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Designing a Strand Orientation Pattern for Improved Shear

Properties of Oriented Strand Board

Kenton Alldritt, A.M.ASCE 1; Arijit Sinha, A.M.ASCE 2; and Thomas H. Miller, M.ASCE 3

Abstract: As oriented strand board (OSB) increases in use, improving the mechanical properties is of importance. Improved in-plane shear
properties will allow for more efficient use as well as open up other opportunities in engineered wood products with high shear stresses. Based
on classical laminated plate theory, composite laminates with 45° laminate alignment patterns produce higher in-plane shear modulus and
strength compared with typical 0°=90°=0° alignment. Oriented strand board was manufactured 13.3-mm thick with 0°= þ 45°= − 45°= −
45°= þ 45°=0° and 0°=90°=0° alignment patterns, and in-plane shear, bending, nail connection, and small-scale shear wall properties com-
pared to commercial OSB. Results showed a 24% increase in shear modulus for the 0°= þ 45°= − 45°= − 45°= þ 45°=0° alignment when
compared with the 0°=90°=0° alignment using a method similar to a standard in-plane shear test. Results also show 10% reduction in bending
modulus of elasticity in the parallel direction. Small-scale shear wall tests were insensitive to changes of in-plane shear properties. Lateral nail
connection tests showed no reduction in connection yield load, implying that these panels can be used in similar applications without affecting
connection properties. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001033. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Wood; Digital imaging techniques; Nails; Shear modulus; Shear walls.

Introduction mechanical properties in the x and y directions (Jones 1975). Thus,

CLPT can predict the mechanical properties of the entire laminate
Oriented strand board (OSB) is used in many applications includ- using any alignment orientation of each individual laminate layer.
ing structural sheathing, flooring, I-joist web material, structural To increase the shear properties based on CLPT, a layup pattern can
insulated panels, upholstered furniture, and various material be designed, and new panels can be engineered (Jones 1975).
handling products. Oriented strand board is typically made from In-plane shear is described by the shear stress and deformation
low-density trees such as aspen (Populus tremuloides) (Barbuta in the x-y plane (the plane of the OSB sheet), and is also referred to
et al. 2011) or southern yellow pine (Pinus palustris), and as shear through-the-thickness in ASTM D2719 (ASTM 2007).
high-value products can be manufactured from this relatively In-plane shear properties of OSB are especially important in
low-value wood species. As OSB is used in an increasing number products such as I-joist web stock and structural sheathing for
of products, refinement and adjustment of OSB mechanical proper- buildings (McCutcheon 1985; Shrestha 1999; Grandmont et al.
ties is important. By adjusting manufacturing specifications of 2010) and I-joist web stock performance highly sensitive to
OSB to alter mechanical properties, specific desired properties in-plane shear properties. In-plane shear modulus also has a
can be refined to meet the needs of the end product. significant role in the deflection of OSB sheathed shear walls.
Conventional sheathing panel such as OSB is a multiple layered Wood is an orthotropic material and, consequently, the
flake-based composite with the top and bottom layers aligned in orientation of the strands within OSB has a significant impact
the length direction (also referred to as the parallel direction or on the mechanical properties in the x and y directions (McNatt et al.
strong axis), whereas the middle layer (core) is aligned in the 1992). Specifically, the alignment of face strands has a marked
perpendicular direction or weak axis (for a 0=90=0 alignment). effect on the bending strength and stiffness in the direction of
Bending and shear stiffness of OSB ranges from 5–8 and alignment but causes a reduction in bending strength and stiffness
1–1.2 GPa, respectively (Berglund and Rowell 2005). Typically, in the direction perpendicular to the alignment (McNatt et al. 1992).
researchers have modeled the mechanical behavior of OSB using They studied the contribution of strand alignment to performance
classical laminate plate theory (CLPT) (Moses et al. 2003; Weight of OSB in bending, internal bond, and linear expansion properties
and Yadama 2008). This theory involves mathematical modeling of of OSB. Moses et al. (2003) manufactured laminated strand lumber
each individual layer of a composite laminate with individual (LSL) panels with 45° alignment and produced a mathematical
model for mechanical properties based on tension tests. Laminated
Structural Designer, OBEC Consulting Engineers, 920 Country Club strand lumber strands are typically unidirectional and longer
Rd., Eugene, OR 97401. E-mail: than OSB strands, and Moses et al. (2003) investigated the
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Wood Science and Engineering, 234 effect of orientation using strand sizes typically used for LSL
Richardson Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331 (corresponding (≥ 228 mm). The model showed that 45° alignment could
author). E-mail:
produce an increase in shear modulus compared with 0°=90°=0°
Associate Professor, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, alignments for LSL strands. They concluded that the influence
224 Owen Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331. E-mail:
of strand alignment on the in-plane properties of the panels could
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 8, 2013; approved on
be predicted using the composite laminate model. A mathematical
January 14, 2014; published online on January 16, 2014. Discussion period model was presented by Chen et al. (2008) for bending stiffness of
open until September 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for OSB based on strand alignment. Mainstream literature and prelimi-
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil nary calculation using CLPT suggests that it is possible to increase
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/04014022(9)/$25.00. shear properties of the OSB panels using 45° strand alignment.

© ASCE 04014022-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

However, limited research has been conducted on the effect of
strand orientation other than parallel and perpendicular directions
because of the difficulty in achieving the target strand orientation
(Chen et al. 2008).
The objective of this study was to observe and quantify the
effect of 0°= þ 45°= − 45°= − 45°= þ 45°=0° strand alignment on
the in-plane shear properties of OSB. Mechanical properties
investigated in this study include in-plane shear modulus and shear
strength. Additionally, the effect of the alignment pattern on single
fastener performance was studied. A final objective was to study
the effect of strand orientation and increased shear stiffness of
the panels on the performance of small-scale shear walls under
racking loads. To assist in data interpretation, a control layup
pattern of 0°=90°=0° was also manufactured and tested. Commer-
cial OSB was also tested in shear, bending, small-scale shear wall,
and nail connection tests. All other factors in manufacturing were
held constant between the 0°=90°=0° and the 0°= þ 45°= − 45°= −
Fig. 1. Strand alignment screen and vibratory forming box
45°= þ 45°=0° laboratory manufactured panels.

Materials and Methods vanes spaced at 50 mm, as shown in Fig. 1. The vanes were
130 mm deep. The forming box was 910 by 910 mm with the align-
Manufacturing of OSB ment screen having an adjustable height above the surface of the
strand mat. Free-fall distance of the wood strands from the bottom
A six-layer alignment pattern of 0°= þ 45°= − 45°= − 45°= þ of the alignment vanes to the surface of the mat was not greater than
45°=0° and a typical 3-layer pattern of 0°=90°=0° were manufac-
the typical length of a wood strand (approximately 100 mm).
tured in the laboratory. Both panel types were manufactured with
Vibration was achieved from a variable speed electric motor with
the similar target density and similar furnish weight. Therefore, the
an off-center counterweight attached to the side of the forming box
0°= þ 45°= − 45°= − 45°= þ 45°=0° panel had 1=6 of the total
(Fig. 1). The speed of the motor was adjusted to achieve the greatest
panel weight for each layer, whereas the 0°=90°=0° panel had
amount of vibration of the forming screen. Two forming screens
1=3 of the total panel weight per layer. For this research, the 0°= þ
were used consisting of vanes set at 0° and 45°. The forming
45°= − 45°= − 45°= þ 45°=0° alignment pattern will be referred to
screens were removed, rotated 90°, and reinstalled to create the
as ½0= þ 45= − 45s, where “s” represents “symmetrical.” The pat-
different alignment patterns. Photos of the alignment patterns of
tern is symmetrical about the central axis. The 0°=90°=0° layup pat-
the OSB strands before pressing are shown in Fig. 2. A thin thermo-
tern will be referred to as 0=90=0. To preserve the bending
couple wire was placed in the center of the panel to monitor core
properties of the OSB, both alignment designs had the face layers
temperature during pressing. The weight of strands used in each
with 0° alignment. OSB also tends to warp after cooling from hot
panel was held constant. Typically, OSB has lower quality strands
pressing if the alignment pattern is not symmetrical about the
in the core than in the faces, resulting in a lower density core and a
central axis, so the ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment prevents warping.
higher density face material. This, along with the pressing schedule
Wood Strand Preparation of the panel, leads to a vertical density gradient in the panels.
Aspen strands from the Great Lakes area were procured. Strands Similar quality strands were used throughout the panels manufac-
were dried to a moisture content of 6% to 8%. They were approx- tured in the current study; as a result, the variation in density
imately 100 mm in length, and the length-to-width aspect ratio of through the thickness is minimal. A consistent pressing schedule
the strands was about 4∶1. The average thickness of strands for all panels manufactured also minimized the variation in density
was 1.2 mm. through the thickness.

Resin Application Hot Pressing

The strands were placed in a rotating drum blender, which was set After forming the mat of OSB strands, the mat was placed into a
to spin at 5 rpm. The diameter and depth of the drum blender were hydraulic hot press. It was pressed on a screen on the lower platen.
1.83 and 0.89 m, respectively. A spinning disk atomizer (Coil Platen temperature was set to 180°C. The panel was pressed using
Model EL4, Surrey, British Columbia) sprayed the adhesive onto displacement control until the press reached the desired thickness
the wood strands inside the blender. The rate of the spinning disk of 13 mm. The panel was held in the press until the core
atomizer was 10,000 rpm. The target density of each panel was temperature was above 100°C for at least 2 min. Panels were
0.64 g=cm3 with a target thickness of 13 mm. The calculated pressed for an average of 9 min. The same pressing schedule
amount of resin added to the blender was 524 ml. Typical weight was used for all panels. The pressed panel was then removed
of resin coated wood strands per layer was 2,680 grams for the and allowed to cool. The measured average thickness of the
0=90=0 panels and 1,340 grams for the ½0= þ 45= − 45s panels. 0=90=0 and ½0= þ 45= − 45s panels were both 13 mm.
The resin was liquid phenol formaldehyde with a solids content Thirty-two panels was manufactured with dimensions
of 56%. Target furnish moisture content was 9%. Resin solids 910 × 910 mm, with half being 0=90=0 and the other half being
content based on total dry weight of furnish was 4%. ½0= þ 45= − 45s. The exterior 67 mm was removed to reduce edge
effects. From 20 panels (10 of each type), seven specimens for the
Strand Alignment bending test in the strong direction and six specimens for weak axis
Strand alignment was achieved by passing the strands by hand in a bending were obtained. Additionally, one sample for an in-plane
forming box through a vibratory screen consisting of aluminum shear test was obtained from each of those panels. The remaining

© ASCE 04014022-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

Fig. 2. Strand alignment of: (a) 0°; (b) 90°; (c) þ45°; (d) −45° before pressing

12 panels were used for small-scale shear wall tests. Sixteen specimens. Digital image correlation has been successfully used
commercial panels (10 for shear/bending and six for small shear for wood products by Sinha and Gupta (2009). It uses a pair of
walls) were cut to similar specifications as for the laboratory manu- high-definition digital cameras that image a surface coated with
factured panels. All panels, both manufactured and commercial, a contrasting black-and-white speckle pattern. A series of images
were conditioned in a standard room maintained at 65% relative are then captured during testing. The software measures the move-
humidity and 20°C until they were tested. At testing, the measured ment of a specified set of pixels in the image during the test and
average moisture content of the panels was 6%. The commercial correlates back to a reference image. The size of the specified set of
panels were on an average 11.5 mm thick with a specific gravity pixels used in this study was 21 × 21 pixels. For every iteration,
of 0.59. The commercial panels were manufactured by LP Building this square block of pixels moves over by 5 pixels. The cameras
Products and met the exposure 1 sheathing grade requirement. were calibrated using a surface with a known speckle pattern on
a special calibration plate. The cameras were set to capture an im-
In-Plane Shear Test age every second during the loading of the specimen. Each image
was tagged to specific load data received from the MTS 407
One specimen per panel was tested for in-plane shear based on the hydraulic controller. The DIC software then maps the surface by
ASTM D2719 Method C (ASTM 2007). The specimen was correlating the movement of the contrasted pixels to calculate
610 mm in height by 390 mm in width. The ASTM D2719 Method strain. Shear strain can be extracted from the DIC output data.
C procedure requires bonding heavy lumber rails to the long edges Thus, full-field shear strain contour plots were developed for the
of the shear specimen with adhesive. Steel brackets were bolted to in-plane shear and small-scale shear wall tests. Resolution of the
the specimen and were used in place of the adhesive-attached shear strain measured was 0.0002 strain. An assumption made
lumber rails, as shown in Fig. 3 [similar to the testing bracket used by using optical surface strain measurement was that the strain
in Shrestha (1999)]. The brackets were made from 19-mm-thick on the surface of the OSB material represented the strain through
steel plate with 7 holes in each for 13-mm-diameter bolts to clamp the thickness of the material due to strain compatibility. Factors that
the brackets to the specimen. Holes were drilled through the speci- would cause local variations in the surface strains include the
men for the bolts to clamp the steel brackets together. The space presence of voids in the material, as well as resin and density
between the brackets was 200 mm. The brackets were then pulled distribution.
in tension to create a shearing force on the specimen. The specimen
was loaded at a rate of 1.3 mm per minute using an MTS 160-kN
hydraulic actuator (model # 244.23) on the universal testing In-Plane Shear Data Analysis
machine. Shear strain (εxy ) from the in-plane shear test was measured using
the DIC measurement technique. Shear modulus, Gxy , was calcu-
Digital Image Correlation lated using the following equation:
An optical, noncontract strain measurement system based on the    
P 1
digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used to measure Gxy ¼ × ð1Þ
shear strain (εxy ) on the surface of the shear and wall test εxy L×t×2

© ASCE 04014022-3 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

Fig. 3. Specimen in modified ASTM D2719 shear test apparatus: (a) painted with DIC speckle pattern; (b) schematic of the setup

where (P=εxy ) = slope of the plotted load versus shear strain curve Load and deflection at mid-span were recorded and bending
in the linear region, which was at a load between 18 and 27 kN; L = modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) were
length of the specimen; and t = thickness of the specimen. calculated using Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively as recommended in
Shear strength was found using the following equation: ASTM D3043–Method B:
Pmax 7 × L3 P
τ xy ¼ ð2Þ MOE ¼ × ð3Þ
L×t 324 × I Δ

where Pmax = peak load measured on the specimen during the shear Pmax × L × t
test. The sample size for the in-plane shear tests was 10 for each MOR ¼ q ð4Þ
12 × I
panel type (n ¼ 10).
where L = span length; t = thickness of the specimen; I = moment
of inertia of the specimen; Pmax = maximum load on the specimen;
Bending Tests and P=Δ = slope of the load deflection curve. The span between the
The parallel (strong axis) and perpendicular (weak axis) bending load points was L=3.
tests followed the ASTM D3043–Method B (ASTM 2011) test The linear portion of the curve was used for MOE calculations
procedure. The tests were essentially three-point bending tests and was found to be at loads between 89 and 178 N for the parallel
conducted on an INSTRON Series 5582 universal testing machine. direction and between 89 and 133 N for the perpendicular direction.
Span length for the parallel bending tests was 558 mm and for the The peak load was used for MOR calculations. The thickness of
perpendicular bending tests was 330 mm. Length between the each specimen was used for MOE and MOR calculations.
load points for the parallel bending test was 190 mm and for
the perpendicular bending test was 110 mm. Span-to-depth
Nail Connection Test
ratios for the parallel and perpendicular tests were 44 and 26, re-
spectively. All bending test specimens were cut to approximately The lateral nail tests for connections between panels and dimension
50 mm in width per ASTM D3043. Load rate for the parallel lumber members were conducted in accordance to ASTM D1761
bending test was 6.8 mm= min and for the perpendicular span (ASTM 2006). Lateral nail resistance was determined for
was 0.094 mm= min. The load rate was calculated to keep the the 0=90=0, ½0= þ 45= − 45s, and commercial panels. Two types
extreme fiber strain rate limited to 0.0015 mm=mm= min in of tests were conducted, using 38 × 89-mm lumber loaded
accordance with ASTM D3043 (ASTM 2011). Seven parallel perpendicular and parallel to grain, representing two typical con-
and six perpendicular bending samples were cut from each panel. nection configurations found in a shear wall, i.e., edge connections
Hence, the sample size for the bending tests was 70 for each panel to studs and top and bottom plate connections. The nails used were
type in the parallel direction (n ¼ 70) and 60 for each panel type in manufactured by Senco, Inc. (Cincinnati, Ohio) and were 75 mm in
the perpendicular direction (n ¼ 60). length and 3.8 mm in diameter. These 10d nails were hand driven

© ASCE 04014022-4 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

Fig. 4. Small-scale shear wall test viewed from: (a) front; (b) back

with edge distances for both tests of 19 mm. The loading rate was plateau observed in the curve. Eighteen walls were tested with six
5 mm= min. Specimen width was 50 mm, and one nail connection of each type of panel (0=90=0, ½0= þ 45= − 45s, and commercial).
test was performed for each panel.
Small-Scale Shear Wall Data Analysis
Nail Connection Test Data Analysis
The load versus deflection curve was recorded using the hydraulic
The nail tests were conducted using an INSTRON Series 5582 uni- cylinder deflection. Load versus deflection curves were compared
versal testing machine. Load and deflection data were recorded and for each wall type. The DIC image analysis was also performed on
analyzed to determine the yield point using the linear offset method the small-scale shear wall tests. Sample size for the small-scale
(American Forest and Paper Association 2012). The linear portion shear wall tests was 6 for each panel type (n ¼ 6).
of the load and deflection curve is offset by 5% of the diameter of
the nail shank. The line is then extended to find the yield load where
it intersects the original load versus deflection curve. The sample Results and Discussion
size for the nail connection tests was 10 for each panel type and
each direction (n ¼ 10). Shear Test
Average shear moduli for the 0=90=0, ½0= þ 45= − 45s, and com-
Small-Scale Shear Wall Test
mercial panels are presented in Table 1. Shear strain (εxy ) was mea-
The wall test was based on ASTM E564 (ASTM 2012), modified to sured using the DIC technique. The DIC software can average the
accommodate the 610 × 610-mm walls tested. The wall panels for shear strain over a specified area, called the “area of interest.” Area
0=90=0, ½0= þ 45= − 45s, and commercial specimens were nailed of interest for the average shear strain measurement for the shear
to 2 × 4 nominal (38 × 90 mm) select structural lumber studs with test was between the two bolts on the extreme ends of the testing
a single sill plate and single top plate. The nails used were 75 mm in brackets and between the steel rails. Average shear strain was plot-
length and 3.8 mm in diameter and were pneumatically driven. The ted against the corresponding force to produce a load versus shear
10d nails were driven with an edge distance of approximately strain (εxy ) curve. The slope of the curve in the linear region was
19 mm. Nail spacing was 100 mm around the entire wall. The sill used to calculate the shear modulus (Gxy ). A two-sample t-test as-
and top plates were bolted to the test machine. The sill plate was suming equal variances was performed on the results comparing the
rigidly fixed to the test frame base [Fig. 4(b)], and the top plate was 0=90=0 alignment with the ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment. The ½0= þ
deflected vertically, causing a racking force on the specimen. 45= − 45s showed a 24% increase (p-value ¼ 0.001) in measured
Displacements were measured from the MTS hydraulic cylinder average shear modulus when compared with the 0=90=0 alignment
attached to the top plate. The specimen was also sprayed with a pattern. This result agrees with predictions from the CLPT calcu-
black-and-white speckle pattern [Fig. 4(a)] for the DIC strain mea- lations, which show an increase in shear modulus when the align-
surements. No stud hold-downs were used in the test. The test was ment is changed from 0=90=0 to ½0= þ 45= − 45s. Average
halted when the load-deflection curve reached a maximum with a measured shear modulus for the 0=90=0 layup pattern was 23%

Table 1. Summary of Test Results for In-plane Shear, Bending, and Small-Scale Wall Tests and Coefficients of Variation (COV %) and Sample Sizes for Each
Panel Type
In-plane shear Strong axis Weak axis Small-scale wall
test (n ¼ 6 bending (n ¼ 70 bending (n ¼ 60 test (n ¼ 6 per
Property per panel type) per panel type) per panel type) panel type)
Panel type (GPa) (%) (MPa) (%) (GPa) (%) (MPa) (%) (GPa) (%) (MPa) (%) (N) (%) (N=mm) (%)
0=90=0 1.22 16.8 9.16 20.1 9.53 20.5 28.43 25.6 2.48 21.9 13.23 27.0 4079 23.7 649 25.7
½0= þ 45= − 45s 1.52 10.3 9.50 11.7 8.50 14.6 26.35 25.8 2.69 24.4 13.99 24.8 4311 20.0 518 31.1
Commercial 0.99 6.50 6.83 5.20 9.82 14.1 27.49 21.8 2.09 14.5 9.14 19.6 3144 21.9 470 24.1

© ASCE 04014022-5 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

greater than for the commercial panels (Table 1). This result was The load cases shown are 20 kN [Fig. 6(a)], 47.7 kN
attributable to the 0=90=0 and ½0= þ 45= − 45s panels having a [Fig. 6(b)], 70 kN [Fig. 6(c)], and 84.4 kN [Fig. 6(d)]. The panel
higher density because of laboratory manufacturing and thus shown in Fig. 6 is typical within the alignment categories: commer-
inconsistent with typical commercial OSB manufacturing. Average cial, 0=90=0, and ½0= þ 45= − 45s. The average shear moduli for
density of the 0=90=0, ½0= þ 45= − 45s, and commercial in-plane the panels shown in Fig. 6 are 1.01, 1.28, and 1.63 GPa for the
shear test specimens was 0.75, 0.74, and 0.58 g=cm3 , respectively. commercial, 0=90=0, and ½0= þ 45= − 45s, respectively. The color
The published average shear modulus (Gxy ) from Shrestha (1999) contour plot scale to represent shear strain between 0 and
was 1.28 GPa with a shear strength (τ xy ) of 7.0 MPa, and this was 0.008 mm=mm is also presented.
similar to the results found in this study: 0.99 GPa for shear modu- The commercial panel develops significant shear strain the
lus and 6.83 MPa for shear strength of the commercial panels. earliest out of the three panels. At 20 kN of load, the commercial
Shrestha (1999) used a similar in-plane shear test apparatus as panel has significant areas of shear strain between 0.0015 and
the research presented herein. Results for shear strength, τ xy , for 0.002 mm=mm [Fig. 6(a)]. Commercial panels were of lower
the 0=90=0 and ½0= þ 45= − 45s panels showed a high coefficient density than lab manufactured panels and, as a result, their shear
of variation (COV) when compared with commercial OSB. stiffness was lower, with the early onset of strain. Differences in
Because of the high COV, a statistical comparison was inconclusive shear strain between the 0=90=0 and ½0= þ 45= − 45s panels
on alignment pattern affecting shear strength. There are many can be seen in the 20-kN load case of Fig. 6(a). In Fig. 6(a),
factors that influence the differences in mechanical properties be- the 0=90=0 panel shows a significant area of shear strains between
tween the commercial panels and laboratory-manufactured panels. 0.0015 and 0.002 mm=mm, whereas the ½0= þ 45= − 45s panel
First, a vertical density gradient in commercial panels exists unlike shows very little in this range. So, at low loads, the 45° alignment
in the laboratory manufactured panels. Vertical density gradient results in less shear strain compared with the 0=90=0 alignment.
results in lower shear capacity. Second, the strand alignments in The commercial panel failed at 47.7 kN. Fig. 6(b) shows a snapshot
the commercial panels are not completely controlled. A large varia- of the commercial panel’s strain contour plot just before failure.
tion in strand alignment exists, influencing the mechanical proper- High strain concentrations between 0.006 and 0.007 mm=mm
ties. Other differences between laboratory and commercial panels (dark area) are seen in the area of the panel corresponding to failure
were resin content and wax. Laboratory-manufactured panels did initiation points. There is a significant high strain area in between
not have wax in them, unlike the commercial panels. Information 0.003 and 0.004 mm=mm occurring in the 0=90=0 panel at 47.7 kN
on the resin content of the commercial panels was not readily avail- of load, whereas the ½0= þ 45= − 45s panel has only a limited area
able; however, it is likely that the commercial panels used slightly at this strain level at the same load shown in Fig. 6(b). At 70 kN, the
0=90=0 panel shows significant high shear strain (>0.007 mm=mm
less resin than the laboratory-manufactured panels. All these factors
shear strain) in Fig. 6(c). Interestingly, this shear strain concentra-
can affect the mechanical properties of a strand-based product.
tion is a natural progression of the high shear strain line observed
A typical in-plane shear test failure is shown in Fig. 5. Typical
for the 47.7-kN load. The commercial panel failed before 70 kN. At
failures modes were shear failure directly at the steel rails or a
70 kN, the ½0= þ 45= − 45s does not show any evidence of shear
diagonal shear failure across the panel. The failures were not
strains between 0.006 and 0:007 mm=mm (dark area) that are seen
straight through the thickness of the panel, but reflected the
in the 0=90=0 panel. The 0=90=0 panel failed at 77.8 kN. On the
nonhomogeneous nature of the material, made of discrete strands.
other hand, the ½0= þ 45= − 45s continued to carry load past 70 kN
Shear strain contour plots for all three types of panels—
and ultimately failed at 84.4 kN. The 0=90=0 and the ½0= þ 45= −
commercial, 0=90=0, and ½0= þ 45= − 45s—are presented in
45s panels have the same amount of wood strands and resin with
Fig. 6. These contour plots represent progressive development
the same manufacturing processes; however, by aligning the
of strain as the load increases during a shear test of the panels.
strands at 45° angles, the panels showed a 24% increase in shear
modulus compared with the 0=90=0 panel. Thus, 45° orientation
in OSB can produce higher shear stiffness without requiring
changes to the amounts of resin or wood strands.
Another observation from the shear strain contour plots is that
the areas of high shear strain between 0.006 and 0.007 mm=mm
(dark area) were at the exact locations where the failure line
occurred. Optical measurement with DIC techniques and colored
contour plots can thus show the location of the failure area before
failure has occurred. The shear stain near the panel edges on the top
and bottom are nearly zero during the entire test. Shear strain in the
center of the panel seems to develop uniformly between the loading
brackets but is not uniform near the top and bottom of the panel.
Shear strain was only measured between the steel brackets and the
top and bottom bolts. By limiting the area-of-interest to this boun-
dary, the nonuniform shear strain near the edges of the panel was
not used for calculation of shear modulus.

Bending Test
The ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment pattern resulted in a lower average
bending modulus of elasticity (MOE) in the parallel direction
(strong axis bending) and an increase in average MOE in the
perpendicular direction (weak axis bending), as summarized in
Fig. 5. Typical in-plane shear failure
Table 1. The parallel direction is in line with the surface strands.

© ASCE 04014022-6 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

Fig. 6. Shear strain at: (a) 20 kN; (b) 47.7 kN; (c) 70 kN; (d) 84.4 kN

A two-sample t-test assuming equal variances was performed on perpendicular axis when compared with 0=90=0 alignment. The
the bending results comparing the 0=90=0 alignment with the ½0= þ MOR of the ½0= þ 45= − 45s panels showed a 7% reduction in
45= − 45s alignment. The ½0= þ 45= − 45s parallel direction the parallel direction (p-value ¼ 0.027) when compared with the
(strong axis bending) MOE reduced by 10% (p-value < 0.001) 0=90=0 alignment. There was a 5% increase in MOR in the
when compared with the 0=90=0 alignment. With a 0=90=0 align- perpendicular direction for the ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment when
ment, 1=3 of the strands are oriented at 0° on the tension surface of compared with the 0=90=0 alignment; however, this result was
the bending specimen, whereas in the ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment statistically inconclusive because of high variation. Statistically
pattern, only 1=6 of the strands are oriented at 0°. Strands oriented
inconclusive results in MOR were attributable to high horizontal
at 0° on the tension surface have a very significant impact on
density variability in the specimens. Horizontal density gradient
bending properties, and this reduction in strong axis bending
MOE is expected. The ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment pattern could differences increase when alignment becomes more uniform, as
produce a product that needs high shear properties as well as in the laboratory panels as compared with commercial panels
good bending properties. The ½0= þ 45= − 45s perpendicular (Kruse et al. 2000). Horizontal density control in the panel manu-
direction (weak axis bending) MOE showed an 8% increase facturing process was achieved with visual inspection during the
(p-value ¼ 0.027) when compared with the 0=90=0 alignment strand alignment process. This process seemed to occasionally
pattern. This result is expected because of the ½0= þ 45= − 45s produce outliers in the data, thus causing difficulty in statistical
alignment pattern having more strands oriented toward the conclusions.

© ASCE 04014022-7 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

stiffnesses of walls with both types of panels were comparable
(Table 1). The COVs were high so that no statistical difference
in small-scale shear wall test stiffness could be observed. For
the small-scale shear walls, a majority of the lateral deflection
can be attributed to the perpendicular nail loading on the bottom
plates, which ultimately led to bottom plate failure near the tension
corner of the wall, as seen in Fig. 8. However, the strengths and
stiffnesses of the laboratory-manufactured panel shear walls were
significantly larger than those with the commercial panels (Table 1).
This can be attributed to a number of factors, including differences
in densities and lower yield load for the commercial panel to wood
Fig. 7. Yield load of nail connection tests in parallel and perpendicular member connections. Shear walls with ½0= þ 45= þ 45s alignment
loading directions panels were expected to have higher strength and stiffness
(McCutcheon 1985). However, because the nail connections
dominated behavior and failures, this improved performance was
not observed in the small-scale shear walls tested in this study.
Nail Connection Test The observed predominant importance of connectors in a wall sys-
tem is also highlighted in testing of walls with OSB strengthened
The average yield load with standard deviation for each type of with fiber-reinforced polymer (Cassidy et al. 2006). It is
panel connection and loading both parallel and perpendicular to recommended that future studies further investigate this effect
the grain direction of the wood member are presented in Fig. 7. for full-scale shear walls, including those with panels of varying
Comparing the ½0= þ 45= − 45s and 0=90=0 alignment patterns, strand alignment.
nail connection tests resulted in no significant difference between
the groups in the two directions, as expected because of the nature
of the failure. Moreover, this result shows that increasing the shear
properties of the panel with 45° alignment results in no loss in nail
connection strength. There was a noticeable difference between the In-plane shear modulus and strength are important mechanical
laboratory manufactured panels (½0= þ 45= − 45s and 0=90=0) properties of OSB when used as a structural engineered wood
and the commercial panels, with the commercial panels having product. This research investigated the effect of a 0°= þ 45°= −
lower strength because of the difference in density between the 45°= − 45°= þ 45°=0° (also designated as ½0= þ 45= − 45s)
laboratory manufactured panels and the commercial panels. The alignment pattern of OSB strands for in-plane shear, bending, nail
nail connection strengths depend mainly on the strength of the nail connection, and small-scale shear wall properties. The ½0= þ 45= −
in bending, the embedment strength of the wooden member, and 45s alignment pattern showed an increase of in-plane shear modu-
nail head sheathing embedment, and less on the in-plane lus and strength over that for 0=90=0 alignment, with a reduction in
shear properties of the OSB. These properties are all density strong axis bending MOE and MOR along with an increase in weak
dependent. The average density of the parallel (to grain of the axis bending MOE and MOR. The nail connection and small-scale
wood member) specimens was 0.75, 0.75, 0.58 g=cm3 for the shear wall tests were insensitive to changes in strand alignment,
0=90=0, ½0= þ 45= − 45s, and commercial panels, respectively. with no difference in strength or stiffness. These results show that
The perpendicular (to grain of the wood member) nail connection strand alignment patterns can be modified to fit the needs of the
test specimens for the 0=90=0, ½0= þ 45= − 45s, and commercial specific product, or a specific alignment pattern can be designed
panels were 0.77, 0.77, and 0.58 g=cm3 , respectively. to improve specific desired mechanical properties while perhaps
degrading other less important mechanical properties not needed
for the target engineered product. A strand alignment of 45°
Small-Scale Shear Wall Test
can improve in-plane shear properties of OSB. From the small-
The peak loads (Ppeak ) and calculated stiffnesses (K) for the scale shear wall test results in this study, panels with the current
small-scale shear walls are presented in Table 1. Walls with ½0= þ 0=90=0 alignment and those with ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment both
45= þ 45s alignment exhibit a higher average peak load (about performed similarly. The ½0= þ 45= − 45s panel shear walls
6%) than the ones with 0=90=0 panels. This difference, however, showed somewhat (6%) higher load carrying capacity, but the
was statistically not significant (p-value ¼ 0.67). Similarly, the difference was not statistically significant.

Fig. 8. Typical failure of bottom plate in small-scale shear wall test with: (a) side views; (b) end view

© ASCE 04014022-8 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

Recommendations ASTM. (2011). “Standard test methods for structural panels in flexure.”
D3043, West Conshohocken, PA.
With ½0= þ 45= − 45s alignment showing an increase in shear ASTM. (2012). “Standard practice for static load test for shear resistance of
modulus over the conventional 0=90=0 alignment with no change framed walls for buildings.” E564, West Conshohocken, PA.
in panel density, further research on applying ½0= þ 45= − 45s Barbuta, C., Cloutier, A., Blanchet, P., Yadama, V., and Lowell, E. (2011).
alignment to high-shear products is recommended. As concluded “Tailor made OSB for special application.” Eur. J. Wood Wood Prod.,
in Grandmont et al. (2010), the deflection of a shear-controlled 69(4), 511–519.
I-joist is impacted significantly by the in-plane shear stiffness of Berglund, L., and Rowell, R. M. (2005). “Wood composites.” Chapter 10,
the web material. Further research should include using OSB with Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites, R. M. Rowell, Ed.,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
45° alignment patterns as web stock of I-joists and examining
Cassidy, E. D., Davids, W. G., Dagher, H. J., and Gardner, D. J. (2006).
changes in mechanical properties. Furthermore, research on various
“Performance of wood shear walls sheathed with FRP-reinforced OSB
size holes in the webs of I-joists with 45° alignment patterns is panels.” J. Struct. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2006)132:1(153),
recommended because of high shear stress concentrations at the 153–163.
holes, as explained in Polocoser et al. (2013). Another area of in- Chen, S., Fang, L., Liu, X., and Wellwood, R. (2008). “Effect of mat
terest would be to manufacture 45° alignment I-joist web stock structure on modulus of elasticity of oriented strandboard.” Wood
with lower density (less wood strands) than typical 0=90=0 web Sci. Technol., 42(3), 197–210.
stock, and see if one can achieve the same minimum deflection Grandmont, J. F., Cloutier, A., Gendron, G., and Desjardins, R. (2010).
standards for the I-joist. Full-size shear walls are also recom- “Wood I-joist model sensitivity to oriented strandboard web mechanical
mended for testing with various strand alignment patterns to see properties.” Wood Fiber Sci., 42(3), 352–361.
if changes to in-plane shear properties can be beneficial. Currently, Jones, R. M. (1975). Mechanics of composite materials, Scripta Book Co.,
creating a 45° alignment in a commercial setting is difficult, as it Washington, DC.
requires capital investment and decreased yields because of Kruse, K., Dai, C., and Pielasch, A. (2000). “An analysis of strand and
increased edge trims. This creates a research opportunity in the horizontal density distributions in oriented strand board (OSB).” Holz
related fields of manufacturing and process control. Finally, as Roh Werkst, 58(4), 270–277.
OSB is used for other new products, designing specific strand McCutcheon, W. J. (1985). “Racking deformations in wood shear walls.” J.
Struct. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1985)111:2(257), 257–269.
alignment patterns for these various products will be of interest.
McNatt, J. D., Bach, L., and Wellwood, R. W. (1992). “Contribution
of strand alignment to performance of strandboard.” For. Prod. J.,
Acknowledgments 42(3), 45–50.
Moses, D. M., Prion, H. G., Li, H., and Boehner, W. (2003). “Composite
The authors would like to thank Milo Clauson and Byrne Miyamoto behavior of laminated strand lumber.” Wood Sci. Technol., 37(1),
for their help in the laboratory and Weyerhaeuser Natural Resources 59–77.
Polocoser, T., Miller, T. H., and Gupta, R. (2013). “Evaluation of remedia-
and Momentive Specialty Chemicals for material donations.
tion techniques for circular holes in the webs of wood I-joists.” J. Mater.
Civ. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000737, 1898–1909.
References Shrestha, D. (1999). “Shear properties tests of oriented strandboard panels.”
For. Prod. J., 49(10), 41–46.
American Forest, and Paper Association. (2012). National design Sinha, A., and Gupta, R. (2009). “Strain distribution in OSB and GWB in
specification for wood construction, Washington, DC. wood-frame shear walls.” J. Struct. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445
ASTM. (2006). “Standard test methods for mechanical fasteners in wood.” (2009)135:6(666), 666–675.
D1761, West Conshohocken, PA. Weight, S. W., and Yadama, V. (2008). “Manufacture of laminated strand
ASTM. (2007). “Standard test methods for structural panels in shear veneer (LSV) composite. Part 1: Optimization and characterization of
through-the-thickness.” D2719, West Conshohocken, PA. thin strand veneers.” Holzforschung, 62(6), 718–724.

© ASCE 04014022-9 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

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