup calorimeter. 669 J of heat are absorbed. (You can make the
following assumptions about the solution. Volume = 200.0 mL, density
is 1.0 g/mL, specific heat capacity = 4.18 J/g 0 C.
a) Is the solution process endothermic?
b) What is q H2O ?
c) What is the final temperature of the solution?

13. A 0.5865-g of lactic acid, CH3H5O3 , is burned in a bomb calorimeter,
whose heat capacity is 4.812 kJ . The temperature increases from
23.10 0 C to 24.95 0 C. Calculate the heat of combustion of lactic acid
per gram and per mole.

14. The combustion of methylhydrazine, CH6N2; a rocket fuel, produces
N2(g), CO2(g) and H2O(l):
2 CH6N2(g) + 5 O2(g) ➔ 2 N2(g) + 2 CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l)
When 4.0 g of methylhydrazine is combusted in a bomb calorimeter,
the temperature of the calorimeter increases from 25.0 0 C to 39.50 0 C.
In a separate experiment the heat capacity of the calorimeter is
measured to be 7.794 kJ/ 0C. Calculate the heat of reaction for the
combustion of a mole of CH6N2 .

15. Acetylene, C2H2, is a gas used in welding. The molar enthalpy of
combustion for acetylene is –2599 kJ. A mass of 0.338 g C2H2(g) is
combusted in a bomb calorimeter. If the heat capacity of the
calorimeter is 5.54 kJ/0C, what is the temperature increase of the bomb

16. Isooctane is a primary component of gasoline and gives gasoline its

octane rating. Burning 1.00 mL of isooctane (d = 0.688g/mL) releases
33.0 kJ of heat. When 10.0 mL of isooctane is burned in a bomb
calorimeter, the temperature in the bomb increases from 23.20C to
66.50C. What is the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter?

17. The Bunsen burner in your labs are fueled by natural gas, which is
mostly methane, CH4. The thermochemical equations for the
combustion of methane (burning in oxygen) is:
CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) ➔ CO2(g) + 2 H2O (g) ΔH = – 890.3 kJ/mole
Calculate ΔH when:
A) 5.00 g CH4 react with an excess oxygen.
B) 2.0 L of O2 at 49 0 C and 782 mm Hg react with an excess of
C) 2.0 L of CH4 react with 5.0 L of O2 to produce 1.0 L of CO2 in a
reaction vessel kept at 25 0 C at 1.00 atm.

18. Calculate the amount of heat produced in kJ from the combustion
of 10.0 g of C2H6 which burns in oxygen and produces carbon dioxide
and water and evolves –3135 kJ/mole of heat.

Write the chemical equation.

Molar mass of C 2H 6
Solve the ΔH using the balance equation

19. Iron oxide reacts with aluminum in an exothermic reaction.
Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) ➔ 2Fe(s) + Al2O3(s) The reaction of 5.00 g Fe2O3
with excess Al evolves 26.6 kJ of energy in the form of heat.
Calculate the enthalpy change per mole of Fe2O3 reacted.

20. Methane, CH4, reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide,

water, and heat.
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) ➔ CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ΔH = – 890.3 kJ
What is the value of ΔH if 5.00 g of water is produced?


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