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Research Procedure

Describe and explain every step and process involved in doing the study.

A chronological narrative of the procedure of doing the study is common.

The primary goal of the procedure section is to give enough information so

that any other
researcher could replicate the study with exactly the same processes and

Even without a direct chronological narrative, the reader should be able to

reconstruct the chronology from your description.

Cite appendices in the back of your paper where you provide actual copy of
any relevant materials (such as recruitment messages, scripts, layouts, etc.)
Research Procedure
Describes the sequential events in the conduct of

It may include the following:

Acquisition of the permission for the
Use of the research tool/s
Conduct of the study in a particular environment/population
Test administration procedure – Google Form link
Data analysis – period
Data Management : raw data storage and disposal
Definition of Terms
❏ Define the study variables only

❏ Provide the following definition in sequential

❏ conceptual
❏ operational
❏ analytical

❏ Written in paragraph format

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